BLACKman viciously beats WHITE

but we have to worry about cops shooting dangerous jackass criminals
his name is Laytee
attacks an old man!!
again--MSM/blacks make no sense
31-year-old who viciously beat a 62-year-old in a Brooklyn apartment block turns himself in | Daily Mail Online

Young men of various ethnicities regularly prey on the elderly of various races.
...but some ethnicities prey on the elderly even more than others.

You are right. This is a thing.

That's one of the reasons I supported him over Hillary as well as millions of other Americans. Has nothing to do with white supremacy or the KKK.

Why is it that racism seems to be the lefts go to argument of choice?

Name one thing President Trump has done as President that would be considered racist.

He hired Omarossa.

You consider hiring a black person racist? Seems to me that, that line of reasoning would make you the racist.

That's one of the reasons I supported him over Hillary as well as millions of other Americans. Has nothing to do with white supremacy or the KKK.

Why is it that racism seems to be the lefts go to argument of choice?

Name one thing President Trump has done as President that would be considered racist.

He hired Omarossa.

You consider hiring a black person racist? Seems to me that, that line of reasoning would make you the racist.

She was a snake even on The Apprentice. The only reason I can imagine she would have been hired to work in his administration is as a favor or charitable act, OR...

Because she is Black.

That's one of the reasons I supported him over Hillary as well as millions of other Americans. Has nothing to do with white supremacy or the KKK.

Why is it that racism seems to be the lefts go to argument of choice?

Name one thing President Trump has done as President that would be considered racist.

He hired Omarossa.

You consider hiring a black person racist? Seems to me that, that line of reasoning would make you the racist.

She was a snake even on The Apprentice. The only reason I can imagine she would have been hired to work in his administration is as a favor or charitable act, OR...

Because she is Black.

Maybe he likes snakes.
but we have to worry about cops shooting dangerous jackass criminals
his name is Laytee
attacks an old man!!
again--MSM/blacks make no sense
31-year-old who viciously beat a 62-year-old in a Brooklyn apartment block turns himself in | Daily Mail Online

Young men of various ethnicities regularly prey on the elderly of various races.
True, but white on black fits the narrative so that hypocritically is framed that way. That’s the issue.
but we have to worry about cops shooting dangerous jackass criminals
his name is Laytee
attacks an old man!!
again--MSM/blacks make no sense
31-year-old who viciously beat a 62-year-old in a Brooklyn apartment block turns himself in | Daily Mail Online

Young men of various ethnicities regularly prey on the elderly of various races.
True, but white on black fits the narrative so that hypocritically is framed that way. That’s the issue.
The media is trying to start a race war to destabilize us.

Enquiring minds should be asking why? Who does that serve?

Right off hand I can think of one very prominent currency manipulator .
But did the old guy provoke it? I couldn't figure out what was going on. What caused this?

Old blokes have learned to leave others be unless somebody messes with them. Then you never know what Gramps might do.

I still want to know what caused this.

This idea that just because he's old, means he can say whatever he wants, provoke whoever he wants, and act like a blithering jerk, is ridiculous.

Now again, I have no idea if he was acting badly. But before I blindly make a judgement, I want to know what precipitated this. Being old, doesn't give you an exemption for common courtesy. What is the rest of this story.

Fuck you, indoctrinated lemming. Respect your elders.

I tell you what caused it: Leftist infiltration into the education system.

The whole community would beat that punk back in my day.

Old black mens and all!

So you cuss me out, and then tell me to respect?
You don't see the irony of your first two sentences?

You can demand respect until the end of time. When you act disrespectful while demanding it... you will not be due respect, nor will will you get it.

My father taught me that. He's in his 70s.

Bitch, I will kick your ass worse than that young black did the old white man.

I ain't the one. I can break your clavicle and have you flopping like a fish in about 1/2 a second.

The difference between me and that young black is I know how, and have a talent for hurting people more and more efficiently.. That, and an aversion to hurting the elderly.

In jr. high, I used to jump on tall people's backs, put them to sleep, and ride them to the ground, ok?

So now threatening direct violence against me, and still demanding respect?

You are destroying your own position. Acting like a violent caveman, does not ever cause respect.

If it did, that boy in the video would have your respect, wouldn't he?

You actually made yourself, morally equal to that boy.
but we have to worry about cops shooting dangerous jackass criminals
his name is Laytee
attacks an old man!!
again--MSM/blacks make no sense
31-year-old who viciously beat a 62-year-old in a Brooklyn apartment block turns himself in | Daily Mail Online

But did the old guy provoke it? I couldn't figure out what was going on. What caused this? when the criminals attacking cops/carrying weapons/committing crime are NOT the ones who cause the crap when they get shot ........???
sure--the WHITE men/cops are the problem :rolleyes-41:

I never said that.
Andylusion said:
I still want to know what caused this.
Then Follow The Story
You've Got A Computer
This idea that just because he's old, means he can say whatever he wants, provoke whoever he wants, and act like a blithering jerk, is ridiculous.
Snotty Women Would Be Black-Eyed And Fat Lipped All Over The Place
And, Of Course This Young Man CAN'T Just Walk Away
But before I blindly make a judgement, I want to know what precipitated this.
The Judge Will Sort It Out
Laytee Turned Himself In
And You've Yet To Insinuate
The Black Guy Even Might Be An Asshole
Being old, doesn't give you an exemption for common courtesy.
And Rude Is Not Cause For A Beat-Down Assault
This Was Not A Slap In The Mouth
What is the rest of this story.
Follow The Story
And Let Us Know In A Couple Months

View attachment 242566

Of course, I agree with all of that.

Yes, he should have walked away. I would have.

And of course the kid could be a jerk. Maybe the old man did nothing.

Why 'must' I insinuate the obvious? Why can't people simply shut up, until the facts are out?

Why can't you even allow someone like me, to say I want to know the whole story first?

This is the problem in America right now. Everyone has to jump on a side, before we even know what the side is? You can't even hold a position of "I am not informed enough to know" without someone like you saying "Why didn't you insinuate the kid was just a jerk?"

We don't know.

And yes, I am generally against violence, and attacking people. But I'm also not blindly going to give amnesty to someone, if they were directly provoking the attack.

Just because you get punched, doesn't mean you didn't ask for it. Wrong is wrong. But just because the other person did something wrong, doesn't mean you were not also doing something wrong.

If you were provoking an attack, then you are guilty as well.

The fact you are guilty of provoking an attack, doesn't mean the other person is exempt.

It is possible that BOTH parties were guilty. I have no sympathy for someone who gets their face smashed in, when they did everything in their power, to push the other person to do the smashing.

And that includes women, by the way. That lady that hit the bus driver, and the driver stopped the bus, knocked her clean off her feet, and tossed her head first off the bus.... Was he wrong? Sure. Still don't care what happened the that girl. She earned it.

Both can be at fault. You go around provoking people, and someone will does some four-fingered surgery on your face, don't come crying to me. You get what you deserve.
the WHITE man is doing nothing wrong in the video
whenever a WHITE cop shoots a black man [ justifiably ] blacks go freaking crazy!!!!

These two topics are not connected.

You say the white man did nothing wrong in the video.... right. In the video he isn't. Because we can't hear what he is saying, nor what he did leading up to that point.

Just like when you see a video of a police shooting, the corrupt media, tends to clip out of context, and we don't see what led up to the shooting. We didn't see the 30 minutes before the police were beating Rodney King, where King was attacking the police repeatedly.

Now if you admit that this is wrong, to take a clip out of context, and condemn the police when we didn't see what led up to it.... then you should also be able to understand why I want to see the rest of this footage, and what led up to this guy getting hit.

Now it may turn out that you are right. That's fine, and then I'll agree with you. But until I see what happened that led up to this, I am not going to assume that a guy was just walking along, and a random black guy freaked out and attacked him.

If that's the case, provide the evidence and I'll support you. But until that evidence is available, I'm not going to assume it.
Andylusion said:
I still want to know what caused this.
Then Follow The Story
You've Got A Computer
This idea that just because he's old, means he can say whatever he wants, provoke whoever he wants, and act like a blithering jerk, is ridiculous.
Snotty Women Would Be Black-Eyed And Fat Lipped All Over The Place
And, Of Course This Young Man CAN'T Just Walk Away
But before I blindly make a judgement, I want to know what precipitated this.
The Judge Will Sort It Out
Laytee Turned Himself In
And You've Yet To Insinuate
The Black Guy Even Might Be An Asshole
Being old, doesn't give you an exemption for common courtesy.
And Rude Is Not Cause For A Beat-Down Assault
This Was Not A Slap In The Mouth
What is the rest of this story.
Follow The Story
And Let Us Know In A Couple Months

View attachment 242566

Of course, I agree with all of that.

Yes, he should have walked away. I would have.

And of course the kid could be a jerk. Maybe the old man did nothing.

Why 'must' I insinuate the obvious? Why can't people simply shut up, until the facts are out?

Why can't you even allow someone like me, to say I want to know the whole story first?

This is the problem in America right now. Everyone has to jump on a side, before we even know what the side is? You can't even hold a position of "I am not informed enough to know" without someone like you saying "Why didn't you insinuate the kid was just a jerk?"

We don't know.

And yes, I am generally against violence, and attacking people. But I'm also not blindly going to give amnesty to someone, if they were directly provoking the attack.

Just because you get punched, doesn't mean you didn't ask for it. Wrong is wrong. But just because the other person did something wrong, doesn't mean you were not also doing something wrong.

If you were provoking an attack, then you are guilty as well.

The fact you are guilty of provoking an attack, doesn't mean the other person is exempt.

It is possible that BOTH parties were guilty. I have no sympathy for someone who gets their face smashed in, when they did everything in their power, to push the other person to do the smashing.

And that includes women, by the way. That lady that hit the bus driver, and the driver stopped the bus, knocked her clean off her feet, and tossed her head first off the bus.... Was he wrong? Sure. Still don't care what happened the that girl. She earned it.

Both can be at fault. You go around provoking people, and someone will does some four-fingered surgery on your face, don't come crying to me. You get what you deserve.
the WHITE man is doing nothing wrong in the video
whenever a WHITE cop shoots a black man [ justifiably ] blacks go freaking crazy!!!!

These two topics are not connected.

You say the white man did nothing wrong in the video.... right. In the video he isn't. Because we can't hear what he is saying, nor what he did leading up to that point.

Just like when you see a video of a police shooting, the corrupt media, tends to clip out of context, and we don't see what led up to the shooting. We didn't see the 30 minutes before the police were beating Rodney King, where King was attacking the police repeatedly.

Now if you admit that this is wrong, to take a clip out of context, and condemn the police when we didn't see what led up to it.... then you should also be able to understand why I want to see the rest of this footage, and what led up to this guy getting hit.

Now it may turn out that you are right. That's fine, and then I'll agree with you. But until I see what happened that led up to this, I am not going to assume that a guy was just walking along, and a random black guy freaked out and attacked him.

If that's the case, provide the evidence and I'll support you. But until that evidence is available, I'm not going to assume it.
they are connected
that's all we hear from the MSM
to the blacks and MSM, EVERYTHING is racial
Andylusion said:
I still want to know what caused this.
Then Follow The Story
You've Got A Computer
This idea that just because he's old, means he can say whatever he wants, provoke whoever he wants, and act like a blithering jerk, is ridiculous.
Snotty Women Would Be Black-Eyed And Fat Lipped All Over The Place
And, Of Course This Young Man CAN'T Just Walk Away
But before I blindly make a judgement, I want to know what precipitated this.
The Judge Will Sort It Out
Laytee Turned Himself In
And You've Yet To Insinuate
The Black Guy Even Might Be An Asshole
Being old, doesn't give you an exemption for common courtesy.
And Rude Is Not Cause For A Beat-Down Assault
This Was Not A Slap In The Mouth
What is the rest of this story.
Follow The Story
And Let Us Know In A Couple Months

View attachment 242566

Of course, I agree with all of that.

Yes, he should have walked away. I would have.

And of course the kid could be a jerk. Maybe the old man did nothing.

Why 'must' I insinuate the obvious? Why can't people simply shut up, until the facts are out?

Why can't you even allow someone like me, to say I want to know the whole story first?

This is the problem in America right now. Everyone has to jump on a side, before we even know what the side is? You can't even hold a position of "I am not informed enough to know" without someone like you saying "Why didn't you insinuate the kid was just a jerk?"

We don't know.

And yes, I am generally against violence, and attacking people. But I'm also not blindly going to give amnesty to someone, if they were directly provoking the attack.

Just because you get punched, doesn't mean you didn't ask for it. Wrong is wrong. But just because the other person did something wrong, doesn't mean you were not also doing something wrong.

If you were provoking an attack, then you are guilty as well.

The fact you are guilty of provoking an attack, doesn't mean the other person is exempt.

It is possible that BOTH parties were guilty. I have no sympathy for someone who gets their face smashed in, when they did everything in their power, to push the other person to do the smashing.

And that includes women, by the way. That lady that hit the bus driver, and the driver stopped the bus, knocked her clean off her feet, and tossed her head first off the bus.... Was he wrong? Sure. Still don't care what happened the that girl. She earned it.

Both can be at fault. You go around provoking people, and someone will does some four-fingered surgery on your face, don't come crying to me. You get what you deserve.
the WHITE man is doing nothing wrong in the video
whenever a WHITE cop shoots a black man [ justifiably ] blacks go freaking crazy!!!!

These two topics are not connected.

You say the white man did nothing wrong in the video.... right. In the video he isn't. Because we can't hear what he is saying, nor what he did leading up to that point.

Just like when you see a video of a police shooting, the corrupt media, tends to clip out of context, and we don't see what led up to the shooting. We didn't see the 30 minutes before the police were beating Rodney King, where King was attacking the police repeatedly.

Now if you admit that this is wrong, to take a clip out of context, and condemn the police when we didn't see what led up to it.... then you should also be able to understand why I want to see the rest of this footage, and what led up to this guy getting hit.

Now it may turn out that you are right. That's fine, and then I'll agree with you. But until I see what happened that led up to this, I am not going to assume that a guy was just walking along, and a random black guy freaked out and attacked him.

If that's the case, provide the evidence and I'll support you. But until that evidence is available, I'm not going to assume it.
they are connected
that's all we hear from the MSM
to the blacks and MSM, EVERYTHING is racial
It’s the democrat party, who own media, who are responsible for that neo-segregation.

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