Blacks have died in every war


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015

As you congratulated yourself yesterday for things done long before any of you were alive by people who are no longer here, the thing you fail to recognize is that blacks died in that war and they died so whites could be free from Britain. It was a freedom many of them could not get after whites were freed. It is said that the first to die in this effort was a black man, a slave named Crispus Attucks.

We blacks here keep getting told how grateful we are to be to whitey for our enslavement and to the whites who died to free us. Except blacks died in the civil war and they damn sure died for freedom. Blacks died in both World Wars, saving whites from Hitler and Japan in WW2.

So I think those hear talking that you should be grateful shit need to fall back. Not only do you owe us money, you owe us thanks for our service to this country. A country we fought to defend while that country did not fight and still doesn't fight, to defend our rights here at home.


As you congratulated yourself yesterday for things done long before any of you were alive by people who are no longer here, the thing you fail to recognize is that blacks died in that war and they died so whites could be free from Britain. It was a freedom many of them could not get after whites were freed. It is said that the first to die in this effort was a black man, a slave named Crispus Attucks.

We blacks here keep getting told how grateful we are to be to whitey for our enslavement and to the whites who died to free us. Except blacks died in the civil war and they damn sure died for freedom. Blacks died in both World Wars, saving whites from Hitler and Japan in WW2.

So I think those hear talking that you should be grateful shit need to fall back. Not only do you owe us money, you owe us thanks for our service to this country. A country we fought to defend while that country did not fight and still doesn't fight, to defend our rights here at home.

Not only do you owe us money,


you owe us thanks for our service to this country.

More Black Americans have died at the hands of other Black Americans than have died in ALL Wars combined throughout US History.

Their deaths are a direct result of Racist Leftist policies.

Anyone care about those LIVES?

Anyone ...

Anyone ...

Of course not .... because you Racist Bastards refuse to blame the very cause of all those deaths.

It is you and your political ideology who are responsible for all of those deaths.

As you congratulated yourself yesterday for things done long before any of you were alive by people who are no longer here, the thing you fail to recognize is that blacks died in that war and they died so whites could be free from Britain. It was a freedom many of them could not get after whites were freed. It is said that the first to die in this effort was a black man, a slave named Crispus Attucks.

We blacks here keep getting told how grateful we are to be to whitey for our enslavement and to the whites who died to free us. Except blacks died in the civil war and they damn sure died for freedom. Blacks died in both World Wars, saving whites from Hitler and Japan in WW2.

So I think those hear talking that you should be grateful shit need to fall back. Not only do you owe us money, you owe us thanks for our service to this country. A country we fought to defend while that country did not fight and still doesn't fight, to defend our rights here at home.

We are aware that blacks served and fought in our wars, and they should be honored, as we do when we stand for the flag.

Yet Democrats would rather kneel or burn the US flag.
We are aware that blacks served and fought in our wars, and they should be honored, as we do when we stand for the flag.

Yet Democrats would rather kneel or burn the US flag.
And, Race Bait .... and divide this Great Nation.

Those men who fought for America are patriots.

The ones like this POS that started this thread are the Enemies of those men and this Great Nation.

As you congratulated yourself yesterday for things done long before any of you were alive by people who are no longer here, the thing you fail to recognize is that blacks died in that war and they died so whites could be free from Britain. It was a freedom many of them could not get after whites were freed. It is said that the first to die in this effort was a black man, a slave named Crispus Attucks.

We blacks here keep getting told how grateful we are to be to whitey for our enslavement and to the whites who died to free us. Except blacks died in the civil war and they damn sure died for freedom. Blacks died in both World Wars, saving whites from Hitler and Japan in WW2.

So I think those hear talking that you should be grateful shit need to fall back. Not only do you owe us money, you owe us thanks for our service to this country. A country we fought to defend while that country did not fight and still doesn't fight, to defend our rights here at home.


I'm just curious as to why posters like Muhammed and 9thIDdoc are laughing at your OP.
Crispus Attucks was no slave. He was the first to die for America's cause but he was a working man, a stevedore on the Boston docks.
To say that any modern wars have taken place to protect our freedoms is about the most blatant lie ever told. But like most other propaganda, people eat it up like candy. What are you gonna do...
Not only do you owe us money, you owe us thanks for our service to this country.
Not only does wacky IM2 want free money because his great, great, great grandmammy and great grandpappy were slaves.
Now he wants to be honored because black people he didn't personally know, and he isn't related to, were hero's on the battlefield. ... :cuckoo:

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