Blacks, latins, and women continue to avoid tech in school


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Only white/asian males can do tech. Everybody knows it. Why can't we say it?


Not a Single Girl Took the AP Computer Science Test in Mississippi, Montana -

January 14, 2014
The pipeline of students who will be tomorrow's tech leaders is alarmingly vanilla.

According to a new analysis of test-takers, not a single girl, African-American or Hispanic student took the computer science Advanced Placement test in Mississippi or Montana last year. More than a third of the population in Mississippi is black.

In other words, a hugely disproportionate bunch of white guys took the test.

There are 11 states where not a single African-American took the test, and eight states where no Hispanics sat for the exam.

Of the approximately 30,000 students who took the exam in 2013, only around 20 percent were female, according to the analysis, and a tiny 3 percent were African-American. Just 8 percent were Hispanic.

Silly head. The reason they don't take AP tests is obviously because of racism, sexism, and homophobia. Duh!

Only racist white republican white ractist homophobic racist are into technology. You racist.
They're the ones that need to work harder and earn it. Why should people that work hard be quota out?

Woman have 55% of college students. Doesn't cost no more to go after a science then a liberal art. Maybe a little more when it comes too books....

Excuses are like assholes.
While the OP is biased BS, one has to remember this is America. What values do Americans have, what do they strive to be? Consider too that almost all the major corporations are outsourcing tech to India, Panama, Canada, Dominican Republic, Philippines, Israel, and other nations. I have worked in technology since it started growing, and guess what my genetic makeup is? But that said, money is made in other occupations here. Next time you call for tech support ask the technician where they are. Ask a laid off ATT, Apple, PWC, Verizon employee where their job went? Check where your car was engineered and built, or don't bother just whine. Oh, don't forget, fly your American flag made in communist China by slave labor.

Americans today don't support America, they support cheap foreign goods, cars, etc etc. Then they whine there are no jobs. Then they buy made in China from Walmart which pays slave wages. Folks look to the nearest mirror for why next time.

Read these guys:

"Pam Sexton, a market researcher and engineer with two college degrees, described her version of the American dream like this: "The American dream is that you can work hard and be rewarded for your hard work. You'll be able to have a home and family and prosper and have medical care and nor have to worry about expenses and bills. This is a country of opportunity." But Pam, along with thousands of others, lost her telecommunications job in 2009, and the dream died: "I feel like the last few years that's all disintegrated or evaporated." It is a refrain we've heard across the country." Ms Sexton lost her job because ATT shipped it to India. p246 'The Betrayal of the American Dream' Donald L. Barlett, James B. Steele

From: 'National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers'

"....382 pages and describes in detail how other nations discriminate against U.S. services and products. Here's a snapshot:

The European Union: After many years of negotiations, the European Union maintains "significant barriers" to U.S. products, "despite repeated efforts to resolve them."

Japan: "The U.S. Government has expressed concern with the overall lack of access to Japan's automotive market, as well as with specific aspects of Japan's regulatory system that limit the ability of U.S. automobile and related companies to expand business in the Japanese market,"

China: "Many U.S. industries complain that they face significant nontariff barriers to trade .... These include regulations that set high thresholds for entry into service sectors ... and the use of questionable ... measures to control import volumes."

What's most troubling about the 2011 report is that it contains nothing new; every year the report reads the same as the year before. The types of barriers change, but the obstacles remain, with the same result-many of our products cannot be sold in other countries.

What can be done?" Quoted here: p253 'The Betrayal of the American Dream' Barlett and Steele
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Those are the jobs that get shipped overseas while you are in school.

-- Tech School Graduate
Woman have 55% of college students. Doesn't cost no more to go after a science then a liberal art. Maybe a little more when it comes too books....

But it takes more brains to go into STEM. Women and blacks are into verbal skills and are poor at math.
We have to outsource tech jobs. We don't have a workforce to supply new tech job needs. There are only so many white guys out there.
Americans today don't support America, they support cheap foreign goods, cars, etc etc. Then they whine there are no jobs. Then they buy made in China from Walmart which pays slave wages. Folks look to the nearest mirror for why next time.

Well, isn't that a nice pointless, ignorant, empty generalization? :rolleyes:
Woman have 55% of college students. Doesn't cost no more to go after a science then a liberal art. Maybe a little more when it comes too books....

But it takes more brains to go into STEM. Women and blacks are into verbal skills and are poor at math.

I thought women were socially conditioned to focus on personal and social skills.

There are plenty of women who can do both, master the personal/social/verbal skills
and also the technical/science/math skills.

Maybe it is because most men do not specialize in both,
that men are conditioned to go after the technical jobs that capitalize on that one side?

NOTE: it has been shown that women's brains use both sides crossing over easily,
while men have a more rigid separation or "compartmentalization" between the
two sides of the brain.

I have heard this same idea that men focus better than women in many fields,
from writing to art, saying that this is why men make better writers or artists
also than women who are too emotional and not fully focused.

You can say this is an advantage or disadvantage for women. I think it goes both ways.
So it comes out even.

It has as many plusses as minusses to use both sides of the brain
or to focus on only one side at a time.
While the OP is biased BS, one has to remember this is America. What values do Americans have, what do they strive to be? Consider too that almost all the major corporations are outsourcing tech to India, Panama, Canada, Dominican Republic, Philippines, Israel, and other nations. I have worked in technology since it started growing, and guess what my genetic makeup is? But that said, money is made in other occupations here. Next time you call for tech support ask the technician where they are. Ask a laid off ATT, Apple, PWC, Verizon employee where their job went? Check where your car was engineered and built, or don't bother just whine. Oh, don't forget, fly your American flag made in communist China by slave labor.

Americans today don't support America, they support cheap foreign goods, cars, etc etc. Then they whine there are no jobs. Then they buy made in China from Walmart which pays slave wages. Folks look to the nearest mirror for why next time.

Read these guys:

"Pam Sexton, a market researcher and engineer with two college degrees, described her version of the American dream like this: "The American dream is that you can work hard and be rewarded for your hard work. You'll be able to have a home and family and prosper and have medical care and nor have to worry about expenses and bills. This is a country of opportunity." But Pam, along with thousands of others, lost her telecommunications job in 2009, and the dream died: "I feel like the last few years that's all disintegrated or evaporated." It is a refrain we've heard across the country." Ms Sexton lost her job because ATT shipped it to India. p246 'The Betrayal of the American Dream' Donald L. Barlett, James B. Steele

From: 'National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers'

"....382 pages and describes in detail how other nations discriminate against U.S. services and products. Here's a snapshot:

The European Union: After many years of negotiations, the European Union maintains "significant barriers" to U.S. products, "despite repeated efforts to resolve them."

Japan: "The U.S. Government has expressed concern with the overall lack of access to Japan's automotive market, as well as with specific aspects of Japan's regulatory system that limit the ability of U.S. automobile and related companies to expand business in the Japanese market,"

China: "Many U.S. industries complain that they face significant nontariff barriers to trade .... These include regulations that set high thresholds for entry into service sectors ... and the use of questionable ... measures to control import volumes."

What's most troubling about the 2011 report is that it contains nothing new; every year the report reads the same as the year before. The types of barriers change, but the obstacles remain, with the same result-many of our products cannot be sold in other countries.

What can be done?" Quoted here: p253 'The Betrayal of the American Dream' Barlett and Steele

You say the American flags are made in China. I add also that most holy bibles are printed in China. For export only of course.
There are plenty of women who can do both, master the personal/social/verbal skills
and also the technical/science/math skills.


If women can do tech, why don't they? Everyone knows that's engineers get paid a lot more than social workers. Truth is, they can't do tech. Like blacks, they are useless verbals.
You say the American flags are made in China. I add also that most holy bibles are printed in China. For export only of course.

One of my brothers is in publishing and he can tell you lots of crazy stuff about the Chinese and book printing and publishing. Isn't it ironic that a so called communist nation of various religions prints much of the Christian material sold in America. I get so annoyed when I buy a book for the grandkids that was made in China. I have another brother in printing and except for election periods they are always short of work and often lay off workers.

Epiphany. One day I am stopped at a light in a New Jersey resort and I am looking down the row of houses flying American flags, while primarily foreign cars are parked at the curb. Of course cars are vanity items too and American made is too blase today. The Koreans seem to be doing well. I heard just yesterday Japan sells 200 cars for every American car they import. And some wonder what happened to Detroit.

"There is no need to sally forth, for it remains true that those things which make us human are, curiously enough, always close at hand. Resolve, then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tiny blasts of tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us." Pogo

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