Blacks' Abundance In Pro Sports: Affirmative Action ?

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White guys have become too sissified for pro sports

To be fair, there are many great white athletes. Protectionist is just butthurt because they are not the majority in certain sports anymore, due to segregation being abolished.

He really should have been around during the heyday of the KKK...and would have been an outstanding Grand Wizard.

You think your faster than me ? Let's race.
You think you can jump higher than me ? Let's jump
You think you can throw further than me ? Let's throw
You think you can beat in a fight ? Let's fight
You your team is better than mine ? Let's play,.

It's far more easier to tell who is a brilliant basket ball player than who is gonna make a great electrician

Secondly you talk about lack of Indian b-ball players ? Asian in the NFL,


Certain countries play certain sports. Soccer is the biggest sport in the world. But the USA men's team is average and failed to even qualify for the last world cup (Coincidentally the USA women's soccer team are the best in the world and world champs).

The best male soccer teams are traditionally in South America and Europe. In India cricket is their main sport and their one of the best teams in the world. Pakistan are strong at squash. China are the best in world at table tennis and Badminton and China are always either top or second to USA in the Olympics medals table. Japan have baseball and they the best in the world. That's why you don't see any of them in the NFL because they don't play

In fact globally NFL is a really minority sport and not played to a great degree outside of America (Yeah i know they have leagues in other parts of the world but not to serious extent) American football is really an expensive sport so that rules out a lot of nations.
Again, lots of words but not pertinent to the convergence of >>

1. a high % of blacks in the NFL,

2. a low % of blacks in the US population,

3. high quality performance of whites

4.. affirmative action.
It seems to be very common to see NFL football fields and NBA courts with more blacks than all other races combined. There also has been a majority of blacks in professional boxing for many years. How does this come to be ? Since it is common for lesser qualified blacks to be hired to many types of jobs in industry generally, one might wonder if this isn't also the case with pro sports.

Are better talented, faster, stronger whites being denied opportunities, based on race ? How about Hispanics and Asians ? When is the last time you saw a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean guy on an NFL football field ? How about guys from India on a basketball court ? There are so few Asians in the most popular American sports that it's practically impossible to rate their performances.

This is not the case with Whites, however. In the top 4 pro US sports > baseball, football, basketball, and boxing, whites have proven to be as good or often better than blacks, yet still have smaller numbers there. This is despite the fact that blacks are only 13% of the US population, as compared to whites at 76%. Could affirmative action be at work here, putting blacks ahead of better qualified whites, et al races ?



Hate to say it but they were bred from a preselected group for strength. Nasty but true. The weak ones didn't sell or died on the way to the plantations. Add to that that the selection was also in Africa itself with a most difficult upbringing only the strongest physically survived to breed. Also opportunity: physical prowess gets them out of the ghettos. A bit of column A, B and C.

White guys have become too sissified for pro sports
They kicked ass in the Super Bowl. Biggest pro sport game in America. And they've done it 6 times.

You get an award for the most wrong post of the year (and we're only in February) :laugh:
It is not discrimination if 32 owners and executives collectively earn more from the organization than over 1600 players.

Yes, it could be. The money the owners make is not relevant to the millions of want a be white sport stars.

Of course it is relevant. Fans go to games to see the PLAYERS. Not the owners.
Substandard players= no revenue.

True, but not relevant to the post you responded to.

Totally relevant. The topic was that the OP implied that blacks are overrepresented in professional sports.

I stated very clearly that an inordinate number of blacks work for a very small number of white owners who collectively ewrn more money than all of the players combined.

If those same owners could make even more money by fielding a more integrated work force or even a predominately white work force they would do so.

There is no affirmative action conspiracy against anyone in professional sports. It is based soley on ability.

By the standards that race baiters use in every field where blacks or browns are underrepresented,

the under representation of whites relative to their share of the population,

is defacto proof of racism, and discrimination, and any denial of that can only be motivated by evulness and racism.

So, by your own rules, you have demonstrated that you are evul and "racist".

Nothing that I have posted in this horseshit thread is racist.

What is utterly ridiculous is people like you who are ignorant enough to actually think that PERFORMANCE and STATISTICS based professions that are nearly 100% OWNED and MANAGED by WHITE PEOPLE is somehow victimizing other white people.

That is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read.

BTW.........If anyone here is a racist you are. It is your belief that any success in ANY endeavor by blacks is at the expense of whites.
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Yeah...they won ALL BY THEMSELVES....didn't they? :71:
Got a lot of help from their offensive line....didn't they? :71: >>>


The franchise's 1st two Super Bowl appearances, which featured Tony Eason and Drew Bledsoe at QB, did not employ white receivers.

The Brady teams have been mixed at the position.

The first three Super Bowls were won with no starting white receivers.

Their undefeated season featured a starting receiving corps which comprised people of color, led by Hall of Famer, Randy Moss, except for 1 player.

It is a TEAM SPORT, you fool. That means the entire team contributes. And if any of those players, black or white were reading your warped logic, they would dismiss you as insane.
It seems to be very common to see NFL football fields and NBA courts with more blacks than all other races combined. There also has been a majority of blacks in professional boxing for many years. How does this come to be ? Since it is common for lesser qualified blacks to be hired to many types of jobs in industry generally, one might wonder if this isn't also the case with pro sports.

Are better talented, faster, stronger whites being denied opportunities, based on race ? How about Hispanics and Asians ? When is the last time you saw a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean guy on an NFL football field ? How about guys from India on a basketball court ? There are so few Asians in the most popular American sports that it's practically impossible to rate their performances.

This is not the case with Whites, however. In the top 4 pro US sports > baseball, football, basketball, and boxing, whites have proven to be as good or often better than blacks, yet still have smaller numbers there. This is despite the fact that blacks are only 13% of the US population, as compared to whites at 76%. Could affirmative action be at work here, putting blacks ahead of better qualified whites, et al races ?



Hate to say it but they were bred from a preselected group for strength. Nasty but true. The weak ones didn't sell or died on the way to the plantations. Add to that that the selection was also in Africa itself with a most difficult upbringing only the strongest physically survived to breed. Also opportunity: physical prowess gets them out of the ghettos. A bit of column A, B and C.

You think your faster than me ? Let's race.
You think you can jump higher than me ? Let's jump
You think you can throw further than me ? Let's throw
You think you can beat in a fight ? Let's fight
You your team is better than mine ? Let's play,.

It's far more easier to tell who is a brilliant basket ball player than who is gonna make a great electrician

Secondly you talk about lack of Indian b-ball players ? Asian in the NFL,


Certain countries play certain sports. Soccer is the biggest sport in the world. But the USA men's team is average and failed to even qualify for the last world cup (Coincidentally the USA women's soccer team are the best in the world and world champs).

The best male soccer teams are traditionally in South America and Europe. In India cricket is their main sport and their one of the best teams in the world. Pakistan are strong at squash. China are the best in world at table tennis and Badminton and China are always either top or second to USA in the Olympics medals table. Japan have baseball and they the best in the world. That's why you don't see any of them in the NFL because they don't play

In fact globally NFL is a really minority sport and not played to a great degree outside of America (Yeah i know they have leagues in other parts of the world but not to serious extent) American football is really an expensive sport so that rules out a lot of nations.
Again, lots of words but not pertinent to the convergence of >>

1. a high % of blacks in the NFL,

2. a low % of blacks in the US population,

3. high quality performance of whites

4.. affirmative action.

Nearly 100% WHITE owned and MANAGED by CONSERVATIVE WHITE MALES, who are in it for the money, and therefore recruit and hire based on ability alone.

Get that through your thick head.
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2 of these players have not won 6 super bowls.

Edelman is not the best receiver in football.

Gronk is not the best TE.

Brady never was the best QB.

You're desperate.

According to men who have played football, the greatest football player ever is a black man named Jim Brown.

The greatest wide receiver ever is a black man named Jerry Rice.

The greatest TE ever is a black man named John Mackey.

You don't know shit about football.

Maybe YOU don't know this >>

New England Patriots on Twitter

I'll go along with Jimmy Brown in the running back position. As for the others, try these on for size. Patriots WR Julian Edelman just passed Michael Irvin on all-time postseason receiving yards list. He's now # 2 behind only Jerry Rice and a shoo-in for the Hall of Fame. (so said 3 Super Bowl post game commentators)

Regarding tight ends, Sport Illustrated rates Tony Gonzales as the best tight ends of all time, and in the top 10 are 4 white guys >> Mike Ditka, Jason Witten, Dave Casper, and guess who > Rob Gronkowski.

As for Tom Brady, guess who Sports illustrated rated as the # 1 quarterback of all time. No need to guess. It's Tom Brady. And that was in 2017 when he had won 5 Super Bowls. Now he's won 6.

Yeah, I so desperate. And you're so :lame2:brain.

No charge for the tutoring.

Lastly, none of this changes anything about the TOPIC of the thread. Regardless of whether Jerry Rice was the best receiver, or Julian Edelman (still playing and adding numbers), or if the greatest QB was Brady, or Joe Montana, or Peyton Manning, or best TE Mackey or Gonzales, the point still remains that there's nothing to show blacks being of quality to justify their large disproportion of numbers in the NFL, and thus a question regarding affirmative action is plausible.
It is not discrimination if 32 owners and executives collectively earn more from the organization than over 1600 players.

And if those 32 nearly ALL WHITE owners have the final say so regarding who the organization recruits and hires, then WHY would they purposely discriminate against anyone who proves to be the better candidate for a position?

Population share to percentage of players drafted is not a viable course of reasoning. The most talented players are the ones who get drafted.

THAT IS A FACT. I didn't think it to be possible, but you're more of an idiot than the rube who started this thread.
Why the hell does ANYBODY discriminate against whites with AA. Because they're mentally deranged maybe. How the hell do I know why they do ? ASk a psychiatrist.

As for the most talented, what makes you think blacks are the most talented ? Here a few photos you might look at >>


Now youree just lying because you look stupid.

Exactly. WHERE did "I" say "that blacks are the most talented?

What I implied/said is:

"The owners and management of the NFL and the NBA, which are PREDOMINANTLY WHITE, make the hiring decisions"

So being that the vast majority of fans ARE white people, why would they discriminate against white players?

That makes no sense, but then again it's YOUR thread, so it is understandable why this whole subject is just more of your craziness.

All NFL teams recruit, and they also have walk on tryouts.

Are you nuts?
Every position in pro sports is competed for. If the majority of players are black why are most coaches white? Why are white men who never played the game coaches?

This is a dumb ass thread made by dumb ass race baiting whites.
It's not dumb. You are just playing dumb, because you're avoiding the subject matter.

No he is not. You are.
Black culture has nothing to do with this.

Seriously, it is not black culture that has us overrepresented on the field and underrepresented as coaches and upper management.
And your opinion of what IT IS that has blacks overrepresented on the field ?
So you don't know who those guys are. Well, they all sit in offices and process insurance claims. :biggrin:



Best football players in the NFL. Won the Super Bowl 6 times.

2 of these players have not won 6 super bowls.

Edelman is not the best receiver in football.

Gronk is not the best TE.

Brady never was the best QB.

You're desperate.

According to men who have played football, the greatest football player ever is a black man named Jim Brown.

The greatest wide receiver ever is a black man named Jerry Rice.

The greatest TE ever is a black man named John Mackey.

You don't know shit about football.

I knew John Mackey, used to hang out with him, and was at his funeral.

Hell of a man. And damn right. The absolute best tight end ever. And the rest of your post was spot on.
  • Thanks
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There are black guys on the Pats.
It figures you give credit only to the white players.

Racist punk.
Idiot. I'm not giving credit. I'm pointing out that there are enough white players of top caliber to discount any notion that the heavy black representation is from superior ability.

Shut up when you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
By the standards that race baiters use in every field where blacks or browns are underrepresented,

the under representation of whites relative to their share of the population,

is defacto proof of racism, and discrimination, and any denial of that can only be motivated by evulness and racism.

So, by your own rules, you have demonstrated that you are evul and "racist".
A fair assessment. Finally, an objective perspective.
I just got around to reading your gibberish because I usually avoid anything that you post. But since I know some pro athletes, I was curious what a dunce like you, who never partipated in a sport had to say on the subject. And as usual, you made a complete fool of yourself.

Every one of your points was adressed. So when dial a ride drops you off after your trip to the food bank, read the response and try to address it.

If you can.
The real "dunce" around here is the one who makes statements without the slightest knowledge of what he's talking about. I have participated in many sports, including some that you maybe don't even know existed.

So far I haven't seen a single intelligent response to the point that some pro sports (I used the NFL as a prime example)have a majority of black players, while it's not established that these are the most qualified. In fact, there is evidence to show that they may not be. This point has NOT been addressed other than a lot of jibberish, without anything really definitive, to the point of the OP.

So now that you have so efficiently made a fool of YOURself, you can either go get lost somewhere, or come back in here again, and show something of substance to show one way or the other, if the current racial composition of some pro sports, is factor of Affrimative Action, or not.

Then present evidence that proves your in more instances than ONE Superbowl and ONE team.

Look up top player stats over their careers.

If you do not understand football stats, which you likely do not, there are some here who do, that would gladly assist in helping you look like more of a dumbass.
Black culture has nothing to do with this.

Seriously, it is not black culture that has us overrepresented on the field and underrepresented as coaches and upper management.
And your opinion of what IT IS that has blacks overrepresented on the field ?

We work harder so we are in better shape and can do the necessary skills better.
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