BLACKman viciously beats WHITE

Two white guys killed ten people last week but you want to make it about a black guy, no surprise..
blacks commit hate crimes at over twice the rate of whites
blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
sorry pal
but we have to worry about cops shooting dangerous jackass criminals
his name is Laytee
attacks an old man!!
again--MSM/blacks make no sense
31-year-old who viciously beat a 62-year-old in a Brooklyn apartment block turns himself in | Daily Mail Online

But did the old guy provoke it? I couldn't figure out what was going on. What caused this? when the criminals attacking cops/carrying weapons/committing crime are NOT the ones who cause the crap when they get shot ........???
sure--the WHITE men/cops are the problem :rolleyes-41:
Andylusion said:
I still want to know what caused this.
Then Follow The Story
You've Got A Computer
This idea that just because he's old, means he can say whatever he wants, provoke whoever he wants, and act like a blithering jerk, is ridiculous.
Snotty Women Would Be Black-Eyed And Fat Lipped All Over The Place
And, Of Course This Young Man CAN'T Just Walk Away
But before I blindly make a judgement, I want to know what precipitated this.
The Judge Will Sort It Out
Laytee Turned Himself In
And You've Yet To Insinuate
The Black Guy Even Might Be An Asshole
Being old, doesn't give you an exemption for common courtesy.
And Rude Is Not Cause For A Beat-Down Assault
This Was Not A Slap In The Mouth
What is the rest of this story.
Follow The Story
And Let Us Know In A Couple Months

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Of course, I agree with all of that.

Yes, he should have walked away. I would have.

And of course the kid could be a jerk. Maybe the old man did nothing.

Why 'must' I insinuate the obvious? Why can't people simply shut up, until the facts are out?

Why can't you even allow someone like me, to say I want to know the whole story first?

This is the problem in America right now. Everyone has to jump on a side, before we even know what the side is? You can't even hold a position of "I am not informed enough to know" without someone like you saying "Why didn't you insinuate the kid was just a jerk?"

We don't know.

And yes, I am generally against violence, and attacking people. But I'm also not blindly going to give amnesty to someone, if they were directly provoking the attack.

Just because you get punched, doesn't mean you didn't ask for it. Wrong is wrong. But just because the other person did something wrong, doesn't mean you were not also doing something wrong.

If you were provoking an attack, then you are guilty as well.

The fact you are guilty of provoking an attack, doesn't mean the other person is exempt.

It is possible that BOTH parties were guilty. I have no sympathy for someone who gets their face smashed in, when they did everything in their power, to push the other person to do the smashing.

And that includes women, by the way. That lady that hit the bus driver, and the driver stopped the bus, knocked her clean off her feet, and tossed her head first off the bus.... Was he wrong? Sure. Still don't care what happened the that girl. She earned it.

Both can be at fault. You go around provoking people, and someone will does some four-fingered surgery on your face, don't come crying to me. You get what you deserve.
the WHITE man is doing nothing wrong in the video
whenever a WHITE cop shoots a black man [ justifiably ] blacks go freaking crazy!!!!
but we have to worry about cops shooting dangerous jackass criminals
his name is Laytee
attacks an old man!!
again--MSM/blacks make no sense
31-year-old who viciously beat a 62-year-old in a Brooklyn apartment block turns himself in | Daily Mail Online

You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a black criminal with no impulse control. Is it too late to send them all back to west Africa?
Low IQ, and lack of impulse control; go hand in hand...
Compare this story to the one where the left is demanding the life of one white boy who simply stood and smiled while non whites did everything possible to provoke him and he did nothing. One old guy is shrieking that doing nothing but silently smiling is disrespectful. The other old guy was beaten to death.

And you wonder why Democrats are so despised.
They are so much despised that they took 40 seats in the midterms and of course "crooked Hillary" only had 3 million more votes than Mango Mussolini.
Two white guys killed ten people last week but you want to make it about a black guy, no surprise..
blacks commit hate crimes at over twice the rate of whites
blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
sorry pal
More than once I`ve tried to show you what constitutes a hate crime and I`m seeing the problem that your special ed teachers had with you. One more time.
the definition of hate crime
but we have to worry about cops shooting dangerous jackass criminals
his name is Laytee
attacks an old man!!
again--MSM/blacks make no sense
31-year-old who viciously beat a 62-year-old in a Brooklyn apartment block turns himself in | Daily Mail Online
this proves blacks are savage racist beasts...

Every black person needs to be held accountable for this despicable act....

David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

The white nationalist and former KKK grand wizard encouraged his listeners to volunteer for Trump.

David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

Perspective | ‘Jews will not replace us’: Why white supremacists go after Jews

Trump shocks with racist new ad days before midterms - CNNPolitics


Dylann Roof Confesses:
Says He Wanted to Start ‘Race War’

Dylann Roof Confesses: Says He Wanted to Start ‘Race War’


What's your point?

Do you think people have the choice of who supports them?

Trump faced widespread criticism after he initially said that “both sides” were to blame for the violence that broke out at the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., last August.

He later condemned white supremacists and neo-Nazis at the urging of his advisers, according to Woodward.

“That was the biggest f---ing mistake I’ve made,” Trump reportedly told aides almost immediately after the condemnation.

Trump shocks with racist new ad days before midterms

Trump's sly attempt to pit Hispanics, African-Americans against immigrants

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