BlackRock CEO Larry Fink says that he's dropping the term "ESG" because leaders like Ron DeSantis have killed the brand


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink said he's no longer using the term "ESG" (environment, social and governance) because it is being politically "weaponized" and he's "ashamed" to be part of the debate on the issue.

Yes, the dude who wants to force companies to follow the woke cult or suffer thinks that the opposition to ESG has been weaponized.

Showing that turnabout is fair play, Florida under Ron DeSantis has led the pushback against ESG on a political level, explicitly making it law in Florida that state investments would NOT invest in companies like BlackRock and VanGuard that use ESG.

DeSantis also pulled $2 billion out of BlackRock investments in the state of Florida. His political actions have spearheaded the movement that is killing the ESG brand.

"Kill" might be a bit much because ESG and it's wicked stepmother DIE is still around.

I do believe there is a not so silent anymore majority of the US population that is against the woke, ESG/DIE bullshit.

Seeing the trends with Bud Light and others, makes me hope the pendulum is getting ready to swing back the other way, hard core and with a vengeance.
Society turned over a slimy rock and found out what investment groups like BlackRock are doing to our country....
They will just cease speaking about it publicly or rename it. But esg is not going away anytime soon.

Esg allows for too much control, power, influence and money for globalists and is a keystone to their great reset as it allows them to reach inside companies and businesses. Eventually it will reach directly into our lives, right now it's in our lives indirectly to a small amount.

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