blacks are pissed the do not get juneteenth off

They are real people and real events, it still doesn't make the celebrating of those events, "naturally occuring". Every holiday is made up off of something. Guess what, Jesus didn't really rise from the dead so I guess that makes Easter a "fake" holiday. 😄

That's what I said. MLK, Jesus Christ, were real people. Juneteenth was a real event. Thus, real holidays.

Kwanzaa is a bunch of crap. A professor made the whole thing up in the late 60s. Mostly it's been dropped near as I can tell.
That's what I said. MLK, Jesus Christ, were real people. Juneteenth was a real event. Thus, real holidays.

Kwanzaa is a bunch of crap. A professor made the whole thing up in the late 60s. Mostly it's been dropped near as I can tell.
And jesus being the son of God and rising from the dead is also made up bullshit.
More make pretend
Reparations have been underway for 50 years. Welfare, housing vouchers, u employment, food stamps, Barry, BLM venting, all the bullshit that producers want nothing to do with
Now a very special new made up holiday
The GOP`s base is getting most of the welfare.
I already did the logical argument thing and it flew over your head. All that's left is to point and laugh.

Oh is that the part where you tried to anger me by mentioning twice that Jesus never rose from the dead? That's not a "logical argument".
Oh is that the part where you tried to anger me by mentioning twice that Jesus never rose from the dead? That's not a "logical argument".
Just because you got emotional over me stating facts to you doesn't mean it wasn't a logical argument.
Just because you got emotional over me stating facts to you doesn't mean it wasn't a logical argument.

Projection. You're not clever enough to come into the realm of getting me "emotional". You're an internet God-hater. That's novel. Seriously.
Projection. You're not clever enough to come into the realm of getting me "emotional". You're an internet God-hater. That's novel. Seriously.
Another emotional outburst by you. There is no objective evidence that Jesus was the son of God or that he rose from the dead after the Roman's tortured and crucified him. If you have any, go ahead and present it. If you don't understand what objective evidence is, say so and I'll gladly explain it to you as if you were a particularly slow child.
Another emotional outburst by you. There is no objective evidence that Jesus was the son of God or that he rose from the dead after the Roman's tortured and crucified him. If you have any, go ahead and present it. If you don't understand what objective evidence is, say so and I'll gladly explain it to you as if you were a particularly slow child.

The Gospels are the written evidence. From antiquity that's more history than many other events get that we consider historical. That's first.

Second, the men who wrote the Gospel held to Jesus crucifixion, death and resurrection til the last--through beating, persecution, prison sentences and finally, their death. They had previously been so afraid they scattered and hid from authorities. Yet after the resurrection they willingly died.

Eyewitness testimony held to death. Written testimony. Enough for me. You are free to make your own choice.
The Gospels are the written evidence. From antiquity that's more history than many other events get that we consider historical. That's first.

Second, the men who wrote the Gospel held to Jesus crucifixion, death and resurrection til the last--through beating, persecution, prison sentences and finally, their death. They had previously been so afraid they scattered and hid from authorities. Yet after the resurrection they willingly died.

Eyewitness testimony held to death. Written testimony. Enough for me. You are free to make your own choice.
A fairytale, even a long surviving one, isn't objective evidence. 😄
Yea, I've actually been around the world, boy, and I've read a book or two, it's why I understand there are only different cultures, rather than people who are uncultured. For someone who claims to be working in the music industry and mixing a country reggae fusion, you sure do seem to miss the obvious, even when it's right in your face. 😆
No. You're still wrong. There are many examples of "uncultured" cultures. Usually happens during the fall of empires, when people get ignorant.

Crack a cultural anthropology textbook sometime. You'll find out how culture "begins". Check out the Cargo Cults, there is no doubt they "acquired" culture.
Eyewitness testimony is historical evidence. You are trying to prove something that is not scientific using scientific methods it would seem. That's not wise.
Eyewitness testimony is unreliable because people can be confused about what they saw or they could just be making things up. Objective evidence is what can be proven with physical observations. The distance of a struck baseball, the strength of gravity, the speed of light through water vs vacuum. These things can be measured independently which is what makes them objective. If you aren't using the scientific method then you aren't making logical arguments, you're making emotional ones.
Eyewitness testimony is unreliable because people can be confused about what they saw or they could just be making things up. Objective evidence is what can be proven with physical observations. The distance of a struck baseball, the strength of gravity, the speed of light through water vs vacuum. These things can be measured independently which is what makes them objective. If you aren't using the scientific method then you aren't making logical arguments, you're making emotional ones.

This is astonishing frankly.

You realize logical arguments are the realm of philosophy, yes? Not science?

And you realize that science does not hold all truth right? There are historical truths that we accept not proven by science?

ETA If you were stating anything close to the realm of anything sensible here, no one would or could be convicted in a court short of "scientific observation" because it's the only way to know truth. Eyewitnesses don't count toward truth, really? In what world do you live?

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