blacks are pissed the do not get juneteenth off

Sorry, I don't do First Grade material. Especially when it has already been covered. Come back and see me if you ever manage to get out of grade school.

Meantime, don't hold your breath hoping juneteenth will ever be anything but a pipe dream.
You mean you can't intelligently explain what makes some holidays real and others made up. It's ok, I knew you couldn't because that idea is fucking stupid. 😄
You should know being raised on that slop.

Glad to see you know what you are-- it takes one to know one.

Washington's Birthday isn't made up. Washington was Father of our Country.
Forth of July wasn't made up. That is our nation's Independence Day.
Thanksgiving isn't made up. That is the day we've set aside for giving thanks in keeping with tradition set by the colonies.
Juneteenth is a made up fucking bullshit holiday invented by white liberals to kiss the asses of their crybaby Africans.
My calendar doesn't even show it nor does my spell-checker even recognize it.
It’s music to appease the savage breast. To be effective though and cause change we would need about 360 more days.
Sure. Already done that. Do you have episodes of blacking out?
I can read just fine. That why I read you list off a bunch of holidays you thought were real ones but what you didn't do is explain what makes them real and others fake. That you can't do because that idea is stupid. 😁
I can read just fine. That why I read you list off a bunch of holidays you thought were real ones but what you didn't do is explain what makes them real and others fake. That you can't do because that idea is stupid. 😁
Real is long standing with some reason behind it
Fake is recently and hastily made up in a silly attempt to appease one specific segment. MLK day is for a real and great man, Presidents birthday also, Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th,Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas-All for everybody. Juneteenth?-the very word itself is an illiteracy
All facts-let the wailing, feelings, name calling and wishes begin
Real is long standing with some reason behind it
Fake is recently and hastily made up in a silly attempt to appease one specific segment.
Do you think you can sound less emotional when you make this argument? 😆

Black people have been celebrating Juneteenth for some time now, just because you've only now heard of it doesn't make it recent.
MLK day is for a real and great man, Presidents birthday also, Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th,Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas-All for everybody. Juneteenth?-the very word itself is an illiteracy
You mean it's made up? All words are made up you moron. 😄
All facts-let the wailing, feelings, name calling and wishes begin
You don't know facts from feelings do you, Short Bus? Believing MLK was a great man is a feeling, one I happen to share, it is not however, a fact. 😄
Do you think you can sound less emotional when you make this argument? 😆

Black people have been celebrating Juneteenth for some time now, just because you've only now heard of it doesn't make it recent.

You mean it's made up? All words are made up you moron. 😄

You don't know facts from feelings do you, Short Bus? Believing MLK was a great man is a feeling, one I happen to share, it is not however, a fact. 😄
The normal insults when a racist emotetard has no rebuttal so spews disgruntled feelings instead. You have you own very special made up “holiday” just for you so embrace it rather than trying to defend it.
The normal insults when a racist emotetard has no rebuttal so spews disgruntled feelings instead. You have you own very special made up “holiday” just for you so embrace it rather than trying to defend it.
And Christians have their own special holidays for them and jews for them. Guess what you clown, they're all equally made up. 😆
Liberals always fail to understand what thinkers already know
If this is such a valid and noble holiday then embrace and enjoy it.
But…., they can’t. They MUST receive validation from outside sources that it’s legit in order to Feel confirmed. This is their great weakness on a myriad of feelings related issues. They must force feed confirmation from the opposing point of view. They lack courage of their own convictions because frankly their “convictions” have no courage. When it doesn’t come they shriek, badger and name call.
It’s called”other directed behavior” which is a very unhealthy way to “live “. As bad as constantly engaging in shame inspired behavior control attempts; another very poor part of liberal upbringing.
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Science is simply the way we discern truth from supposition. If you're studying humanities, or anything for that matter, hopefully your studying things that have some measure of discernable truth in them.
Where is the "truth" in Art? In Literature? The Humanities could be described as the ABSENCE of Science.
I really don't see what the problem is with celebrating the end of slavery in the US. I'm not sure why the holiday wasn't established as soon as the emancipation was signed, but let's just keep pretending the cause was Union States gave a shit about slavery and not the economics of cheap labor and the textile industry. For ordinary people slavery may have been an issue worth dying for, but for rich industrialists cheap labor and cotton was worth sending other people's kids to war was worth spending a little money on.

Let's please stop the pretense that the war of northern aggression was some sort of Holy Jihad against what was indeed a horrific institution, but not one fuck was given about the people actually enslaved.

Just like Afghanistan. We spend billions of dollars and sent billions more dollars worth of weapons into a country that nothing anyone needs, and that was just to get russian troops out. Then we stopped giving a fuck for 12 years until airplanes crashed into buildings. Then suddenly everyone found out about a 1400 year old cult that has 1/3 of the world banging their heads on carpets 5 times a day.

Yet I digress...

We stopped giving a shit about AFG when we went to war and ousted Hussein. It was a tactical decision and drew jihadist flies from all over the world to the country like a huge pile of the Pope's shit.

Now here it is 20 fuckin years later and these issues are still not solved after trillions of dollars have been spent, and 170 years years after the slave trade was outlawed in the US.

In 500 years will (assuming humans still exist) there be carpet pilots pissing and moaning about this shit? Can I piss and moan, demand reparations from Italy about the possibility that some of my slavic ancestry having been enslaved? Where's my fuckin reparations? I want 85 Kilos of gold for what my Great Grandparents 30 times removed might have suffered thanks to dago conquests into the motherland and their failures to provide law and order and maintain a minimal standard of human rights.

Otherwise STFU N****R

You assholes wouldn't exist in the western hemisphere if portuguese merchants hadn't traded you for rum and shipped your Great Grandfathers 10 times removed to this hemisphere where you've still got things better off than most africans. The people who sold you might have just eaten you or left your corpses to the hyenas. Instead they dragged you to the beach, traded you for rum, went home and got drunk.

I don't give a shit if you don't like this reality. It is what it is. You didn't develop GUNS first, so you lost the fight. Suck it up and drive on assholes.

No. You clown. Make your argument if you have one. 😄
Too bad. Contempt prior to investigation will keep you in everlasting ignorance.

I gave you a starting point, it's up to you whether you want to pursue it

Ha ha - you're familiar with the term "heathen"? It means uncultured. :p
All right, this discussion is getting a little far afield. I'm out. I don't want to start arguing science and philosophy.

But I'm on record - "I like holidays". :p
I really don't see what the problem is with celebrating the end of slavery in the US. I'm not sure why the holiday wasn't established as soon as the emancipation was signed, but let's just keep pretending the cause was Union States gave a shit about slavery and not the economics of cheap labor and the textile industry. For ordinary people slavery may have been an issue worth dying for, but for rich industrialists cheap labor and cotton was worth sending other people's kids to war was worth spending a little money on.

Let's please stop the pretense that the war of northern aggression was some sort of Holy Jihad against what was indeed a horrific institution, but not one fuck was given about the people actually enslaved.

Just like Afghanistan. We spend billions of dollars and sent billions more dollars worth of weapons into a country that nothing anyone needs, and that was just to get russian troops out. Then we stopped giving a fuck for 12 years until airplanes crashed into buildings. Then suddenly everyone found out about a 1400 year old cult that has 1/3 of the world banging their heads on carpets 5 times a day.

Yet I digress...

We stopped giving a shit about AFG when we went to war and ousted Hussein. It was a tactical decision and drew jihadist flies from all over the world to the country like a huge pile of the Pope's shit.

Now here it is 20 fuckin years later and these issues are still not solved after trillions of dollars have been spent, and 170 years years after the slave trade was outlawed in the US.

In 500 years will (assuming humans still exist) there be carpet pilots pissing and moaning about this shit? Can I piss and moan, demand reparations from Italy about the possibility that some of my slavic ancestry having been enslaved? Where's my fuckin reparations? I want 85 Kilos of gold for what my Great Grandparents 30 times removed might have suffered thanks to dago conquests into the motherland and their failures to provide law and order and maintain a minimal standard of human rights.

Otherwise STFU N****R

You assholes wouldn't exist in the western hemisphere if portuguese merchants hadn't traded you for rum and shipped your Great Grandfathers 10 times removed to this hemisphere where you've still got things better off than most africans. The people who sold you might have just eaten you or left your corpses to the hyenas. Instead they dragged you to the beach, traded you for rum, went home and got drunk.

I don't give a shit if you don't like this reality. It is what it is. You didn't develop GUNS first, so you lost the fight. Suck it up and drive on assholes.

juneteenth wasnt when it ended either
Too bad. Contempt prior to investigation will keep you in everlasting ignorance.

I gave you a starting point, it's up to you whether you want to pursue it

Ha ha - you're familiar with the term "heathen"? It means uncultured. :p
Yea, thats just a derogatory term you dipshit. It isn't evidence of anything. After all I just called you a dipshit, does that mean that you're literally dipping yourself in shit? Think on it a little. 😆

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