Blacks are racists/haters/etc also

The brain is like a muscle, if you don't exercise it, it stagnates. People don't become strong by sitting around and hoping for evolution to give them bigger muscles, they go out there and challenge themselves physically to get the job done. It's the same with the brain, you need to work it to make it stronger...

When I was growing up some of the strongest people I knew were country boys from the south who never lifted a weight in the life. Rather, their daily life was such that it built their muscles, without the need of a gym. Schools are like Gyms in that they are places designed to exercise the brain, but a person would be naive to believe that school is the only place a persons mind is challenged to think.

Keep in mind also all the inventions that came from people who were not well educated.....but tinkerers.

People Who Changed the World – Without Formal Education
Your refusal to acknowledge education as a way to get smarter is also part of the problem.

So tell us, how many tinkerers have made it into space?

Smart is a metric of knowledge, not necessarily intelligence. I mean, when a person is born they are already wired for genetically for intelligence...but they are not very smart because they have no knowledge or learning. Also, I never stated that education was not a way to get smarter. Nothing I said states or infers that but your intelligence level will impact your ability to comprehend what I said. I inferred that formal education is not the only or exclusive means to exercise your brain. Anytime you try to figure something are exercising your brain. Taking what you know and using it to figure out what you don't know is intelligence, as well as pattern recognition.
children that read while young get many benefits
  • Neurological
  • Educational
  • Psychological
  • Social
  • Linguistic
Benefits of Early Reading - Why Teach Your Child to Read? imagine the opposite:
a family with a tense atmosphere/they do not teach the kids to read/math
the child doesn't get the right amount or the right food
--most likely you looking at a very retarded teen and then adult --an angry teen/adult

I am going to ignore all your subsequent post until you go back and answer the seed question to determine whether you are racist or not.
I can't be racist because I like Little Anthony songs
we've already proven you are the racist --not me--remember??
you called me a racist without evidence meaning you believe based on no evidence/ even admitted it
  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
then you brought what you said was a ''different'' definition--but it was the same thing !!
That's fine. You are another person who believes that blacks are inferior. That is the "sane" conversation that you want to have. Yet, you will not accept the ramifications of beliefs like yours when in the hands of people with power and authority. Keep in mind that 65% of the current population of the US is white and white disproportionately control the banks, the companies and power in this nation. Thus, beliefs like yours, among whites, it what creates and incubates the conditions in blacks which you loath.
See.This is exactly what I mean..Now asshole(any color or race can be one) show a post where I said that blacks are inferior..Go ahead.. I will wait until you find nothing but your fake outrage and lies(any color or race can lie)..

Do you believe blacks are inferior?
No and I love black pussy..

So did slave owners.

If you do not believe that blacks are inferior to whites, then how does two equal races become unequal in a country after both have existed in the country for over 300 years?

What the fuck does that have to do with his personal opinion?

Personal opinions and beliefs are the root of racism.
No I am feeding you a dose of your own medicine..See how that works?.Since you and your buddies don't want to have a conversation like sane people do...You either want people to dislike you or you have no empathy for anything anybody does but yourself...

That's fine. You are another person who believes that blacks are inferior. That is the "sane" conversation that you want to have. Yet, you will not accept the ramifications of beliefs like yours when in the hands of people with power and authority. Keep in mind that 65% of the current population of the US is white and white disproportionately control the banks, the companies and power in this nation. Thus, beliefs like yours, among whites, it what creates and incubates the conditions in blacks which you loath.
See.This is exactly what I mean..Now asshole(any color or race can be one) show a post where I said that blacks are inferior..Go ahead.. I will wait until you find nothing but your fake outrage and lies(any color or race can lie)..

Do you believe blacks are inferior?
No and I love black pussy..

So did slave owners.

If you do not believe that blacks are inferior to whites, then how does two equal races become unequal in a country after both have existed in the country for over 300 years? If you reject the theory that it is because blacks were treated different by society, then that throws into question your honesty about not believing that blacks are inferior, for if the cause was not external, then it can only be internal to the nature of blacks.

Again, watch you run from this line of question like your boy Hermonica did to prevent revealing your racism. You see, like I said, I cannot demonstrate that people are racist when they are consciously trying to demonstrate that they are not. You will just not answer the questions to avoid self incrimination.
Look, I am part injun and have seen how people can treat others. It's something that humans do to each other, even if it is all one race or color they will find something to discriminate against, just how some fucking humans are..As far as I am concerned hate is something I refuse to carry in my heart. I accept people for who they are not by the color of their skin..Don't believe me, I really don't care because I am concerned about how I act as a human...If others are bad humans it's not my fault...
See.This is exactly what I mean..Now asshole(any color or race can be one) show a post where I said that blacks are inferior..Go ahead.. I will wait until you find nothing but your fake outrage and lies(any color or race can lie)..

Do you believe blacks are inferior?
No and I love black pussy..

So did slave owners.

If you do not believe that blacks are inferior to whites, then how does two equal races become unequal in a country after both have existed in the country for over 300 years?

What the fuck does that have to do with his personal opinion?

Personal opinions and beliefs are the root of racism.

And what the fuck does that have to do with the "unequal" ness of blacks and whites in America today?
Blacks are, in general, intellectually inferior to Whites and Asians. This is from generations of poor schooling, in Africa, and here in the US. Now I'm not saying that blacks aren't smart enough to catch up, there probably are, but you all need to stay in school, even if that had never been part of "African culture". And one more thing, please pull your pants up, everyone is laughing at you.

It takes thousands of years for evolutionary changes in the brain that would impact the intelligence of a "race". Your theory is absurd. What impacted learning in Africa was nutrition, not poor schooling. Schooling does not create intelligence. Schooling creates knowledge. I mean, you can learn everything there is to learn, but your kids are not born knowing all the things you learned. Schooling has little to do with innate intelligence, although IQ test confuses that fact.

I will say this though, if you can convince a people they are less intelligent, they will perform less intelligently.
The brain is like a muscle, if you don't exercise it, it stagnates. People don't become strong by sitting around and hoping for evolution to give them bigger muscles, they go out there and challenge themselves physically to get the job done. It's the same with the brain, you need to work it to make it stronger...

When I was growing up some of the strongest people I knew were country boys from the south who never lifted a weight in the life. Rather, their daily life was such that it built their muscles, without the need of a gym. Schools are like Gyms in that they are places designed to exercise the brain, but a person would be naive to believe that school is the only place a persons mind is challenged to think.

Keep in mind also all the inventions that came from people who were not well educated.....but tinkerers.

People Who Changed the World – Without Formal Education
Your refusal to acknowledge education as a way to get smarter is also part of the problem.

So tell us, how many tinkerers have made it into space?

Smart is a metric of knowledge, not necessarily intelligence. I mean, when a person is born they are already wired for genetically for intelligence...but they are not very smart because they have no knowledge or learning. Also, I never stated that education was not a way to get smarter. Nothing I said states or infers that but your intelligence level will impact your ability to comprehend what I said. I inferred that formal education is not the only or exclusive means to exercise your brain. Anytime you try to figure something are exercising your brain. Taking what you know and using it to figure out what you don't know is intelligence, as well as pattern recognition.
....another thing, if you don't teach males [ especially ] to be nice/polite/share/don't steal/don't hurt/etc and/or be a role model as described--they are more apt to do those things do notice kids when other kids try to grab their toys??? MINE MINE/bite and scratch/attack
Do you believe blacks are inferior?
No and I love black pussy..

So did slave owners.

If you do not believe that blacks are inferior to whites, then how does two equal races become unequal in a country after both have existed in the country for over 300 years?

What the fuck does that have to do with his personal opinion?

Personal opinions and beliefs are the root of racism.

And what the fuck does that have to do with the "unequal" ness of blacks and whites in America today?

because mathematically and logically you cannot create an inequality from an equality unless the two sides are treated differently. Geeeeezzzzzzz.....where is your intelligence? Throwing F bombs is the sign of strained intellect.
No and I love black pussy..

So did slave owners.

If you do not believe that blacks are inferior to whites, then how does two equal races become unequal in a country after both have existed in the country for over 300 years?

What the fuck does that have to do with his personal opinion?

Personal opinions and beliefs are the root of racism.

And what the fuck does that have to do with the "unequal" ness of blacks and whites in America today?

because mathematically and logically you cannot create an inequality from an equality unless the two sides are treated differently. Geeeeezzzzzzz.....where is your intelligence? Throwing F bombs is the sign of strained intellect.

So, you are claiming that unequal treatment from 300 years ago, is reason to deny his claim to his opinion today.

And yes, my intellect is strained trying to understand what the fuck you are thinking.
So did slave owners.

If you do not believe that blacks are inferior to whites, then how does two equal races become unequal in a country after both have existed in the country for over 300 years?

What the fuck does that have to do with his personal opinion?

Personal opinions and beliefs are the root of racism.

And what the fuck does that have to do with the "unequal" ness of blacks and whites in America today?

because mathematically and logically you cannot create an inequality from an equality unless the two sides are treated differently. Geeeeezzzzzzz.....where is your intelligence? Throwing F bombs is the sign of strained intellect.

So, you are claiming that unequal treatment from 300 years ago, is reason to deny his claim to his opinion today.

And yes, my intellect is strained trying to understand what the fuck you are thinking.

I am saying mathematically/logically the only way to get to inequality, starting with equality, is for two sides to be treated differently. Ergo, if a person truly believes that black are not inferior, then they would look for what was done to blacks that was not done to others, in degree or kind, that results in the current racial socioeconomic inequality.

I am not claiming unequal treatment from 300 years ago, I am claiming the "accrued" impact of unequal treatment from 300 years ago to present. Your boys know what I am getting at....which is why they have gone ghost on the line of questioning and is why you will do the same. You are trying to avoid the epiphany that you are indeed racist. I already know you just don't know it and you don't want to face it. Your the problem that breeds these conditions that you complain about with blacks.
Last edited:
What the fuck does that have to do with his personal opinion?

Personal opinions and beliefs are the root of racism.

And what the fuck does that have to do with the "unequal" ness of blacks and whites in America today?

because mathematically and logically you cannot create an inequality from an equality unless the two sides are treated differently. Geeeeezzzzzzz.....where is your intelligence? Throwing F bombs is the sign of strained intellect.

So, you are claiming that unequal treatment from 300 years ago, is reason to deny his claim to his opinion today.

And yes, my intellect is strained trying to understand what the fuck you are thinking.

I am saying mathematically/logically the only way to get to inequality, starting with equality, is for two sides to be treated differently. Ergo, if a person truly believes that black are not inferior, then they would look for what was done to blacks that was not done to others, in degree or kind, that results in the current racial socioeconomic inequality.

I am not claiming unequal treatment from 300 years ago, I am claiming the "accrued" impact of unequal treatment from 300 years ago to present. Your boys know what I am getting at....which is why they have gone ghost on the line of questioning and is why you will do the same. You are trying to avoid the epiphany that you are indeed racist. I already know you just don't know it and you don't want to face it. Your the problem that breeds these conditions that you complain about with blacks.
--I agree the treatment of blacks since slavery has to have had some degrading affects in many aspects on some blacks
...but they didn't even have a written language/etc...they were far behind the whites that went to can be said the whites are not the total/entire reason blacks are behind today--if that is what you are saying
I've not seen many claim that blacks can't be racist. They can, as can just about anyone.

You've not seen many?


Try Google...there are a couple results.
Personal opinions and beliefs are the root of racism.

And what the fuck does that have to do with the "unequal" ness of blacks and whites in America today?

because mathematically and logically you cannot create an inequality from an equality unless the two sides are treated differently. Geeeeezzzzzzz.....where is your intelligence? Throwing F bombs is the sign of strained intellect.

So, you are claiming that unequal treatment from 300 years ago, is reason to deny his claim to his opinion today.

And yes, my intellect is strained trying to understand what the fuck you are thinking.

I am saying mathematically/logically the only way to get to inequality, starting with equality, is for two sides to be treated differently. Ergo, if a person truly believes that black are not inferior, then they would look for what was done to blacks that was not done to others, in degree or kind, that results in the current racial socioeconomic inequality.

I am not claiming unequal treatment from 300 years ago, I am claiming the "accrued" impact of unequal treatment from 300 years ago to present. Your boys know what I am getting at....which is why they have gone ghost on the line of questioning and is why you will do the same. You are trying to avoid the epiphany that you are indeed racist. I already know you just don't know it and you don't want to face it. Your the problem that breeds these conditions that you complain about with blacks.
--I agree the treatment of blacks since slavery has to have had some degrading affects in many aspects on some blacks
...but they didn't even have a written language/etc...they were far behind the whites that went to can be said the whites are not the total/entire reason blacks are behind today--if that is what you are saying

And you still don't see your racism? All you are doing is essentially saying that the inequality of today is the resultant of both blacks being treated unequally......and black inferiority.

You need to understand that when a person is born, they have no language, only instincts. When blacks were born in the 1700's in the United States, they were born without language just like the white babies who were born during that era. You act like each generation of whites reinvented language, as opposed to simply learning the language that was being spoken. One white person invents something and all of a sudden its the invention of all whites and shows how whites are superior.
What the fuck does that have to do with his personal opinion?

Personal opinions and beliefs are the root of racism.

And what the fuck does that have to do with the "unequal" ness of blacks and whites in America today?

because mathematically and logically you cannot create an inequality from an equality unless the two sides are treated differently. Geeeeezzzzzzz.....where is your intelligence? Throwing F bombs is the sign of strained intellect.

So, you are claiming that unequal treatment from 300 years ago, is reason to deny his claim to his opinion today.

And yes, my intellect is strained trying to understand what the fuck you are thinking.

I am saying mathematically/logically the only way to get to inequality, starting with equality, is for two sides to be treated differently. Ergo, if a person truly believes that black are not inferior, then they would look for what was done to blacks that was not done to others, in degree or kind, that results in the current racial socioeconomic inequality.

I am not claiming unequal treatment from 300 years ago, I am claiming the "accrued" impact of unequal treatment from 300 years ago to present. Your boys know what I am getting at....which is why they have gone ghost on the line of questioning and is why you will do the same. You are trying to avoid the epiphany that you are indeed racist. I already know you just don't know it and you don't want to face it. Your the problem that breeds these conditions that you complain about with blacks.

None of that justifies you doubting Moonglow's statement that he is not racist.

Nothing in the fact that blacks were slaves long ago, means that Moonglow is racist now.
And what the fuck does that have to do with the "unequal" ness of blacks and whites in America today?

because mathematically and logically you cannot create an inequality from an equality unless the two sides are treated differently. Geeeeezzzzzzz.....where is your intelligence? Throwing F bombs is the sign of strained intellect.

So, you are claiming that unequal treatment from 300 years ago, is reason to deny his claim to his opinion today.

And yes, my intellect is strained trying to understand what the fuck you are thinking.

I am saying mathematically/logically the only way to get to inequality, starting with equality, is for two sides to be treated differently. Ergo, if a person truly believes that black are not inferior, then they would look for what was done to blacks that was not done to others, in degree or kind, that results in the current racial socioeconomic inequality.

I am not claiming unequal treatment from 300 years ago, I am claiming the "accrued" impact of unequal treatment from 300 years ago to present. Your boys know what I am getting at....which is why they have gone ghost on the line of questioning and is why you will do the same. You are trying to avoid the epiphany that you are indeed racist. I already know you just don't know it and you don't want to face it. Your the problem that breeds these conditions that you complain about with blacks.
--I agree the treatment of blacks since slavery has to have had some degrading affects in many aspects on some blacks
...but they didn't even have a written language/etc...they were far behind the whites that went to can be said the whites are not the total/entire reason blacks are behind today--if that is what you are saying

And you still don't see your racism? All you are doing is essentially saying that the inequality of today is the resultant of both blacks being treated unequally......and black inferiority.

You need to understand that when a person is born, they have no language, only instincts. When blacks were born in the 1700's in the United States, they were born without language just like the white babies who were born during that era. You act like each generation of whites reinvented language, as opposed to simply learning the language that was being spoken. One white person invents something and all of a sudden its the invention of all whites and shows how whites are superior.

He referenced the fact that the blacks of africa of that time were less advanced than the whites that visited them.

He made no statement on why that was.
Personal opinions and beliefs are the root of racism.

And what the fuck does that have to do with the "unequal" ness of blacks and whites in America today?

because mathematically and logically you cannot create an inequality from an equality unless the two sides are treated differently. Geeeeezzzzzzz.....where is your intelligence? Throwing F bombs is the sign of strained intellect.

So, you are claiming that unequal treatment from 300 years ago, is reason to deny his claim to his opinion today.

And yes, my intellect is strained trying to understand what the fuck you are thinking.

I am saying mathematically/logically the only way to get to inequality, starting with equality, is for two sides to be treated differently. Ergo, if a person truly believes that black are not inferior, then they would look for what was done to blacks that was not done to others, in degree or kind, that results in the current racial socioeconomic inequality.

I am not claiming unequal treatment from 300 years ago, I am claiming the "accrued" impact of unequal treatment from 300 years ago to present. Your boys know what I am getting at....which is why they have gone ghost on the line of questioning and is why you will do the same. You are trying to avoid the epiphany that you are indeed racist. I already know you just don't know it and you don't want to face it. Your the problem that breeds these conditions that you complain about with blacks.

None of that justifies you doubting Moonglow's statement that he is not racist.

Nothing in the fact that blacks were slaves long ago, means that Moonglow is racist now.

I have given MoonGlow an opportunity to follow a line of questioning to test whether he is racist or not. He refuses. You refused. Harmonica refused.

Its not rocket science either.
because mathematically and logically you cannot create an inequality from an equality unless the two sides are treated differently. Geeeeezzzzzzz.....where is your intelligence? Throwing F bombs is the sign of strained intellect.

So, you are claiming that unequal treatment from 300 years ago, is reason to deny his claim to his opinion today.

And yes, my intellect is strained trying to understand what the fuck you are thinking.

I am saying mathematically/logically the only way to get to inequality, starting with equality, is for two sides to be treated differently. Ergo, if a person truly believes that black are not inferior, then they would look for what was done to blacks that was not done to others, in degree or kind, that results in the current racial socioeconomic inequality.

I am not claiming unequal treatment from 300 years ago, I am claiming the "accrued" impact of unequal treatment from 300 years ago to present. Your boys know what I am getting at....which is why they have gone ghost on the line of questioning and is why you will do the same. You are trying to avoid the epiphany that you are indeed racist. I already know you just don't know it and you don't want to face it. Your the problem that breeds these conditions that you complain about with blacks.
--I agree the treatment of blacks since slavery has to have had some degrading affects in many aspects on some blacks
...but they didn't even have a written language/etc...they were far behind the whites that went to can be said the whites are not the total/entire reason blacks are behind today--if that is what you are saying

And you still don't see your racism? All you are doing is essentially saying that the inequality of today is the resultant of both blacks being treated unequally......and black inferiority.

You need to understand that when a person is born, they have no language, only instincts. When blacks were born in the 1700's in the United States, they were born without language just like the white babies who were born during that era. You act like each generation of whites reinvented language, as opposed to simply learning the language that was being spoken. One white person invents something and all of a sudden its the invention of all whites and shows how whites are superior.

He referenced the fact that the blacks of africa of that time were less advanced than the whites that visited them.

He made no statement on why that was.

If a person believes that blacks are not inferior, then what does Africa and how advanced they were have to do with anything? That is irrelevant information, unless one is trying to discredit that idea that black are not inferior, using less advancement in Africa to infer inferiority to whites to suggest our minds were inferior to whites minds when America got started as a nation.

Keep in mind that the inventions of a few whites does not mean that those whites were a microcosm for white society in general. There inventions have nothing to do with you. What have you invented?
And what the fuck does that have to do with the "unequal" ness of blacks and whites in America today?

because mathematically and logically you cannot create an inequality from an equality unless the two sides are treated differently. Geeeeezzzzzzz.....where is your intelligence? Throwing F bombs is the sign of strained intellect.

So, you are claiming that unequal treatment from 300 years ago, is reason to deny his claim to his opinion today.

And yes, my intellect is strained trying to understand what the fuck you are thinking.

I am saying mathematically/logically the only way to get to inequality, starting with equality, is for two sides to be treated differently. Ergo, if a person truly believes that black are not inferior, then they would look for what was done to blacks that was not done to others, in degree or kind, that results in the current racial socioeconomic inequality.

I am not claiming unequal treatment from 300 years ago, I am claiming the "accrued" impact of unequal treatment from 300 years ago to present. Your boys know what I am getting at....which is why they have gone ghost on the line of questioning and is why you will do the same. You are trying to avoid the epiphany that you are indeed racist. I already know you just don't know it and you don't want to face it. Your the problem that breeds these conditions that you complain about with blacks.

None of that justifies you doubting Moonglow's statement that he is not racist.

Nothing in the fact that blacks were slaves long ago, means that Moonglow is racist now.

I have given MoonGlow an opportunity to follow a line of questioning to test whether he is racist or not. He refuses. You refused. Harmonica refused.

Its not rocket science either.

Explain how rejecting Moonglow's statement, that he is not racist, based on the past actions of other people, is a "opportunity to test", whether he is racist or not.
So, you are claiming that unequal treatment from 300 years ago, is reason to deny his claim to his opinion today.

And yes, my intellect is strained trying to understand what the fuck you are thinking.

I am saying mathematically/logically the only way to get to inequality, starting with equality, is for two sides to be treated differently. Ergo, if a person truly believes that black are not inferior, then they would look for what was done to blacks that was not done to others, in degree or kind, that results in the current racial socioeconomic inequality.

I am not claiming unequal treatment from 300 years ago, I am claiming the "accrued" impact of unequal treatment from 300 years ago to present. Your boys know what I am getting at....which is why they have gone ghost on the line of questioning and is why you will do the same. You are trying to avoid the epiphany that you are indeed racist. I already know you just don't know it and you don't want to face it. Your the problem that breeds these conditions that you complain about with blacks.
--I agree the treatment of blacks since slavery has to have had some degrading affects in many aspects on some blacks
...but they didn't even have a written language/etc...they were far behind the whites that went to can be said the whites are not the total/entire reason blacks are behind today--if that is what you are saying

And you still don't see your racism? All you are doing is essentially saying that the inequality of today is the resultant of both blacks being treated unequally......and black inferiority.

You need to understand that when a person is born, they have no language, only instincts. When blacks were born in the 1700's in the United States, they were born without language just like the white babies who were born during that era. You act like each generation of whites reinvented language, as opposed to simply learning the language that was being spoken. One white person invents something and all of a sudden its the invention of all whites and shows how whites are superior.

He referenced the fact that the blacks of africa of that time were less advanced than the whites that visited them.

He made no statement on why that was.

If a person believes that blacks are not inferior, then what does Africa and how advanced they were have to do with anything? That is irrelevant information, unless one is trying to discredit that idea that black are not inferior, using less advancement in Africa to infer inferiority to whites to suggest our minds were inferior to whites minds when America got started as a nation.

Because then the blacks would not be starting from an equal point, as your previous question implied.
because mathematically and logically you cannot create an inequality from an equality unless the two sides are treated differently. Geeeeezzzzzzz.....where is your intelligence? Throwing F bombs is the sign of strained intellect.

So, you are claiming that unequal treatment from 300 years ago, is reason to deny his claim to his opinion today.

And yes, my intellect is strained trying to understand what the fuck you are thinking.

I am saying mathematically/logically the only way to get to inequality, starting with equality, is for two sides to be treated differently. Ergo, if a person truly believes that black are not inferior, then they would look for what was done to blacks that was not done to others, in degree or kind, that results in the current racial socioeconomic inequality.

I am not claiming unequal treatment from 300 years ago, I am claiming the "accrued" impact of unequal treatment from 300 years ago to present. Your boys know what I am getting at....which is why they have gone ghost on the line of questioning and is why you will do the same. You are trying to avoid the epiphany that you are indeed racist. I already know you just don't know it and you don't want to face it. Your the problem that breeds these conditions that you complain about with blacks.

None of that justifies you doubting Moonglow's statement that he is not racist.

Nothing in the fact that blacks were slaves long ago, means that Moonglow is racist now.

I have given MoonGlow an opportunity to follow a line of questioning to test whether he is racist or not. He refuses. You refused. Harmonica refused.

Its not rocket science either.

Explain how rejecting Moonglow's statement, that he is not racist, based on the past actions of other people, is a "opportunity to test", whether he is racist or not.

Because the option is binary. That is like asking me to explain why I will not accept a person who says that he does not believe that the light is off, when he argues against the claim that the light is on. There are only two options and when you argue against one option you are arguing for the other, even if you do not claim to be.
I am saying mathematically/logically the only way to get to inequality, starting with equality, is for two sides to be treated differently. Ergo, if a person truly believes that black are not inferior, then they would look for what was done to blacks that was not done to others, in degree or kind, that results in the current racial socioeconomic inequality.

I am not claiming unequal treatment from 300 years ago, I am claiming the "accrued" impact of unequal treatment from 300 years ago to present. Your boys know what I am getting at....which is why they have gone ghost on the line of questioning and is why you will do the same. You are trying to avoid the epiphany that you are indeed racist. I already know you just don't know it and you don't want to face it. Your the problem that breeds these conditions that you complain about with blacks.
--I agree the treatment of blacks since slavery has to have had some degrading affects in many aspects on some blacks
...but they didn't even have a written language/etc...they were far behind the whites that went to can be said the whites are not the total/entire reason blacks are behind today--if that is what you are saying

And you still don't see your racism? All you are doing is essentially saying that the inequality of today is the resultant of both blacks being treated unequally......and black inferiority.

You need to understand that when a person is born, they have no language, only instincts. When blacks were born in the 1700's in the United States, they were born without language just like the white babies who were born during that era. You act like each generation of whites reinvented language, as opposed to simply learning the language that was being spoken. One white person invents something and all of a sudden its the invention of all whites and shows how whites are superior.

He referenced the fact that the blacks of africa of that time were less advanced than the whites that visited them.

He made no statement on why that was.

If a person believes that blacks are not inferior, then what does Africa and how advanced they were have to do with anything? That is irrelevant information, unless one is trying to discredit that idea that black are not inferior, using less advancement in Africa to infer inferiority to whites to suggest our minds were inferior to whites minds when America got started as a nation.

Because then the blacks would not be starting from an equal point, as your previous question implied.

The starting point is BIRTH. When a white person is born they are not born knowing language or how to create internal combustion engines and neither are blacks. Hence, the equality that I am talking about is at BIRTH. Black people born in this country since 1619 were not inferior to white people born during the same time period. That is the starting point of equality that I am talking about.

Like I said, you all will eventually just stop responding....rather than face your racism.
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Yes, before we were born, white people had a shitty culture. They changed it and made it better. It's time for you guys to do the same thing.

All cultures are a work in progress. Black culture just happens to have more to work on. Your reputation is terrible.

I don't know that white people consciously changed their "sh!ty" culture. One might argue that after you enslaved, colonized and invaded other peoples lands and resources and trickling them down to the white masses, that your culture improved. All I know is what when whites were all in one place, Europe, without people of different races, life was pretty "sh!ty" because the elite white oppressed the white masses.....creating sh!ty white subcultures incubated by poverty. The oppression of other races allowed white masses to become the relative elites, thus improving your culture at the expense of others culture.
You have to reach for the past to find a real problem with "white culture". That means we've done our job today. When is the black community going to do the same?

Are you asking me when black people are going to lift themselves up by putting others whites have done through the seesaw economics the last 500 years or so?
No, I'm asking black men to raise their children and to quit being violent criminals. Do those two things and you'll thrive like everyone else.

Well......a black person is as likely to have an IQ of 135 or above as they are to murder someone. I don't know why you want to characterize black people as violent when only a very small percentage of blacks are committing violent crimes.

In regards to children born out of Wedlock, most of Western Europe has rates up their with black Americans and I do not hear white people condemning their culture as the root of their woes.

Also, if out of wedlock births were really the issue then one should see the economic impact on whites since the 60's when their rate has gone from around 4% to near 30% today. Yet, whites as a whole are doing much better than they were in the 60's despite the rise white fathers not being responsible.
Born out of wedlock and fatherless households are two different things. One just lacks a marriage licence, while the other lacks a father.

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