blacks are pissed the do not get juneteenth off

What's the difference between a natural right and an allodial right?
An allodial right is a natural right but not all natural rights are allodial rights, if that helps. 😁 Also natural rights is a funnier term because simps like you take it to mean, "not entirely imaginary"
This poor simp still ain't got no bogus juneteenth on his calendar! :21:
Yep. You really are getting the better of us by proudly exclaiming you get one less holiday. 😄

You fucking morons don't even know how to properly talk shit. 😆
Natural rights is another one of those hilariously amusing security blankets fragile people need to believe in. I suppose after that, believing in natural holidays like that fucking moron, toobfreak, isn't too far off.
Spoken like a truly ignorant and uncultured maroon. ^^^
Spoken like a truly ignorant and uncultured maroon. ^^^
The notion that some people are uncultured is also one of those hilarious security blanket cuck whites like you need. There are no uncultured people, only differently cultured people, if you weren't such an ignorant moron you'd know that. 😆
The notion that some people are uncultured is also one of those hilarious security blanket cuck whites like you need. There are no uncultured people, only differently cultured people, if you weren't such an ignorant moron you'd know that. 😆

You've obviously never been to Russia.

They have a quaint little word called "nekulturny", which is one of the biggest insults there is.

Imagine that, a Russian calling you uncultured.

You've obviously never been to Russia.

They have a quaint little word called "nekulturny", which is one of the biggest insults there is.

Imagine that, a Russian calling you uncultured.
So because a Russian said it that makes it true? Is that how logic works to you? 😄
So because a Russian said it that makes it true? Is that how logic works to you? 😄
I'm saying you should get out of mommy's basement once in a while. Your vision is very narrow.

I'm in the music business. We build bridges, instead of destroying them

My next release is a country reggae tune. I'm going to have all those hillbillies you despise, tapping their toes to a one-drop.

Build, don't destroy. Life is too short. And children are too valuable
The wife gets 12 hours of double time pay because of it and I am off work. Sounds like a real holiday to me.

But as is the par on this forum, the best thing that Juneteenth did was get all the racist to come out and proudly fight over who is the biggest racist.

What fun.
As opposed to all the naturally occurring holidays? Jesus fucking Christ you clowns are stoooopid. 😂

Well you know, Jesus was not really born on Dec 25th, so that is just a made up holiday as well. :auiqs.jpg:

I cannot wait for these same morons to be whining about it come December
I'm saying you should get out of mommy's basement once in a while. Your vision is very narrow.

I'm in the music business. We build bridges, instead of destroying them

My next release is a country reggae tune. I'm going to have all those hillbillies you despise, tapping their toes to a one-drop.

Build, don't destroy. Life is too short. And children are too valuable
Yea, I've actually been around the world, boy, and I've read a book or two, it's why I understand there are only different cultures, rather than people who are uncultured. For someone who claims to be working in the music industry and mixing a country reggae fusion, you sure do seem to miss the obvious, even when it's right in your face. 😆
MLK Day--a real person

Juneteenth-- a real event

Kwanzaa-- really made up stuff trying to get in on Christmas and Hanukkah
They are real people and real events, it still doesn't make the celebrating of those events, "naturally occuring". Every holiday is made up off of something. Guess what, Jesus didn't really rise from the dead so I guess that makes Easter a "fake" holiday. 😄
I'm still trying to get paid for taking Kwanzaa off...


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