Black woman spitting out atraight facts that youll never find on the other social silicon valley platforms.

Not just Americans, Our veterans who put their lives on the line for this Country are on the streets Homeless πŸ’― πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Almost twice what elderlies who worked to age 75 gets $1900 a month on social security and paid taxes their whole lives still having to pay taxes.

She is absolutely right! ^^^ :thup:

Thank you for posting.
Cause that's the only one that hasn't BANNED ME.
Did it ever occur to you that if every other place has banned you, it might be YOUR fault? Believe it or not, there are news stories out there you can read that don't ban anyone and yet you choose to get your news from tik tok. The world is not one big video. Try actually reading instead of watching videos.
None of that includes cash payments to illegals you failure.
What is the difference between a "cash payment" and "payment in kind"? It's still taxpayer money being given to people who don't have a good reason to be here and are sponging off the system. I'm against them being here at all, but if they are, let them take care of themselves like LEAGAL immigrants are required to do.
I can't even finish that video. She is so fucking ghetto dumb black and thuggy I can't stand to listen to her talk. She is a prime example of why blacks aren't taken seriously. She even mispronounces words and knows it.

That kind of black is just pissed off because someone else is getting the free shit she wants.
many state they are Marxist

Uh, if you read my comment, I stated the above, not what you think you read. Yes, how are some states, marxist? hahahhahahahaha

Well then this is true too.

Republican politicians enact socialist policies. Undeniable.

Republicans, many state they are Marxist, many try to hide that fact.
Well then this is true too.

Republican politicians enact socialist policies. Undeniable.

Republicans, many state they are Marxist, many try to hide that fact.
I do not deny bad politicians on both sides
Your ignorance is readily apparent.

Washington was a tyrant and you're an ignorant fuckwit.

Then it'll just be another event in history you're entirely ignorant of. :dunno:
Washington WASN'T a tyrant you moron. He certainly could have been, the officers of the Continental Army offered him the Crown of the United States and he turned it down cold. He served his four years as president and then retired.
Washington WASN'T a tyrant you moron. He certainly could have been, the officers of the Continental Army offered him the Crown of the United States and he turned it down cold. He served his four years as president and then retired.
None of which has anything to do with why I call him a tyrant. Your strawman is stupid and cowardly. Slavers are tyrants and Washington was a slaver. Try not to act like a bitch about it. It's been hundreds of years. Plenty of time for you to accept basic fucking facts. :itsok:
None of which has anything to do with why I call him a tyrant. Your strawman is stupid and cowardly. Slavers are tyrants and Washington was a slaver. Try not to act like a bitch about it. It's been hundreds of years. Plenty of time for you to accept basic fucking facts. :itsok:
Washington wasn’t a slaver, he was a slave owner. A fairly minor one at that. He owned 137 slaves over his lifetime.
Washington wasn’t a slaver, he was a slave owner. A fairly minor one at that. He owned 137 slaves over his lifetime.
Stop being a pussy.


A person who buys, sells or owns human beings; an enslaver

Are you going to cry about the difference between the words slaver and slave owner in an effort to deny that someone who owns another person as property is a tyrant because you're too much of a bitch to accept that historical fact?
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Stop being a pussy.


A person who buys, sells or owns human beings; an enslaver

Are you going to cry about the difference between the words slaver and slave owner in an effort to deny that someone who owns another person as property is a tyrant because you're too much of a bitch to accept that historical fact?
You are a bigoted idiot. You also know nothing about US history and are one of the worst examples of entitled, opinionated immigrants I've ever run across. I bet if your bloodline was investigated, we'd find Jamaican slave owners in it. It seems to be a common feature of anti-white bigots like you.
You are a bigoted idiot. You also know nothing about US history and are one of the worst examples of entitled, opinionated immigrants I've ever run across. I bet if your bloodline was investigated, we'd find Jamaican slave owners in it. It seems to be a common feature of anti-white bigots like you.
If you know more about history or philosophy or reason then why are you crying about me instead of displaying your superiority in them?

Obviously the word slaver comes from enslaver which Washington was. And slavery is tyranny. It's a very simple argument and impossible to refute so feel free to rage about it like an inconsolable Bingo. :dunno:
If you know more about history or philosophy or reason then why are you crying about me instead of displaying your superiority in them?

Obviously the word slaver comes from enslaver which Washington was. And slavery is tyranny. It's a very simple argument and impossible to refute so feel free to rage about it like an inconsolable Bingo. :dunno:
Show us evidence that Washington ever ENSLAVED anyone. Enslaving is to PUT someone in the condition of slavery. I'm not sure Washington ever even bought a slave, the history books say he inherited his slaves, many of which were the property of his wife's family and he held them as executor of her father's estate.
Show us evidence that Washington ever ENSLAVED anyone. Enslaving is to PUT someone in the condition of slavery. I'm not sure Washington ever even bought a slave, the history books say he inherited his slaves, many of which were the property of his wife's family and he held them as executor of her father's estate.
If you're keeping people as slaves you've enslaved them. This isn't difficult logic you moron. I don't care how he came to possess slaves because it's besides the point that someone may also have enslaved them previously.
Something else on Tiktok you won't find on the controlled silicon valley platforms.


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