Black Women must resist temptations for Interracial marriage.




Whats wrong Shogun,? White trash women not good enough for some of you White boys?.
I thought the White race was supposed to be the supperior race.Why are you white men
after our Black Women all of sudden now?.


Whats wrong Shogun,? White trash women not good enough for some of you White boys?.
I thought the White race was supposed to be the supperior race.Why are you white men
after our Black Women all of sudden now?.

Can you quote me suggesting that white people are superior? By all means, ghetto boy, if you can do so then post that bad boy. Otherwise, this silly straw man attempt falls on it's ghetto ass. You see, I'm not the kind of guy who insists that white chicks who fuck black dudes must be trash. If anything, such a reaction is based more on childish envy than validation of low class. In case you have yet to notice, IT'S THE EDUCATED, SMART, STRONG BLACK WOMEN that you keep losing to my white brethren. Perhaps, instead of tossing out laughable half assed threats and using David Duke's Racist of the Year award speach from you might try to figure out why YOU fail at attracting these black women. Why would a Black Female Lawyer settle for your ghetto ass when there is a nice white guy willing to do more, from eating pussy to paying bills, than accumulate another baby mamma?

Hell, I enjoy women of color. You can ponder that on your way to the belt store.


Whats wrong Shogun,? White trash women not good enough for some of you White boys?.
I thought the White race was supposed to be the supperior race.Why are you white men
after our Black Women all of sudden now?.

Can you quote me suggesting that white people are superior? By all means, ghetto boy, if you can do so then post that bad boy. Otherwise, this silly straw man attempt falls on it's ghetto ass. You see, I'm not the kind of guy who insists that white chicks who fuck black dudes must be trash. If anything, such a reaction is based more on childish envy than validation of low class. In case you have yet to notice, IT'S THE EDUCATED, SMART, STRONG BLACK WOMEN that you keep losing to my white brethren. Perhaps, instead of tossing out laughable half assed threats and using David Duke's Racist of the Year award speach from you might try to figure out why YOU fail at attracting these black women. Why would a Black Female Lawyer settle for your ghetto ass when there is a nice white guy willing to do more, from eating pussy to paying bills, than accumulate another baby mamma?

Hell, I enjoy women of color. You can ponder that on your way to the belt store.

I have more than enough Black women.But you white boys with what ever Black sellout
female need to stay out of the Black neighborhoods, I mean it.If you don't believe me on
this, make as many dates as you can to as many black ghetto hoods.
And I said nothing about Black men sleeping with white women.
I meant you White men seem to be rejecting your own white women, for Black women. And then many Whites preach White suppiriority.!
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Whats wrong Shogun,? White trash women not good enough for some of you White boys?.
I thought the White race was supposed to be the supperior race.Why are you white men
after our Black Women all of sudden now?.

Can you quote me suggesting that white people are superior? By all means, ghetto boy, if you can do so then post that bad boy. Otherwise, this silly straw man attempt falls on it's ghetto ass. You see, I'm not the kind of guy who insists that white chicks who fuck black dudes must be trash. If anything, such a reaction is based more on childish envy than validation of low class. In case you have yet to notice, IT'S THE EDUCATED, SMART, STRONG BLACK WOMEN that you keep losing to my white brethren. Perhaps, instead of tossing out laughable half assed threats and using David Duke's Racist of the Year award speach from you might try to figure out why YOU fail at attracting these black women. Why would a Black Female Lawyer settle for your ghetto ass when there is a nice white guy willing to do more, from eating pussy to paying bills, than accumulate another baby mamma?

Hell, I enjoy women of color. You can ponder that on your way to the belt store.

I have more than enough Black women.But you white boys with what ever Black sellout
female need to stay out of the Black neighborhoods, I mean it.If you don't believe me on
this, make as many dates as you can to as many black ghetto hoods.
And I said nothing about Black men sleeping with white women.
I meant you White men seem to be rejecting your own white women, for Black women. And then many Whites preach White suppiriority.!

listen, dude. you don't intimidate anyone. the next white dude you decide to gang up on because he's dating a black chick MIGHT just shoot your black ass, legally, and mark off another typical black male whose life amounted to two things: jack and shit.

Finding love with a black woman is no more rejecting white women than a white chick finds love with a black man is rejecting white dudes. It's beyond stupid to think otherwise.

And, there are many black ******* preaching stupid shit that does more to enable their failure of a lifestyle pattern than breaking a poverty cycle which seems to be sending educated black women to us white guys. Perhaps you should focus on not being a ****** rather than trying to act like a gangster on an internet messageboard.
Whats wrong Shogun,? White trash women not good enough for some of you White boys?.
I thought the White race was supposed to be the supperior race.Why are you white men
after our Black Women all of sudden now?.

Can you quote me suggesting that white people are superior? By all means, ghetto boy, if you can do so then post that bad boy. Otherwise, this silly straw man attempt falls on it's ghetto ass. You see, I'm not the kind of guy who insists that white chicks who fuck black dudes must be trash. If anything, such a reaction is based more on childish envy than validation of low class. In case you have yet to notice, IT'S THE EDUCATED, SMART, STRONG BLACK WOMEN that you keep losing to my white brethren. Perhaps, instead of tossing out laughable half assed threats and using David Duke's Racist of the Year award speach from you might try to figure out why YOU fail at attracting these black women. Why would a Black Female Lawyer settle for your ghetto ass when there is a nice white guy willing to do more, from eating pussy to paying bills, than accumulate another baby mamma?

Hell, I enjoy women of color. You can ponder that on your way to the belt store.

I have more than enough Black women.But you white boys with what ever Black sellout
female need to stay out of the Black neighborhoods, I mean it.If you don't believe me on
this, make as many dates as you can to as many black ghetto hoods.
And I said nothing about Black men sleeping with white women.
I meant you White men seem to be rejecting your own white women, for Black women. And then many Whites preach White suppiriority.!
Even though educated Black women are attracted in White men.

That still leaves plenty of ghetto hood rat women for you and your boys 52ndStreet
Can you quote me suggesting that white people are superior? By all means, ghetto boy, if you can do so then post that bad boy. Otherwise, this silly straw man attempt falls on it's ghetto ass. You see, I'm not the kind of guy who insists that white chicks who fuck black dudes must be trash. If anything, such a reaction is based more on childish envy than validation of low class. In case you have yet to notice, IT'S THE EDUCATED, SMART, STRONG BLACK WOMEN that you keep losing to my white brethren. Perhaps, instead of tossing out laughable half assed threats and using David Duke's Racist of the Year award speach from you might try to figure out why YOU fail at attracting these black women. Why would a Black Female Lawyer settle for your ghetto ass when there is a nice white guy willing to do more, from eating pussy to paying bills, than accumulate another baby mamma?

Hell, I enjoy women of color. You can ponder that on your way to the belt store.

I have more than enough Black women.But you white boys with what ever Black sellout
female need to stay out of the Black neighborhoods, I mean it.If you don't believe me on
this, make as many dates as you can to as many black ghetto hoods.
And I said nothing about Black men sleeping with white women.
I meant you White men seem to be rejecting your own white women, for Black women. And then many Whites preach White suppiriority.!

listen, dude. you don't intimidate anyone. the next white dude you decide to gang up on because he's dating a black chick MIGHT just shoot your black ass, legally, and mark off another typical black male whose life amounted to two things: jack and shit.

Finding love with a black woman is no more rejecting white women than a white chick finds love with a black man is rejecting white dudes. It's beyond stupid to think otherwise.

And, there are many black ******* preaching stupid shit that does more to enable their failure of a lifestyle pattern than breaking a poverty cycle which seems to be sending educated black women to us white guys. Perhaps you should focus on not being a ****** rather than trying to act like a gangster on an internet messageboard.

You know, the last White person to call me a ****** got his ass kicked, and his face crashed in.
My point is if you mighty whitey cave men are supposed to be top shit, you should always
be with your White women.And like I said we blacks in our hoods have guns to Blow your
Homo marriage White boy asses away also.So like I said, if you think you are bad enough
go through some of these black hoods with your oreo Black girlfreind, and the booth
of you are libel to get your shit crashed. It happened to that Cracker white boy out in San Diego a few months ago. The Brothers got some ghetto justice on him and that Black sellout female he married.! You see Mr. Shogun, the Brothers are not gonna allow you
white Boys to steal our women plain and simple.
Even though educated Black women are attracted in White men.

That still leaves plenty of ghetto hood rat women for you and your boys 52ndStreet

52ndStreet doesn’t even get all the ghetto hood rat women either. There are some dumb white guys that will date them too.
Whats wrong Shogun,? White trash women not good enough for some of you White boys?.
I thought the White race was supposed to be the supperior race.Why are you white men
after our Black Women all of sudden now?.

Can you quote me suggesting that white people are superior? By all means, ghetto boy, if you can do so then post that bad boy. Otherwise, this silly straw man attempt falls on it's ghetto ass. You see, I'm not the kind of guy who insists that white chicks who fuck black dudes must be trash. If anything, such a reaction is based more on childish envy than validation of low class. In case you have yet to notice, IT'S THE EDUCATED, SMART, STRONG BLACK WOMEN that you keep losing to my white brethren. Perhaps, instead of tossing out laughable half assed threats and using David Duke's Racist of the Year award speach from you might try to figure out why YOU fail at attracting these black women. Why would a Black Female Lawyer settle for your ghetto ass when there is a nice white guy willing to do more, from eating pussy to paying bills, than accumulate another baby mamma?

Hell, I enjoy women of color. You can ponder that on your way to the belt store.

I have more than enough Black women.But you white boys with what ever Black sellout
female need to stay out of the Black neighborhoods, I mean it.If you don't believe me on
this, make as many dates as you can to as many black ghetto hoods.
And I said nothing about Black men sleeping with white women.
I meant you White men seem to be rejecting your own white women, for Black women. And then many Whites preach White suppiriority.!

I'll do whatever the hell I want to do and their isnt a damn thing you can do about it..

You think you're tuff? Your nothing but a little narrow minded black racist who lives in his own little delusion fueled by radical black nationalism!

If you want to mess with white people then go pick a fight with the KKK or other white supremacist organizations! You're a fantastic example of why I cant blame white supremacist organizations with hating blacks..

You know I can say to you, come to my world with a white chick and see what happens but my peers wouldnt sink to your monkey level...

This guy proves the Bell Curve isnt racist.
Even though educated Black women are attracted in White men.

That still leaves plenty of ghetto hood rat women for you and your boys 52ndStreet

52ndStreet doesn’t even get all the ghetto hood rat women either. There are some dumb white guys that will date them too.
Nothing I hate more than "Wiggers" :mad:
Wow, did my post from 2 days ago get twisted or what?

My point was and is, if you go to any other country besides America, you'll find natives of their country in the majority, being there are not many with mixed bloodlines of other countries. Go to England, Africa, France, will find that most of the people are of their own country's bloodline. My point is America is not like that now, or has it been through history. Being we are just that....a 'melting pot', I really don't understand why that is so hard for, to accept that...that is what we are.

I think it's offensive as one post on the first page referred to a child born from black and white parents as a 'mutt'.......and somehow I am being racist or ignorant? I am personally offended also because I am a mixture of other countries, and I don't think it is a bad thing ..until it's thrown into my face as bad. My point in the post is that its next to impossible to avoid a mixture of race/ethnic in this country, because chances are there is already a mix, and as time goes on down the line of children, children's children....they will mix. I personally don't have a problem with it, if you read my post and thought I was being insulting, I apologize, I wasn't insulting, I guess I was trying to empathize with people out there reading this board that are mixed of a black and white parent, or any other mix of countries in two parents.
My point was and is, if you go to any other country besides America, you'll find natives of their country in the majority, being there are not many with mixed bloodlines of other countries. Go to England, Africa, France, will find that most of the people are of their own country's bloodline. My point is America is not like that now, or has it been through history.

But this just isn't true. America for 400 years was 90 percent WHITE. That's not even close to a "melting pot." The fact it's now a shit fondue-cum-Tower of Babel today is not proof of what was, or what makes for a good society.
I have more than enough Black women.But you white boys with what ever Black sellout
female need to stay out of the Black neighborhoods, I mean it.If you don't believe me on
this, make as many dates as you can to as many black ghetto hoods.
And I said nothing about Black men sleeping with white women.
I meant you White men seem to be rejecting your own white women, for Black women. And then many Whites preach White suppiriority.!

listen, dude. you don't intimidate anyone. the next white dude you decide to gang up on because he's dating a black chick MIGHT just shoot your black ass, legally, and mark off another typical black male whose life amounted to two things: jack and shit.

Finding love with a black woman is no more rejecting white women than a white chick finds love with a black man is rejecting white dudes. It's beyond stupid to think otherwise.

And, there are many black ******* preaching stupid shit that does more to enable their failure of a lifestyle pattern than breaking a poverty cycle which seems to be sending educated black women to us white guys. Perhaps you should focus on not being a ****** rather than trying to act like a gangster on an internet messageboard.

You know, the last White person to call me a ****** got his ass kicked, and his face crashed in.
My point is if you mighty whitey cave men are supposed to be top shit, you should always
be with your White women.And like I said we blacks in our hoods have guns to Blow your
Homo marriage White boy asses away also.So like I said, if you think you are bad enough
go through some of these black hoods with your oreo Black girlfreind, and the booth
of you are libel to get your shit crashed. It happened to that Cracker white boy out in San Diego a few months ago. The Brothers got some ghetto justice on him and that Black sellout female he married.! You see Mr. Shogun, the Brothers are not gonna allow you
white Boys to steal our women plain and simple.

yea, and the last ****** who thought he was tougher than a conceal and carry law discovered a whole new 6 feet deep perspective. If you don't like being called a ****** then stop acting like one.

No, the point is that you are too goddamn dumb to think beyond your own racism. Who says white women are the apex of womanhood? CLEARLY, a black man would think something as outlandishly retarded as that. Excuse me, a ******, I mean. And, sure, you have guns.. but WE have the legal authority to kill little aggressive urban monkeys when they get out of hand so.. I guess you'll just have to consider the average lifespan of a black male these days and ponder who really has whom in a social headlock. Indeed, mixed race couple enjoy ghetto areas all the time. You are not omniscient when it comes to knowing who is where. Now, droopy, go google that word because I know damn well your ghetto old E education didn't help expand your vocabulary beyond "baby mamma" and "crunk" and the occasional "Yea, I still live in my mamma's house".

Yea, dude.. once circumstance sure does look like it's keeping white dudes from TAKING black women out of your ghetto! :lol: good grief.. dumb *******...

hey... Who do you think will die MORE OFTEN this year? Black males or white dudes who date black chicks? Your chances are still worse than mine of taking a giant drink of that "ghetto justice" dude.. So, I guess you might as well enjoy the grape kool aid while you can.

Meanwhile, black women are not your possession and they will date whomever they damn well please. Ask George Lucas.


I told the niggaz please let us pass, friend
I said please cause I don't like killing Africans
but he wouldn't stop and I ain't Ice Cube
but I had to take the brother out for being rude
and like I said before I was mad by then
It took three or four cops to pull me off of him
But that's the story y'all of a black man
acting like a nigga and get stomped by an African


[ame=]YouTube - Arrested Development - People Everyday[/ame]
listen, dude. you don't intimidate anyone. the next white dude you decide to gang up on because he's dating a black chick MIGHT just shoot your black ass, legally, and mark off another typical black male whose life amounted to two things: jack and shit.

Finding love with a black woman is no more rejecting white women than a white chick finds love with a black man is rejecting white dudes. It's beyond stupid to think otherwise.

And, there are many black ******* preaching stupid shit that does more to enable their failure of a lifestyle pattern than breaking a poverty cycle which seems to be sending educated black women to us white guys. Perhaps you should focus on not being a ****** rather than trying to act like a gangster on an internet messageboard.

You know, the last White person to call me a ****** got his ass kicked, and his face crashed in.
My point is if you mighty whitey cave men are supposed to be top shit, you should always
be with your White women.And like I said we blacks in our hoods have guns to Blow your
Homo marriage White boy asses away also.So like I said, if you think you are bad enough
go through some of these black hoods with your oreo Black girlfreind, and the booth
of you are libel to get your shit crashed. It happened to that Cracker white boy out in San Diego a few months ago. The Brothers got some ghetto justice on him and that Black sellout female he married.! You see Mr. Shogun, the Brothers are not gonna allow you
white Boys to steal our women plain and simple.

yea, and the last ****** who thought he was tougher than a conceal and carry law discovered a whole new 6 feet deep perspective. If you don't like being called a ****** then stop acting like one.

No, the point is that you are too goddamn dumb to think beyond your own racism. Who says white women are the apex of womanhood? CLEARLY, a black man would think something as outlandishly retarded as that. Excuse me, a ******, I mean. And, sure, you have guns.. but WE have the legal authority to kill little aggressive urban monkeys when they get out of hand so.. I guess you'll just have to consider the average lifespan of a black male these days and ponder who really has whom in a social headlock. Indeed, mixed race couple enjoy ghetto areas all the time. You are not omniscient when it comes to knowing who is where. Now, droopy, go google that word because I know damn well your ghetto old E education didn't help expand your vocabulary beyond "baby mamma" and "crunk" and the occasional "Yea, I still live in my mamma's house".

Yea, dude.. once circumstance sure does look like it's keeping white dudes from TAKING black women out of your ghetto! :lol: good grief.. dumb *******...

hey... Who do you think will die MORE OFTEN this year? Black males or white dudes who date black chicks? Your chances are still worse than mine of taking a giant drink of that "ghetto justice" dude.. So, I guess you might as well enjoy the grape kool aid while you can.

Meanwhile, black women are not your possession and they will date whomever they damn well please. Ask George Lucas.


I told the niggaz please let us pass, friend
I said please cause I don't like killing Africans
but he wouldn't stop and I ain't Ice Cube
but I had to take the brother out for being rude
and like I said before I was mad by then
It took three or four cops to pull me off of him
But that's the story y'all of a black man
acting like a nigga and get stomped by an African


[ame=]YouTube - Arrested Development - People Everyday[/ame]

You, know I don't know who you think you are talking about how white men have a longer
lifespan than black American.Talking all this NGR this NGR,that. First of all, like I said
you need to try that NGR word crap walking around a black neighborhood with that black
oreo brainwashed sell out chick, you are supposedly with, and a guarantee, you and her will be history in less than a split second. Don't believe me, or think you are Superman,
Try doing it one day.But you seem to be all talk over the internet, no action.Because,
deep down I , know, you know ,you and that poor Black chick you are with, would not
make it out alive, a black urban neighborhood, with all that N-word language.This is
a Fact!!

And white American men, are being killed in through out the World today, in Iraq and Afghanistan.Not Black men. It seems that you White boys are being targeted by all kinds
of terrorist killers,more so than any Black male from the hood.Check the Body count, Body
bag statistics from these War Zones, that you White boys seem to be always jumping into.
No, disrespect to any true soldiers or veterans out there who may read this.

And those Brothers in Mogadishu, Somalia, kicked your superior fire power White power asses, a few years ago.

So, if you really want to look at weekly statistics, white men are some of the most hated men, through out the world today.Just turn on the news from a lot of these War zones throughout the world.So you are dead wrong, with that statistic.

All I know is that I don't have to ever go out my black race to enjoy any other races women.My Black girl friends always satisfy. Which can be considered a disrespect in many cultures throughout the rest of the World, and can get you killed, in certain parts of the world.

All I am saying, there must be something wrong with your white women, why all of a sudden it appears a lot of white guys are after black women.

P.S. I can communicate with having to stoop down to racial name calling.That can get you killed, like I said in certain black hoods.With or without our your concealed weapon permit.
And it seems that when there is an Afro Centric Black person discussing marriage between blacks only,they get called racist.
Listen Mr. wanna be black trying to talk all black, you lingo isn't black enough.
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I ask all black women in America, not to be seduced into interracial unions with
men from outside their race. You are the mothers for the Black race.Don't be brainwahsed into thinking that you can love someone from outside the Black race, who is responsible for you not being able to find suitable Black male to marry. You Black women must realize, that the American society,since the days of slavery, is designed to separate the Black man from the Black woman. Don't
listen to statements like,"oh we are all the same" or "Love is colorblind", these are all lies to seduce you into assisting our oppressors,in the destruction of the
Black race.Don't sellout the Black race by marrying a man who is not BLACK!
Think of children of mixed race parents, and the torment they will endure for the rest of their lives.Marry black, no matter what.The Black race is counting on you Black Women, stop the Sellout of your race and your people.!

Actually, there's only ONE race... and saying that kids will be tormented is a weak argument, unless you advise that all people assimilate as best they can, lest someone 'torment' them. Avoiding an act because there happens to be racist a**holes out there is giving in to that sort of illogical idiocy. You sound like you are part of that group, unfortunately...
You know, the last White person to call me a ****** got his ass kicked, and his face crashed in.
My point is if you mighty whitey cave men are supposed to be top shit, you should always
be with your White women.And like I said we blacks in our hoods have guns to Blow your
Homo marriage White boy asses away also.So like I said, if you think you are bad enough
go through some of these black hoods with your oreo Black girlfreind, and the booth
of you are libel to get your shit crashed. It happened to that Cracker white boy out in San Diego a few months ago. The Brothers got some ghetto justice on him and that Black sellout female he married.! You see Mr. Shogun, the Brothers are not gonna allow you
white Boys to steal our women plain and simple.

yea, and the last ****** who thought he was tougher than a conceal and carry law discovered a whole new 6 feet deep perspective. If you don't like being called a ****** then stop acting like one.

No, the point is that you are too goddamn dumb to think beyond your own racism. Who says white women are the apex of womanhood? CLEARLY, a black man would think something as outlandishly retarded as that. Excuse me, a ******, I mean. And, sure, you have guns.. but WE have the legal authority to kill little aggressive urban monkeys when they get out of hand so.. I guess you'll just have to consider the average lifespan of a black male these days and ponder who really has whom in a social headlock. Indeed, mixed race couple enjoy ghetto areas all the time. You are not omniscient when it comes to knowing who is where. Now, droopy, go google that word because I know damn well your ghetto old E education didn't help expand your vocabulary beyond "baby mamma" and "crunk" and the occasional "Yea, I still live in my mamma's house".

Yea, dude.. once circumstance sure does look like it's keeping white dudes from TAKING black women out of your ghetto! :lol: good grief.. dumb *******...

hey... Who do you think will die MORE OFTEN this year? Black males or white dudes who date black chicks? Your chances are still worse than mine of taking a giant drink of that "ghetto justice" dude.. So, I guess you might as well enjoy the grape kool aid while you can.

Meanwhile, black women are not your possession and they will date whomever they damn well please. Ask George Lucas.


I told the niggaz please let us pass, friend
I said please cause I don't like killing Africans
but he wouldn't stop and I ain't Ice Cube
but I had to take the brother out for being rude
and like I said before I was mad by then
It took three or four cops to pull me off of him
But that's the story y'all of a black man
acting like a nigga and get stomped by an African


[ame=]YouTube - Arrested Development - People Everyday[/ame]

You, know I don't know who you think you are talking about how white men have a longer
lifespan than black American.Talking all this NGR this NGR,that. First of all, like I said
you need to try that NGR word crap walking around a black neighborhood with that black
oreo brainwashed sell out chick, you are supposedly with, and a guarantee, you and her will be history in less than a split second. Don't believe me, or think you are Superman,
Try doing it one day.But you seem to be all talk over the internet, no action.Because,
deep down I , know, you know ,you and that poor Black chick you are with, would not
make it out alive, a black urban neighborhood, with all that N-word language.This is
a Fact!!

And white American men, are being killed in through out the World today, in Iraq and Afghanistan.Not Black men. It seems that you White boys are being targeted by all kinds
of terrorist killers,more so than any Black male from the hood.Check the Body count, Body
bag statistics from these War Zones, that you White boys seem to be always jumping into.
No, disrespect to any true soldiers or veterans out there who may read this.

And those Brothers in Mogadishu, Somalia, kicked your superior fire power White power asses, a few years ago.

So, if you really want to look at weekly statistics, white men are some of the most hated men, through out the world today.Just turn on the news from a lot of these War zones throughout the world.So you are dead wrong, with that statistic.

All I know is that I don't have to ever go out my black race to enjoy any other races women.My Black girl friends always satisfy. Which can be considered a disrespect in many cultures throughout the rest of the World, and can get you killed, in certain parts of the world.

All I am saying, there must be something wrong with your white women, why all of a sudden it appears a lot of white guys are after black women.

P.S. I can communicate with having to stoop down to racial name calling.That can get you killed, like I said in certain black hoods.With or without our your concealed weapon permit.
And it seems that when there is an Afro Centric Black person discussing marriage between blacks only,they get called racist.
Listen Mr. wanna be black trying to talk all black, you lingo isn't black enough.

Listen, ******, you don't scare anyone. YOU are stuck in YOUR ghetto for a reason that has nothing to do with white dudes or the black chicks who seem to be choosing them over your thugly ass. Hell, it's BEYOND fucking retarded that you suggest black dudes don't get killed in Iraq! :lol: But, I guess that's just another example of WHY an educated black woman would choose one of me before they would choose one of you.

Now, you can grumble over reality while crying into your grape kool aid, darkie. We've already ween which of us is able to completely dominate the other. I suggest you keep that in mind when making laughable threats on the internet.

And yes, you ARE a racist. Face it and maybe someday you will get over it. Or don't. At the end of the day Black women are STILL choosing guys like me over guys like you.
yea, and the last ****** who thought he was tougher than a conceal and carry law discovered a whole new 6 feet deep perspective. If you don't like being called a ****** then stop acting like one.

No, the point is that you are too goddamn dumb to think beyond your own racism. Who says white women are the apex of womanhood? CLEARLY, a black man would think something as outlandishly retarded as that. Excuse me, a ******, I mean. And, sure, you have guns.. but WE have the legal authority to kill little aggressive urban monkeys when they get out of hand so.. I guess you'll just have to consider the average lifespan of a black male these days and ponder who really has whom in a social headlock. Indeed, mixed race couple enjoy ghetto areas all the time. You are not omniscient when it comes to knowing who is where. Now, droopy, go google that word because I know damn well your ghetto old E education didn't help expand your vocabulary beyond "baby mamma" and "crunk" and the occasional "Yea, I still live in my mamma's house".

Yea, dude.. once circumstance sure does look like it's keeping white dudes from TAKING black women out of your ghetto! :lol: good grief.. dumb *******...

hey... Who do you think will die MORE OFTEN this year? Black males or white dudes who date black chicks? Your chances are still worse than mine of taking a giant drink of that "ghetto justice" dude.. So, I guess you might as well enjoy the grape kool aid while you can.

Meanwhile, black women are not your possession and they will date whomever they damn well please. Ask George Lucas.


I told the niggaz please let us pass, friend
I said please cause I don't like killing Africans
but he wouldn't stop and I ain't Ice Cube
but I had to take the brother out for being rude
and like I said before I was mad by then
It took three or four cops to pull me off of him
But that's the story y'all of a black man
acting like a nigga and get stomped by an African


YouTube - Arrested Development - People Everyday

You, know I don't know who you think you are talking about how white men have a longer
lifespan than black American.Talking all this NGR this NGR,that. First of all, like I said
you need to try that NGR word crap walking around a black neighborhood with that black
oreo brainwashed sell out chick, you are supposedly with, and a guarantee, you and her will be history in less than a split second. Don't believe me, or think you are Superman,
Try doing it one day.But you seem to be all talk over the internet, no action.Because,
deep down I , know, you know ,you and that poor Black chick you are with, would not
make it out alive, a black urban neighborhood, with all that N-word language.This is
a Fact!!

And white American men, are being killed in through out the World today, in Iraq and Afghanistan.Not Black men. It seems that you White boys are being targeted by all kinds
of terrorist killers,more so than any Black male from the hood.Check the Body count, Body
bag statistics from these War Zones, that you White boys seem to be always jumping into.
No, disrespect to any true soldiers or veterans out there who may read this.

And those Brothers in Mogadishu, Somalia, kicked your superior fire power White power asses, a few years ago.

So, if you really want to look at weekly statistics, white men are some of the most hated men, through out the world today.Just turn on the news from a lot of these War zones throughout the world.So you are dead wrong, with that statistic.

All I know is that I don't have to ever go out my black race to enjoy any other races women.My Black girl friends always satisfy. Which can be considered a disrespect in many cultures throughout the rest of the World, and can get you killed, in certain parts of the world.

All I am saying, there must be something wrong with your white women, why all of a sudden it appears a lot of white guys are after black women.

P.S. I can communicate with having to stoop down to racial name calling.That can get you killed, like I said in certain black hoods.With or without our your concealed weapon permit.
And it seems that when there is an Afro Centric Black person discussing marriage between blacks only,they get called racist.
Listen Mr. wanna be black trying to talk all black, you lingo isn't black enough.

Listen, ******, you don't scare anyone. YOU are stuck in YOUR ghetto for a reason that has nothing to do with white dudes or the black chicks who seem to be choosing them over your thugly ass. Hell, it's BEYOND fucking retarded that you suggest black dudes don't get killed in Iraq! :lol: But, I guess that's just another example of WHY an educated black woman would choose one of me before they would choose one of you.

Now, you can grumble over reality while crying into your grape kool aid, darkie. We've already ween which of us is able to completely dominate the other. I suggest you keep that in mind when making laughable threats on the internet.

And yes, you ARE a racist. Face it and maybe someday you will get over it. Or don't. At the end of the day Black women are STILL choosing guys like me over guys like you.

What you are saying is wrong.Statistically, black women do choose Black men more often
than someone outside of their race. And with all this N-----, this and N-----, that, What Black women in her right mind would want to be with a Homo marriage gene Caucasian ,
like you that disrespects the entire Black race.? People like you need to stick to your own kind.Really STICK TO YOUR OWN ,WHITE RACE.LEAVE THE BLACK FEMALE ALONE.!!!
You, know I don't know who you think you are talking about how white men have a longer
lifespan than black American.Talking all this NGR this NGR,that. First of all, like I said
you need to try that NGR word crap walking around a black neighborhood with that black
oreo brainwashed sell out chick, you are supposedly with, and a guarantee, you and her will be history in less than a split second. Don't believe me, or think you are Superman,
Try doing it one day.But you seem to be all talk over the internet, no action.Because,
deep down I , know, you know ,you and that poor Black chick you are with, would not
make it out alive, a black urban neighborhood, with all that N-word language.This is
a Fact!!

And white American men, are being killed in through out the World today, in Iraq and Afghanistan.Not Black men. It seems that you White boys are being targeted by all kinds
of terrorist killers,more so than any Black male from the hood.Check the Body count, Body
bag statistics from these War Zones, that you White boys seem to be always jumping into.
No, disrespect to any true soldiers or veterans out there who may read this.

And those Brothers in Mogadishu, Somalia, kicked your superior fire power White power asses, a few years ago.

So, if you really want to look at weekly statistics, white men are some of the most hated men, through out the world today.Just turn on the news from a lot of these War zones throughout the world.So you are dead wrong, with that statistic.

All I know is that I don't have to ever go out my black race to enjoy any other races women.My Black girl friends always satisfy. Which can be considered a disrespect in many cultures throughout the rest of the World, and can get you killed, in certain parts of the world.

All I am saying, there must be something wrong with your white women, why all of a sudden it appears a lot of white guys are after black women.

P.S. I can communicate with having to stoop down to racial name calling.That can get you killed, like I said in certain black hoods.With or without our your concealed weapon permit.
And it seems that when there is an Afro Centric Black person discussing marriage between blacks only,they get called racist.
Listen Mr. wanna be black trying to talk all black, you lingo isn't black enough.

Listen, ******, you don't scare anyone. YOU are stuck in YOUR ghetto for a reason that has nothing to do with white dudes or the black chicks who seem to be choosing them over your thugly ass. Hell, it's BEYOND fucking retarded that you suggest black dudes don't get killed in Iraq! :lol: But, I guess that's just another example of WHY an educated black woman would choose one of me before they would choose one of you.

Now, you can grumble over reality while crying into your grape kool aid, darkie. We've already ween which of us is able to completely dominate the other. I suggest you keep that in mind when making laughable threats on the internet.

And yes, you ARE a racist. Face it and maybe someday you will get over it. Or don't. At the end of the day Black women are STILL choosing guys like me over guys like you.

What you are saying is wrong.Statistically, black women do choose Black men more often
than someone outside of their race. And with all this N-----, this and N-----, that, What Black women in her right mind would want to be with a Homo marriage gene Caucasian ,
like you that disrespects the entire Black race.? People like you need to stick to your own kind.Really STICK TO YOUR OWN ,WHITE RACE.LEAVE THE BLACK FEMALE ALONE.!!!

racism is ugly, isn't it ******? Indeed, statistically black women DO choose more black men. But thats not the premise of your bleeding tampon bitch fest now is it? And, I've shown you examples of black women who choose white dudes over your kind. When you stop acting like a damn fool using racism to express your sexual frustration then perhaps you'll have a platform to cry about someone disrespecting the black race. As it is, I know full well that every African American is not a ******. But some of you are. And now, fool, you are acting like a ******.

and no one cares who you think they should stick with. Get over it.
Listen, ******, you don't scare anyone. YOU are stuck in YOUR ghetto for a reason that has nothing to do with white dudes or the black chicks who seem to be choosing them over your thugly ass. Hell, it's BEYOND fucking retarded that you suggest black dudes don't get killed in Iraq! :lol: But, I guess that's just another example of WHY an educated black woman would choose one of me before they would choose one of you.

Now, you can grumble over reality while crying into your grape kool aid, darkie. We've already ween which of us is able to completely dominate the other. I suggest you keep that in mind when making laughable threats on the internet.

And yes, you ARE a racist. Face it and maybe someday you will get over it. Or don't. At the end of the day Black women are STILL choosing guys like me over guys like you.

What you are saying is wrong.Statistically, black women do choose Black men more often
than someone outside of their race. And with all this N-----, this and N-----, that, What Black women in her right mind would want to be with a Homo marriage gene Caucasian ,
like you that disrespects the entire Black race.? People like you need to stick to your own kind.Really STICK TO YOUR OWN ,WHITE RACE.LEAVE THE BLACK FEMALE ALONE.!!!

racism is ugly, isn't it ******? Indeed, statistically black women DO choose more black men. But thats not the premise of your bleeding tampon bitch fest now is it? And, I've shown you examples of black women who choose white dudes over your kind. When you stop acting like a damn fool using racism to express your sexual frustration then perhaps you'll have a platform to cry about someone disrespecting the black race. As it is, I know full well that every African American is not a ******. But some of you are. And now, fool, you are acting like a ******.

and no one cares who you think they should stick with. Get over it.

No, I can't get over it. You need to leave Black Women alone.
Like I said earlier, Black
men are eliminating many white men that we find with our Women.I mean really.
You will become a Statistic if you keep walking around with our Women.But you are one
of these white boy punks, all talk, and no action.Come to Compton California , and talk
your N,word trash.See what will happen to you.Walk around with your Black girlfriend in
Compton California.!! If you are really that BaD!?.

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