blacks are not murdered by cops

The Truth about what is going on is in this article:

Police Aren’t Targeting and Killing Black Men.

Liberals hate the Truth.

Blacks comprise 13% per cent of the population.

They commit about 50% of the crimes---thus insuring about 50% of interactions with police.

Liberals and their propaganda arms say that Blacks should comprise no more than 13% of the people killed by police, and Black Lives Matter takes that and runs with it.

People with brains and enough integrity to accept the Truth know that it should be about 50%....for reasons that are obvious to anyone who does not hate the Truth like a vampire hates the a Liberal. But, in fact Blacks constitute less than 50% of those killed.

It would drop to around 13% if Black Men could finally learn to help raise their own children.
Did you just pull those stats out of your ass? Blacks dont commit 50% of all crimes. Whites commit more crime than all other demographics put together.

Blacks are targeted more due to racism which accounts for most of their arrest rate. Then they are prosecuted more often where they typically let whites go. Even after all that there are more whites in prison than Blacks.
facts you cannot deny:
blacks commit murder at over SEVEN times the rate of whites..per capita, if you know what that means
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

. ''The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites,''
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
What does that have to do with the fact that cops are racist and whites commit more crime than all other demographics combined? What happened in 2012?

"According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, white men and women were arrested for 60 percent of all violent crimes in 2012. Violent crimes include murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault."
blacks are more racist than whites
please show me your statistics
You cant get stats on something in someones mind unless everyone is truthful you big dummy. :laugh:
The Truth about what is going on is in this article:

Police Aren’t Targeting and Killing Black Men.

Liberals hate the Truth.

Blacks comprise 13% per cent of the population.

They commit about 50% of the crimes---thus insuring about 50% of interactions with police.

Liberals and their propaganda arms say that Blacks should comprise no more than 13% of the people killed by police, and Black Lives Matter takes that and runs with it.

People with brains and enough integrity to accept the Truth know that it should be about 50%....for reasons that are obvious to anyone who does not hate the Truth like a vampire hates the a Liberal. But, in fact Blacks constitute less than 50% of those killed.

It would drop to around 13% if Black Men could finally learn to help raise their own children.
Did you just pull those stats out of your ass? Blacks dont commit 50% of all crimes. Whites commit more crime than all other demographics put together.

Blacks are targeted more due to racism which accounts for most of their arrest rate. Then they are prosecuted more often where they typically let whites go. Even after all that there are more whites in prison than Blacks.
facts you cannot deny:
blacks commit murder at over SEVEN times the rate of whites..per capita, if you know what that means
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

. ''The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites,''
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
What does that have to do with the fact that cops are racist and whites commit more crime than all other demographics combined?

The Truth about what is going on is in this article:

Police Aren’t Targeting and Killing Black Men.

Liberals hate the Truth.

Blacks comprise 13% per cent of the population.

They commit about 50% of the crimes---thus insuring about 50% of interactions with police.

Liberals and their propaganda arms say that Blacks should comprise no more than 13% of the people killed by police, and Black Lives Matter takes that and runs with it.

People with brains and enough integrity to accept the Truth know that it should be about 50%....for reasons that are obvious to anyone who does not hate the Truth like a vampire hates the a Liberal. But, in fact Blacks constitute less than 50% of those killed.

It would drop to around 13% if Black Men could finally learn to help raise their own children.
Did you just pull those stats out of your ass? Blacks dont commit 50% of all crimes. Whites commit more crime than all other demographics put together.

Blacks are targeted more due to racism which accounts for most of their arrest rate. Then they are prosecuted more often where they typically let whites go. Even after all that there are more whites in prison than Blacks.

According to the F.B.I. (Stats for 2015) 51.1% of people arrested for MURDER were Black.

Also, 53.5% of people arrested for ROBBERY were Black.

Look it up.

That's true even though the Black population is only 13%.

When are Black Men going to learn how to help raise their own children?


You said and I quote..."They commit about 50% of the crimes"

Got caught lying? :laugh:

I got caught trying to lead a horse to water, knowing I could not make him drink.

When are Black Men going to learn how to help raise their own children?

You cant lead a horse to water and not know he is smart enough to know you are trying to get him to drink piss.

When are white men going to learn to be emotionally available to their daughters so they dont seek out Black men?
first MBrown
now Lamar Smith
cops all innocent
in the latest incident, Obama's own DOJ didn't prosecute because there wasn't enough evidence for a civil rights trial--which is easier to win than a murder trial !!
they decided this a year ago!!
Department of Justice won't prosecute Stockley for civil rights violation

but the blacks protest for what? o--they know more than the DOJ??!!
their protesting is a protest for lies--for criminals
if you have evidence on these cases, please speak up-.....-o--you don't, DO YOU??!!
the cops are NOT murdering blacks everyday
John Crawford, you know, the guy who was murdered for shopping at Walmart. The trigger happy cops were not even charged. They got away with it.
it's not like he was just standing there
he had what was a very real looking rifle
they gave commands to drop the rifle--he did not
per the topic--not best, this is questionable manslaughter--maybe...
most of these shootings are self defense...others--like this one, are not murder at all, but maybe questionable
so, in the end--overall--most of these shootings are self defense, the rest questionable manslaughter--not even close to murder
Actually he was just standing there when they shot him. As far as failure to obey commands, they did not give him time to process what the hell was going on. They shot him within a second. And we have no way to know whether he even heard and comprehended what they said. Cops tend to yell and scream which makes them unintelligible.

He wasn't breaking any law whatsoever and the police had absolutely no legitimate reason to shoot him. They got away with murder. Then cops wonder why they get randomly executed on the street.

Those cops had no reason to act so aggressively. Most likely they were on drugs.
common sense tells you in this day and age, not to walk around like that with a rifle/what looks exactly like a rifle
if you are so stupid and do stupid things, it's not the cops fault
that wasn't murder--you just discredited your argument

  1. 1.
    the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
    "the stabbing murder of an off-Broadway producer"
    synonyms: killing, homicide, assassination, liquidation, extermination, execution, slaughter, butchery, massacre; Moverb
  1. 1.
    kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation
Premeditated just means you plan to do it before you do it. Unless you are retarded it doesnt take too long to plan to kill someone especially if its the culture of the organization you are in.
and--that was 2014---where are all these murders?
again--in 2011 there were over 30 MILLION calls for police assistance...this not counting traffic stops/etc
unless you can show me 50 of these ''murders'' per year, there is NOT a chronic, major problem of police murdering people
count only blacks, and the numbers go down even more
The Truth about what is going on is in this article:

Police Aren’t Targeting and Killing Black Men.

Liberals hate the Truth.

Blacks comprise 13% per cent of the population.

They commit about 50% of the crimes---thus insuring about 50% of interactions with police.

Liberals and their propaganda arms say that Blacks should comprise no more than 13% of the people killed by police, and Black Lives Matter takes that and runs with it.

People with brains and enough integrity to accept the Truth know that it should be about 50%....for reasons that are obvious to anyone who does not hate the Truth like a vampire hates the a Liberal. But, in fact Blacks constitute less than 50% of those killed.

It would drop to around 13% if Black Men could finally learn to help raise their own children.
Did you just pull those stats out of your ass? Blacks dont commit 50% of all crimes. Whites commit more crime than all other demographics put together.

Blacks are targeted more due to racism which accounts for most of their arrest rate. Then they are prosecuted more often where they typically let whites go. Even after all that there are more whites in prison than Blacks.
facts you cannot deny:
blacks commit murder at over SEVEN times the rate of whites..per capita, if you know what that means
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

. ''The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites,''
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
What does that have to do with the fact that cops are racist and whites commit more crime than all other demographics combined? What happened in 2012?

"According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, white men and women were arrested for 60 percent of all violent crimes in 2012. Violent crimes include murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault."
blacks are more racist than whites
please show me your statistics
You cant get stats on something in someones mind unless everyone is truthful you big dummy. :laugh:
I give facts--you give your argument is nothing
The Truth about what is going on is in this article:

Police Aren’t Targeting and Killing Black Men.

Liberals hate the Truth.

Blacks comprise 13% per cent of the population.

They commit about 50% of the crimes---thus insuring about 50% of interactions with police.

Liberals and their propaganda arms say that Blacks should comprise no more than 13% of the people killed by police, and Black Lives Matter takes that and runs with it.

People with brains and enough integrity to accept the Truth know that it should be about 50%....for reasons that are obvious to anyone who does not hate the Truth like a vampire hates the a Liberal. But, in fact Blacks constitute less than 50% of those killed.

It would drop to around 13% if Black Men could finally learn to help raise their own children.
Did you just pull those stats out of your ass? Blacks dont commit 50% of all crimes. Whites commit more crime than all other demographics put together.

Blacks are targeted more due to racism which accounts for most of their arrest rate. Then they are prosecuted more often where they typically let whites go. Even after all that there are more whites in prison than Blacks.
facts you cannot deny:
blacks commit murder at over SEVEN times the rate of whites..per capita, if you know what that means
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

. ''The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites,''
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
What does that have to do with the fact that cops are racist and whites commit more crime than all other demographics combined?

The Truth about what is going on is in this article:

Police Aren’t Targeting and Killing Black Men.

Liberals hate the Truth.

Blacks comprise 13% per cent of the population.

They commit about 50% of the crimes---thus insuring about 50% of interactions with police.

Liberals and their propaganda arms say that Blacks should comprise no more than 13% of the people killed by police, and Black Lives Matter takes that and runs with it.

People with brains and enough integrity to accept the Truth know that it should be about 50%....for reasons that are obvious to anyone who does not hate the Truth like a vampire hates the a Liberal. But, in fact Blacks constitute less than 50% of those killed.

It would drop to around 13% if Black Men could finally learn to help raise their own children.
Did you just pull those stats out of your ass? Blacks dont commit 50% of all crimes. Whites commit more crime than all other demographics put together.

Blacks are targeted more due to racism which accounts for most of their arrest rate. Then they are prosecuted more often where they typically let whites go. Even after all that there are more whites in prison than Blacks.

According to the F.B.I. (Stats for 2015) 51.1% of people arrested for MURDER were Black.

Also, 53.5% of people arrested for ROBBERY were Black.

Look it up.

That's true even though the Black population is only 13%.

When are Black Men going to learn how to help raise their own children?


You said and I quote..."They commit about 50% of the crimes"

Got caught lying? :laugh:

I got caught trying to lead a horse to water, knowing I could not make him drink.

When are Black Men going to learn how to help raise their own children?

You cant lead a horse to water and not know he is smart enough to know you are trying to get him to drink piss.

When are white men going to learn to be emotionally available to their daughters so they dont seek out Black men?
that FBI hate crime statistic really blows your mind, doesn't it??
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites can't believe that, can you??
the MSM is always mentioning white hate crimes--when in reality--blacks are committing them more per capita
Did you just pull those stats out of your ass? Blacks dont commit 50% of all crimes. Whites commit more crime than all other demographics put together.

Blacks are targeted more due to racism which accounts for most of their arrest rate. Then they are prosecuted more often where they typically let whites go. Even after all that there are more whites in prison than Blacks.
facts you cannot deny:
blacks commit murder at over SEVEN times the rate of whites..per capita, if you know what that means
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

. ''The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites,''
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
What does that have to do with the fact that cops are racist and whites commit more crime than all other demographics combined?

Did you just pull those stats out of your ass? Blacks dont commit 50% of all crimes. Whites commit more crime than all other demographics put together.

Blacks are targeted more due to racism which accounts for most of their arrest rate. Then they are prosecuted more often where they typically let whites go. Even after all that there are more whites in prison than Blacks.

According to the F.B.I. (Stats for 2015) 51.1% of people arrested for MURDER were Black.

Also, 53.5% of people arrested for ROBBERY were Black.

Look it up.

That's true even though the Black population is only 13%.

When are Black Men going to learn how to help raise their own children?


You said and I quote..."They commit about 50% of the crimes"

Got caught lying? :laugh:

I got caught trying to lead a horse to water, knowing I could not make him drink.

When are Black Men going to learn how to help raise their own children?

You cant lead a horse to water and not know he is smart enough to know you are trying to get him to drink piss.

When are white men going to learn to be emotionally available to their daughters so they dont seek out Black men?
that FBI hate crime statistic really blows your mind, doesn't it??
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites can't believe that, can you??
Not really. Blacks have a reason to hate whites. Why would it blow my mind?

In 2015, race was reported for 5,493 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

  • 48.4 percent were White.
  • 24.3 percent were Black or African American.
first MBrown
now Lamar Smith
cops all innocent
in the latest incident, Obama's own DOJ didn't prosecute because there wasn't enough evidence for a civil rights trial--which is easier to win than a murder trial !!
they decided this a year ago!!
Department of Justice won't prosecute Stockley for civil rights violation

but the blacks protest for what? o--they know more than the DOJ??!!
their protesting is a protest for lies--for criminals
if you have evidence on these cases, please speak up-.....-o--you don't, DO YOU??!!
the cops are NOT murdering blacks everyday
John Crawford, you know, the guy who was murdered for shopping at Walmart. The trigger happy cops were not even charged. They got away with it.
it's not like he was just standing there
he had what was a very real looking rifle
they gave commands to drop the rifle--he did not
per the topic--not best, this is questionable manslaughter--maybe...
most of these shootings are self defense...others--like this one, are not murder at all, but maybe questionable
so, in the end--overall--most of these shootings are self defense, the rest questionable manslaughter--not even close to murder
Actually he was just standing there when they shot him. As far as failure to obey commands, they did not give him time to process what the hell was going on. They shot him within a second. And we have no way to know whether he even heard and comprehended what they said. Cops tend to yell and scream which makes them unintelligible.

He wasn't breaking any law whatsoever and the police had absolutely no legitimate reason to shoot him. They got away with murder. Then cops wonder why they get randomly executed on the street.

Those cops had no reason to act so aggressively. Most likely they were on drugs.
common sense tells you in this day and age, not to walk around like that with a rifle/what looks exactly like a rifle
if you are so stupid and do stupid things, it's not the cops fault
that wasn't murder--you just discredited your argument

  1. 1.
    the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
    "the stabbing murder of an off-Broadway producer"
    synonyms: killing, homicide, assassination, liquidation, extermination, execution, slaughter, butchery, massacre; Moverb
  1. 1.
    kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation
He was holding an airgun in a gun store. That is certainly not something to panic over.
facts you cannot deny:
blacks commit murder at over SEVEN times the rate of whites..per capita, if you know what that means
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

. ''The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites,''
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
What does that have to do with the fact that cops are racist and whites commit more crime than all other demographics combined?


According to the F.B.I. (Stats for 2015) 51.1% of people arrested for MURDER were Black.

Also, 53.5% of people arrested for ROBBERY were Black.

Look it up.

That's true even though the Black population is only 13%.

When are Black Men going to learn how to help raise their own children?


You said and I quote..."They commit about 50% of the crimes"

Got caught lying? :laugh:

I got caught trying to lead a horse to water, knowing I could not make him drink.

When are Black Men going to learn how to help raise their own children?

You cant lead a horse to water and not know he is smart enough to know you are trying to get him to drink piss.

When are white men going to learn to be emotionally available to their daughters so they dont seek out Black men?
that FBI hate crime statistic really blows your mind, doesn't it??
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites can't believe that, can you??
Not really. Blacks have a reason to hate whites. Why would it blow my mind?
you admit they do hate !! I can't believe it !!
so they commit hate crimes because they have a reason to hate whites
whites commit hate crimes--but don't have a reason to hate--got it !!!!!
What does that have to do with the fact that cops are racist and whites commit more crime than all other demographics combined?

You said and I quote..."They commit about 50% of the crimes"

Got caught lying? :laugh:

I got caught trying to lead a horse to water, knowing I could not make him drink.

When are Black Men going to learn how to help raise their own children?

You cant lead a horse to water and not know he is smart enough to know you are trying to get him to drink piss.

When are white men going to learn to be emotionally available to their daughters so they dont seek out Black men?
that FBI hate crime statistic really blows your mind, doesn't it??
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites can't believe that, can you??
Not really. Blacks have a reason to hate whites. Why would it blow my mind?
you admit they do hate !! I can't believe it !!
so they commit hate crimes because they have a reason to hate whites
whites commit hate crimes--but don't have a reason to hate--got it !!!!!
Correct. i am actually surprised that Blacks are not leading like whites are in hate crimes. Blacks never enslaved whites here in the US. Whites enslaved Blacks for 310 years, then they legally discriminated against them for another 90 years. To this very day racist white cops partrol Black neighborhoods. What part of that confuses you?
Last edited:
first MBrown
now Lamar Smith
cops all innocent
in the latest incident, Obama's own DOJ didn't prosecute because there wasn't enough evidence for a civil rights trial--which is easier to win than a murder trial !!
they decided this a year ago!!
Department of Justice won't prosecute Stockley for civil rights violation

but the blacks protest for what? o--they know more than the DOJ??!!
their protesting is a protest for lies--for criminals
if you have evidence on these cases, please speak up-.....-o--you don't, DO YOU??!!
the cops are NOT murdering blacks everyday
John Crawford, you know, the guy who was murdered for shopping at Walmart. The trigger happy cops were not even charged. They got away with it.
it's not like he was just standing there
he had what was a very real looking rifle
they gave commands to drop the rifle--he did not
per the topic--not best, this is questionable manslaughter--maybe...
most of these shootings are self defense...others--like this one, are not murder at all, but maybe questionable
so, in the end--overall--most of these shootings are self defense, the rest questionable manslaughter--not even close to murder
Actually he was just standing there when they shot him. As far as failure to obey commands, they did not give him time to process what the hell was going on. They shot him within a second. And we have no way to know whether he even heard and comprehended what they said. Cops tend to yell and scream which makes them unintelligible.

He wasn't breaking any law whatsoever and the police had absolutely no legitimate reason to shoot him. They got away with murder. Then cops wonder why they get randomly executed on the street.

Those cops had no reason to act so aggressively. Most likely they were on drugs.
common sense tells you in this day and age, not to walk around like that with a rifle/what looks exactly like a rifle
if you are so stupid and do stupid things, it's not the cops fault
that wasn't murder--you just discredited your argument

  1. 1.
    the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
    "the stabbing murder of an off-Broadway producer"
    synonyms: killing, homicide, assassination, liquidation, extermination, execution, slaughter, butchery, massacre; Moverb
  1. 1.
    kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation
He was holding an airgun in a gun store. That is certainly not something to panic over.
you just discredited yourself--it was a Walmart--not a gun store
John Crawford, you know, the guy who was murdered for shopping at Walmart. The trigger happy cops were not even charged. They got away with it.
it's not like he was just standing there
he had what was a very real looking rifle
they gave commands to drop the rifle--he did not
per the topic--not best, this is questionable manslaughter--maybe...
most of these shootings are self defense...others--like this one, are not murder at all, but maybe questionable
so, in the end--overall--most of these shootings are self defense, the rest questionable manslaughter--not even close to murder
Actually he was just standing there when they shot him. As far as failure to obey commands, they did not give him time to process what the hell was going on. They shot him within a second. And we have no way to know whether he even heard and comprehended what they said. Cops tend to yell and scream which makes them unintelligible.

He wasn't breaking any law whatsoever and the police had absolutely no legitimate reason to shoot him. They got away with murder. Then cops wonder why they get randomly executed on the street.

Those cops had no reason to act so aggressively. Most likely they were on drugs.
common sense tells you in this day and age, not to walk around like that with a rifle/what looks exactly like a rifle
if you are so stupid and do stupid things, it's not the cops fault
that wasn't murder--you just discredited your argument

  1. 1.
    the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
    "the stabbing murder of an off-Broadway producer"
    synonyms: killing, homicide, assassination, liquidation, extermination, execution, slaughter, butchery, massacre; Moverb
  1. 1.
    kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation
He was holding an airgun in a gun store. That is certainly not something to panic over.
you just discredited yourself--it was a Walmart--not a gun store
They sale airguns in Walmart.

I got caught trying to lead a horse to water, knowing I could not make him drink.

When are Black Men going to learn how to help raise their own children?

You cant lead a horse to water and not know he is smart enough to know you are trying to get him to drink piss.

When are white men going to learn to be emotionally available to their daughters so they dont seek out Black men?
that FBI hate crime statistic really blows your mind, doesn't it??
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites can't believe that, can you??
Not really. Blacks have a reason to hate whites. Why would it blow my mind?
you admit they do hate !! I can't believe it !!
so they commit hate crimes because they have a reason to hate whites
whites commit hate crimes--but don't have a reason to hate--got it !!!!!
Correct. Blacks never enslaved whites here in the US. Whites enslaved Blacks for 310 years, then they legally discriminated against them for another 90 years.
so the blacks are not racist when they commit a hate crime?
hate crime
noun: hate crime; plural noun: hate crimes
  1. a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence.
John Crawford, you know, the guy who was murdered for shopping at Walmart. The trigger happy cops were not even charged. They got away with it.
it's not like he was just standing there
he had what was a very real looking rifle
they gave commands to drop the rifle--he did not
per the topic--not best, this is questionable manslaughter--maybe...
most of these shootings are self defense...others--like this one, are not murder at all, but maybe questionable
so, in the end--overall--most of these shootings are self defense, the rest questionable manslaughter--not even close to murder
Actually he was just standing there when they shot him. As far as failure to obey commands, they did not give him time to process what the hell was going on. They shot him within a second. And we have no way to know whether he even heard and comprehended what they said. Cops tend to yell and scream which makes them unintelligible.

He wasn't breaking any law whatsoever and the police had absolutely no legitimate reason to shoot him. They got away with murder. Then cops wonder why they get randomly executed on the street.

Those cops had no reason to act so aggressively. Most likely they were on drugs.
common sense tells you in this day and age, not to walk around like that with a rifle/what looks exactly like a rifle
if you are so stupid and do stupid things, it's not the cops fault
that wasn't murder--you just discredited your argument

  1. 1.
    the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
    "the stabbing murder of an off-Broadway producer"
    synonyms: killing, homicide, assassination, liquidation, extermination, execution, slaughter, butchery, massacre; Moverb
  1. 1.
    kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation
He was holding an airgun in a gun store. That is certainly not something to panic over.
you just discredited yourself--it was a Walmart--not a gun store
Walmart sells guns. In fact the airgun he was holding came right off the shelf at Walmart.
You cant lead a horse to water and not know he is smart enough to know you are trying to get him to drink piss.

When are white men going to learn to be emotionally available to their daughters so they dont seek out Black men?
that FBI hate crime statistic really blows your mind, doesn't it??
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites can't believe that, can you??
Not really. Blacks have a reason to hate whites. Why would it blow my mind?
you admit they do hate !! I can't believe it !!
so they commit hate crimes because they have a reason to hate whites
whites commit hate crimes--but don't have a reason to hate--got it !!!!!
Correct. Blacks never enslaved whites here in the US. Whites enslaved Blacks for 310 years, then they legally discriminated against them for another 90 years.
so the blacks are not racist when they commit a hate crime?
hate crime
noun: hate crime; plural noun: hate crimes
  1. a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence.
Who said they were not racist? Are you trying to find something to hold onto since I called you on your bullshit? :laugh:
that FBI hate crime statistic really blows your mind, doesn't it??
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites can't believe that, can you??
Not really. Blacks have a reason to hate whites. Why would it blow my mind?
you admit they do hate !! I can't believe it !!
so they commit hate crimes because they have a reason to hate whites
whites commit hate crimes--but don't have a reason to hate--got it !!!!!
Correct. Blacks never enslaved whites here in the US. Whites enslaved Blacks for 310 years, then they legally discriminated against them for another 90 years.
so the blacks are not racist when they commit a hate crime?
hate crime
noun: hate crime; plural noun: hate crimes
  1. a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence.
Who said they were not racist? Are you trying to find something to hold onto since I called you on your bullshit? :laugh:
please read it again--I said blacks were more racist
facts you cannot deny:
blacks commit murder at over SEVEN times the rate of whites..per capita, if you know what that means
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

. ''The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites,''
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
What does that have to do with the fact that cops are racist and whites commit more crime than all other demographics combined?


According to the F.B.I. (Stats for 2015) 51.1% of people arrested for MURDER were Black.

Also, 53.5% of people arrested for ROBBERY were Black.

Look it up.

That's true even though the Black population is only 13%.

When are Black Men going to learn how to help raise their own children?


You said and I quote..."They commit about 50% of the crimes"

Got caught lying? :laugh:

I got caught trying to lead a horse to water, knowing I could not make him drink.

When are Black Men going to learn how to help raise their own children?

You cant lead a horse to water and not know he is smart enough to know you are trying to get him to drink piss.

When are white men going to learn to be emotionally available to their daughters so they dont seek out Black men?
that FBI hate crime statistic really blows your mind, doesn't it??
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites can't believe that, can you??
Not really. Blacks have a reason to hate whites. Why would it blow my mind?

In 2015, race was reported for 5,493 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

  • 48.4 percent were White.
  • 24.3 percent were Black or African American.
you don't understand the numbers, do you?
black population around 12.7%....white population around 65%
you do see, blacks commit hate crimes at over twice the rate?
Not really. Blacks have a reason to hate whites. Why would it blow my mind?
you admit they do hate !! I can't believe it !!
so they commit hate crimes because they have a reason to hate whites
whites commit hate crimes--but don't have a reason to hate--got it !!!!!
Correct. Blacks never enslaved whites here in the US. Whites enslaved Blacks for 310 years, then they legally discriminated against them for another 90 years.
so the blacks are not racist when they commit a hate crime?
hate crime
noun: hate crime; plural noun: hate crimes
  1. a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence.
Who said they were not racist? Are you trying to find something to hold onto since I called you on your bullshit? :laugh:
please read it again--I said blacks were more racist
No you didnt say more racist you ignorant monkey. You said this...

"so the blacks are not racist when they commit a hate crime?"

Blacks cant be more racist than whites. They should be but by nature they cant. Only whites have the ability to reach the lowest depths of racism. You have a reason. You fear genetic annihilation due to your recessive genes.
What does that have to do with the fact that cops are racist and whites commit more crime than all other demographics combined?

You said and I quote..."They commit about 50% of the crimes"

Got caught lying? :laugh:

I got caught trying to lead a horse to water, knowing I could not make him drink.

When are Black Men going to learn how to help raise their own children?

You cant lead a horse to water and not know he is smart enough to know you are trying to get him to drink piss.

When are white men going to learn to be emotionally available to their daughters so they dont seek out Black men?
that FBI hate crime statistic really blows your mind, doesn't it??
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites can't believe that, can you??
Not really. Blacks have a reason to hate whites. Why would it blow my mind?

In 2015, race was reported for 5,493 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

  • 48.4 percent were White.
  • 24.3 percent were Black or African American.
you don't understand the numbers, do you?
black population around 12.7%....white population around 65%
you do see, blacks commit hate crimes at over twice the rate?

this is what I see from your link.

In 2015, race was reported for 5,493 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

  • 48.4 percent were White.
  • 24.3 percent were Black or African American.

I got caught trying to lead a horse to water, knowing I could not make him drink.

When are Black Men going to learn how to help raise their own children?

You cant lead a horse to water and not know he is smart enough to know you are trying to get him to drink piss.

When are white men going to learn to be emotionally available to their daughters so they dont seek out Black men?
that FBI hate crime statistic really blows your mind, doesn't it??
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites can't believe that, can you??
Not really. Blacks have a reason to hate whites. Why would it blow my mind?
you admit they do hate !! I can't believe it !!
so they commit hate crimes because they have a reason to hate whites
whites commit hate crimes--but don't have a reason to hate--got it !!!!!
Correct. i am actually surprised that Blacks are not leading like whites are in hate crimes. Blacks never enslaved whites here in the US. Whites enslaved Blacks for 310 years, then they legally discriminated against them for another 90 years. To this very day racist white cops partrol Black neighborhoods. What part of that confuses you?
I can clearly see why blacks would be distrustful of police.etc
but all their martyrs are criminals resisting/threatening police ..they are hurting their cause
You cant lead a horse to water and not know he is smart enough to know you are trying to get him to drink piss.

When are white men going to learn to be emotionally available to their daughters so they dont seek out Black men?
that FBI hate crime statistic really blows your mind, doesn't it??
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites can't believe that, can you??
Not really. Blacks have a reason to hate whites. Why would it blow my mind?
you admit they do hate !! I can't believe it !!
so they commit hate crimes because they have a reason to hate whites
whites commit hate crimes--but don't have a reason to hate--got it !!!!!
Correct. i am actually surprised that Blacks are not leading like whites are in hate crimes. Blacks never enslaved whites here in the US. Whites enslaved Blacks for 310 years, then they legally discriminated against them for another 90 years. To this very day racist white cops partrol Black neighborhoods. What part of that confuses you?
I can clearly see why blacks would be distrustful of police.etc
but all their martyrs are criminals resisting/threatening police ..they are hurting their cause
Who told you all theiry martyrs are criminals that resist and threaten the police? Most likely the police.

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