blacks are pissed the do not get juneteenth off

No. You're still wrong. There are many examples of "uncultured" cultures. Usually happens during the fall of empires, when people get ignorant.

Crack a cultural anthropology textbook sometime. You'll find out how culture "begins". Check out the Cargo Cults, there is no doubt they "acquired" culture.
Name an anthropology book you've read and quote the text you simp. 😆 One of my favorite books is Sapiens by Yuval Harari. It says this:

ABOUT 14 BILLION YEARS AGO, MATTER, energy, time and space came into being in what is known as the Big Bang. The story of these fundamental features of our universe is called physics. About 300,000 years after their appearance, matter and energy started to coalesce into complex structures, called atoms, which then combined into molecules. The story of atoms, molecules and their interactions is called chemistry. About 4 billion years ago, on a planet called Earth, certain molecules combined to form particularly large and intricate structures called organisms. The story of organisms is called biology. About 70,000 years ago, organisms belonging to the species Homo sapiens started to form even more elaborate structures called cultures. The subsequent development of these human cultures is called history.

Every group of human beings have culture. Culture is nothing more than social customs of any given society. They dictate how we act towards one another, what God's we worship, what foods we eat...

Even during the fall of society it's not that culture is non existent, it's that it typically becomes violent and suspicious until everyone is wiped out and the survivors assimilated into other cultures who might even adopt some aspects of it.
Name an anthropology book you've read and quote the text you simp. 😆 One of my favorite books is Sapiens by Yuval Harari. It says this:

ABOUT 14 BILLION YEARS AGO, MATTER, energy, time and space came into being in what is known as the Big Bang. The story of these fundamental features of our universe is called physics. About 300,000 years after their appearance, matter and energy started to coalesce into complex structures, called atoms, which then combined into molecules. The story of atoms, molecules and their interactions is called chemistry. About 4 billion years ago, on a planet called Earth, certain molecules combined to form particularly large and intricate structures called organisms. The story of organisms is called biology. About 70,000 years ago, organisms belonging to the species Homo sapiens started to form even more elaborate structures called cultures. The subsequent development of these human cultures is called history.

Every group of human beings have culture. Culture is nothing more than social customs of any given society. They dictate how we act towards one another, what God's we worship, what foods we eat...

Even during the fall of society it's not that culture is non existent, it's that it typically becomes violent and suspicious until everyone is wiped out and the survivors assimilated into other cultures who might even adopt some aspects of it.

That bolded paragraph is your straight-up fairy tale. "came into being"....."started to coalesce"...."certain molecules combined"......

I love watching space shows though I am a total layperson. I laugh out loud to hear the physicists contort themselves with the above language. And you were calling ME out for "no objective evidence" hahaha
Name an anthropology book you've read and quote the text you simp. 😆 One of my favorite books is Sapiens by Yuval Harari. It says this:

ABOUT 14 BILLION YEARS AGO, MATTER, energy, time and space came into being in what is known as the Big Bang. The story of these fundamental features of our universe is called physics. About 300,000 years after their appearance, matter and energy started to coalesce into complex structures, called atoms, which then combined into molecules. The story of atoms, molecules and their interactions is called chemistry. About 4 billion years ago, on a planet called Earth, certain molecules combined to form particularly large and intricate structures called organisms. The story of organisms is called biology. About 70,000 years ago, organisms belonging to the species Homo sapiens started to form even more elaborate structures called cultures. The subsequent development of these human cultures is called history.

Every group of human beings have culture. Culture is nothing more than social customs of any given society. They dictate how we act towards one another, what God's we worship, what foods we eat...

Even during the fall of society it's not that culture is non existent, it's that it typically becomes violent and suspicious until everyone is wiped out and the survivors assimilated into other cultures who might even adopt some aspects of it.
You don't know much about much

You think you do, but you don't.

Here's your homework assignment.

"Ventromedial prefrontal cortex"

Answer the following questions:

1. What is it and what does it do?

2. Do monkeys have one? What other species have one?

3. What happens when vmPFC gets damaged?

4. Why are we even talking about this? What does it have to do with culture?
This is astonishing frankly.

You realize logical arguments are the realm of philosophy, yes? Not science?
Philosophy is a realm of science you moron.
And you realize that science does not hold all truth right? There are historical truths that we accept not proven by science?
Who accepts them? Idiots?

ETA If you were stating anything close to the realm of anything sensible here, no one would or could be convicted in a court short of "scientific observation" because it's the only way to know truth. Eyewitnesses don't count toward truth, really? In what world do you live?
Moron, that's why we're finding a lot of cases that where people are convicted of solely on eye witness testimony that years later we find DNA evidence, i.e. objective proof, that exonerates the convicted.
That bolded paragraph is your straight-up fairy tale. "came into being"....."started to coalesce"...."certain molecules combined"......

I love watching space shows though I am a total layperson. I laugh out loud to hear the physicists contort themselves with the above language. And you were calling ME out for "no objective evidence" hahaha
We have objective evidence for the big bang. You sure you're paying attention during those... "space shows"... 😆
You don't know much about much

You think you do, but you don't.

Here's your homework assignment.

"Ventromedial prefrontal cortex"

Answer the following questions:

1. What is it and what does it do?

2. Do monkeys have one? What other species have one?

3. What happens when vmPFC gets damaged?

4. Why are we even talking about this? What does it have to do with culture?
No. You clown. Make your argument if you have one. 😄
You don't know much about much

You think you do, but you don't.

Here's your homework assignment.

"Ventromedial prefrontal cortex"

Answer the following questions:

1. What is it and what does it do?

2. Do monkeys have one? What other species have one?

3. What happens when vmPFC gets damaged?

4. Why are we even talking about this? What does it have to do with culture?
If that bed wetter was even born with one, it atrophied.

We have objective evidence for the big bang. You sure you're paying attention during those... "space shows"... 😆
A conservative acquaintance of mine is a retired high school teacher who believes in Noah`s Ark and Adam and Eve. I'm glad he`s retired. He said that there can`t be alien life forms because "we have God". Crazy MTG believes the same nonsense. There`s no arguing with someone who plays the God card.
A conservative acquaintance of mine is a retired high school teacher who believes in Noah`s Ark and Adam and Eve. I'm glad he`s retired. He said that there can`t be alien life forms because "we have God". Crazy MTG believes the same nonsense. There`s no arguing with someone who plays the God card.
There is pointing and laughing at them though. 😆
Philosophy is a realm of science you moron.

Who accepts them? Idiots?

Moron, that's why we're finding a lot of cases that where people are convicted of solely on eye witness testimony that years later we find DNA evidence, i.e. objective proof, that exonerates the convicted.

Philosophy is not "a science", first. Second, historians accept the truth of history.

again. wow.

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