Blacks are racists/haters/etc also

From your link.

In 2015, race was reported for 5,493 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

48.4 percent were White.
24.3 percent were Black or African American.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Whites commit more hate crimes than blacks.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Not per capita. Whites commit hate crimes at the same level as their percentage of population. Black people double their population numbers.
Prove it.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
In 2016, race was reported for 5,770 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

46.3 percent were white.
26.1 percent were black or African American

So will you admit that you were wrong NOW?
Your link:
404. That’s an error.

The requested URL /amp/s/ was not found on this server. That’s all we know.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
I have made this simple point before. The humans of today are essentially the same genetically as the humans 1000 years, ago, in terms of brain size and cognitive abilities. In fact, there is research that shows that our brains have actually shrank the last 20,000 years and that comfort living is devolving humans, but that is beside the point and for another topic.

Anyway, if the brains of humans 1000 years ago are essentially the same brains humans have today……why is society today much more advanced than human society 1000 years ago? I make this juxtaposition because to follow the logic of many posters on this forum, having an inferior level of technical advancement infers mental inferiority. For example, people point to Africa and its lack of advancement, they say, relative to Europeans and imply that such demonstrates that black people are inferior in intellectual capacity.

If the brain of the Caucasian is essentially the same as the brain of the Caucasian 1000 years ago, then why did they not develop computers, internal combustion engines, space travel, etc., 1000 years ago? Why was the Caucasian 1000 years ago lest advanced than the Caucasian today, despite the same brain size and genetics? Obviously the reason has nothing to do with genetic superiority or inferiority because we are essentially talking about the same genetics. There has not been an evolution of the brain in the last 1000 years that now allows for creating computers and flying into space.

Hence, the fact that Africans have not developed what Europeans developed is not in any way evidence of inferior brain genetics. Just because a people or individual has not done something is not evidence that they don’t have the capacity to do it. All these charts and maps of Africa are attempts to argue some sort of genetic inferiority in blacks by racist......who are not even smart enough to realize that they are racist.
Last edited:
Whites commit more hate crimes than blacks.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Not per capita. Whites commit hate crimes at the same level as their percentage of population. Black people double their population numbers.
Prove it.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
In 2016, race was reported for 5,770 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

46.3 percent were white.
26.1 percent were black or African American

So will you admit that you were wrong NOW?
Your link:
404. That’s an error.

The requested URL /amp/s/ was not found on this server. That’s all we know.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
It works fine for me, plus they are the same statistics as the article that YOU posted. Will you admit you're wrong now?
Last edited:
Again, since you refuse to take off the spidey man underwear......your position is that blacks are natural inferior to whites.

Now, like I pointed out before, the manifestation of individuals with such beliefs:

Hiring manager:. Less likely to hire an African American. More likely to fire an African American.
Teacher : More likely to suspend or put blacks in remedial education, because they believe blacks can't keep up.
Loan officer : More likely to charge blacks higher interest on loan or deny loans, all other things being equal.
Police officer : More likely to think the black person is a threat to their lives and hence respond more forcefully.
Judge : More likely to give black longer and stiffer sentences.
Home owner : More likely to move from the neighborhood when blacks start moving in:
Parent : More likely to take their kids out of school systems when blacks start enrolling.
Politics : More likely to align with the political party that is most in opposition to black interest.

In fact, your views, and others who share them, would help create/incubate the conditions in blacks that you complain about. Its not an issue of what came first, the chicken or the egg either. Blacks did not come to America as a people who had children out of wedlock. Blacks did not come to America with high rates of crime. Blacks did not come to America with "black culture"....but rather, "African culture". All the things you all complain about came about from centuries of contact with whites.
Blacks are, in general, intellectually inferior to Whites and Asians. This is from generations of poor schooling, in Africa, and here in the US. Now I'm not saying that blacks aren't smart enough to catch up, there probably are, but you all need to stay in school, even if that had never been part of "African culture". And one more thing, please pull your pants up, everyone is laughing at you.
The5e are pl
Thats a rather shallow assessment of the entire black community. A few hip hop punks don't define black life in America. Most blacks are God fearing Christians who are as conservative in their beliefs as any white person here. They work and pay taxes like you do. And most are far from being poor.
Not talking about wealth, but intelligence, and at this stage of the game, blacks are behind Asians and Whites, as a race and in general.
But isnt your whole purpose of echoing that well worn put down to explain why blacks are poor... even though most are not? Just what good did it do for some whites to unilaterally complile all that data just to show racial comparisons in SAT tests? The results tell us nothing about the intelligence of individuals.
All i see such data being used for is to use as a talking point on message boards by whites who need to feel superior to someone.
Further...from the time blacks were brought here in chains a social conditioning has taken place wheras. Whitev. is superior and black is inferior. Blacks and whites alike are thoroughly indoctrinated with that belief.
But some of us are beginning to see the truth.
Black men can accomplish anything white men can. Some have defied the odds and accomplished things white men couldnt do
Such as Dr Ben Carson, Vivien Thomas, or Charles Drew.
And although you might see American Blacks as less intelligent that whites on the'd better look again...your data is outdated. Black women and African immigrants are two of the most educated groups in America. But the Africans doubled down and are also the most educated group in the UK.
It's not about saying something because I want to feel superior to blacks. It's about telling it like it is. ANYONE, black or white or Asian... who stays in school will do better and develop their intellect at the same time. It just so happens that blacks stay the least in school, just look at Africa. And I'm not saying they can't catch up, they can, just have to see education as something to hang onto.
Did you read the part where African Immigants are the most educated group in the USAand the UK? And native born Black women are excelling inacademic attainment too. Africa is still reeling from the after effects of colonialism but once given an opportunity arises to go and study abroad Africans meet thr challenge head on. And it is rare to find an African scholar that doesn't speak several languages. They could take an IQ test in several languages. How many Americans could do that?

So..looking at present trends...I'd say your worldview is a bit dated...
we went over this in other threads and here
Africa has the highest illiteracy rate--don't try to make it look like they are more literate
no--I'm pretty sure --was it you--the last link I saw on USMB was the black females are ENROLLING/attending college at higher rates--not graduating at higher rates

world literacy

and African immigrants make up a very small percentage of total immigrants
sub-Saharan Africa (4%).
FOUR you understand how that relates to statistics?
Key findings about U.S. immigrants

I dont put much faith in statistics compiled unilaterally by whites who hate blacks. I can see and talk to African immigrants who are excelling in academia and who have obtained advanced degrees. If they came out of Africa with brains enough to do what most white people can't then I find your dire assessment of Africa suspect. There must be millions more just like them.
And the black women who are stepping up are certainly knocking a hole in your black inferiority theme also...even if they are enrolled in college in a greater percentage than other groups
Whites commit more hate crimes than blacks.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Not per capita. Whites commit hate crimes at the same level as their percentage of population. Black people double their population numbers.
Prove it.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
In 2016, race was reported for 5,770 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

46.3 percent were white.
26.1 percent were black or African American

So will you admit that you were wrong NOW?
Your link:
404. That’s an error.

The requested URL /amp/s/ was not found on this server. That’s all we know.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
It works fine for me, plus they are the same statistics as the article that YOU posted. Will you admit you're wrong now?

I never posted an article. Blues boy did.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
I dont put much faith in statistics compiled unilaterally by whites who hate blacks. I can see and talk to African immigrants who are excelling in academia and who have obtained advanced degrees. If they came out of Africa with brains enough to do what most white people can't then I find your dire assessment of Africa suspect. There must be millions more just like them.
And the black women who are stepping up are certainly knocking a hole in your black inferiority theme also...even if they are enrolled in college in a greater percentage than other groups

I have a lot more confidence in statistics than in personal anecdotes of some anonymous message board poster, especially one who equates Trump to Hitler, and thinks pew research is run by a cabal of racist white people.
Not per capita. Whites commit hate crimes at the same level as their percentage of population. Black people double their population numbers.
Prove it.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
In 2016, race was reported for 5,770 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

46.3 percent were white.
26.1 percent were black or African American

So will you admit that you were wrong NOW?
Your link:
404. That’s an error.

The requested URL /amp/s/ was not found on this server. That’s all we know.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
It works fine for me, plus they are the same statistics as the article that YOU posted. Will you admit you're wrong now?

I never posted an article. Blues boy did.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Your inability to admit that you're wrong is a terrible character flaw. You've been shown the evidence, but you don't have the integrity to acknowledge it. Sad.
Prove it.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
In 2016, race was reported for 5,770 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

46.3 percent were white.
26.1 percent were black or African American

So will you admit that you were wrong NOW?
Your link:
404. That’s an error.

The requested URL /amp/s/ was not found on this server. That’s all we know.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
It works fine for me, plus they are the same statistics as the article that YOU posted. Will you admit you're wrong now?

I never posted an article. Blues boy did.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Your inability to admit that you're wrong is a terrible character flaw. You've been shown the evidence, but you don't have the integrity to acknowledge it. Sad.
What exactly am I wrong about?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Blacks are, in general, intellectually inferior to Whites and Asians. This is from generations of poor schooling, in Africa, and here in the US. Now I'm not saying that blacks aren't smart enough to catch up, there probably are, but you all need to stay in school, even if that had never been part of "African culture". And one more thing, please pull your pants up, everyone is laughing at you.
The5e are pl
Not talking about wealth, but intelligence, and at this stage of the game, blacks are behind Asians and Whites, as a race and in general.
But isnt your whole purpose of echoing that well worn put down to explain why blacks are poor... even though most are not? Just what good did it do for some whites to unilaterally complile all that data just to show racial comparisons in SAT tests? The results tell us nothing about the intelligence of individuals.
All i see such data being used for is to use as a talking point on message boards by whites who need to feel superior to someone.
Further...from the time blacks were brought here in chains a social conditioning has taken place wheras. Whitev. is superior and black is inferior. Blacks and whites alike are thoroughly indoctrinated with that belief.
But some of us are beginning to see the truth.
Black men can accomplish anything white men can. Some have defied the odds and accomplished things white men couldnt do
Such as Dr Ben Carson, Vivien Thomas, or Charles Drew.
And although you might see American Blacks as less intelligent that whites on the'd better look again...your data is outdated. Black women and African immigrants are two of the most educated groups in America. But the Africans doubled down and are also the most educated group in the UK.
It's not about saying something because I want to feel superior to blacks. It's about telling it like it is. ANYONE, black or white or Asian... who stays in school will do better and develop their intellect at the same time. It just so happens that blacks stay the least in school, just look at Africa. And I'm not saying they can't catch up, they can, just have to see education as something to hang onto.
Did you read the part where African Immigants are the most educated group in the USAand the UK? And native born Black women are excelling inacademic attainment too. Africa is still reeling from the after effects of colonialism but once given an opportunity arises to go and study abroad Africans meet thr challenge head on. And it is rare to find an African scholar that doesn't speak several languages. They could take an IQ test in several languages. How many Americans could do that?

So..looking at present trends...I'd say your worldview is a bit dated...
we went over this in other threads and here
Africa has the highest illiteracy rate--don't try to make it look like they are more literate
no--I'm pretty sure --was it you--the last link I saw on USMB was the black females are ENROLLING/attending college at higher rates--not graduating at higher rates

world literacy

and African immigrants make up a very small percentage of total immigrants
sub-Saharan Africa (4%).
FOUR you understand how that relates to statistics?
Key findings about U.S. immigrants

I dont put much faith in statistics compiled unilaterally by whites who hate blacks. I can see and talk to African immigrants who are excelling in academia and who have obtained advanced degrees. If they came out of Africa with brains enough to do what most white people can't then I find your dire assessment of Africa suspect. There must be millions more just like them.
And the black women who are stepping up are certainly knocking a hole in your black inferiority theme also...even if they are enrolled in college in a greater percentage than other groups
you truly are living in a fairytale land
Africa is a shithole
potable water problems

yes they are enrolled--not graduating though !
they are enrolled in higher numbers per their population--which is low
--I can see why blacks graduate at lower levels--you do not even understand basic math
if you don't believe this--there is no point in trying to point out facts to you--you don't believe anything!!hahahahahahahahah
you get the ignore button because you won't/can't believe facts
so I see all these whites are evil threads/white supremacists/white supremacists running for office/white hate groups/whites committing hate crimes/etc

let's make it clear right here:
blacks -etc are racists/haters/prejudiced/bigots/etc also
they also have their groups geared to helping their race and their race only
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

So essentially you are saying its a wash, in regards to racism. Ergo, blacks are just as racist as whites. However, whites win the morality contest because blac
so I see all these whites are evil threads/white supremacists/white supremacists running for office/white hate groups/whites committing hate crimes/etc

let's make it clear right here:
blacks -etc are racists/haters/prejudiced/bigots/etc also
they also have their groups geared to helping their race and their race only
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

If everything is a wash and blacks are just as guilty of racism as whites......I don't understand why black poverty is 2 1/2 times that of whites and why black wealth is 15 times less than whites and why black unemployment it twice that of whites.

I am trying to figure out how we became unequal economically if everything whites did to blacks was offset by things blacks did against whites. I mean, it seems logical to me is that the one guilty of doing the most dirt against the other......would be the one that is ahead.

Three rules for staying out of poverty

"You can avoid poverty by:

1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job.

If you do all those three things, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent. Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

Applies to everyone
These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups. Breaking these rules is becoming more commonplace, unfortunately, for all racial groups.

By contrast, young adults who violated all three norms - dropped out, got married before 21 and had children out of wedlock and didn’t have a full-time job - had a 76 percent chance of winding up in poverty and a 7 percent chance of winding up in the middle class."

There are all kind of studies that show even when whites don't follow the recipe, they get better opportunities than blacks:

Study: Black man and white felon – same chances for hire

I can do this all day.....your turn.

It all falls back on the reputation that the Blacks have earned for themselves.
In 2016, race was reported for 5,770 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

46.3 percent were white.
26.1 percent were black or African American

So will you admit that you were wrong NOW?
Your link:
404. That’s an error.

The requested URL /amp/s/ was not found on this server. That’s all we know.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
It works fine for me, plus they are the same statistics as the article that YOU posted. Will you admit you're wrong now?

I never posted an article. Blues boy did.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Your inability to admit that you're wrong is a terrible character flaw. You've been shown the evidence, but you don't have the integrity to acknowledge it. Sad.
What exactly am I wrong about?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Are you playing dumb or are you actually dumb? Either way, this is dumb.
The5e are pl
But isnt your whole purpose of echoing that well worn put down to explain why blacks are poor... even though most are not? Just what good did it do for some whites to unilaterally complile all that data just to show racial comparisons in SAT tests? The results tell us nothing about the intelligence of individuals.
All i see such data being used for is to use as a talking point on message boards by whites who need to feel superior to someone.
Further...from the time blacks were brought here in chains a social conditioning has taken place wheras. Whitev. is superior and black is inferior. Blacks and whites alike are thoroughly indoctrinated with that belief.
But some of us are beginning to see the truth.
Black men can accomplish anything white men can. Some have defied the odds and accomplished things white men couldnt do
Such as Dr Ben Carson, Vivien Thomas, or Charles Drew.
And although you might see American Blacks as less intelligent that whites on the'd better look again...your data is outdated. Black women and African immigrants are two of the most educated groups in America. But the Africans doubled down and are also the most educated group in the UK.
It's not about saying something because I want to feel superior to blacks. It's about telling it like it is. ANYONE, black or white or Asian... who stays in school will do better and develop their intellect at the same time. It just so happens that blacks stay the least in school, just look at Africa. And I'm not saying they can't catch up, they can, just have to see education as something to hang onto.
Did you read the part where African Immigants are the most educated group in the USAand the UK? And native born Black women are excelling inacademic attainment too. Africa is still reeling from the after effects of colonialism but once given an opportunity arises to go and study abroad Africans meet thr challenge head on. And it is rare to find an African scholar that doesn't speak several languages. They could take an IQ test in several languages. How many Americans could do that?

So..looking at present trends...I'd say your worldview is a bit dated...
we went over this in other threads and here
Africa has the highest illiteracy rate--don't try to make it look like they are more literate
no--I'm pretty sure --was it you--the last link I saw on USMB was the black females are ENROLLING/attending college at higher rates--not graduating at higher rates

world literacy

and African immigrants make up a very small percentage of total immigrants
sub-Saharan Africa (4%).
FOUR you understand how that relates to statistics?
Key findings about U.S. immigrants

I dont put much faith in statistics compiled unilaterally by whites who hate blacks. I can see and talk to African immigrants who are excelling in academia and who have obtained advanced degrees. If they came out of Africa with brains enough to do what most white people can't then I find your dire assessment of Africa suspect. There must be millions more just like them.
And the black women who are stepping up are certainly knocking a hole in your black inferiority theme also...even if they are enrolled in college in a greater percentage than other groups
you truly are living in a fairytale land
Africa is a shithole
potable water problems

yes they are enrolled--not graduating though !
they are enrolled in higher numbers per their population--which is low
--I can see why blacks graduate at lower levels--you do not even understand basic math
if you don't believe this--there is no point in trying to point out facts to you--you don't believe anything!!hahahahahahahahah
you get the ignore button because you won't/can't believe facts
"Facts" from RW white racists often turn out to be half truths or outright lies. Yep...I don't believe what you haters compile and write about black people in general. My experience with blacks leads me to a far more positive perspective. And since you ignore the favorable statistics relating to black life. , such as 75% live above the poverty level, or that blacks generally hold Christian values
...i feel no obligation to accept the outrageous pseudoscience you seem to thrive on that gives you someone to look down upon. BTW i don't do anecdotes. Here are MY Facts:
African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.
Batalova's research found that of the 1.4 million who are 25 and older, 41% have a bachelor's degree, compared with 30% of all immigrants and 32% of the U.S.-born population. Of the 19,000 U.S. immigrants from Norway — a country Trump reportedly told lawmakers is a good source of immigrants — 38% have college educations.

The New American Economy study found that 1 in 3 of these undergraduate degrees were focused on science, technology, engineering and math — "training heavily in demand by today's employers."

That report also found that African immigrants were significantly more likely to have graduate degrees. A total of 16% had a master's degree, medical degree, law degree or a doctorate, compared with 11% of the U.S.-born population, Lim said.

African immigrants were more than twice as likely than the U.S. population overall to work in healthcare, Lim said. There are more than 32,500 nursing, psychiatric or home health aides, more than 46,000 registered nurses and more than 15,700 doctors and surgeons.
so I see all these whites are evil threads/white supremacists/white supremacists running for office/white hate groups/whites committing hate crimes/etc

let's make it clear right here:
blacks -etc are racists/haters/prejudiced/bigots/etc also
they also have their groups geared to helping their race and their race only
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

So essentially you are saying its a wash, in regards to racism. Ergo, blacks are just as racist as whites. However, whites win the morality contest because blac
so I see all these whites are evil threads/white supremacists/white supremacists running for office/white hate groups/whites committing hate crimes/etc

let's make it clear right here:
blacks -etc are racists/haters/prejudiced/bigots/etc also
they also have their groups geared to helping their race and their race only
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

If everything is a wash and blacks are just as guilty of racism as whites......I don't understand why black poverty is 2 1/2 times that of whites and why black wealth is 15 times less than whites and why black unemployment it twice that of whites.

I am trying to figure out how we became unequal economically if everything whites did to blacks was offset by things blacks did against whites. I mean, it seems logical to me is that the one guilty of doing the most dirt against the other......would be the one that is ahead.

Three rules for staying out of poverty

"You can avoid poverty by:

1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job.

If you do all those three things, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent. Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

Applies to everyone
These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups. Breaking these rules is becoming more commonplace, unfortunately, for all racial groups.

By contrast, young adults who violated all three norms - dropped out, got married before 21 and had children out of wedlock and didn’t have a full-time job - had a 76 percent chance of winding up in poverty and a 7 percent chance of winding up in the middle class."

There are all kind of studies that show even when whites don't follow the recipe, they get better opportunities than blacks:

Study: Black man and white felon – same chances for hire

I can do this all day.....your turn.

It all falls back on the reputation that the Blacks have earned for themselves.

They didn't earn that negativity it was thrust upon them.
so I see all these whites are evil threads/white supremacists/white supremacists running for office/white hate groups/whites committing hate crimes/etc

let's make it clear right here:
blacks -etc are racists/haters/prejudiced/bigots/etc also
they also have their groups geared to helping their race and their race only
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

So essentially you are saying its a wash, in regards to racism. Ergo, blacks are just as racist as whites. However, whites win the morality contest because blac
so I see all these whites are evil threads/white supremacists/white supremacists running for office/white hate groups/whites committing hate crimes/etc

let's make it clear right here:
blacks -etc are racists/haters/prejudiced/bigots/etc also
they also have their groups geared to helping their race and their race only
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

If everything is a wash and blacks are just as guilty of racism as whites......I don't understand why black poverty is 2 1/2 times that of whites and why black wealth is 15 times less than whites and why black unemployment it twice that of whites.

I am trying to figure out how we became unequal economically if everything whites did to blacks was offset by things blacks did against whites. I mean, it seems logical to me is that the one guilty of doing the most dirt against the other......would be the one that is ahead.

Three rules for staying out of poverty

"You can avoid poverty by:

1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job.

If you do all those three things, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent. Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

Applies to everyone
These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups. Breaking these rules is becoming more commonplace, unfortunately, for all racial groups.

By contrast, young adults who violated all three norms - dropped out, got married before 21 and had children out of wedlock and didn’t have a full-time job - had a 76 percent chance of winding up in poverty and a 7 percent chance of winding up in the middle class."

There are all kind of studies that show even when whites don't follow the recipe, they get better opportunities than blacks:

Study: Black man and white felon – same chances for hire

I can do this all day.....your turn.

It all falls back on the reputation that the Blacks have earned for themselves.

They didn't earn that negativity it was thrust upon them.

By the poor souls who are unlucky enough to live near them. Black neighborhoods are a fucking nightmare.
So essentially you are saying its a wash, in regards to racism. Ergo, blacks are just as racist as whites. However, whites win the morality contest because blac
If everything is a wash and blacks are just as guilty of racism as whites......I don't understand why black poverty is 2 1/2 times that of whites and why black wealth is 15 times less than whites and why black unemployment it twice that of whites.

I am trying to figure out how we became unequal economically if everything whites did to blacks was offset by things blacks did against whites. I mean, it seems logical to me is that the one guilty of doing the most dirt against the other......would be the one that is ahead.

Three rules for staying out of poverty

"You can avoid poverty by:

1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job.

If you do all those three things, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent. Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

Applies to everyone
These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups. Breaking these rules is becoming more commonplace, unfortunately, for all racial groups.

By contrast, young adults who violated all three norms - dropped out, got married before 21 and had children out of wedlock and didn’t have a full-time job - had a 76 percent chance of winding up in poverty and a 7 percent chance of winding up in the middle class."

There are all kind of studies that show even when whites don't follow the recipe, they get better opportunities than blacks:

Study: Black man and white felon – same chances for hire

I can do this all day.....your turn.

It all falls back on the reputation that the Blacks have earned for themselves.

They didn't earn that negativity it was thrust upon them.

By the poor souls who are unlucky enough to live near them. Black neighborhoods are a fucking nightmare.

Not all of them. Some are beautiful well kept communities.
Three rules for staying out of poverty

"You can avoid poverty by:

1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job.

If you do all those three things, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent. Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

Applies to everyone
These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups. Breaking these rules is becoming more commonplace, unfortunately, for all racial groups.

By contrast, young adults who violated all three norms - dropped out, got married before 21 and had children out of wedlock and didn’t have a full-time job - had a 76 percent chance of winding up in poverty and a 7 percent chance of winding up in the middle class."

There are all kind of studies that show even when whites don't follow the recipe, they get better opportunities than blacks:

Study: Black man and white felon – same chances for hire

I can do this all day.....your turn.

It all falls back on the reputation that the Blacks have earned for themselves.

They didn't earn that negativity it was thrust upon them.

By the poor souls who are unlucky enough to live near them. Black neighborhoods are a fucking nightmare.

Not all of them. Some are beautiful well kept communities.

I see you do not get out much
There are all kind of studies that show even when whites don't follow the recipe, they get better opportunities than blacks:

Study: Black man and white felon – same chances for hire

I can do this all day.....your turn.

It all falls back on the reputation that the Blacks have earned for themselves.

They didn't earn that negativity it was thrust upon them.

By the poor souls who are unlucky enough to live near them. Black neighborhoods are a fucking nightmare.

Not all of them. Some are beautiful well kept communities.

I see you do not get out much

Those communities exist all over the nation.
You probably drove through one and thought it was a white neiguborhood. And you probably thought the black guys mowing their lawns were the hired help.
Because then the blacks would not be starting from an equal point, as your previous question implied.

The starting point is BIRTH. When a white person is born they are not born knowing language or how to create internal combustion engines and neither are blacks. Hence, the equality that I am talking about is at BIRTH. Black people born in this country since 1619 were not inferior to white people born during the same time period. That is the starting point of equality that I am talking about.

Like I said, you all will eventually just stop responding....rather than face your racism.

He was talking about groups of people. And so are you.

Groups of people have starting points way beyond individual birth dates.

Your just obfuscating for him and yourself. The bottom line is that it is irrelevant where Africa was in 1600, in regards to technology and language, compared to Europe. Why? Because regardless of what people or a society creates in their lifetime, the children are not born with that knowledge. Hence, the children of Africans born in America were equal to the children of Europeans born in America, because neither child was born with knowledge from their antecedents. Hence, birth is the reset button and thus blacks born in the US are born equally as whites.....meaning without knowledge, regardless of the achievements of their antecedents.

it is not irrelevant.

You are the one who wants to look at a man's statement and use that as proof that he is racist.

Because you want to marginalize people and ideas that you don't like.

You are the one holding to a single possible explanation for a man's statement, and one that is very self serving.

The bottom line is that the person was trying to discredit the premise that blacks were EVER EQUAL in innate abilities and capacities with whites. The person tried to use how Europe was ahead of Africa as proof. However, Europe being ahead of Africa in technology is not proof of genetic superiority.....

The line of argument of the person you are defending, as well as your position by your defense of it, is an argument of black inferiority plan and simple....which is the bases of racism. You all are like alcoholics who don't know they are alcoholics, despite always being drunk.

You are the one that brought up an supposed equal starting point to which he responded.

The reasons that some cultures advanced further and faster than others has been discussed by academics for generations, with many other possibilities than genetic differences offered, such as access to large domesticatable animals.
The5e are pl
But isnt your whole purpose of echoing that well worn put down to explain why blacks are poor... even though most are not? Just what good did it do for some whites to unilaterally complile all that data just to show racial comparisons in SAT tests? The results tell us nothing about the intelligence of individuals.
All i see such data being used for is to use as a talking point on message boards by whites who need to feel superior to someone.
Further...from the time blacks were brought here in chains a social conditioning has taken place wheras. Whitev. is superior and black is inferior. Blacks and whites alike are thoroughly indoctrinated with that belief.
But some of us are beginning to see the truth.
Black men can accomplish anything white men can. Some have defied the odds and accomplished things white men couldnt do
Such as Dr Ben Carson, Vivien Thomas, or Charles Drew.
And although you might see American Blacks as less intelligent that whites on the'd better look again...your data is outdated. Black women and African immigrants are two of the most educated groups in America. But the Africans doubled down and are also the most educated group in the UK.
It's not about saying something because I want to feel superior to blacks. It's about telling it like it is. ANYONE, black or white or Asian... who stays in school will do better and develop their intellect at the same time. It just so happens that blacks stay the least in school, just look at Africa. And I'm not saying they can't catch up, they can, just have to see education as something to hang onto.
Did you read the part where African Immigants are the most educated group in the USAand the UK? And native born Black women are excelling inacademic attainment too. Africa is still reeling from the after effects of colonialism but once given an opportunity arises to go and study abroad Africans meet thr challenge head on. And it is rare to find an African scholar that doesn't speak several languages. They could take an IQ test in several languages. How many Americans could do that?

So..looking at present trends...I'd say your worldview is a bit dated...
we went over this in other threads and here
Africa has the highest illiteracy rate--don't try to make it look like they are more literate
no--I'm pretty sure --was it you--the last link I saw on USMB was the black females are ENROLLING/attending college at higher rates--not graduating at higher rates

world literacy

and African immigrants make up a very small percentage of total immigrants
sub-Saharan Africa (4%).
FOUR you understand how that relates to statistics?
Key findings about U.S. immigrants

I dont put much faith in statistics compiled unilaterally by whites who hate blacks. I can see and talk to African immigrants who are excelling in academia and who have obtained advanced degrees. If they came out of Africa with brains enough to do what most white people can't then I find your dire assessment of Africa suspect. There must be millions more just like them.
And the black women who are stepping up are certainly knocking a hole in your black inferiority theme also...even if they are enrolled in college in a greater percentage than other groups
you truly are living in a fairytale land
Africa is a shithole
potable water problems

yes they are enrolled--not graduating though !
they are enrolled in higher numbers per their population--which is low
--I can see why blacks graduate at lower levels--you do not even understand basic math
if you don't believe this--there is no point in trying to point out facts to you--you don't believe anything!!hahahahahahahahah
you get the ignore button because you won't/can't believe facts

And popular opinion has it that you are a racist.
The starting point is BIRTH. When a white person is born they are not born knowing language or how to create internal combustion engines and neither are blacks. Hence, the equality that I am talking about is at BIRTH. Black people born in this country since 1619 were not inferior to white people born during the same time period. That is the starting point of equality that I am talking about.

Like I said, you all will eventually just stop responding....rather than face your racism.

He was talking about groups of people. And so are you.

Groups of people have starting points way beyond individual birth dates.

Your just obfuscating for him and yourself. The bottom line is that it is irrelevant where Africa was in 1600, in regards to technology and language, compared to Europe. Why? Because regardless of what people or a society creates in their lifetime, the children are not born with that knowledge. Hence, the children of Africans born in America were equal to the children of Europeans born in America, because neither child was born with knowledge from their antecedents. Hence, birth is the reset button and thus blacks born in the US are born equally as whites.....meaning without knowledge, regardless of the achievements of their antecedents.

it is not irrelevant.

You are the one who wants to look at a man's statement and use that as proof that he is racist.

Because you want to marginalize people and ideas that you don't like.

You are the one holding to a single possible explanation for a man's statement, and one that is very self serving.

The bottom line is that the person was trying to discredit the premise that blacks were EVER EQUAL in innate abilities and capacities with whites. The person tried to use how Europe was ahead of Africa as proof. However, Europe being ahead of Africa in technology is not proof of genetic superiority.....

The line of argument of the person you are defending, as well as your position by your defense of it, is an argument of black inferiority plan and simple....which is the bases of racism. You all are like alcoholics who don't know they are alcoholics, despite always being drunk.

You are the one that brought up an supposed equal starting point to which he responded.

The reasons that some cultures advanced further and faster than others has been discussed by academics for generations, with many other possibilities than genetic differences offered, such as access to large domesticatable animals.

If you do not understand that culture, knowledge/know how, technology, is not passed on genetically through birth, then you are wasting your time trying to demonstrate white intellectual superiority because your reasoning demonstrates the opposite.

Look genius, if two seeds are essentially "equal" genetically, plant them in the same environment (soil, sun and hydration) and they should produce essentially equal plant/yields. Ergo, you take a black new born from Africa and a white newborn from Europe and you raise them essentially equally in America, without discrimination, with equal opportunities, without inferiority propaganda, when they reach adulthood they should produce the same socioeconomic yields, essentially. This is based upon the assumption that the black child and white child are equal in intellectual capacity at birth, temperament, etc, etc. In this scenario the two children represent microcosms of both races.

All this misdirection and obfuscation about African culture vs European culture and African advancement relative to European advancement is BS because those are not inheritable traits passed genetically through birth. If a white child born to parents of Bill Gates gets lost in the Amazon and is raised by a primitive tribe, when that child reaches adulthood is not going to know jack slit about computer operating systems, cell phones, superior white culture, etc. Why? He is white, his parents were advanced technologist from an advanced culture. Yet, that child will not repeat any of that while being reared in the Amazon.

In other words, BIRTH IS A RESET. Its a blank slate in regards to culture and knowledge. Thus, its irrelevant what what African culture and advancement was when a black child was born in America as a slave or a white child was born in that era at the same time. Both children were BLANK SLATES or empty canvases ready to learn and from their environments equally.
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