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Zone1 Blacks blaming Whites

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Um, no, calling an Asian person "Oriental" is offensive.
My many Oriental friends do not think so.

When I told a Vietnamese women I was dating, "I prefer Oriental women,"

She did not get angry at me. She smiled and said, "You think we are much more wonderful."

Who makes up these ridiculous rules anyway?

I prefer Orientals to most whites for the same reason I prefer most whites to most Negroes: Orientals have higher average IQ's and lower rates of crime and illegitimacy. I have never known an Oriental I did not like.
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My many Oriental friends do not think so.
Nobody thinks you actually have friends, you racist douchenoodle.

I prefer Orientals to whites for the same reason I prefer whites to Negroes: Orientals have higher average IQ's and lower rates of crime and illegitimacy.

Um, yeah, they are the model minority for racists.
Um, no, calling an Asian person "Oriental" is offensive.
Ridiculous and abstruse statements by a Lefty/lib US politician and a lefty/lib American Chinese journalist (who probably never spend any significant time in Asia)
Who obviously do not know what they talk about. I personally know hundreds of Asians and they couldn't care less if they are called Orientals or Asians.

Obviously it's a pure American issue, due to Middle-east people having issues with the general US population and therefore some American Asians not wanting to be named in the same group.
Just if due to Muslim terrorists organizing in the Caucasus region, and European whites - therefore not wanting to be termed Caucasians.

It's a typical lefty&lib political thing - trying to score political points amongst idiots, and spending all their time onto insignificant and banal topics.
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Nobody thinks you actually have friends, you racist douchenoodle.

Um, yeah, they are the model minority for racists.
Insults and name calling are the lowest form of discourse. I like to deal with facts, insights that can be drawn from those facts, and logical reasoning.

Calling someone a racist is name calling. It is not an effort to advance a serious discussion of a controversial issue, but an attempt at intimidation with the goal of suppressing the discussion.

You either do not understand, or you choose to ignore, the difference between a race bigot and a race realist. A race bigot dislikes members of other races simply because they belong to other races. I have had plenty of arguments with race bigots on websites that attract them.

A race realist, which is what I am, recognizes that race is an important biological category of humans. The different races differ significantly in average intelligence, criminal, and sexual behavior. These differences have evolved over a period of thousands of years in response to different population pressures.

Evolving in a cold climate selects genetically for intelligence and monogamy. Evolving in a civilization selects genetically for intelligence and obedience to the law.

Civilization civilizes, but the process is evolutionary and requires many generations. An early expectation of the civil rights movement was that when blacks were no longer discriminated against most would behave and perform as well as most whites. Race realism explains why this has not happened.

In the past American Negroes tried to emulate whites in the United States. The effort was never totally successful, but it was beneficial for American civilization. For example, the Supremes' song "Love Child" released in 1968, portrayed illegitimacy as a social problem and a personal tragedy. In 1968 many blacks agreed.

The Temptations' 1971 song "Just My Imagination" is a paean to unrequited love.

Romantic love and unrequited love are not emotions that occur naturally to most Negroes, but they can learn to feel that way when they try to adopt white values.

Now that most American Negroes no longer feel the need to emulate whites their values and behavior have reverted to what had survival value in the African jungle.

We can see that in rap music. Rap music does not warn about the dangers of illegitimacy. It is not about romantic love and unrequited love. It exalts violence and raw, animal lust.
A black mother told her 5 year old that he must be prepared for the racist society of whites and that he should fear cops because he will likely be killed by one. Now how does that set up the kid when he sees whites as dangerous and cops as killers?
A black mother told her 5 year old that he must be prepared for the racist society of whites and that he should fear cops because he will likely be killed by one. Now how does that set up the kid when he sees whites as dangerous and cops as killers?
Black mothers and black fathers (if anyone knows where they are or who they are) should tell their children that they are far more likely to be killed by blacks than whites.

BlackCrime 3.jpg

Blacks blaming Whites​

I'm cornfused---- isn't this kinda redundant? I mean, when is the last time you ever heard a black blaming other blacks for anything other than for not accusing whites of being responsible for well, everything?

I mean, as a race, when you've pretty much not contributed to anything in the world other than street riots, shootings at burger joints and who slept with the most white girls, what else is there to do?
A black mother told her 5 year old that he must be prepared for the racist society of whites and that he should fear cops because he will likely be killed by one. Now how does that set up the kid when he sees whites as dangerous and cops as killers?
I know what you mean, but you need to realize the actual BIG PICTURE about Lefties&libs - in Western countries politically united and flagged as the GREEN.

For the past 45 years their political doctrines and tools have been explicitly drawn from the Nazi's.
Intimidating people via street violence, fearmongering concepts (e.g. environment) that aid to infiltrate society, and thus dismantling state authority. (the latter results from "the people")

State authority is carried out in majority via the police - so discredit, dismantle the police and the state loses it's control. (It's exactly the same approach and issue in ALL Western countries)
As such "they" are simply making use of racial issues to further their agenda. And a Black Mommy telling her kids - beware of the police - is exactly what "they" want.
Insults and name calling are the lowest form of discourse. I like to deal with facts, insights that can be drawn from those facts, and logical reasoning.

Calling someone a racist is name calling. It is not an effort to advance a serious discussion of a controversial issue, but an attempt at intimidation with the goal of suppressing the discussion.

Guy, your racism isn't a 'fact"... It's a serious character flaw that's probably going to get you in trouble when someone finds out and HR escorts you out the door with a banker box.

You either do not understand, or you choose to ignore, the difference between a race bigot and a race realist.
No, there really isn't. A race realist just spends more brainpower justifying his irrational hate. That's what makes them more contemptable, if anything.

A race bigot dislikes members of other races simply because they belong to other races. I have had plenty of arguments with race bigots on websites that attract them.
Uh, so you are a troll on other websites, too. Got it.
A race realist, which is what I am, recognizes that race is an important biological category of humans. The different races differ significantly in average intelligence, criminal, and sexual behavior. These differences have evolved over a period of thousands of years in response to different population pressures.

Evolving in a cold climate selects genetically for intelligence and monogamy. Evolving in a civilization selects genetically for intelligence and obedience to the law.

We've been over this. If Cold Climates were so great, then the Neanderthals would have won the Evolutionary Race. The first civilizations were NON-WHITE people. White people were really only on top for, oh, the last 500 years or so. The problem is, we teach history to a point where non-white cultures like the Moghuls or the Aztecs or China don't get that much attention.

As for "Monogamy"... um, frankly, I know way to many white guys who have a side chick or a mistress. And don't even get me started on the Mormons. Mongamy is actually contrary to nature. The only reason why it's preferable to humans is because we engage in emotional attachments.

Civilization civilizes, but the process is evolutionary and requires many generations. An early expectation of the civil rights movement was that when blacks were no longer discriminated against most would behave and perform as well as most whites. Race realism explains why this has not happened.

No, race realism is bigots trying to excuse the fact that the Civil Rights movement was blocked by white bigots.

Take one issue. Busing. The problem is that white kids got good schools, black kids got the shitty schools. So to make it fair, they moved the kids around. How did white folks react? They moved to the burbs, they put their kids in parochial or private schools, and then they opposed any tax increases to improve the inner city schools.

In the past American Negroes tried to emulate whites in the United States. The effort was never totally successful, but it was beneficial for American civilization. For example, the Supremes' song "Love Child" released in 1968, portrayed illegitimacy as a social problem and a personal tragedy. In 1968 many blacks agreed.

Um, yeah... if you want to live in 1968. (I technically did live in 1968, but I was six.) Here's the thing. Prior to the wide acceptance of birth control, a lot of people ended up in loveless marriages because they were expected to do the "right thing" following an unplanned pregnancy. Women were in a subordinate position and generally went along with these "shotgun marriages".

The fact is, a lot of women (Black and white) decide that they aren't going to have the abortion, but they won't marry the guy, either. They don't have to. They can earn their own money and the courts are very generous.

Romantic love and unrequited love are not emotions that occur naturally to most Negroes, but they can learn to feel that way when they try to adopt white values.

Holy Fucking Shit. Are you fucking serious? The sign of a bigot "Those people don't feel the way we do."

Now that most American Negroes no longer feel the need to emulate whites their values and behavior have reverted to what had survival value in the African jungle.

We can see that in rap music. Rap music does not warn about the dangers of illegitimacy. It is not about romantic love and unrequited love. It exalts violence and raw, animal lust.

Um, yeah. Wow. Have you heard some music by White Folks? A lot of those also involve the objectification of women. Such as Eric Clapton's "Cocaine". Or "Come on Eileen" or "My Angel is a Centerfold" or "Under my thumb". And these are the kind of songs I grew up with, all sung by the whitest of white people.
Black mothers and black fathers (if anyone knows where they are or who they are) should tell their children that they are far more likely to be killed by blacks than whites.

You are missing the point. The point isn't who kills who. The fact is that you are most likely to be murdered by someone you know. The problem being, of course, that we are such a gun-happy society that is likely to happen if you are a poor person with a gun.

The problem that black people are rightfully upset about is when a white person kills a black person, there are often excuses made for that person, whether it be Zimmerman getting acquitted by an all-white Jury, or a Darren Wilson having a rigged grand jury fail to indict after 14 witnesses said Brown had his hands up.

When Dylan Roof shot up nine black people at a church, he wasn't hunted down and shot like Tamir Rice playing with a toy in a park. Instead they let him surrender peacefully and then took the poor dear to Burger King because he looked sad and hungry.

And then a bunch of people in the media wrote articles wringing their hands wondering how such a nice young man could do such a horrible thing. (Hint: He probably spent a lot of time on "Race Realist" websites listening to people like you!)

This is what black people are upset about. And they should be.
You are missing the point. The point isn't who kills who. The fact is that you are most likely to be murdered by someone you know. The problem being, of course, that we are such a gun-happy society that is likely to happen if you are a poor person with a gun.

The problem that black people are rightfully upset about is when a white person kills a black person, there are often excuses made for that person, whether it be Zimmerman getting acquitted by an all-white Jury, or a Darren Wilson having a rigged grand jury fail to indict after 14 witnesses said Brown had his hands up.

When Dylan Roof shot up nine black people at a church, he wasn't hunted down and shot like Tamir Rice playing with a toy in a park. Instead they let him surrender peacefully and then took the poor dear to Burger King because he looked sad and hungry.

And then a bunch of people in the media wrote articles wringing their hands wondering how such a nice young man could do such a horrible thing. (Hint: He probably spent a lot of time on "Race Realist" websites listening to people like you!)

This is what black people are upset about. And they should be.
the lies are unending with you arent they?
The problem that black people are rightfully upset about is when a white person kills a black person, there are often excuses made for that person, whether it be Zimmerman getting acquitted by an all-white Jury, or a Darren Wilson having a rigged grand jury fail to indict after 14 witnesses said Brown had his hands up.
I have already pointed this out. Read this this time. When a white man kills a black criminal who is committing a crime, like George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin, it is national news. The news media frequently slants the news to favor the black criminal.

When a black criminal kills a white person it nearly always remains local news. Frequently the race of the criminal is not mentioned in the local news.
And then a bunch of people in the media wrote articles wringing their hands wondering how such a nice young man could do such a horrible thing. (Hint: He probably spent a lot of time on "Race Realist" websites listening to people like you!)
If you know of a race realist website, let me know about it. I would like to establish a profile there. Race realism holds that the most intelligent race on the average is the race of Ashkenazi Jews, followed by East Asians. In addition, East Asians have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy than white Gentiles.

When I point that out on white nationalist websites I am flamed, suspended, and eventually banned. White nationalists call me a race traitor.
This is what black people are upset about. And they should be.
White people are upset about the sky high rate of black crime, the unqualified blacks who get jobs because of affirmative action, and the fact that our tax money supports their illegitimate children on welfare. And we should be.
Again, guy, even when I voted Republican, I thought there was something a bit off about black conservatives. You are kind of proving my point. Don't make friends with people who don't have your best interest at heart.

Somehow, I doubt very much that you were a Republican. If that was the case, why would someone who's black who agreed with your political beliefs be considered " a bit off" by you? It makes me think like you have a preconceived idea that you think that we can't diversity of opinion and we should all think alike. That sounds way more like a you problem than a me problem. In that case, you're proving my opinion of typing on the computer and removing all doubt. And let me guess, people like you have my best interests at heart because you CARE so much about the black community
Um, he's the guy who has been on this thread telling us how black people are genetically inferior because of their Alleles or some such nonsense. You really should pay attention to who you are getting in bed with.

No, but you should have the awareness to engage in enlightened self interest.
Interesting. Since you believe that I should have the "awareness to engage in enlightened self interest", you should be able to tell me what my self interests should be? Again, with the arrogance that anyone should tell anybody what their best interests should be. BTW, I can read his words for myself and figure out what he's saying and meaning. I don't need you to interpret it for me like I'm trying to read something written in a foreign language.

One party is trying to preserve your access to the things white people take for granted.
The other is trying to roll back the last 60 years of progress.

I mean, quite honestly, I could not give a shit about the problems other people have. I'm white, straight, cis-gendered and male. I have all sorts of privilege. I think that should extend to everyone, and if that means I occasionally miss out on an opportunity to give someone else a chance, then that seems fair to me. I'll have plenty of others.
Time to break out the receipts Joe. What rights and access are Republicans are trying to take away from us. No opinions. I need to see some actual legislation or proposed legislation out there. BTW, please don't insult my intelligence by trying to say that they want to keep us from voting as one of those rights/access. The Georgia "Jim Crow 2.0" voting law led to record turnout. How magnanimous of you to be willing to miss out on opportunities for someone else. Let's start with your current position. Give that up so that some other minority will have the opportunity to succeed. Let me let you in on a secret Joe: it doesn't matter how much you try and virtue signal here on this message board and elsewhere, because you're a white man, the black community will still consider you part of the problem and will want to "make you pay" for the "sins" of your skin color.
the lies are unending with you arent they?
The truth hurts, doesn't it, RetardedGySgt.
I have already pointed this out. Read this this time. When a white man kills a black criminal who is committing a crime, like George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin, it is national news. The news media frequently slants the news to favor the black criminal.

Uh, Trayvon was going home from the store. He wasn't committing a crime when Zimmerman stalked, fought and murdered him.

When a black criminal kills a white person it nearly always remains local news. Frequently the race of the criminal is not mentioned in the local news.

Give an example?

If you know of a race realist website, let me know about it. I would like to establish a profile there. Race realism holds that the most intelligent race on the average is the race of Ashkenazi Jews, followed by East Asians. In addition, East Asians have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy than white Gentiles.

Um, yeah, whatever dude. So you've found acceptable minorities. Hey, you can try not judging people by their race, that's a good start.

When I point that out on white nationalist websites I am flamed, suspended, and eventually banned. White nationalists call me a race traitor.
Sure they do... because you're a troll. Trolls aren't welcome anywhere.

White people are upset about the sky high rate of black crime, the unqualified blacks who get jobs because of affirmative action, and the fact that our tax money supports their illegitimate children on welfare. And we should be.
So essentially, they've gotten you upset about lies. And you were stupid enough to believe them.

Crime is actually much lower than it was in the 1990's, despite the surges during Trump Plague.
Affirmative Action benefits white women far more than it benefits blacks.
We spend far more on Middle Class entitlements than we do on "welfare".
Somehow, I doubt very much that you were a Republican.
Sure I did. Of course that's before the party went crazy.
Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcome in today's GOP. He supported gun control, expanded government, and gave amnesty to 3 million undocumented immigrants. This is high holy blasphemy to the your average drooling MAGAt watching Fox News.

And Reagan is one of their former candidates they still like. They hate Romney, McCain, Dole, the Bushes.

If that was the case, why would someone who's black who agreed with your political beliefs be considered " a bit off" by you? It makes me think like you have a preconceived idea that you think that we can't diversity of opinion and we should all think alike. That sounds way more like a you problem than a me problem.

No, when I see a certain combination of self-loathing and attempts to ingratiate, I consider that a bit off-putting, but that's how I describe Alan Keyes, Herman Cain, Ben Carson and the rest of the "Those other black people sure be shiftless, boss" types you see promoted by the GOP.

And let me guess, people like you have my best interests at heart because you CARE so much about the black community

Actually, I could care less about them. If you aren't a close family member or a friend, you can keel over and fucking die and I kind of won't care.

I do however, have an interest in the orderly running of the country, and we simply can't go on with a continued apartheid state.

Interesting. Since you believe that I should have the "awareness to engage in enlightened self interest", you should be able to tell me what my self interests should be?

Sure. You should be able to enjoy all the rights and privileges I do as a white person. You don't in our current society, and you ceratinly won't if the GOP gets its way.

What rights and access are Republicans are trying to take away from us. No opinions. I need to see some actual legislation or proposed legislation out there. BTW, please don't insult my intelligence by trying to say that they want to keep us from voting as one of those rights/access.

Ending affirmative Action
Rolling back voting rights
Opposing meaningful police and criminal justice reform.

The Georgia "Jim Crow 2.0" voting law led to record turnout.
That's a meaningless statistic. The voting population grows every year, so every election has "record turnout".

Let me let you in on a secret Joe: it doesn't matter how much you try and virtue signal here on this message board and elsewhere, because you're a white man, the black community will still consider you part of the problem and will want to "make you pay" for the "sins" of your skin color.

Good, I would hope so. I wouldn't trust me, either. You should probably stop groveling in front of white folks, they won't like you any better.
Actually, calling a black person a Negroid would probably get your ass kicked. I'd suggest you try it.

Maybe you can try to research before you shoot off your mouth. Point is, the rural counties that support Trump are also the ones that have high levels of people who don't even have High School education.
Generally ... the areas where whites don't attend the Public Fool System are where you'll find the wisest whites. And generally ... they know a trade by the time they're 15-years-old. (Something the inner city looters will rarely claim).
The truth hurts, doesn't it, RetardedGySgt.

Uh, Trayvon was going home from the store. He wasn't committing a crime when Zimmerman stalked, fought and murdered him.

Give an example?

Um, yeah, whatever dude. So you've found acceptable minorities. Hey, you can try not judging people by their race, that's a good start.

Sure they do... because you're a troll. Trolls aren't welcome anywhere.

So essentially, they've gotten you upset about lies. And you were stupid enough to believe them.

Crime is actually much lower than it was in the 1990's, despite the surges during Trump Plague.
Affirmative Action benefits white women far more than it benefits blacks.
We spend far more on Middle Class entitlements than we do on "welfare".
Travon Martin made it home and then chose to back track and find Zimmerman who was returning to his car to and viciously attack him trying to kill him by pounding his head into the cement.
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