Zone1 Blacks should not resent other persecuted yet successful minorities but instead emulate their choices and actions that led to their success

The taxpayer has already been taxed on that wealth at least once when it was earned. Why should wealth gained by saving and judicious spending be taxed again upon the death of the taxpayer?
Because the person who receives the inheritance has not paid taxes on it. Moreover, he has done nothing to work for it.
Seems reasonable

You avoid paying taxes on increased wealth because you have not withdrawn that wealth

Now, when you die, your children get a free pass on paying those taxes

ONLY Democrats think "that is reasonable". Those properties were bought with AFTER tax monies. The capital that WENT IN was already taxed. If the last surviving owner DIES -- it should be up to HEIRS to decide whether to CONTINUE that farm, business, home ownership --- or not - and CONTINUE the family business or home life..

THEY will EVENTUALLY PAY "cap gains like" taxes on the PROCEEDS OF THE SALE.
Nasty Dems are FORCING a sale in order to pay the EXORBITANT "tax on death".. MAYBE -- they only need to sell Grannys' cherished family heirloom piano and furniture to pay it -- But that's only necessary because greedy tax/spend Dems CANT WAIT to get their hands on that money. And UNLIKE CAP GAINS -- you cannot AMORTIZE the Death tax against future tax liabilities.

No wonder lefties take positions that illustrate their ignorance of how things work and miss the unintended consequences and burdens they PUT on middle class families.
Especially for black families TRYING TO OVERCOME the "wealth gap" -- Dems want to stand in the way of that.
But the person who earned it has already paid taxes on it. It's his or her money to do as he or she pleases with.
That matters to you. Fortunately, it does not matter to most Americans. That is why the estate tax exists.
That matters to you. Fortunately, it does not matter to most Americans. That is why the estate tax exists.
No, it doesn't matter to politicians, most Americans hate having to pay estate tax. They see it has the government STEALING their parent's legacy. The only people who don't care are those too poor to have to pay taxes. They are the same ones who vote to increase property taxes and other taxes that penalize the people who actually pay taxes.
No, it doesn't matter to politicians, most Americans hate having to pay estate tax. They see it has the government STEALING their parent's legacy. The only people who don't care are those too poor to have to pay taxes. They are the same ones who vote to increase property taxes and other taxes that penalize the people who actually pay taxes.
Most Americans do not pay estate taxes when their parents die. It is in the interest of most Americans for the rich to be heavily taxed, while they are alive, and after they die.
No, it doesn't matter to politicians, most Americans hate having to pay estate tax. They see it has the government STEALING their parent's legacy. The only people who don't care are those too poor to have to pay taxes. They are the same ones who vote to increase property taxes and other taxes that penalize the people who actually pay taxes.

Here’s how many people pay the estate tax​


  • House Ways and Means Committee Democrats passed a proposal to cut the estate tax threshold to $5 million, subjecting more wealthy households to the tax each year.
  • Just 0.2% of U.S. adults who die have owed estate tax in recent years, according to IRS data. That’s lower than the historical 1% to 2% share.
  • There were 2,570 taxable estate-tax returns filed in 2019. They owed $13.2 billion. The House proposal would raise an estimated $52.3 billion over five years.
  • Here’s how many people pay the estate tax

Here’s how many people pay the estate tax​


  • House Ways and Means Committee Democrats passed a proposal to cut the estate tax threshold to $5 million, subjecting more wealthy households to the tax each year.
  • Just 0.2% of U.S. adults who die have owed estate tax in recent years, according to IRS data. That’s lower than the historical 1% to 2% share.
  • There were 2,570 taxable estate-tax returns filed in 2019. They owed $13.2 billion. The House proposal would raise an estimated $52.3 billion over five years.

  • Here’s how many people pay the estate t


Here’s how many people pay the estate tax​


  • House Ways and Means Committee Democrats passed a proposal to cut the estate tax threshold to $5 million, subjecting more wealthy households to the tax each year.
  • Just 0.2% of U.S. adults who die have owed estate tax in recent years, according to IRS data. That’s lower than the historical 1% to 2% share.
  • There were 2,570 taxable estate-tax returns filed in 2019. They owed $13.2 billion. The House proposal would raise an estimated $52.3 billion over five years.

  • Here’s how many people pay the estate tax
It doesn't matter how many people pay it, it's still wrong to tax the same money multiple times.
It doesn't matter how many people pay it, it's still wrong to tax the same money multiple times.
Says you. Your opinion is far in the minority.

The way you feel about the issue is a fact about you. It is not an absolute truth, or even a very interesting opinion. Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, began the estate tax because he did not want the United States to have an hereditary, leisured plutocracy.
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I’ve noticed a sad phenomenon: Many Blacks (and sometimes their enabling white leftists) have hostility toward Jews and Asians, which can range from attacking them on the street or subway to looking for articles that show the flaws of these two groups.

This of course is a defense mechanism, since they resent, or are even angry at, persecuted minorities that succeed - to above the average - despite bigotry against them. Instead, would it not be more productive for blacks to acknowledge the two key lifestyle choices/values that have led to the success of these two groups?

1) Waiting until marriage to have children, and then only when at least one of the marriage partners is gainfully employed in a job that allows them to afford them, and

2) A very strong emphasis that education is the key to success - including higher education in a marketable field - that is instilled beginning in elementary school.

Of course, there are other traits that contribute to one’s degree of success - motivation, ability, intelligence, discipline, etc. - but the two above, if followed, practically guarantees that one will become at least lower-middle class, and likely higher.

I agree with all of your points; it's a really great post.

Let me just add, though, about #1: Don't just wait to have children until there's a means of income to raise them, why would a woman even marry a man who isn't already in a position to sire and provide for offspring?

You don't see, in the animal world, female elk having sex with the spike elk, because one day they'll have a massive rack and can show more strength. You don't see female bison having sex with the yearlings, hoping her young will turn out strong anyway.

There is actually one exception in the animal kingdom: cuttlefish. The small ones will change their skin colors to appear to be a female to get past the larger, dominant males, and mate with the female.

Women should not have sex with, and should not marry, anyone who she doesn't believe is capable, and willing, to be a fantastic father to any children that will come as a result of the sex and/or marriage.

Don't be a cuttlefish.
There is more to life than obtaining wealth.
What is it that is more important in life that is not enhanced by not having to work two jobs or by coming home satisfied with your work rather than dehumanized or upset about a bad work environment?

My family is the most important thing in my life but my time with my family is enhanced not because of the quality of my toys but it is enhanced because:

  • The electricity never gets turned off for no-payment - used to happen regularly in our younger days.
  • As bad as inflation and gas prices are, we're only minimally impacted by it in my family's daily life.
  • I am no longer stressed and my wife is no longer stressed over finances, making our family time far more enjoyable.
  • The car never breaks down any more but if it did, for example compared to 1976, I won't be stopped on the side of the road, distributor pulled out, hitchhiking to get to the parts store so I can buy a replacement distributor drive gear, and hoping to get home before the cold meats from the grocery go bad. If I break down today, the car is under warranty and I call an Uber or cab and get home quickly
Yes, you're right, money is not the most important thing but not having to worry about money improves practically beyond imagining the time we have with those that are the most important things.
Says you. Your opinion is far in the minority.

The way you feel about the issue is a fact about you. It is not an absolute truth, or even a very interesting opinion. Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, began the estate tax because he did not want the United States to have an hereditary, leisured plutocracy.
Who the fuck was Roosevelt to tell me that I don't own what I earn and that I can't do what I want with what is mine? In fact, who the fuck are you to tell me that?
Who is talking about wealth accumulation? I am talking about what it takes to move from poverty to a self-supporting middle class person (or family).

You have somehow switched this to your anger over highly paid CEOs, when the topic is emulating the choices made by successful minorities - most notably Jews and Asians - who have succeeded despite bigotry against them.
Why are you arguing with Moonglow ?

He’s an idiot who will disagree with whatever you say just to get attention
No you do not any more than I have a right to tell you how to feel about antisemitism.
Ever notice how we never see on the news where Asians or Jews are walking around sucker punching, or stabbing black people? Or walking up behind them and stabbing them? Or throwing them off of subway platforms?

In fact, we never see white people doing those things either. So, yes, everyone is a victim whenever there's racism and everyone has an interest and needs to have a voice.
Not denying that. But that is not the same as not valuing education. There are a lot of reasons people do not get a higher education.
People can talk about how much they value education all they want. If I survey 1000 inner city mothers of black children, 100% of them will say they value education but how many of them will call their legislators, state and federal, demanding access to better schools for their children? How many will get up in the morning, dress their child, feed them a healthy breakfast, and get them to school? How many are reading positive stories to their children at bedtime? How many are helping their children with homework?

But, you are right about one thing. Often times, a parent would do all of those things but still there is no quality education available for their child because the public schools are too busy teaching their child to be a victim, teaching them that it's not even possible for them to succeed because of white racism so why even try.

Education is the problem but too many parents don't value education and those who do keep voting for the very people (Democrats) who work so hard to make sure their children never have access to an education.
There are a lot of different reasons, not the least being many also come from highly educated families which offers a certain advantage (as opposed to families of first gen students).
Nikki Haley is a first generation American who became Governor of South Carolina and UN Ambassador.

Even Ilhan Omar is a first-generation American so, leave politics out of it, first generation has nothing to do with availability of education and success.

edit: same article, no paywall

Craziest thing is the most influential people in my life were or are Black, Hispanic and one Polish guy and I am WHITE.

A man that I look up to is Black and he served four decades for this country from Military to Diplomat and never once did I ever think anything different about him and wished I could be like him.

Wow. This black man that served for 40 years, a man you claim you looked up to, and yet there was nothing about him you wanted to emulate? Is that because he was black? It must have been because I'm certain that had I known such a man I would certainly have wanted to be more like them. Actually I do know several such men, even black men with less impressive sounding resumes who were still amazing men, even poor black men who were amazing men, and I want to emulate many of their traits.

It must have been his blackness because I can't imagine what else about such a national hero would make you not want to be anything like him.

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