Blacks that White Racists Don't Like

  • You have never been attacked by a black person or group of black ppl
  • You have never been evicted by a black person
  • You have never had your security deposit ripped off by a black landlord
  • You have never had a black landlord
  • You have never had a black person deny your child the college of their choice
  • You have never been pulled over by a black cop
  • You have never been sold a lemon by a black car salesman
  • You have never seen a black car salesman
  • You have never had a black person deny you a bank loan or a job
  • And you never heard a black person say, "We're going to eliminate 1000 jobs here - have a nice day!"
Every mean word, every cruel act, every bit of pain and suffering in you're life has had a white face attached to it.
If a white man here tried to tell you he wasn't afraid of black men would you believe him? So I guess I'm the only one being honest. Do you believe most white men are afraid of black men? What about unkotare?

I'm not talking about Unkotare - I'm talking about you.

I'm not scared of any man on the planet on the basis of his race. But with you, there is not an ounce of shame when you say your scared of blk dudes

You're such a wimp.

It's an open secret among African-American men and boys that people are often afraid of them.

There's one epidemic we may never find a vaccine for: fear of black men in public spaces​

Black men have long been a bogeyman in White America's collective psyche. There's something about us that brings out the worst in many people.
Still, these recent incidents prompted me to ask questions I've never quite asked before.
Why are black men still so feared in 2020? And what will it take for it to stop?

It's why some social science experiments show that even trained police officers are biased to see black man as threats.

The stereotype of the dangerous black man is burrowed so deep in our collective imagination that even many black Americans see black men as automatic threats.


Consider this famous statement: "There is nothing more painful to me ... than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved."
That quote came from the Rev. Jesse Jackson, one of the nation's most prominent civil rights leaders, when he spoke in 1993 about crime in the black community.

Only an idiot wouldn't be afraid going into Detroit. Sure we go but we pray our cars don't break down or that we get lost and end up on Mack Avenue.
I used to go into Detroit where I should have been robbed. Went in for drugs. The only reason I wasn't jacked was I look like a cop. White dude sitting in a Fusion by himself at night. The brothers would walk by my car and say to each other, "that's a fucking cop". Meanwhile my black buddy was inside making a deal.

So let get me this straight and bear in mind you've had a few minutes to think about this.

But the worst story you could come up with about these o so, violent blacks is a story were you didn't get robbed, were you didn't get attacked, were you didn't get harmed, were you didn't get stabbed, were you didn't get shot.


Now do you want hear my stories about violent white people ? Do you want to me tell you my brothers, mum and dad about violent whites ? Exactly I'll be here for very long time.

But guess what ? I'm not afraid no white man just because he's white.

You pathetic spineless bastard lol
  • You have never been attacked by a black person or group of black ppl
  • You have never been evicted by a black person
  • You have never had your security deposit ripped off by a black landlord
  • You have never had a black landlord
  • You have never had a black person deny your child the college of their choice
  • You have never been pulled over by a black cop
  • You have never been sold a lemon by a black car salesman
  • You have never seen a black car salesman
  • You have never had a black person deny you a bank loan or a job
  • And you never heard a black person say, "We're going to eliminate 1000 jobs here - have a nice day!"
Every mean word, every cruel act, every bit of pain and suffering in you're life has had a white face attached to it.
You are correct I've never been attacked by a black person. I was almost attacked by a gang of blacks at a Taco Bell when I was in college but I got the hell out of there.

Yes I have been pulled over by a black cop in Detroit and boy was he angry. I said, "it's because I'm white" and he threatened to take me down the the worst jail in Detroit, where I would have gotten the shit kicked out of me.

How come he wasn't afraid of me? Probably because I was a white kid from the suburbs.

Hopefully I'll never have to deal with a black who has power over me to fire me or take my security deposit just because I'm white. Maybe it wasn't because you are black. Maybe you should pay your rent on time. And maybe if you weren't all shitty workers they wouldn't have eliminated your jobs.
Only an idiot wouldn't be afraid going into Detroit. Sure we go but we pray our cars don't break down or that we get lost and end up on Mack Avenue.
I used to go into Detroit where I should have been robbed. Went in for drugs. The only reason I wasn't jacked was I look like a cop. White dude sitting in a Fusion by himself at night. The brothers would walk by my car and say to each other, "that's a fucking cop". Meanwhile my black buddy was inside making a deal.

So let get me this straight and bear in mind you've had a few minutes to think about this.

But the worst story you could come up with about these o so, violent blacks is a story were you didn't get robbed, were you didn't get attacked, were you didn't get harmed, were you didn't get stabbed, were you didn't get shot.


Now do you want hear my stories about violent white people ? Do you want to me tell you my brothers, mum and dad about violent whites ? Exactly I'll be here for very long time.

But guess what ? I'm not afraid no white man just because he's white.

You pathetic spineless bastard lol
I was warned at a very young age to stay out of Detroit. That's why I was never attacked by a black man. Plus I don't look like an easy target.

Now my grandmother was mugged once when she was in her 70's and once when she was in her 80's. What kind of scum would do that? She should have left Detroit but like Unkotare, she wasn't afraid of blacks.
I used to go into Detroit where I should have been robbed. Went in for drugs. The only reason I wasn't jacked was I look like a cop. White dude sitting in a Fusion by himself at night. The brothers would walk by my car and say to each other, "that's a fucking cop". Meanwhile my black buddy was inside making a deal.

And here's another thing. You were doing something illegal yourself; that is buying drugs. You were committing a crime but then you the nerve to complain about others who you think might commit a crime.

Drugs business is dangerous business. What the fk do you think this is ? Do you think you were meeting someone to buy a car you saw on Ebay or something you dumb fk ?

The drugs business is dangerous. Nothing to do with race.

Secondly you assumed that you were going to be jacked because of course you know how black guys think - Right ?

But this is how a lot of white people get black people killed

"I though he he had a gun" and "I thought he was aggressive" and "I thought I was in fear for my life"
I was warned at a very young age to stay out of Detroit. That's why I was never attacked by a black man. Plus I don't look like an easy target.

Yeah right wimp.

Now my grandmother was mugged once when she was in her 70's and once when she was in her 80's.

Well I don't know the other side of the story. I did know if grandmother was innocent because the people who you alleged done this are not here to defend themselves

But let's your grandmother didn't start this. Let's say your grandmother wasn't a drug mule or a criminal because I don't give a shit whether she's 70, 80 or 90.

Don't try and play frail old granny shit with me. I've met many hard core female criminals in their 70's so that means nothing. But let's say it was a senseless attack and your grandmother was 100% innocent.

The fact that you had to go bk 30 years in personal history, to find some black violence towards white people says something in itself.

And I became all state by beating the black guy who the previous year took 3rd. What gave me the confidence to finally beat him? A couple guys walked by me and said, "hey sealybobo I hear you have to wrestle Cody". I said yea so what? They said he was complaining that he had to wrestle that crazy white boy. Referring to me. I whipped him good. Oh, and he was the only good black guy in my weight class. Toughest weight class 155. Every great wrestler was white.

I wrestled 155 and I would have whipped your ass. The majority of wrestlers in my state were white because the state was majority white. I managed to win the Central Region AAU championship in my time. That's beating people representing something like 12 states. I was the only black in the building. Most blacks play basketball in the winter but the blacks who have wrestled have set some marks. Jimmy Carr, Nate Carr, Daryl Burley, the great Lee Kemp who whipped Dan Gables ass, Roy Oliver, Melvyn Douglass, Jimmy Jackson, Tab Thacker made wrestling change rules for the heavyweight division, and in these times Jordan Burrows ran things for a while.

But you see sealybobo, wrestling is not street fighting. You have 6 minutes on a mat, there is no time limit on the street. There are no illegal holds on the street, there is no referee on the street, so all you shit talking is just exactly that.
I was warned at a very young age to stay out of Detroit. That's why I was never attacked by a black man. Plus I don't look like an easy target.

Would you like to explain the racist history of Detroit? Or are you going to sit on your white ass lying?
Paul Essien Sorry I don't suffer from the delusions that MLK was anything but a slimeball. Race hustler that would do ANYTHING FOR MONEY....Had he not died early---he would be undistinquishable from the JESSE JACKSON trash. I do own a historically important antique desk from South Carolina that he sat at (and belonged to the first Gullah school teacher) so please for those idiots with money that like MLK, don't hold the fact that he was dog against him---I'd like to sell the desk eventually.

Since you don't understand----I agree racism exists. Affirmative action for example is extremely racist and self destructive for the nation------One should always chose the best person for the job, not chose by color. This is also true when picking out a puppy (personality and health which includes intelligence should be the 1st choice.) This racism has grown to where the government is also gearing other programs to give blacks freebies while discriminating against all other races. This helps no one and in fact, harms the nation.

I get it, white people don't like you. They smell criminal on you at first sight---the problem is YOU not your color. I can't stress this enough. But you wanna blame cops, whites, and anyone else when the issue is actually you and likely your parential units.

I mark both races sweetheart by the way..........I am an indian not on the reservation who is firmly against reservations and the government throwing money at any racial group. Anyone who lets the government take care of them---don't do well. Plus on a strickly moral level, what dip shit thinks others are responsible for taking care of them. My ancestors escaped literally from going to the reservations----made a life for themselves outside of the Indian world...made themselves and proved themselves more than just the color of their skin that needed the government to baby them and police them. You Paul, have no ideal how to do this or what it even means. The government treats you as a parasite and you are nothing but a clueless parasite.

The solution to white supremicity? Where whites have been forced to bend over to cater to groups of people who support crime, do drugs, treat welfare as a way of life instead of safety net for those that pay in and then whine about everything? Why babe, you haven't figured it out on your own? It's get off you ass and take responsibility for your own actions and own failures both as an individual and a group. You think whites act superior, then stop expecting whites to baby your ass and stop being stupid awful people to everyone else. PROVE YOU are equal. Stop the crime, stop the welfare, stop the drugs, stop the stupidity, stop the drop out of schools, get off your ass and get a job to support yourself and family, stick around for your kids with the intention of doing what other races do as a group (trying always to make the next generation BETTER than you had), clean up your yard and neighborhood---do things to prove you are a good UNSELFISH PERSON just to make the world a bit better instead of ghetto worse. Give a shit about someone other than yourself....but atlas I know that you can't do this. And Hint: attacking people, burning down cities, looting etc is the OPPOSITE of making the world a better place.
Since you don't understand----I agree racism exists. Affirmative action for example is extremely racist and self destructive for the nation------One should always chose the best person for the job, not chose by color. This is also true when picking out a puppy (personality and health which includes intelligence should be the 1st choice.) This racism has grown to where the government is also gearing other programs to give blacks freebies while discriminating against all other races. This helps no one and in fact, harms the nation.

I'm pretty sure you know that white criminals have more of a chance of getting the job over black people that are clean.

I'm pretty sure you know this.
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Last year, Detroit reported 273 homicides in the city – up from 261 the year before, which was the city's lowest number in 50 years.

I don't want to be a statistic so if that makes me a coward, so be it.
It does.
I used to go into Detroit where I should have been robbed. Went in for drugs. The only reason I wasn't jacked was I look like a cop. White dude sitting in a Fusion by himself at night. The brothers would walk by my car and say to each other, "that's a fucking cop". Meanwhile my black buddy was inside making a deal.

And here's another thing. You were doing something illegal yourself; that is buying drugs. You were committing a crime but then you the nerve to complain about others who you think might commit a crime.

Drugs business is dangerous business. What the fk do you think this is ? Do you think you were meeting someone to buy a car you saw on Ebay or something you dumb fk ?

The drugs business is dangerous. Nothing to do with race.

Secondly you assumed that you were going to be jacked because of course you know how black guys think - Right ?

But this is how a lot of white people get black people killed

"I though he he had a gun" and "I thought he was aggressive" and "I thought I was in fear for my life"
Forget about who's fault it is that black neighborhoods like Detroit are so much more dangerous than our white neighborhoods. I think the average city has 333 violent crimes for every 100,000 people. Detroit has somewhere around 1990 violent crimes per 100,000. Let's call it 2000.

The question is, is our fear of black men rational or irrational? To me the numbers say our fear is rational.
I was warned at a very young age to stay out of Detroit. That's why I was never attacked by a black man. Plus I don't look like an easy target.

Would you like to explain the racist history of Detroit? Or are you going to sit on your white ass lying?
I never denied the racist history of Detroit. What does that have to do with my rational fear of black men today?

Where did I lie? You're making no sense. But seems like no matter how good a point I make you always have a comeback. Even if it has nothing to do with what I said.

You guys can call me a pussy all you want. I think whites have a rational fear of black men. I don't fear black cops. I don't fear black neighbors. I don't fear black co workers or bosses. Who do I fear? Young black men out at night in groups IN Detroit, Flint and Saginaw.

Even you blacks here confirm my logical fear of blacks. You talk about putting your hands on people if they verbally offend you. Well I've had to fight blacks for stepping on their shoes or bumping them by mistake. No one could make me punch them first no matter what they said. Bet you think that makes me a pussy too? That's because you are black and black people don't know how to act. It's exactly why stand your ground was invented. I was against it but now not so much. You guys prove you aren't civilized enough yet to just use your words. And you claim no white man can take a black man so you confirm not only are you the racists, but we are justified in keeping you down. If we didn't you'd take over the place, and your leaders say there will be hell to pay some day. Isn't that right? Makes us smart to do what we did the way we did it. Why help you take over?

I'm starting to see blacks are no better but they think they are. So the hypocrisy is there.
Forget about who's fault it is that black neighborhoods like Detroit are so much more dangerous than our white neighborhoods. I think the average city has 333 violent crimes for every 100,000 people. Detroit has somewhere around 1990 violent crimes per 100,000. Let's call it 2000.

White men (like you) carry an inferiority complex towards black male masculinity. This (In your mind) is amplified by the Mandingo stereotype and the perceive natural athleticism of Black males. You reluctantly view Black men as more dominant physically, mentally, genetically, and sexually.

Our dark skin, broad clavicles, long limbs, the raw look of black males compared to the pink, freckled small clavicles and skinny fat bodies of white men.

Anyone with half a brain knows white male racism is caused by sexual insecurity.

The question is, is our fear of black men rational or irrational? To me the numbers say our fear is rational.

When, or if, black men begin raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate white businesses, white communities and white neighborhoods, writing books to prove how stupid white people are, creating facts to prove how violent white people are, going into majority white countries n killing the indigenous white population n enforcing systems of apartheid, creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years, then and only then will your fear of black men be rational.
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I used to go into Detroit where I should have been robbed. Went in for drugs. The only reason I wasn't jacked was I look like a cop. White dude sitting in a Fusion by himself at night. The brothers would walk by my car and say to each other, "that's a fucking cop". Meanwhile my black buddy was inside making a deal.

And here's another thing. You were doing something illegal yourself; that is buying drugs. You were committing a crime but then you the nerve to complain about others who you think might commit a crime.

Drugs business is dangerous business. What the fk do you think this is ? Do you think you were meeting someone to buy a car you saw on Ebay or something you dumb fk ?

The drugs business is dangerous. Nothing to do with race.

Secondly you assumed that you were going to be jacked because of course you know how black guys think - Right ?

But this is how a lot of white people get black people killed

"I though he he had a gun" and "I thought he was aggressive" and "I thought I was in fear for my life"
I don't give a fuck about crime. Buying pot or cocaine? Buy all you want. I care about violent crime. I wasn't mugging people or breaking into homes or raping/murdering anyone.

I notice you don't address my rational fear of black men in ghettos. In Detroit, 2000 violent crimes per every 100,000 residents. In most cities the number is 333. Based on those numbers, no shit we fear black men. DUH! So are you blacks because as soon as you get money, you move. And if you visit Detroit you'll see every black there has a rational fear of black men. They have bars on their windows. I sleep with my windows open. And there are blacks in my building. Not those kinds of blacks though so I am not afraid of them.

Oh yea, and a lot of times it's not your black neighbor who stole your shit. It's his friend who came in from Detroit who saw your doorwall open so went in and stole whatever he could quickly. You think I'm making that up? No you don't because you know it's the fucking truth.
Paul Essien I do.....but not for the reason you think. My brother in law the pos that he is -----------white meth head, spent much of his adult life in prison. When he got out, he was able to get jobs despite being a dumb ANNOYING pos------(he was born a bit oxygen deprived according to my now decease mostly pos mother in law)---the reason babe that they would hire his dumb annoying bible thumping criminal white ass over your black one is not because of color but because HE takes a lot of pride in showing up everyday for work and then works his ass off every day while oddly not causing trouble at work even though he never gets paid much.
Forget about who's fault it is that black neighborhoods like Detroit are so much more dangerous than our white neighborhoods. I think the average city has 333 violent crimes for every 100,000 people. Detroit has somewhere around 1990 violent crimes per 100,000. Let's call it 2000.

White men (like you) carry an inferiority complex towards black male masculinity. This (In your mind) is amplified by the Mandingo stereotype and the perceive natural athleticism of Black males. You reluctantly view Black men as more dominant physically, mentally, genetically, and sexually.

Our dark skin, broad clavicles, long limbs, the raw look of black males compared to the pink, freckled small clavicles and skinny fat bodies of white men.

Anyone with half a brain knows white male racism is caused by sexual insecurity.

The question is, is our fear of black men rational or irrational? To me the numbers say our fear is rational.

When, or if, black men begin raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate white businesses, white communities and white neighborhoods, writing books to prove how stupid white people are, creating facts to prove how violent white people are, going into majority white countries n killing the indigenous white population n enforcing systems of apartheid, creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years, then and only then will your fear of black men be rational.

Do you think you addressed this with that bullshit comment about us having an inferiority complex? You keep telling yourself that. You always have a comeback and never see the other sides point. Just your canned responses you learned in Malcomb X class. Yawn. Let me give you another try to address this point

Forget about who's fault it is that black neighborhoods like Detroit are so much more dangerous than our white neighborhoods. I think the average city has 333 violent crimes for every 100,000 people. Detroit has somewhere around 1990 violent crimes per 100,000. Let's call it 2000.

What was your response to this?
Forget about who's fault it is that black neighborhoods like Detroit are so much more dangerous than our white neighborhoods. I think the average city has 333 violent crimes for every 100,000 people. Detroit has somewhere around 1990 violent crimes per 100,000. Let's call it 2000.

White men (like you) carry an inferiority complex towards black male masculinity. This (In your mind) is amplified by the Mandingo stereotype and the perceive natural athleticism of Black males. You reluctantly view Black men as more dominant physically, mentally, genetically, and sexually.

Our dark skin, broad clavicles, long limbs, the raw look of black males compared to the pink, freckled small clavicles and skinny fat bodies of white men.

Anyone with half a brain knows white male racism is caused by sexual insecurity.

The question is, is our fear of black men rational or irrational? To me the numbers say our fear is rational.

When, or if, black men begin raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate white businesses, white communities and white neighborhoods, writing books to prove how stupid white people are, creating facts to prove how violent white people are, going into majority white countries n killing the indigenous white population n enforcing systems of apartheid, creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years, then and only then will your fear of black men be rational.

So you have 2000 violent crimes in your cities per 100,000 citizens compared to us who have 333 per 100,000 and that's not enough justification to have a rational fear of blacks?

Seems like you'll be able to do whatever you want then and until you become the majority and do all those things you mentioned, our fear of your violence is unjustified?

This is why stand your ground was passed. You do get that right? It was to solve a problem. Blacks were victimizing whites. Beating them, robbing them, raping them, mugging them, car jacking them, etc.....and so whites passed a law that said you can shoot someone dead who puts their hands on you.

At the time they passed stand your ground I argued with blacks that the law was racist and whites conservatives were pussies for passing the law. Now you are making me realize the law was passed for a good reason. You can't just put your hands on someone because they called you the N word. But in your mind you'd be a "pussy" if you just took that. So, we passed stand your ground. Nothing I say to you justifies you putting your hands on me. Does any black person here agree with that? Nope. Hence, black people don't know how to act.

Put 6 blacks and 6 whites on a jury and show them a tape of a white calling a black the N word and the black punches the white person and the person ends up dying. The blacks would have the puncher walk free because "he called him the N word".

Well what word can you call me that allows me to punch you and kill you? No word? Well until that day comes, this is why we have laws dealing with our justified fear of black men.
Paul Essien I do.....but not for the reason you think. My brother in law the pos that he is -----------white meth head, spent much of his adult life in prison. When he got out, he was able to get jobs despite being a dumb ANNOYING pos------(he was born a bit oxygen deprived according to my now decease mostly pos mother in law)---the reason babe that they would hire his dumb annoying bible thumping criminal white ass over your black one is not because of color but because HE takes a lot of pride in showing up everyday for work and then works his ass off every day while oddly not causing trouble at work even though he never gets paid much.
I want to know what Harry Dresden thinks.

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