Blacks are racists/haters/etc also

Yes, before we were born, white people had a shitty culture. They changed it and made it better. It's time for you guys to do the same thing.

All cultures are a work in progress. Black culture just happens to have more to work on. Your reputation is terrible.

I don't know that white people consciously changed their "sh!ty" culture. One might argue that after you enslaved, colonized and invaded other peoples lands and resources and trickling them down to the white masses, that your culture improved. All I know is what when whites were all in one place, Europe, without people of different races, life was pretty "sh!ty" because the elite white oppressed the white masses.....creating sh!ty white subcultures incubated by poverty. The oppression of other races allowed white masses to become the relative elites, thus improving your culture at the expense of others culture.
You have to reach for the past to find a real problem with "white culture". That means we've done our job today. When is the black community going to do the same?

Are you asking me when black people are going to lift themselves up by putting others whites have done through the seesaw economics the last 500 years or so?
No, I'm asking black men to raise their children and to quit being violent criminals. Do those two things and you'll thrive like everyone else.

Well......a black person is as likely to have an IQ of 135 or above as they are to murder someone. I don't know why you want to characterize black people as violent when only a very small percentage of blacks are committing violent crimes.

In regards to children born out of Wedlock, most of Western Europe has rates up their with black Americans and I do not hear white people condemning their culture as the root of their woes.

Well, even if not all Negroid's are murderers, most of them are rude, obnoxious, big mouths, that's enough reason to not like them.
I don't know that white people consciously changed their "sh!ty" culture. One might argue that after you enslaved, colonized and invaded other peoples lands and resources and trickling them down to the white masses, that your culture improved. All I know is what when whites were all in one place, Europe, without people of different races, life was pretty "sh!ty" because the elite white oppressed the white masses.....creating sh!ty white subcultures incubated by poverty. The oppression of other races allowed white masses to become the relative elites, thus improving your culture at the expense of others culture.
You have to reach for the past to find a real problem with "white culture". That means we've done our job today. When is the black community going to do the same?

Are you asking me when black people are going to lift themselves up by putting others whites have done through the seesaw economics the last 500 years or so?
No, I'm asking black men to raise their children and to quit being violent criminals. Do those two things and you'll thrive like everyone else.

Well......a black person is as likely to have an IQ of 135 or above as they are to murder someone. I don't know why you want to characterize black people as violent when only a very small percentage of blacks are committing violent crimes.

In regards to children born out of Wedlock, most of Western Europe has rates up their with black Americans and I do not hear white people condemning their culture as the root of their woes.

Well, even if not all Negroid's are murderers, most of them are rude, obnoxious, big mouths, that's enough reason to not like them.

That is because living around whites for 300 years and being treated like sh!t brings about warmth and kindness.
Well......a black person is as likely to have an IQ of 135 or above as they are to murder someone. I don't know why you want to characterize black people as violent when only a very small percentage of blacks are committing violent crimes.

Most black males have been arrested for crimes. Most black females have sucked up large amounts of welfare. The vast majority of black voters elect politicians who promise pro-crime laws and policies. Blacks use the ballot box to loot whites.

Also, if out of wedlock births were really the issue then one should see the economic impact on whites since the 60's when their rate has gone from around 4% to near 30% today. Yet, whites as a whole are doing much better than they were in the 60's despite the rise white fathers not being responsible.

Technology has made us 100 times more productive since the 1960s. The real question you should ask is why haven't we benefited more from technology?

Socialism is killing western Europe. Democrats are killing America, at least what America was. The indigenous populations of western Europe are quickly heading into extinction.
Well......a black person is as likely to have an IQ of 135 or above as they are to murder someone. I don't know why you want to characterize black people as violent when only a very small percentage of blacks are committing violent crimes.

Most black males have been arrested for crimes. Most black females have sucked up large amounts of welfare. The vast majority of black voters elect politicians who promise pro-crime laws and policies. Blacks use the ballot box to loot whites.

Also, if out of wedlock births were really the issue then one should see the economic impact on whites since the 60's when their rate has gone from around 4% to near 30% today. Yet, whites as a whole are doing much better than they were in the 60's despite the rise white fathers not being responsible.

Technology has made us 100 times more productive since the 1960s. The real question you should ask is why haven't we benefited more from technology?

Socialism is killing western Europe. Democrats are killing America, at least what America was. The indigenous populations of western Europe are quickly heading into extinction.

Black males were locked up in the war on drugs...not for violent offenses.

However, lets cuts to the chase. You think blacks are inferior and that is why we are in an inferior condition to whites. This is what you believe and believing that in no way means that you are racist. Right? Did I sum up your position succinctly? Why go through the inefficient beat around the bush rhetoric when all you are trying to demonstrate is black inferiority by nature? Just take off the spider man underwear and be a man about it.
However, lets cuts to the chase. You think blacks are inferior and that is why we are in an inferior condition to whites. This is what you believe and believing that in no way means that you are racist. Right? Did I sum up your position succinctly? Why go through the inefficient beat around the bush rhetoric when all you are trying to demonstrate is black inferiority by nature? Just take off the spider man underwear and be a man about it.

Blacks and society accuses whites of oppressing blacks. It's fair that the truth be pointed out, that blacks themselves are to blame.

Our country spends more money on the education of blacks than whites. White taxpayers provide black kids with warm homes. Yet, black SAT scores are show even college-minded blacks are barely literate. How are whites responsible for those low scores? How does giving blacks an education oppress them?

You (generic) don't blame blacks smoking dope and having bastard children. You blame an institution that ended many generations ago where black workers weren't allowed to quit.
so I see all these whites are evil threads/white supremacists/white supremacists running for office/white hate groups/whites committing hate crimes/etc

let's make it clear right here:
blacks -etc are racists/haters/prejudiced/bigots/etc also
they also have their groups geared to helping their race and their race only
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

So essentially you are saying its a wash, in regards to racism. Ergo, blacks are just as racist as whites. However, whites win the morality contest because blac
so I see all these whites are evil threads/white supremacists/white supremacists running for office/white hate groups/whites committing hate crimes/etc

let's make it clear right here:
blacks -etc are racists/haters/prejudiced/bigots/etc also
they also have their groups geared to helping their race and their race only
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

If everything is a wash and blacks are just as guilty of racism as whites......I don't understand why black poverty is 2 1/2 times that of whites and why black wealth is 15 times less than whites and why black unemployment it twice that of whites.

I am trying to figure out how we became unequal economically if everything whites did to blacks was offset by things blacks did against whites. I mean, it seems logical to me is that the one guilty of doing the most dirt against the other......would be the one that is ahead.

Three rules for staying out of poverty

"You can avoid poverty by:

1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job.

If you do all those three things, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent. Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

Applies to everyone
These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups. Breaking these rules is becoming more commonplace, unfortunately, for all racial groups.

By contrast, young adults who violated all three norms - dropped out, got married before 21 and had children out of wedlock and didn’t have a full-time job - had a 76 percent chance of winding up in poverty and a 7 percent chance of winding up in the middle class."

There are all kind of studies that show even when whitSes don't follow the recipe, they get better opportunities than blacks:

Study: Black man and white felon – same chances for hire

I can do this all day.....your turn.

I like the way the study claims to know what people are thinking.

THe three steps are still valid.

The illegitimacy rate for blacks is over 70%.

The vast majority of black families do not have a "primary breadwinner".

That's a fine "recipe", if you are actively trying to keep blacks poor.

I hear black unemployment is at an all time low.

Are you encouraged at all by that?

You are missing the point. Whites can do the same dysfunctional things as blacks......and society still rewards them better than blacks.

so I see all these whites are evil threads/white supremacists/white supremacists running for office/white hate groups/whites committing hate crimes/etc

let's make it clear right here:
blacks -etc are racists/haters/prejudiced/bigots/etc also
they also have their groups geared to helping their race and their race only
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

so I see all these whites are evil threads/white supremacists/white supremacists running for office/white hate groups/whites committing hate crimes/etc

let's make it clear right here:
blacks -etc are racists/haters/prejudiced/bigots/etc also
they also have their groups geared to helping their race and their race only
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

From your link.

In 2015, race was reported for 5,493 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

48.4 percent were White.
24.3 percent were Black or African American.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
However, lets cuts to the chase. You think blacks are inferior and that is why we are in an inferior condition to whites. This is what you believe and believing that in no way means that you are racist. Right? Did I sum up your position succinctly? Why go through the inefficient beat around the bush rhetoric when all you are trying to demonstrate is black inferiority by nature? Just take off the spider man underwear and be a man about it.

Blacks and society accuses whites of oppressing blacks. It's fair that the truth be pointed out, that blacks themselves are to blame.

Our country spends more money on the education of blacks than whites. White taxpayers provide black kids with warm homes. Yet, black SAT scores are show even college-minded blacks are barely literate. How are whites responsible for those low scores? How does giving blacks an education oppress them?

You (generic) don't blame blacks smoking dope and having bastard children. You blame an institution that ended many generations ago where black workers weren't allowed to quit.

Again, since you refuse to take off the spidey man underwear......your position is that blacks are natural inferior to whites.

Now, like I pointed out before, the manifestation of individuals with such beliefs:

Hiring manager:. Less likely to hire an African American. More likely to fire an African American.
Teacher : More likely to suspend or put blacks in remedial education, because they believe blacks can't keep up.
Loan officer : More likely to charge blacks higher interest on loan or deny loans, all other things being equal.
Police officer : More likely to think the black person is a threat to their lives and hence respond more forcefully.
Judge : More likely to give black longer and stiffer sentences.
Home owner : More likely to move from the neighborhood when blacks start moving in:
Parent : More likely to take their kids out of school systems when blacks start enrolling.
Politics : More likely to align with the political party that is most in opposition to black interest.

In fact, your views, and others who share them, would help create/incubate the conditions in blacks that you complain about. Its not an issue of what came first, the chicken or the egg either. Blacks did not come to America as a people who had children out of wedlock. Blacks did not come to America with high rates of crime. Blacks did not come to America with "black culture"....but rather, "African culture". All the things you all complain about came about from centuries of contact with whites.
Last edited:
However, lets cuts to the chase. You think blacks are inferior and that is why we are in an inferior condition to whites. This is what you believe and believing that in no way means that you are racist. Right? Did I sum up your position succinctly? Why go through the inefficient beat around the bush rhetoric when all you are trying to demonstrate is black inferiority by nature? Just take off the spider man underwear and be a man about it.

Blacks and society accuses whites of oppressing blacks. It's fair that the truth be pointed out, that blacks themselves are to blame.

Our country spends more money on the education of blacks than whites. White taxpayers provide black kids with warm homes. Yet, black SAT scores are show even college-minded blacks are barely literate. How are whites responsible for those low scores? How does giving blacks an education oppress them?

You (generic) don't blame blacks smoking dope and having bastard children. You blame an institution that ended many generations ago where black workers weren't allowed to quit.

Again, since you refuse to take off the spidey man underwear......your position is that blacks are natural inferior to whites.

Now, like I pointed out before, the manifestation of individuals with such beliefs:

Hiring manager:. Less likely to hire an African American. More likely to fire an African American.
Teacher : More likely to suspend or put blacks in remedial education, because they believe blacks can't keep up.
Loan officer : More likely to charge blacks higher interest on loan or deny loans, all other things being equal.
Police officer : More likely to think the black person is a threat to their lives and hence respond more forcefully.
Judge : More likely to give black longer and stiffer sentences.
Home owner : More likely to move from the neighborhood when blacks start moving in:
Parent : More likely to take their kids out of school systems when blacks start enrolling.
Politics : More likely to align with the political party that is most in opposition to black interest.

In fact, your views, and others who share them, would help create/incubate the conditions in blacks that you complain about. Its not an issue of what came first, the chicken or the egg either. Blacks did not come to America as a people who had children out of wedlock. Blacks did not come to America with high rates of crime. Blacks did not come to America with "black culture"....but rather, "African culture". All the things you all complain about came about from centuries of contact with whites.
Blacks are, in general, intellectually inferior to Whites and Asians. This is from generations of poor schooling, in Africa, and here in the US. Now I'm not saying that blacks aren't smart enough to catch up, there probably are, but you all need to stay in school, even if that had never been part of "African culture". And one more thing, please pull your pants up, everyone is laughing at you.
so I see all these whites are evil threads/white supremacists/white supremacists running for office/white hate groups/whites committing hate crimes/etc

let's make it clear right here:
blacks -etc are racists/haters/prejudiced/bigots/etc also
they also have their groups geared to helping their race and their race only
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

So essentially you are saying its a wash, in regards to racism. Ergo, blacks are just as racist as whites. However, whites win the morality contest because blac
so I see all these whites are evil threads/white supremacists/white supremacists running for office/white hate groups/whites committing hate crimes/etc

let's make it clear right here:
blacks -etc are racists/haters/prejudiced/bigots/etc also
they also have their groups geared to helping their race and their race only
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

If everything is a wash and blacks are just as guilty of racism as whites......I don't understand why black poverty is 2 1/2 times that of whites and why black wealth is 15 times less than whites and why black unemployment it twice that of whites.

I am trying to figure out how we became unequal economically if everything whites did to blacks was offset by things blacks did against whites. I mean, it seems logical to me is that the one guilty of doing the most dirt against the other......would be the one that is ahead.

Three rules for staying out of poverty

"You can avoid poverty by:

1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job.

If you do all those three things, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent. Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

Applies to everyone
These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups. Breaking these rules is becoming more commonplace, unfortunately, for all racial groups.

By contrast, young adults who violated all three norms - dropped out, got married before 21 and had children out of wedlock and didn’t have a full-time job - had a 76 percent chance of winding up in poverty and a 7 percent chance of winding up in the middle class."

There are all kind of studies that show even when whitSes don't follow the recipe, they get better opportunities than blacks:

Study: Black man and white felon – same chances for hire

I can do this all day.....your turn.

I like the way the study claims to know what people are thinking.

THe three steps are still valid.

The illegitimacy rate for blacks is over 70%.

The vast majority of black families do not have a "primary breadwinner".

That's a fine "recipe", if you are actively trying to keep blacks poor.

I hear black unemployment is at an all time low.

Are you encouraged at all by that?

Do you even have an inkling of what percentage of Blacks are poor? I've told you so many times it ought to have sunk in by now.And the high illegimacy rate doesn't seem to be a factor for that 75% of Blacks living above the poverty line. That dynamic existed in the black community during most of the OBama adminstration and continues til this very day.
However, lets cuts to the chase. You think blacks are inferior and that is why we are in an inferior condition to whites. This is what you believe and believing that in no way means that you are racist. Right? Did I sum up your position succinctly? Why go through the inefficient beat around the bush rhetoric when all you are trying to demonstrate is black inferiority by nature? Just take off the spider man underwear and be a man about it.

Blacks and society accuses whites of oppressing blacks. It's fair that the truth be pointed out, that blacks themselves are to blame.

Our country spends more money on the education of blacks than whites. White taxpayers provide black kids with warm homes. Yet, black SAT scores are show even college-minded blacks are barely literate. How are whites responsible for those low scores? How does giving blacks an education oppress them?

You (generic) don't blame blacks smoking dope and having bastard children. You blame an institution that ended many generations ago where black workers weren't allowed to quit.

Again, since you refuse to take off the spidey man underwear......your position is that blacks are natural inferior to whites.

Now, like I pointed out before, the manifestation of individuals with such beliefs:

Hiring manager:. Less likely to hire an African American. More likely to fire an African American.
Teacher : More likely to suspend or put blacks in remedial education, because they believe blacks can't keep up.
Loan officer : More likely to charge blacks higher interest on loan or deny loans, all other things being equal.
Police officer : More likely to think the black person is a threat to their lives and hence respond more forcefully.
Judge : More likely to give black longer and stiffer sentences.
Home owner : More likely to move from the neighborhood when blacks start moving in:
Parent : More likely to take their kids out of school systems when blacks start enrolling.
Politics : More likely to align with the political party that is most in opposition to black interest.

In fact, your views, and others who share them, would help create/incubate the conditions in blacks that you complain about. Its not an issue of what came first, the chicken or the egg either. Blacks did not come to America as a people who had children out of wedlock. Blacks did not come to America with high rates of crime. Blacks did not come to America with "black culture"....but rather, "African culture". All the things you all complain about came about from centuries of contact with whites.
Blacks are, in general, intellectually inferior to Whites and Asians. This is from generations of poor schooling, in Africa, and here in the US. Now I'm not saying that blacks aren't smart enough to catch up, there probably are, but you all need to stay in school, even if that had never been part of "African culture". And one more thing, please pull your pants up, everyone is laughing at you.
Thats a rather shallow assessment of the entire black community. A few hip hop punks don't define black life in America. Most blacks are God fearing Christians who are as conservative in their beliefs as any white person here. They work and pay taxes like you do. And most are far from being poor.
However, lets cuts to the chase. You think blacks are inferior and that is why we are in an inferior condition to whites. This is what you believe and believing that in no way means that you are racist. Right? Did I sum up your position succinctly? Why go through the inefficient beat around the bush rhetoric when all you are trying to demonstrate is black inferiority by nature? Just take off the spider man underwear and be a man about it.

Blacks and society accuses whites of oppressing blacks. It's fair that the truth be pointed out, that blacks themselves are to blame.

Our country spends more money on the education of blacks than whites. White taxpayers provide black kids with warm homes. Yet, black SAT scores are show even college-minded blacks are barely literate. How are whites responsible for those low scores? How does giving blacks an education oppress them?

You (generic) don't blame blacks smoking dope and having bastard children. You blame an institution that ended many generations ago where black workers weren't allowed to quit.

Again, since you refuse to take off the spidey man underwear......your position is that blacks are natural inferior to whites.

Now, like I pointed out before, the manifestation of individuals with such beliefs:

Hiring manager:. Less likely to hire an African American. More likely to fire an African American.
Teacher : More likely to suspend or put blacks in remedial education, because they believe blacks can't keep up.
Loan officer : More likely to charge blacks higher interest on loan or deny loans, all other things being equal.
Police officer : More likely to think the black person is a threat to their lives and hence respond more forcefully.
Judge : More likely to give black longer and stiffer sentences.
Home owner : More likely to move from the neighborhood when blacks start moving in:
Parent : More likely to take their kids out of school systems when blacks start enrolling.
Politics : More likely to align with the political party that is most in opposition to black interest.

In fact, your views, and others who share them, would help create/incubate the conditions in blacks that you complain about. Its not an issue of what came first, the chicken or the egg either. Blacks did not come to America as a people who had children out of wedlock. Blacks did not come to America with high rates of crime. Blacks did not come to America with "black culture"....but rather, "African culture". All the things you all complain about came about from centuries of contact with whites.
Blacks are, in general, intellectually inferior to Whites and Asians. This is from generations of poor schooling, in Africa, and here in the US. Now I'm not saying that blacks aren't smart enough to catch up, there probably are, but you all need to stay in school, even if that had never been part of "African culture". And one more thing, please pull your pants up, everyone is laughing at you.
Thats a rather shallow assessment of the entire black community. A few hip hop punks don't define black life in America. Most blacks are God fearing Christians who are as conservative in their beliefs as any white person here. They work and pay taxes like you do. And most are far from being poor.
Not talking about wealth, but intelligence, and at this stage of the game, blacks are behind Asians and Whites, as a race and in general.
However, lets cuts to the chase. You think blacks are inferior and that is why we are in an inferior condition to whites. This is what you believe and believing that in no way means that you are racist. Right? Did I sum up your position succinctly? Why go through the inefficient beat around the bush rhetoric when all you are trying to demonstrate is black inferiority by nature? Just take off the spider man underwear and be a man about it.

Blacks and society accuses whites of oppressing blacks. It's fair that the truth be pointed out, that blacks themselves are to blame.

Our country spends more money on the education of blacks than whites. White taxpayers provide black kids with warm homes. Yet, black SAT scores are show even college-minded blacks are barely literate. How are whites responsible for those low scores? How does giving blacks an education oppress them?

You (generic) don't blame blacks smoking dope and having bastard children. You blame an institution that ended many generations ago where black workers weren't allowed to quit.

Again, since you refuse to take off the spidey man underwear......your position is that blacks are natural inferior to whites.

Now, like I pointed out before, the manifestation of individuals with such beliefs:

Hiring manager:. Less likely to hire an African American. More likely to fire an African American.
Teacher : More likely to suspend or put blacks in remedial education, because they believe blacks can't keep up.
Loan officer : More likely to charge blacks higher interest on loan or deny loans, all other things being equal.
Police officer : More likely to think the black person is a threat to their lives and hence respond more forcefully.
Judge : More likely to give black longer and stiffer sentences.
Home owner : More likely to move from the neighborhood when blacks start moving in:
Parent : More likely to take their kids out of school systems when blacks start enrolling.
Politics : More likely to align with the political party that is most in opposition to black interest.

In fact, your views, and others who share them, would help create/incubate the conditions in blacks that you complain about. Its not an issue of what came first, the chicken or the egg either. Blacks did not come to America as a people who had children out of wedlock. Blacks did not come to America with high rates of crime. Blacks did not come to America with "black culture"....but rather, "African culture". All the things you all complain about came about from centuries of contact with whites.
Blacks are, in general, intellectually inferior to Whites and Asians. This is from generations of poor schooling, in Africa, and here in the US. Now I'm not saying that blacks aren't smart enough to catch up, there probably are, but you all need to stay in school, even if that had never been part of "African culture". And one more thing, please pull your pants up, everyone is laughing at you.

It takes thousands of years for evolutionary changes in the brain that would impact the intelligence of a "race". Your theory is absurd. What impacted learning in Africa was nutrition, not poor schooling. Schooling does not create intelligence. Schooling creates knowledge. I mean, you can learn everything there is to learn, but your kids are not born knowing all the things you learned. Schooling has little to do with innate intelligence, although IQ test confuses that fact.

I will say this though, if you can convince a people they are less intelligent, they will perform less intelligently.
However, lets cuts to the chase. You think blacks are inferior and that is why we are in an inferior condition to whites. This is what you believe and believing that in no way means that you are racist. Right? Did I sum up your position succinctly? Why go through the inefficient beat around the bush rhetoric when all you are trying to demonstrate is black inferiority by nature? Just take off the spider man underwear and be a man about it.

Blacks and society accuses whites of oppressing blacks. It's fair that the truth be pointed out, that blacks themselves are to blame.

Our country spends more money on the education of blacks than whites. White taxpayers provide black kids with warm homes. Yet, black SAT scores are show even college-minded blacks are barely literate. How are whites responsible for those low scores? How does giving blacks an education oppress them?

You (generic) don't blame blacks smoking dope and having bastard children. You blame an institution that ended many generations ago where black workers weren't allowed to quit.

Again, since you refuse to take off the spidey man underwear......your position is that blacks are natural inferior to whites.

Now, like I pointed out before, the manifestation of individuals with such beliefs:

Hiring manager:. Less likely to hire an African American. More likely to fire an African American.
Teacher : More likely to suspend or put blacks in remedial education, because they believe blacks can't keep up.
Loan officer : More likely to charge blacks higher interest on loan or deny loans, all other things being equal.
Police officer : More likely to think the black person is a threat to their lives and hence respond more forcefully.
Judge : More likely to give black longer and stiffer sentences.
Home owner : More likely to move from the neighborhood when blacks start moving in:
Parent : More likely to take their kids out of school systems when blacks start enrolling.
Politics : More likely to align with the political party that is most in opposition to black interest.

In fact, your views, and others who share them, would help create/incubate the conditions in blacks that you complain about. Its not an issue of what came first, the chicken or the egg either. Blacks did not come to America as a people who had children out of wedlock. Blacks did not come to America with high rates of crime. Blacks did not come to America with "black culture"....but rather, "African culture". All the things you all complain about came about from centuries of contact with whites.
Blacks are, in general, intellectually inferior to Whites and Asians. This is from generations of poor schooling, in Africa, and here in the US. Now I'm not saying that blacks aren't smart enough to catch up, there probably are, but you all need to stay in school, even if that had never been part of "African culture". And one more thing, please pull your pants up, everyone is laughing at you.

It takes thousands of years for evolutionary changes in the brain that would impact the intelligence of a "race". Your theory is absurd. What impacted learning in Africa was nutrition, not poor schooling. Schooling does not create intelligence. Schooling creates knowledge. I mean, you can learn everything there is to learn, but your kids are not born knowing all the things you learned. Schooling has little to do with innate intelligence, although IQ test confuses that fact.

I will say this though, if you can convince a people they are less intelligent, they will perform less intelligently.
The brain is like a muscle, if you don't exercise it, it stagnates. People don't become strong by sitting around and hoping for evolution to give them bigger muscles, they go out there and challenge themselves physically to get the job done. It's the same with the brain, you need to work it to make it stronger...
However, lets cuts to the chase. You think blacks are inferior and that is why we are in an inferior condition to whites. This is what you believe and believing that in no way means that you are racist. Right? Did I sum up your position succinctly? Why go through the inefficient beat around the bush rhetoric when all you are trying to demonstrate is black inferiority by nature? Just take off the spider man underwear and be a man about it.

Blacks and society accuses whites of oppressing blacks. It's fair that the truth be pointed out, that blacks themselves are to blame.

Our country spends more money on the education of blacks than whites. White taxpayers provide black kids with warm homes. Yet, black SAT scores are show even college-minded blacks are barely literate. How are whites responsible for those low scores? How does giving blacks an education oppress them?

You (generic) don't blame blacks smoking dope and having bastard children. You blame an institution that ended many generations ago where black workers weren't allowed to quit.

Again, since you refuse to take off the spidey man underwear......your position is that blacks are natural inferior to whites.

Now, like I pointed out before, the manifestation of individuals with such beliefs:

Hiring manager:. Less likely to hire an African American. More likely to fire an African American.
Teacher : More likely to suspend or put blacks in remedial education, because they believe blacks can't keep up.
Loan officer : More likely to charge blacks higher interest on loan or deny loans, all other things being equal.
Police officer : More likely to think the black person is a threat to their lives and hence respond more forcefully.
Judge : More likely to give black longer and stiffer sentences.
Home owner : More likely to move from the neighborhood when blacks start moving in:
Parent : More likely to take their kids out of school systems when blacks start enrolling.
Politics : More likely to align with the political party that is most in opposition to black interest.

In fact, your views, and others who share them, would help create/incubate the conditions in blacks that you complain about. Its not an issue of what came first, the chicken or the egg either. Blacks did not come to America as a people who had children out of wedlock. Blacks did not come to America with high rates of crime. Blacks did not come to America with "black culture"....but rather, "African culture". All the things you all complain about came about from centuries of contact with whites.
Blacks are, in general, intellectually inferior to Whites and Asians. This is from generations of poor schooling, in Africa, and here in the US. Now I'm not saying that blacks aren't smart enough to catch up, there probably are, but you all need to stay in school, even if that had never been part of "African culture". And one more thing, please pull your pants up, everyone is laughing at you.

It takes thousands of years for evolutionary changes in the brain that would impact the intelligence of a "race". Your theory is absurd. What impacted learning in Africa was nutrition, not poor schooling. Schooling does not create intelligence. Schooling creates knowledge. I mean, you can learn everything there is to learn, but your kids are not born knowing all the things you learned. Schooling has little to do with innate intelligence, although IQ test confuses that fact.

I will say this though, if you can convince a people they are less intelligent, they will perform less intelligently.
The brain is like a muscle, if you don't exercise it, it stagnates. People don't become strong by sitting around and hoping for evolution to give them bigger muscles, they go out there and challenge themselves physically to get the job done. It's the same with the brain, you need to work it to make it stronger...

When I was growing up some of the strongest people I knew were country boys from the south who never lifted a weight in the life. Rather, their daily life was such that it built their muscles, without the need of a gym. Schools are like Gyms in that they are places designed to exercise the brain, but a person would be naive to believe that school is the only place a persons mind is challenged to think.

Keep in mind also all the inventions that came from people who were not well educated.....but tinkerers.

People Who Changed the World – Without Formal Education
So the blacks kids that would gang up on me and beat me for no reason in elementary school were not racist they just needed to release a little aggression from being in a single parent household?
Beat you up for no reason ? Really. I think you're leaving out a lot of blanks. Every white person seems to have a "blacks beat me up" story, But I'd like to talk to the so called black kids who beat you up and hear there side of story

Because to be honest it sounds like you got stomped the fk out in fair 1 on 1 fight by a black kid, but your tryna save face by saying "blacks kids that would gang up on me and beat me" or you were running your mouth with some slick racist sh*t and they socked you in your mouth, or it didn't happen at all.

So let me guess, the black kids walked up to you and said "giz me yo money, u punk ass cracker bitch" that's how it went down...yeah white man ?
I did absolutely nothing wrong and your defense of the defenseless gives me an indication you are just like those poor blacks kids....Blacks don't fight one on one I learned that from school and the military...

He is taking their side, assuming they are the ones in the right, based on skin color.

And he thinks whites are the ones who are racist.

His hate is making him stupid.
So the blacks kids that would gang up on me and beat me for no reason in elementary school were not racist they just needed to release a little aggression from being in a single parent household?
Beat you up for no reason ? Really. I think you're leaving out a lot of blanks. Every white person seems to have a "blacks beat me up" story, But I'd like to talk to the so called black kids who beat you up and hear there side of story

Because to be honest it sounds like you got stomped the fk out in fair 1 on 1 fight by a black kid, but your tryna save face by saying "blacks kids that would gang up on me and beat me" or you were running your mouth with some slick racist sh*t and they socked you in your mouth, or it didn't happen at all.

So let me guess, the black kids walked up to you and said "giz me yo money, u punk ass cracker bitch" that's how it went down...yeah white man ?
I did absolutely nothing wrong and your defense of the defenseless gives me an indication you are just like those poor blacks kids....Blacks don't fight one on one I learned that from school and the military...

He is taking their side, assuming they are the ones in the right, based on skin color.

And he thinks whites are the ones who are racist.

His hate is making him stupid.
That is exactly what hate does to a human..
Blacks and society accuses whites of oppressing blacks. It's fair that the truth be pointed out, that blacks themselves are to blame.

Our country spends more money on the education of blacks than whites. White taxpayers provide black kids with warm homes. Yet, black SAT scores are show even college-minded blacks are barely literate. How are whites responsible for those low scores? How does giving blacks an education oppress them?

You (generic) don't blame blacks smoking dope and having bastard children. You blame an institution that ended many generations ago where black workers weren't allowed to quit.

Again, since you refuse to take off the spidey man underwear......your position is that blacks are natural inferior to whites.

Now, like I pointed out before, the manifestation of individuals with such beliefs:

Hiring manager:. Less likely to hire an African American. More likely to fire an African American.
Teacher : More likely to suspend or put blacks in remedial education, because they believe blacks can't keep up.
Loan officer : More likely to charge blacks higher interest on loan or deny loans, all other things being equal.
Police officer : More likely to think the black person is a threat to their lives and hence respond more forcefully.
Judge : More likely to give black longer and stiffer sentences.
Home owner : More likely to move from the neighborhood when blacks start moving in:
Parent : More likely to take their kids out of school systems when blacks start enrolling.
Politics : More likely to align with the political party that is most in opposition to black interest.

In fact, your views, and others who share them, would help create/incubate the conditions in blacks that you complain about. Its not an issue of what came first, the chicken or the egg either. Blacks did not come to America as a people who had children out of wedlock. Blacks did not come to America with high rates of crime. Blacks did not come to America with "black culture"....but rather, "African culture". All the things you all complain about came about from centuries of contact with whites.
Blacks are, in general, intellectually inferior to Whites and Asians. This is from generations of poor schooling, in Africa, and here in the US. Now I'm not saying that blacks aren't smart enough to catch up, there probably are, but you all need to stay in school, even if that had never been part of "African culture". And one more thing, please pull your pants up, everyone is laughing at you.

It takes thousands of years for evolutionary changes in the brain that would impact the intelligence of a "race". Your theory is absurd. What impacted learning in Africa was nutrition, not poor schooling. Schooling does not create intelligence. Schooling creates knowledge. I mean, you can learn everything there is to learn, but your kids are not born knowing all the things you learned. Schooling has little to do with innate intelligence, although IQ test confuses that fact.

I will say this though, if you can convince a people they are less intelligent, they will perform less intelligently.
The brain is like a muscle, if you don't exercise it, it stagnates. People don't become strong by sitting around and hoping for evolution to give them bigger muscles, they go out there and challenge themselves physically to get the job done. It's the same with the brain, you need to work it to make it stronger...

When I was growing up some of the strongest people I knew were country boys from the south who never lifted a weight in the life. Rather, their daily life was such that it built their muscles, without the need of a gym. Schools are like Gyms in that they are places designed to exercise the brain, but a person would be naive to believe that school is the only place a persons mind is challenged to think.

Keep in mind also all the inventions that came from people who were not well educated.....but tinkerers.

People Who Changed the World – Without Formal Education
Your refusal to acknowledge education as a way to get smarter is also part of the problem.

So tell us, how many tinkerers have made it into space?

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