blacks are pissed the do not get juneteenth off

Chicago will be celebrating Juneteenth as usual....

I wouldn't be too quick to jump to any assumptions there.

Now go play with your fake made up Juneteenth holiday bullshit.
No need to assume, you displayed your incredible ignorance and stupidity for us all to see and point and laugh at. 😆
Juneteenth day is awesome! I really have no idea why we have off and I don’t care. But I’m going to enjoy my 3 day weekend.
So tell me Goat, do you curry the whole fresh goat or just pick 'em up in the field dead for days first and recycle the carcasses?
1. Curried Goat is delicious.

2. You're still a fucking moron who thinks only some holidays are made up. 😄

3. Can you let me know which are the naturally occurring ones?

Here's a holiday by natural right:

Natural rights is another one of those hilariously amusing security blankets fragile people need to believe in. I suppose after that, believing in natural holidays like that fucking moron, toobfreak, isn't too far off.
1. Curried Goat is delicious.
You should know being raised on that slop.

2. You're still a fucking moron
Glad to see you know what you are-- it takes one to know one.

who thinks only some holidays are made up.
Washington's Birthday isn't made up. Washington was Father of our Country.
Forth of July wasn't made up. That is our nation's Independence Day.
Thanksgiving isn't made up. That is the day we've set aside for giving thanks in keeping with tradition set by the colonies.
Juneteenth is a made up fucking bullshit holiday invented by white liberals to kiss the asses of their crybaby Africans.
My calendar doesn't even show it nor does my spell-checker even recognize it.
Natural rights is another one of those hilariously amusing security blankets fragile people need to believe in.
Are you referring to allodial rights, Curried Goats-Ass? I'll wait now while you go look that up in your Mr. Beanie Dictionary for the Mentally Encumbered.

I suppose after that, believing in natural holidays
Check your Bible, Moron. Right off, Sunday is the intrinsically most natural holiday!
You should know being raised on that slop.

Glad to see you know what you are-- it takes one to know one.

Washington's Birthday isn't made up. Washington was Father of our Country.
Forth of July wasn't made up. That is our nation's Independence Day.
Thanksgiving isn't made up. That is the day we've set aside for giving thanks in keeping with tradition set by the colonies.
Juneteenth is a made up fucking bullshit holiday invented by white liberals to kiss the asses of their crybaby Africans.
My calendar doesn't even show it nor does my spell-checker even recognize it.

You learned all this from your calendar? Mayan or gregorian? 😄
Are you referring to allodial rights, Curried Goats-Ass? I'll wait now while you go look that up in your Mr. Beanie Dictionary for the Mentally Encumbered.

Check your Bible, Moron. Right off, Sunday is the intrinsically most natural holiday!
No, I was referring to natural rights, which is why I typed natural rights. Are you dyslexic on top of being a complete moron? 😆

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