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Zone1 Blacks blaming Whites

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There's a saying that it's better to be thought of an idiot and remain quiet, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Joe, you're doing a bang up in completely outing yourself. The fact that you believe that a black man having a different opinion than some white liberal thinks a black person should think is some sign of self-loathing is the height of stupidity and arrogance.

Again, guy, even when I voted Republican, I thought there was something a bit off about black conservatives. You are kind of proving my point. Don't make friends with people who don't have your best interest at heart.

So then, Joe, you tell me how I'm supposed to think about things, since you know, white liberals are good at doing stuff like that? Also, you ACTUALLY think that I'm seeking Hector's approval?!? I have no idea who Hector is and don't really care who they are.

Um, he's the guy who has been on this thread telling us how black people are genetically inferior because of their Alleles or some such nonsense. You really should pay attention to who you are getting in bed with.

I don't seek validation or love from other people to justify my beliefs, which I've gotten from living my life all over the country and other countries. Doing that is a sign of a weak-minded person.
No, but you should have the awareness to engage in enlightened self interest.

One party is trying to preserve your access to the things white people take for granted.
The other is trying to roll back the last 60 years of progress.

I mean, quite honestly, I could not give a shit about the problems other people have. I'm white, straight, cis-gendered and male. I have all sorts of privilege. I think that should extend to everyone, and if that means I occasionally miss out on an opportunity to give someone else a chance, then that seems fair to me. I'll have plenty of others.
In the present climate a racist is one who is willing to draw attention to the following facts. First, by every objective, measurable criteria blacks tend to be less intelligent than whites.

Because we've created a multi-tier education system that regulates them to the inferior schools. Hello.

Second, they have a higher rate of legitimacy.
So what? Actually, saying "illegitimate" is an outmoded word, like "Oriental" or "Colored". No one is illegitimate just because their parents didn't get married.

As an aside, I'm getting married in September, and man, what an absolute pain in the ass it is. Even with the simple ceremony we intend to have, it's a pain. I can see why so many young people of ALL races avoid it.

Third, they have a much higher crime rate.

No, they just have a justice system that is weighted against them. If every brother had a Dream Team like OJ or Rittenhouse, we could empty the prisons.

Because these characteristics exist everywhere blacks exist I think they are genetic.
Where is "everywhere", exactly? Is there any place on Planet Earth where black people live where they haven't been enslaved or exploited by white people?


I do not think we are supposed to mention other websites here. I will say that I have been banned from white nationalist websites for expressing my admiration for Jews and East Asians.

First, what the fuck are you doing on a white nationalist website to start with?
Second, do you think you get brownie points for incomplete hate?

In other words you are rude to those who present facts you do not like to be told, although you are probably privately aware that they are facts.
Uh, no, guy you dont present facts. You present garbage like the Bell Curve that was debunked years ago.
The problem isn't the percentage. The problem is the reaction.

If a black person kills another black person, they are arrested, prosecuted, convicted, and imprisoned.

If a white person kills a black person, we have people like you immediately rushing out trying to make excuses how the black person might have provoked it.

When Botham Jean was shot in his home because a cop mistook his apartment for her own, the immediate reaction of the police was to toss his apartment looking for something illegal to justify the shooting.

When Laquan McDonald was shot 16 times by a police officer in Chicago, the Fraternal Order of Police spent millions of dollars defending that officer after the City of Chicago made a concerted effort to cover the facts of the incident up.

And in this case, people are arguing that this 89 year old racist who watched Fox News all day was somehow defending himself against an honor student who knocked at his door.
That’s BS and you know it
The Washington Post, April 23, 2023
In wake of Ralph Yarl shooting, Black teens face fear and resignation

Like many Black moms, Katrice Fuller, has had “the talk” with her young sons. It’s a rite of passage for Black children, the somber conversation about the special rules they must adhere to when talking to police, where to place their hands when pulled over in a traffic stop, tips on how to avoid becoming a target. People are more likely to think they’re dangerous, they’re told, so be careful.

But a new fear is creeping into “the talk” in the wake of the recent shooting of a Black teen in Kansas City, Mo. There have been tearful conversations, new rules about interacting with strangers and, for some, a sense of resignation. It’s another sign, parents say, that Black children, particularly boys — which research has found are often seen as older and bigger than they are by people of other races — are at risk.

On a quest to pick up his siblings from a friend’s house, 16-year-old Ralph Yarl mistakenly rang the doorbell of the wrong home. The White man who opened the door, Andrew Lester, 84, told police that he was “scared to death” by the late-night visitor, shooting him twice — once in the head and then again in the arm after Yarl fell to the ground.

With each new tragedy, there is also a growing sense of desensitization to the violence affecting Black children, families say. While parents say they are doubling-down on measures to keep their children safe, from tracking their movements through cellphone apps to stacking their schedules with activities to avoid trouble, they say it can feel futile in a climate hostile toward Black children.


The implication of this article is that blacks are in serious danger from whites. The following chart demonstrates that blacks face little danger from whites. Blacks and whites face considerable danger from blacks.

View attachment 779434
Thanks for the accurate information. When I saw the title of the thread: "Blacks Blame Whites" I thought to myself -- "What's New?" The moment I popped my head out of mommy's tummy ... blacks were blaming me for something. I can't remember what ... but something.
Because we've created a multi-tier education system that regulates them to the inferior schools. Hello.
Totally wrong. The Public Fool System has totally dumbed down the curriculum to lower the mental capability of the white and Asian students. In the general sense ... it's called the "dumbing down of America." It's why the Biden administration and his Communist fellows "want our kids." Keep 'em dumb and sexualized.

Lower the overall standards to the lowest common denominator so that everyone is "equal."
Because we've created a multi-tier education system that regulates them to the inferior schools. Hello.

So what? Actually, saying "illegitimate" is an outmoded word, like "Oriental" or "Colored". No one is illegitimate just because their parents didn't get married.

As an aside, I'm getting married in September, and man, what an absolute pain in the ass it is. Even with the simple ceremony we intend to have, it's a pain. I can see why so many young people of ALL races avoid it.

No, they just have a justice system that is weighted against them. If every brother had a Dream Team like OJ or Rittenhouse, we could empty the prisons.

Where is "everywhere", exactly? Is there any place on Planet Earth where black people live where they haven't been enslaved or exploited by white people?


First, what the fuck are you doing on a white nationalist website to start with?
Second, do you think you get brownie points for incomplete hate?

Uh, no, guy you dont present facts. You present garbage like the Bell Curve that was debunked years ago.
I enjoy investigating different points of view. I also enjoy political arguments.

The Bell Curve has been cursed at. It has never been debunked. Since the book was published in 1994 genetic research has discovered gene alleles that influence intelligence. As time goes on more will be discovered. No one has ever developed an educational regimen that takes children who scored poorly on IQ tests and turns them into brilliant scholars.
Because we've created a multi-tier education system that regulates them to the inferior schools. Hello.
The inferior quality of black majority public schools is due to the quality of the students, not the physical plant. Most of the students are stupid. Many are undisciplined and unruly. Some are juvenile delinquents.

The following chart demonstrates that more money spent on schools does not yield better results.

So what? Actually, saying "illegitimate" is an outmoded word, like "Oriental" or "Colored". No one is illegitimate just because their parents didn't get married.
We have been through this before. Let's do it again. Children raised by both biological parents living together in matrimony tend to have many fewer problems in life than other children.

If a man can afford to support several woman and the children he has by them I will not spend a lot of time condemning him, as long as the situation is acceptable to the women. I condemn men who impregnate women and do nothing to support the children that are created. That behavior is typical of black men.
Not enough whites have read it. When Derbyshire was fired for writing his Talk, sanctimonious whites, who had never been victims of black criminals, lined up to condemn Derbyshire.
A Vulture Needs Two Wings to Fly

National Review is a Bible for the Rightists in the ruling class. More proof that Whites who are born rich deplore, despise, hate, and fear all other White people. Don't be suckered into believing they are an alternative to the in-your-face Whiteys Hating Whitey on the Left. They are classmates.
In theory yes,
if the moment you open the door - and he/she is pointing a gun at you - probably you won't do anything, like reaching into your pocket.
I am not excusing the old man - because shooting someone in the head isn't a "usual" reaction, it actually requires previous combat experience and/or a kind of cold blooded mentality.
But anyway - it's up to you to react in whatever way you prefer.
In such a situation you have to make a decision on if the man who has a gun pointed at you wants to kill you or not. If you feel all he wants is money, you just give it to him. You can always replace your money, credit cards, driver’s license, etc. You can’t always restore your health and dead is dead.

If you believe the attacker intends to severely injure you or kill you, you do whatever you can to stop his attack. What have you got to lose? In the end we all die anyway. You might as well go out fighting.
Actually, he told her that a 'Creepy ass cracker" was following him. Under Florida Law he had a right to "Stand his ground". Oh, wait, I'm sorry, that only applies to white people.

It's why Zimmerman got a walk for a murder while Marissa Alexander got time in jail for shooting at her abusive ex-husband who broke into her house. Didn't even hit him, but dammit, how dare she think that the law was meant to protect her.

Ambushing someone from behind bushes on a dark and rainy night ISN'T standing your ground, it's battery.
Except Martin wasn't tresspassing. He lived there.
And Zimmerman never identified himself as a Neighborhood Watch member.
For all Martin knew, he was a creepy ass fat white guy who wanted to rape a child.

17 years old. Not old enough to enter a contract, buy a drink, join the military, or vote. If he was a high school kid who told his teacher he was gay, and the teacher didn't tell his parents, your side would be throwing a conniption fit.

Yes, we wouldn't want the jury to get the idea that he was a violent sociopath based on his history.
Martin DIDN'T live there he was a guest of a guest. His father's girlfriend lived there, and his father lived with the girlfriend. Martin was bigger and tougher than Zimmerman AND was a criminal who only wasn't in jail for possession of stolen property and burglar tools because the school had a policy of not reporting black kids to the police. So they merely expelled Martin.
Except Martin wasn't tresspassing. He lived there.
And Zimmerman never identified himself as a Neighborhood Watch member.
For all Martin knew, he was a creepy ass fat white guy who wanted to rape a child.

17 years old. Not old enough to enter a contract, buy a drink, join the military, or vote. If he was a high school kid who told his teacher he was gay, and the teacher didn't tell his parents, your side would be throwing a conniption fit.

Yes, we wouldn't want the jury to get the idea that he was a violent sociopath based on his history.
Oh, and seventeen IS old enough to legally join the military. In my book boys stop being children at puberty, I know I was damned capable at that age and I joined the military on my eighteenth birthday because my grandmother refused to sign a waiver for me.
No, I'm actually black. Any problems with that? BTW, piss-poor attempt to avoid answering what was addressed. What's really funny is that people think that IM2 is more of a Rachel Dolezal or Shaun King and you continually white knight for the poster and don't question their "blackness". Guess it's difficult in your world to have a black man speak against what you've been told to believe.
Apparently one poster remembers IM2 saying in a post a long time age that he wasn't black. I accept him as black.
The success of Hollywood, and american popular culture in general, in the twentieth century was based on their global character.
Even when dealing with specifically american themes like the epics of the Wild West or Prohibition, american filmmakers did so in such a way that they aroused the interest of people around the world.
But now they've really started loading consumers of their productions with specifically American/Anglosphere traumas and binges, especially related to the negro issue.
Recently a pseudo-documentary about Cleopatra was announced where this ethnic hellenic woman is played by an african-american woman.
Which caused a lot of indignation among greeks and egyptians.
In fact, the first bell was rung 20 years ago in Scott's "Alexander."
It would seem that it would have been not difficult to find an Iranian or an Indian actress for the role of Roxanne.
But for some reason they use a black woman.

If the current trends continue, the penitential, inclusive and politically correct american cinema will become in 10 years almost as niche product as indian or chinese cinema.

Egypt is suing Netflix, which is releasing a "documentary drama" about the life of Cleopatra starring a black actress.
Because "theft of cultural identity" and "historical revisionism.
They cancel a tour of an American comedian who went to Egypt to convince audiences that the egyptian pharaohs were black.

The abomination of "exporting democracy" is not only the very imposition of their political notions on the world with the transfer of the world to american control, but the imposition of all their notions in general,
as if they were exporting them not to another country, but to the state of Alabama.
It is in the States the problem of not fully overcoming segregation and many resentful negroes exist, not in the rest of the world.

Well, to be fair, there really were black pharaohs in the history of Egypt.
Yes, and Egyptian arabs are only indirectly related to ancient egyptians.
But Ancient Egypt is really part of the cultural identity there with all its myths.
And coming out to them and saying, "Give us your pharaohs now, you, white cisgendered oppressors of blacks!" is a reckless move.
If american negroes got mental disease and now decide, that they are the descendants of pharaohs (they have this thing now), broadcasting it to the whole planet is not a good decision.
Egypt is not the USA and the egyptians don't give a shit about the suffering of Alabama blacks.
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