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Zone1 Blacks blaming Whites

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Since when is the FBI Credible? They lie all the time.
You stated yourself that in regards to Dumb Drumpf - you believe them
But it's no surprise that Lefty&libs categorically out-rule sources that don't fit their agenda. After all their lives work is dedicated to opposing, dismantling and discrediting the existing political-social system.
Look, man, I get it. Jamal stole your girl and then kicked your ass in high school, but you gotta let it go, buddy.
These kind of statements really don't help you at all - but once radicals get cornered (independent of their political background) they resort to exactly that kind of response.
Rapid fire stupidity

Actually, her testimony demonstrated his state of mind, that there was this creepy ass white guy following him.
George Zimmerman was doing his job. Trayvon Martin broke the law by attacking, and was killed in self defense.
Nope, they proved he was a white pussy who got his ass kicked by a black child. I have to wonder how many time black people kicked your backside to make you such an angry racist.
Beating people up is all black ghetto thugs have. They can't win academically and economically because they are at the wrong end of the IQ bell curve. Characteristics that enabled their ancestors to thrive in the jungles of darkest Africa earn them felony convictions in civilized countries.

Professor Arthur Jensen of Berkeley: That may be true. But again, I’m wondering about the degree to which differences in basic characteristics may be at the basis of that. Where the differences in basic characteristics are not conspicuous, as in the case of Asians and whites, and when persons can fit in and do the same kinds of jobs and do them as well as anyone else, it may work. See, there are blacks who fit in this way too — who do all right.

But the black population in this country is in a sense burdened by the large number of persons who are at a level of g that is no longer very relevant to a highly industrialized, technological society. Once you get below IQs of 80 or 75, which is the cut-off for mental retardation in the California School System, children are put into special classes. These persons are not really educable up to a level for which there’s any economic demand. The question is, what do you do about them? They have higher birth-rates than the other end of the distribution.

People are shocked and disbelieving when you tell them that about one in four blacks in our population are in that category — below 75...

You see, the problem with relying entirely on education in these matters, is that these measures don’t get to the IQ group below 75.


If you look at the IQ bell curve you will see that only a thin sliver of blacks have IQ's above 115. That, rather than white racism, is the reason few blacks are in managerial or professional jobs. When affirmative action gets low IQ blacks into managerial and professional positions they do not perform well.

A larger percentage of blacks have IQ's below 75. They make up the underclass who live in the black ghetto, where they subsist on welfare checks and the gains from criminal activity.
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Look, man, I get it. Jamal stole your girl and then kicked your ass in high school, but you gotta let it go, buddy.
By Jamal, do you mean the guy who read at a sixth grade level when he was eighteen years old? Jamal looked good on the basketball court, but he was unimpressive in the class room. Teachers passed him anyway, because they did not want to be accused of racism, but mainly because they did not want him in their class rooms the next year.

No girl or woman I have been involved with would look twice at someone with a ghetto name like Jamal.
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You stated yourself that in regards to Dumb Drumpf - you believe them
But it's no surprise that Lefty&libs categorically out-rule sources that don't fit their agenda. After all their lives work is dedicated to opposing, dismantling and discrediting the existing political-social system.

Actually, I rule out the FBI stats in this case because they are incomplete. They only survey 8000 or so homicides when we have 25,000 homicides a year in this country. So of course, when they get reporting from the big cities where people of color live and get incomplete reporting from rural counties, of course the numbers are going to be skewed.

On the other hand, we know Trump is scum. He's spent decades proving he was scum. Why the small minority of you keep supporting him boggles the mind.

These kind of statements really don't help you at all - but once radicals get cornered (independent of their political background) they resort to exactly that kind of response.

Naw, man, you can tell that Hector blames black people for some tragedy in his life. Just look at the acrobatics he goes through to justify his hate. I mean, I know a lot of racists.. but most of them just don't like group X. They don't try to intellectually justify it with 50 year old debunked studies.

George Zimmerman was doing his job. Trayvon Martin broke the law by attacking, and was killed in self defense.

Uh, it wasn't his job to chase down a young man who was the wrong color in his neighborhood. Martin was acting in self-defense. Oh, wait, silly darkie, rights are for white people.

Beating people up is all black ghetto thugs have. They can't win academically and economically because they are at the wrong end of the IQ bell curve. Characteristics that enabled their ancestors to thrive in the jungles of darkest Africa earn them felony convictions in civilized countries.

Wow, Jamal must have seriously kicked your ass while your former girlfriend laughed at you when he did it.
You need to let it go, man. Everyone has a fight or two in High School.
By Jamal, do you mean the guy who read at a sixth grade level when he was eighteen years old? Jamal looked good on the basketball court, but he was unimpressive in the class room. Teachers passed him anyway, because they did not want to be accused of racism, but mainly because they did not want him in their class rooms the next year.

No girl or woman I have been involved with would look twice at someone with a ghetto name like Jamal.

Wow, the dripping hate... so this is some kind of childhood trauma, isn't it. Okay, Dr. Joe is here to listen. Just tell us about your deep seated trauma, and we can help you get past it. Probably a lot more healthy than hanging out on Racist Websites trying to rationalize your hate with 50 year old debunked studies.
If you look at the IQ bell curve you will see that only a thin sliver of blacks have IQ's above 115. That, rather than white racism, is the reason few blacks are in managerial or professional jobs. When affirmative action gets low IQ blacks into managerial and professional positions they do not perform well.

The Bell Curve was debunked years ago, buddy.

It has all the scientific merit of phrenology and positive eugenics and other discredited theories.

Here's the reality, about all your talk about evolution. If any group is probably on it's way out, it's us white folks. We don't have the replacement rates in the US or Europe to sustain us in the long term. East Asia isn't far behind, as China and Japan are already in demographic death spirals.

The future of humanity is probably black and brown, and you are just going to have to learn how to deal.

Or you can do the very sensible thing and realize that we are just people, and not try to find a mail order bride to breed your super-race.
The Bell Curve was debunked years ago, buddy.
The Bell Curve has been cursed at. It has never been refuted. The failure of Head Start and No Child Left Behind to close the race gap in academic performance confirms assertions made in The Bell Curve.

The following charts giver further confirmation of The Bell Curve.

2006 College & University
Guidance, Scholarships, Money and Info Gateways
(For Students, Parents, College Advisors, Mentors,
and Cultural Groups)

SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity: 2003

In recent years the noted pattern of test scores has reflected similar numbers--
Editor, 2005

SAT Ethnic Group Scores (Math/Verbal+total)

• American Indian---482/480 (962)
• Asian American-----575/508 (1083)
• African American-----426/431 (857)
• Puerto Rican----457/448 (905)

Other Hispanic----464/457 (921)

• White-----534/529 (1063)
• Other ----513/501 (1014)

Source: www.collegeboard.com

Average ACT Composite Score by Race/Ethnicity, 2003

• African American ----16.9
• American Indian---18.7
• Caucasian---- 21.7
• Mexican American----18.3
• Asian American---- 21.8
• Hispanic----19.0
• Other ----19.3
• Multiracial-----20.9
• Prefer Not to Respond -----21.8
• No Response-----20.1

Source: www.act.org

SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity

No one has found a way to raise the IQ and improve the academic performance of children who score poorly on IQ tests at the age of seven.

The following chart confirms Professor Arthur Jensen's assertion that more dollars cannot buy better scholars.

With notable exceptions there is little point in trying to educate the illegitimate children of the underclass.
Wow, the dripping hate... so this is some kind of childhood trauma, isn't it. Okay, Dr. Joe is here to listen. Just tell us about your deep seated trauma, and we can help you get past it. Probably a lot more healthy than hanging out on Racist Websites trying to rationalize your hate with 50 year old debunked studies.
When and how were the studies rebutted? Where is there proof of intrinsic racial equality?
The Bell Curve has been cursed at. It has never been refuted.
Actually, it's been completely refuted.
The failure of Head Start and No Child Left Behind to close the race gap in academic performance confirms assertions made in The Bell Curve.
No, that proves we didn't spend enough money on them.

We are going to spend 12 billion on "Head Start", which sounds like a lot.
Until you realize the cost of a Ford Class Aircraft Carrier is 37 Billion.
Actually, I rule out the FBI stats in this case because they are incomplete. They only survey 8000 or so homicides when we have 25,000 homicides a year in this country. So of course, when they get reporting from the big cities where people of color live and get incomplete reporting from rural counties, of course the numbers are going to be skewed.
I will trust the FBI before I trust a virtue signalers who disagrees with Jesse Jackson.


No, that proves we didn't spend enough money on them.

The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure, by Robert Rector

The Heritage Foundation Sep 23, 2014

This year marks the 50th anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson's launch of the War on Poverty. In January 1964, Johnson declared "unconditional war on poverty in America." Since then, the taxpayers have spent $22 trillion on Johnson's war. Adjusted for inflation, that's three times the cost of all military wars since the American Revolution.

JoeB131, what makes you think more money will fix problems trillions of dollars have not already fixed?
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The future of humanity is probably black and brown, and you are just going to have to learn how to deal.
In the United States and internationally people with IQ's below 100 are more prolific than people with IQ's above 100. While this is happening computer technology and automation are eliminating jobs for people with below average intelligence. Black and brown people have IQ averages below 100.
Actually, it's been completely refuted.

No, that proves we didn't spend enough money on them.

We are going to spend 12 billion on "Head Start", which sounds like a lot.
Until you realize the cost of a Ford Class Aircraft Carrier is 37 Billion.
You leftists think throwing more money at a problem will solve it. Why then are the students in DC public schools scoring so much worse in math and English than the students in the Northern Virginia suburbs, despite the fact that TWICE as much money per student is spent on the former?
You leftists think throwing more money at a problem will solve it. Why then are the students in DC public schools scoring so much worse in math and English than the students in the Northern Virginia suburbs, despite the fact that TWICE as much money per student is spent on the former?
I used to post a website which unfortunately no longer exists. It demonstrated that the Washington, DC public school system spends more on each student than the public schools of every states. The student body in DC public schools has the highest percentage of blacks, and gets the lowest test scores.

Progressives want us to spend yet more money on public schools, but they do not explain what the additional funds will achieve. They dislike objective tests because blacks tend to perform poorly on them.
JoeB131, what makes you think more money will fix problems trillions of dollars have not already fixed?
Him being a lefty&lib - his idea and vision is that foremost blacks get to stay at home and play video games (especially violent ones). Made possible via receiving a common peoples income (around US$ 3000/month) and extra bonuses e.g. US$ 10.000 for every crime free month. They all get a masters degree for Hip hop and rap which will enable them to become independent music producers and massive gold necklaces upon graduating from high-school with a sports diploma.
Education then isn't necessary since they already have a secured lifestyle. Those blacks who actually do perform in a job, or truly study are lost to the white mans world.
I used to post a website which unfortunately no longer exists. It demonstrated that the Washington, DC public school system spends more on each student than the public schools of every states. The student body in DC public schools has the highest percentage of blacks, and gets the lowest test scores.

Progressives want us to spend yet more money on public schools, but they do not explain what the additional funds will achieve. They dislike objective tests because blacks tend to perform poorly on them.
To your last point, that it why TJ High School (competitive public school) eliminated its entry exam, as well as why so many liberal universities are getting rid of SAT requirements.
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