Blacks that White Racists Don't Like

My brother in law the pos that he is -----------white meth head, spent much of his adult life in prison. When he got out, he was able to get jobs despite being a dumb ANNOYING pos------(he was born a bit oxygen deprived according to my now decease mostly pos mother in law)

He got jobs because he is white and he probably got a lesser sentence because he white. See even when whites fk up they still have system to pick them up.

Its like last month when that white supremacist cop Kim Potter killed Daunte Wright she resigned from the Brooklyn Center Police, and so did the police chief Tim Gannon.

But white ppl only do that so they can get to keep their pension. Because they know all the filth in that department is going to be exposed


She'll resign and get another job at another department. That's how it works when they know the heat is on them. She needs to be fired and prosecuted.

So their "punishment" will be a full salary pension and benefits regular folks can only dream about

Whites know they can screw up and still now the system is not gonna come down as hard on them as it does other

You can read it from white people's own mouths on quora. How white privilege has helped them out.

But black people we have an entire system against us and we still thrive
I was warned at a very young age to stay out of Detroit. That's why I was never attacked by a black man. Plus I don't look like an easy target.

Yeah right wimp.

Now my grandmother was mugged once when she was in her 70's and once when she was in her 80's.

Well I don't know the other side of the story. I did know if grandmother was innocent because the people who you alleged done this are not here to defend themselves

But let's your grandmother didn't start this. Let's say your grandmother wasn't a drug mule or a criminal because I don't give a shit whether she's 70, 80 or 90.

Don't try and play frail old granny shit with me. I've met many hard core female criminals in their 70's so that means nothing. But let's say it was a senseless attack and your grandmother was 100% innocent.

The fact that you had to go bk 30 years in personal history, to find some black violence towards white people says something in itself.

Well after those experiences I left and never looked back.

I’ve been afraid of black men.

I’ve braced myself in the presence of unknown black men, felt myself ready for a potential attack even as all they threw my way was a head bob and a “What’s up, brother?”

See I'm completely willing to discuss the irrational fear us whites have of black men. But what about the rational fear? 2000 violent crimes per 100,000 compared to where I live 333 per 100,000.

How come no where on the internet can I find an article discussing the rational fear of blacks? Because it would be considered racist. Now I see why conservatives hate being called racist. It's not always us being racist. I get the irrational fear of black thing. But you don't get the rational fear of black thing, which is also real. Just look at the numbers.
My brother in law the pos that he is -----------white meth head, spent much of his adult life in prison. When he got out, he was able to get jobs despite being a dumb ANNOYING pos------(he was born a bit oxygen deprived according to my now decease mostly pos mother in law)

He got jobs because he is white and he probably got a lesser sentence because he white. See even when whites fk up they still have system to pick them up.

Its like last month when that white supremacist cop Kim Potter killed Daunte Wright she resigned from the Brooklyn Center Police, and so did the police chief Tim Gannon.

But white ppl only do that so they can get to keep their pension. Because they know all the filth in that department is going to be exposed

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She'll resign and get another job at another department. That's how it works when they know the heat is on them. She needs to be fired and prosecuted.

So their "punishment" will be a full salary pension and benefits regular folks can only dream about

Whites know they can screw up and still now the system is not gonna come down as hard on them as it does other

You can read it from white people's own mouths on quora. How white privilege has helped them out.

But black people we have an entire system against us and we still thrive
You know we could pay our police privately. So in my neighborhood, they don't pull me over for speeding or for drunk driving but they do any person who isn't from this area. Would you like to privatize the police? Then you will have full control of the police in your area where you live. They won't fuck with you and I'll never drive through your neighborhood and you never drive through mine. Sound good? And if you get pulled over for driving in my neighborhood all you got to do is tell them who you're visiting or have a clean record.
So you have 2000 violent crimes in your cities per 100,000 citizens compared to us who have 333 per 100,000 and that's not enough justification to have a rational fear of blacks? Seems like you'll be able to do whatever you want then and until you become the majority and do all those things you mentioned, our fear of your violence is unjustified?

What race of people created those stats ?

This is why stand your ground was passed. You do get that right? It was to solve a problem. Blacks were victimizing whites. Beating them, robbing them, raping them, mugging them, car jacking them, etc.....and so whites passed a law that said you can shoot someone dead who puts their hands on you.

Stand your ground was created so white people could shoot and kill blk ppl away and then claim stand your ground or feared for their lives
So you have 2000 violent crimes in your cities per 100,000 citizens compared to us who have 333 per 100,000 and that's not enough justification to have a rational fear of blacks? Seems like you'll be able to do whatever you want then and until you become the majority and do all those things you mentioned, our fear of your violence is unjustified?

What race of people created those stats ?

This is why stand your ground was passed. You do get that right? It was to solve a problem. Blacks were victimizing whites. Beating them, robbing them, raping them, mugging them, car jacking them, etc.....and so whites passed a law that said you can shoot someone dead who puts their hands on you.

Stand your ground was created so white people could shoot and kill blk ppl away and then claim stand your ground or feared for their lives
Ha! So you don't believe Detroit is that violent. You blacks remind me of republicans. Fake news if you don't like the facts. And you're both afraid of the vaccine. And you're both racists.
So you have 2000 violent crimes in your cities per 100,000 citizens compared to us who have 333 per 100,000 and that's not enough justification to have a rational fear of blacks? Seems like you'll be able to do whatever you want then and until you become the majority and do all those things you mentioned, our fear of your violence is unjustified?

What race of people created those stats ?

This is why stand your ground was passed. You do get that right? It was to solve a problem. Blacks were victimizing whites. Beating them, robbing them, raping them, mugging them, car jacking them, etc.....and so whites passed a law that said you can shoot someone dead who puts their hands on you.

Stand your ground was created so white people could shoot and kill blk ppl away and then claim stand your ground or feared for their lives
And sometimes that fear was justified. I know earlier you said that no fear of black men is justified until you are in power but that's just nonsense. If that's your position then just fuck off.

Just remember, you're a fucking racist too dick. You think in general that "no white man can stand up to a black man" and you clearly think you are superior to us other than you don't have the numbers. CLEARLY you're a racist too. Oh excuse me. You can't be a racist because you are the minority. Excuse me.
You know we could pay our police privately. So in my neighborhood, they don't pull me over for speeding or for drunk driving but they do any person who isn't from this area.

They don't pull you because you are white.

Would you like to privatize the police? Then you will have full control of the police in your area where you live. They won't fuck with you and I'll never drive through your neighborhood and you never drive through mine. Sound good?

How can black people have full control over police when there is not one black governor in the USA ? When there are hardly any blk ppl in the US senate ? In the US congress ? When there are hardly blk state representative seats ? When there are hardly any US supreme court justices ?

So if you have private police force for black people then white people would sabotage it the max. White people can't function with out doing bullshit to black people.

The police are the enforcement arm of white supremacy and law enforcement has been infested by white supremacists and nothing been done to root them out.

There are white supremacist beat cops, sergeants, captains, police chiefs and prosecutors who are using sheriff departments as havens and nests were white supremacist can be hired to kill black ppl and the white supremacist district attorney will back them up on it.

Not just that white people will start killing blk kids at school. There was just a law passed in Florida to arm teachers and these guns are not meant for white kids.

These black kids in kindergarten, junior high, high school are on the list. These white supremacist teachers will shoot and kill you with no problems. And nothing will get done about it as usual.

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Paul Essien

He got jobs because he works his ass off----never taking a day off even when sick. He's a workaholic and takes pride in and values himself based on well he does at working. He also blames himself for making stupid life decisions----at 60 he deeply regrets most of his life decisions leading up to him being locked up early on. So employers are willing to take a gamble on him----------they know like I do and that if you don't take and realize that YOU are responsible for YOUR actions----that you will continue to do the same stupid chit that got yourself locked up in the first place. Its not whities or the cops fault that you make stupid decisions that land you in prison----there is something simply broken in you.
I was warned at a very young age to stay out of Detroit. That's why I was never attacked by a black man. Plus I don't look like an easy target.

Would you like to explain the racist history of Detroit? Or are you going to sit on your white ass lying?
I never denied the racist history of Detroit. What does that have to do with my rational fear of black men today?

Where did I lie? You're making no sense. But seems like no matter how good a point I make you always have a comeback. Even if it has nothing to do with what I said.

You guys can call me a pussy all you want. I think whites have a rational fear of black men. I don't fear black cops. I don't fear black neighbors. I don't fear black co workers or bosses. Who do I fear? Young black men out at night in groups IN Detroit, Flint and Saginaw.

Even you blacks here confirm my logical fear of blacks. You talk about putting your hands on people if they verbally offend you. Well I've had to fight blacks for stepping on their shoes or bumping them by mistake. No one could make me punch them first no matter what they said. Bet you think that makes me a pussy too? That's because you are black and black people don't know how to act. It's exactly why stand your ground was invented. I was against it but now not so much. You guys prove you aren't civilized enough yet to just use your words. And you claim no white man can take a black man so you confirm not only are you the racists, but we are justified in keeping you down. If we didn't you'd take over the place, and your leaders say there will be hell to pay some day. Isn't that right? Makes us smart to do what we did the way we did it. Why help you take over?

I'm starting to see blacks are no better but they think they are. So the hypocrisy is there.
You need to stop with all this "us," "we," and "our" bullshit. YOU don't speak for anyone but YOU, which is just pathetic.
Paul Essien Yes Paul, white people will shoot criminals attacking them. Yep. So the logical response is not to whine about it and to stop being a criminal. Just an fyi from me to you.@Paul Essien

If you think the cops are pulling you over for speeding and drunk driving while black---since you can't change your skin color, have you thought about not drinking and driving while speeding? (If you are speeding or driving drunk---you deserve and need to be pulled over AND SHOT----remember our conversation about putting others before yourself---when you drive drunk or speed, you put others at risk which is very selfish.)
I was warned at a very young age to stay out of Detroit. That's why I was never attacked by a black man. Plus I don't look like an easy target.

Would you like to explain the racist history of Detroit? Or are you going to sit on your white ass lying?
I never denied the racist history of Detroit. What does that have to do with my rational fear of black men today?

Where did I lie? You're making no sense. But seems like no matter how good a point I make you always have a comeback. Even if it has nothing to do with what I said.

You guys can call me a pussy all you want. I think whites have a rational fear of black men. I don't fear black cops. I don't fear black neighbors. I don't fear black co workers or bosses. Who do I fear? Young black men out at night in groups IN Detroit, Flint and Saginaw.

Even you blacks here confirm my logical fear of blacks. You talk about putting your hands on people if they verbally offend you. Well I've had to fight blacks for stepping on their shoes or bumping them by mistake. No one could make me punch them first no matter what they said. Bet you think that makes me a pussy too? That's because you are black and black people don't know how to act. It's exactly why stand your ground was invented. I was against it but now not so much. You guys prove you aren't civilized enough yet to just use your words. And you claim no white man can take a black man so you confirm not only are you the racists, but we are justified in keeping you down. If we didn't you'd take over the place, and your leaders say there will be hell to pay some day. Isn't that right? Makes us smart to do what we did the way we did it. Why help you take over?

I'm starting to see blacks are no better but they think they are. So the hypocrisy is there.
You need to stop with all this "us," "we," and "our" bullshit. YOU don't speak for anyone but YOU, which is just pathetic.
Paul said White people can't function with out doing bullshit to black people. Do you agree with him?

What about these other things he said:

The police are the enforcement arm of white supremacy and law enforcement has been infested by white supremacists and nothing been done to root them out.

There are white supremacist beat cops, sergeants, captains, police chiefs and prosecutors who are using sheriff departments as havens and nests were white supremacist can be hired to kill black ppl and the white supremacist district attorney will back them up on it.

Not just that white people will start killing blk kids at school. There was just a law passed in Florida to arm teachers and these guns are not meant for white kids.

These black kids in kindergarten, junior high, high school are on the list. These white supremacist teachers will shoot and kill you with no problems. And nothing will get done about it as usual.
I was warned at a very young age to stay out of Detroit. That's why I was never attacked by a black man. Plus I don't look like an easy target.

Yeah right wimp.

Now my grandmother was mugged once when she was in her 70's and once when she was in her 80's.

Well I don't know the other side of the story. I did know if grandmother was innocent because the people who you alleged done this are not here to defend themselves

But let's your grandmother didn't start this. Let's say your grandmother wasn't a drug mule or a criminal because I don't give a shit whether she's 70, 80 or 90.

Don't try and play frail old granny shit with me. I've met many hard core female criminals in their 70's so that means nothing. But let's say it was a senseless attack and your grandmother was 100% innocent.

The fact that you had to go bk 30 years in personal history, to find some black violence towards white people says something in itself.

Well after those experiences I left and never looked back.

I’ve been afraid of black men.

I’ve braced myself in the presence of unknown black men, felt myself ready for a potential attack even as all they threw my way was a head bob and a “What’s up, brother?”

See I'm completely willing to discuss the irrational fear us whites have of black men. But what about the rational fear? 2000 violent crimes per 100,000 compared to where I live 333 per 100,000.

How come no where on the internet can I find an article discussing the rational fear of blacks? Because it would be considered racist. Now I see why conservatives hate being called racist. It's not always us being racist. I get the irrational fear of black thing. But you don't get the rational fear of black thing, which is also real. Just look at the numbers.
:lol: Fucking pussy.
Paul Essien Yes Paul, white people will shoot criminals attacking them. Yep. So the logical response is not to whine about it and to stop being a criminal. Just an fyi from me to you.@Paul Essien

If you think the cops are pulling you over for speeding and drunk driving while black---since you can't change your skin color, have you thought about not drinking and driving while speeding? (If you are speeding or driving drunk---you deserve and need to be pulled over AND SHOT----remember our conversation about putting others before yourself---when you drive drunk or speed, you put others at risk which is very selfish.)
I have admitted that cops racially profile. We live just 20 minutes away from the most dangerous place in America. Detroit. Don't take that lightly. And don't just take my word for it. Ask Trump

So what is stopping those black people who are committing violent crimes in a shit hole not 20 minutes away from getting in their cars and driving 20 minutes to where there are richer whites who they dislike and robbing them? RACIAL PROFILING.

It's justified. It may suck for the innocent blacks who get pulled over for bullshit but what do blacks want us to do? What they wish would happen is that it's so politically incorrect to pull a black man over that they can drive anywhere and do anything. And if you complain, you're a racist. Look at Paul and IM2. If you disagree with them, you're a racist. And what is a racist? It's someone who thinks their race is superior. What do Paul and IM2 think? They think they are superior to whites. And they think our fear of them is irrational. Even though in Detroit they have 2000 violent crimes per every 100,000 citizens and where I live it's more like 300 per every 100,000.

They can go fuck themselves. They're in denial.
I was warned at a very young age to stay out of Detroit. That's why I was never attacked by a black man. Plus I don't look like an easy target.

Yeah right wimp.

Now my grandmother was mugged once when she was in her 70's and once when she was in her 80's.

Well I don't know the other side of the story. I did know if grandmother was innocent because the people who you alleged done this are not here to defend themselves

But let's your grandmother didn't start this. Let's say your grandmother wasn't a drug mule or a criminal because I don't give a shit whether she's 70, 80 or 90.

Don't try and play frail old granny shit with me. I've met many hard core female criminals in their 70's so that means nothing. But let's say it was a senseless attack and your grandmother was 100% innocent.

The fact that you had to go bk 30 years in personal history, to find some black violence towards white people says something in itself.

Well after those experiences I left and never looked back.

I’ve been afraid of black men.

I’ve braced myself in the presence of unknown black men, felt myself ready for a potential attack even as all they threw my way was a head bob and a “What’s up, brother?”

See I'm completely willing to discuss the irrational fear us whites have of black men. But what about the rational fear? 2000 violent crimes per 100,000 compared to where I live 333 per 100,000.

How come no where on the internet can I find an article discussing the rational fear of blacks? Because it would be considered racist. Now I see why conservatives hate being called racist. It's not always us being racist. I get the irrational fear of black thing. But you don't get the rational fear of black thing, which is also real. Just look at the numbers.
:lol: Fucking pussy.
You already said that. Come up with some new material fish.
I was warned at a very young age to stay out of Detroit. That's why I was never attacked by a black man. Plus I don't look like an easy target.

Yeah right wimp.

Now my grandmother was mugged once when she was in her 70's and once when she was in her 80's.

Well I don't know the other side of the story. I did know if grandmother was innocent because the people who you alleged done this are not here to defend themselves

But let's your grandmother didn't start this. Let's say your grandmother wasn't a drug mule or a criminal because I don't give a shit whether she's 70, 80 or 90.

Don't try and play frail old granny shit with me. I've met many hard core female criminals in their 70's so that means nothing. But let's say it was a senseless attack and your grandmother was 100% innocent.

The fact that you had to go bk 30 years in personal history, to find some black violence towards white people says something in itself.

Well after those experiences I left and never looked back.

I’ve been afraid of black men.

I’ve braced myself in the presence of unknown black men, felt myself ready for a potential attack even as all they threw my way was a head bob and a “What’s up, brother?”

See I'm completely willing to discuss the irrational fear us whites have of black men. But what about the rational fear? 2000 violent crimes per 100,000 compared to where I live 333 per 100,000.

How come no where on the internet can I find an article discussing the rational fear of blacks? Because it would be considered racist. Now I see why conservatives hate being called racist. It's not always us being racist. I get the irrational fear of black thing. But you don't get the rational fear of black thing, which is also real. Just look at the numbers.
:lol: Fucking pussy.
You already said that. .....
You keep adding more examples.
I was warned at a very young age to stay out of Detroit. That's why I was never attacked by a black man. Plus I don't look like an easy target.

Yeah right wimp.

Now my grandmother was mugged once when she was in her 70's and once when she was in her 80's.

Well I don't know the other side of the story. I did know if grandmother was innocent because the people who you alleged done this are not here to defend themselves

But let's your grandmother didn't start this. Let's say your grandmother wasn't a drug mule or a criminal because I don't give a shit whether she's 70, 80 or 90.

Don't try and play frail old granny shit with me. I've met many hard core female criminals in their 70's so that means nothing. But let's say it was a senseless attack and your grandmother was 100% innocent.

The fact that you had to go bk 30 years in personal history, to find some black violence towards white people says something in itself.

Well after those experiences I left and never looked back.

I’ve been afraid of black men.

I’ve braced myself in the presence of unknown black men, felt myself ready for a potential attack even as all they threw my way was a head bob and a “What’s up, brother?”

See I'm completely willing to discuss the irrational fear us whites have of black men. But what about the rational fear? 2000 violent crimes per 100,000 compared to where I live 333 per 100,000.

How come no where on the internet can I find an article discussing the rational fear of blacks? Because it would be considered racist. Now I see why conservatives hate being called racist. It's not always us being racist. I get the irrational fear of black thing. But you don't get the rational fear of black thing, which is also real. Just look at the numbers.
:lol: Fucking pussy.
You live in Mayberry compared to Detroit. You don't know what you are talking about.

Funny thing is when I go to Southfield, MI a majority black city I don't fear blacks. They are a bit more upper class than Detroit blacks. Sort of like the "inner city" you supposedly teach in. I already showed you the blackest neighborhood in MA is nothing compared to Detroit. You have no clue my little Irish/Asian friend.
I was warned at a very young age to stay out of Detroit. That's why I was never attacked by a black man. Plus I don't look like an easy target.

Yeah right wimp.

Now my grandmother was mugged once when she was in her 70's and once when she was in her 80's.

Well I don't know the other side of the story. I did know if grandmother was innocent because the people who you alleged done this are not here to defend themselves

But let's your grandmother didn't start this. Let's say your grandmother wasn't a drug mule or a criminal because I don't give a shit whether she's 70, 80 or 90.

Don't try and play frail old granny shit with me. I've met many hard core female criminals in their 70's so that means nothing. But let's say it was a senseless attack and your grandmother was 100% innocent.

The fact that you had to go bk 30 years in personal history, to find some black violence towards white people says something in itself.

Well after those experiences I left and never looked back.

I’ve been afraid of black men.

I’ve braced myself in the presence of unknown black men, felt myself ready for a potential attack even as all they threw my way was a head bob and a “What’s up, brother?”

See I'm completely willing to discuss the irrational fear us whites have of black men. But what about the rational fear? 2000 violent crimes per 100,000 compared to where I live 333 per 100,000.

How come no where on the internet can I find an article discussing the rational fear of blacks? Because it would be considered racist. Now I see why conservatives hate being called racist. It's not always us being racist. I get the irrational fear of black thing. But you don't get the rational fear of black thing, which is also real. Just look at the numbers.
:lol: Fucking pussy.
You already said that. .....
You keep adding more examples.
And you keep adding nothing to the conversation. Piss off. Or just read. Don't comment. Unless you have something new to say?
I used to go into Detroit where I should have been robbed. Went in for drugs. The only reason I wasn't jacked was I look like a cop. White dude sitting in a Fusion by himself at night. The brothers would walk by my car and say to each other, "that's a fucking cop". Meanwhile my black buddy was inside making a deal.

And here's another thing. You were doing something illegal yourself; that is buying drugs. You were committing a crime but then you the nerve to complain about others who you think might commit a crime.

Drugs business is dangerous business. What the fk do you think this is ? Do you think you were meeting someone to buy a car you saw on Ebay or something you dumb fk ?

The drugs business is dangerous. Nothing to do with race.

Secondly you assumed that you were going to be jacked because of course you know how black guys think - Right ?

But this is how a lot of white people get black people killed

"I though he he had a gun" and "I thought he was aggressive" and "I thought I was in fear for my life"
I don't give a fuck about crime. Buying pot or cocaine? Buy all you want. I care about violent crime. I wasn't mugging people or breaking into homes or raping/murdering anyone.
You are a criminal scumbag, and a racist coward. Quite a catch.

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