Blacks commiting more violent crime !!

The first identified case of AIDS was a gay French Canadian flight attendant, Gaetan Dugas. I thought everyone knew that.

nope. a sailor who died in the late forties or early fifties. they may have found earlier cases by now but blood samples are rare from those times. the virus itself was probably around for decades earlier.
All in the context of a White society, that is based on White values and societal norms.Socialized by
white media and educational systems.

What are "white values" idiot?
Good grades, working, taking care of kids, no crime, ect.........

LOL, so that would mean bad grades, not working, not taking care of kids and crime are black values.

This has got to be one of the most asinine posts on the web today.:fu:
People of all races commit horrific crimes.

Only blacks feel they have a right to and that's what makes theirs different.
the idiot gave me a boooom on another thread to !! and just like on the other thread I will reply with ,...........the boooom is the sound of the guards slamming his cell door shut !!:lol::lol:

Never been arrested, it would hurt my security clearance.

If you actually had a security clearance, any evidence of your vile racist views would also endanger your clearance.

So, you must also be a liar.

Whatta surprise.

Really? No racists have security clearances in a country that used racist Nazis to create missle and nuclear technology? You have no clue, no clue at all.
The majority of blacks feel the same way Salt does.


But I'm not an expert on the black community. You'd have to get expert analysis from a white liberal or a white conservative tea party member. They are the true experts.
Let's see... when black "activists" complain that all the black men are in jail, we're supposed to cry.

But if a white person suggests that blacks have a high chance of being arrested, we're supposed to attack that white person as a "racist."


Ever wonder why white guys go crazy and post "racist" stuff on the Internet anonymously?

I mean, what else can we do?

Mr. Joyce, I live in a city where crime happens practically everyday. It doesn't matter which "race" of ppl are committing the crimes the fact is that human beings are dying or being critically injured and while you and ppl like you want to blame a certain "race" of ppl the victims and families of the ones killed and maimed could care less what you think!! So, instead of promoting hatred why not promote compassion and understanding for all "races"? Is that too much to ask?
Never been arrested, it would hurt my security clearance.

You need clearance to work Mall Security ?....... :dunno:

I wouldn't know. I work for a defense contractor. It's easy for certain retired military.

I bet you have lethal hands too. Your kind of a cross between a ninja, james bond and a Navy SEAL. I wish i was like you. Youre all badass with your security clearance and mysterious military background. You fucking RULE man!
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Facts are a bitch huh?

I see those calling the ones that bring facts into the discussion insulting names and it's clear they have a pure disdain for them and I wonder who are the true bigots here.

Based on a 96 page report on the causes of premature death by the CDC, the leading cause of death among young blacks of both sexes are black men.

See report here.

No one was talking to you convict, fuck off.
once again the vile filthy sub human simian has sex on the brain ! you are a disgrace !!
Yes, Redemption is available for all.

But race isn't irrelevant.

Blacks commit crime. That's their thing. They're unevolved creatures compared to whites. Just a fact. All? No. But pattern-wise, yes.

Go sit in a criminal courtroom some afternoon.

Behavior of "more evolved" white race:

White Watch: White Couple Charged With Raping Toddler And Five-Year-Old Girl

White Watch: White man busted after leaving iPod Touch loaded with child porn at gas station

White Watch: White Man Preferred His Child Porn In The McDonald's "PlayPlace."

White Watch: White Woman Tortures And Rapes Adopted 10 Year Old Son

White Watch: White Man Rapes 4-year-old Girl Relative He Was Babysitting

My favorite, maybe it got passed down to a retard like you:

White Watch: Nearly 40 percent of Europeans suffer mental illness

All races commit crimes and do the same shit, William Joyce's claim that Blacks just commit crimes is total racist bullshit. William Joyce is a just a pussy living in New York who gets shoved around by Blacks on the subway and is too much of a little bitch to stand up for himself.
a town of 100000 shitskins will have 10 times the crime rate of 100000 humans !!

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