Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is the only unforgivable sin? What is it?

“…It excludes the elements through which the forgiveness of sin takes place.”

It excludes the elements ...

the sinner is incapable of restoring a life after it has been taken, is an unforgivable sin.

"They have no forgiveness, having denied the Only Begotten Son, having crucified him unto themselves:"

what is unforgivable in the above is the taking of the life the sinner is unable to restore themselves with remorse, denying Jesus is not an unforgivable sin as it is not a permanent, irretrievable condition.


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Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is the only unforgivable sin. What is it?

I looked up Judas, and this led to links asking if Judas blasphemed the Holy Spirit when he betrayed Jesus.

That misses the point entirely.

Judas did not blaspheme the Holy Spirit when he betrayed Jesus. For that, he could have simply gone to Jesus and been forgiven. Jesus forgave all the other men who participated in his crucifixion, so Judas could easily have been forgiven.

But Judas despaired. He did not believe he could be forgiven, so he did not seek forgiveness, instead he killed himself. In despair and suicide, Judas blasphemed the Holy Spirit.

Another way to blaspheme the Holy Spirit is to live in a state of sin, and refuse to repent.

That is why Catholics who divorce and remarry cannot receive Communion. They are living in a state of sin, and they are refusing to repent from that sin, and therefore cannot go to confession and make their souls proper vessels to receive Communion.

Those who steal cannot receive forgiveness until they return what they have stolen. A thief who refuses what he has stolen is blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

I'm not sure about this, but I think a murderer who refuses to turn himself into the police for punishment could also not be forgiven and would be blaspheming the Holy Spirit while he evades justice.

A homosexual couple who gets a state-sanctioned married could not go to a Catholic Church and receive Communion, nor could they get forgiveness while they live together as a couple. This is another example of blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

A woman who refuses to repent an abortion is blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

Anyone who commits suicide while in a state of sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

Anyone who despairs, and thinks that what they have done is so wrong that God will not forgive them, and therefore refuses to repent, is blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

So a Nazi who realizes that what he has done is horrible and sinful, but then hangs himself in his cell without making a confession, would be blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
Jesus forgave the Roman soldiers for his crucifixion. Not the Sanhedrin nor Jerusalem for it.

After 70 years Jerusalem and every man, woman, and child in it was slain by the Romans.

The western Roman Empire prospered for another 400 years.

The eastern Roman Empire (of Constantine) prospered for another 1400 years.
No, you are wrong on so many levels. How do I begin?
You cannot logically or philosophically say someone is wrong first thing out of you mouth.

You must provide factual data first.
“…It excludes the elements through which the forgiveness of sin takes place.”

It excludes the elements ...

the sinner is incapable of restoring a life after it that has been taken, is an unforgivable sin.

"They have no forgiveness, having denied the Only Begotten Son, having crucified him unto themselves:"

what is unforgivable in the above is the taking of the life the sinner is unable to restore themselves with remorse, denying Jesus is not an unforgivable sin as it is not a permanent, irretrievable condition.


The above are Mormon views.

See my list of the 7 different sources of Christian doctrine/dogma:

1 - Catholic
2 - Protestant
3 - Eastern Orthodox
4 - Quaker
5 - Mormon
6 - Old Testament
7 - New Testament.
Just the opposite Breeze. King David took a life and God considered David the apple of His eye. Because of David's remorse.
As I understand it to blaspheme the holy spirit, one would have to bear witness to a true divine miracle; then report to those not in attendance that it was not holy or divine in nature. In other words to intentionally bear false witness against the miraculous works of god.
Refusal to repent is the basic gist of what it means to blaspheme the Holy Spirit.

Most people who refuse to repent do it because they don't think they need to.

The modern Catholic, who is taught on Sunday that all he has to do is be "nice" to people, does not know he is supposed to be repenting his sins. So Confessions are heard only one hour a week, and hardly anyone shows up.

The priests are to blame for this, they are bad shepherds who are misleading their flocks.

This entire generation of priests must die out before things will get better.
Refusal to repent is the basic gist of what it means to blaspheme the Holy Spirit.

Most people who refuse to repent do it because they don't think they need to.

The modern Catholic, who is taught on Sunday that all he has to do is be "nice" to people, does not know he is supposed to be repenting his sins. So Confessions are heard only one hour a week, and hardly anyone shows up.

The priests are to blame for this, they are bad shepherds who are misleading their flocks.

This entire generation of priests must die out before things will get better.
Catholics aren't Christians...
Refusal to repent is the basic gist of what it means to blaspheme the Holy Spirit.

Most people who refuse to repent do it because they don't think they need to.

The modern Catholic, who is taught on Sunday that all he has to do is be "nice" to people, does not know he is supposed to be repenting his sins. So Confessions are heard only one hour a week, and hardly anyone shows up.

The priests are to blame for this, they are bad shepherds who are misleading their flocks.

This entire generation of priests must die out before things will get better.
Catholics aren't Christians...
Refusal to repent is the basic gist of what it means to blaspheme the Holy Spirit.

Most people who refuse to repent do it because they don't think they need to.

The modern Catholic, who is taught on Sunday that all he has to do is be "nice" to people, does not know he is supposed to be repenting his sins. So Confessions are heard only one hour a week, and hardly anyone shows up.

The priests are to blame for this, they are bad shepherds who are misleading their flocks.

This entire generation of priests must die out before things will get better.
And you learned this where?


You need citations.

Otherwise you need to identify your own anecdotal experiences.
Just the opposite Breeze. King David took a life and God considered David the apple of His eye. Because of David's remorse.
You can still go see King David's tomb in Jerusalem.

It is still there.

He was not resurrected with the other saints mentioned in Matt 27:52.
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Murder will normally get you into a lot of trouble with God.

Even though you state does not have a death penalty.
yiostehoy, who are you talking to? It must be someone I have on ignore, because I can see only your half of the conversation.
I didn't just make that shit up, which is what you implied.
When you do not cite your support it is merely hear/say gossip.
Which you did initially.
I was just getting started frat boy. Give me a chance to properly refute the hear/say gossip. That is step 1. Then allow me to provide authoritative back up to fill the vacuum, which is step 2. My analysis and refutation then becomes step 3. And my conclusion step 4. Didn't you ever do any NCAA debate in college ?? Apparently not huh !?
You all have done is judgmental wonder speak at this point.
yiostehoy, who are you talking to? It must be someone I have on ignore, because I can see only your half of the conversation.
Blackrook does not under the atonement or Matthew 6:12.
BR has not yet even made his case with any documentation therefore you are out of order to begin providing documentation of your own to the contrary.Until BR substantiates his point it is merely hear/say gossip.
Since he has not demonstrated any understanding or given scripture, I am absolutely in order to correct him, and you, for that matter. Now if you wish to provide your own evidence, go right ahead.
Leave me out of this.

He has committed hear/say gossip.

You have committed irregular debate procedure.
Stay with us, and I will help you learn it.
Just the opposite Breeze. King David took a life and God considered David the apple of His eye. Because of David's remorse.
no scriptures required.

you're walking on water Ram.

taking someone's life (that) can not be restored is an unforgivable sin - that's why after pg 1 I would not read further your book to avoid the sin of believing those fallacies and the same as your king david.

Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is the only unforgivable sin. What is it?

I looked up Judas, and this led to links asking if Judas blasphemed the Holy Spirit when he betrayed Jesus.

That misses the point entirely.

Judas did not blaspheme the Holy Spirit when he betrayed Jesus. For that, he could have simply gone to Jesus and been forgiven. Jesus forgave all the other men who participated in his crucifixion, so Judas could easily have been forgiven.

But Judas despaired. He did not believe he could be forgiven, so he did not seek forgiveness, instead he killed himself. In despair and suicide, Judas blasphemed the Holy Spirit.

Another way to blaspheme the Holy Spirit is to live in a state of sin, and refuse to repent.

That is why Catholics who divorce and remarry cannot receive Communion. They are living in a state of sin, and they are refusing to repent from that sin, and therefore cannot go to confession and make their souls proper vessels to receive Communion.

Those who steal cannot receive forgiveness until they return what they have stolen. A thief who refuses what he has stolen is blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

I'm not sure about this, but I think a murderer who refuses to turn himself into the police for punishment could also not be forgiven and would be blaspheming the Holy Spirit while he evades justice.

A homosexual couple who gets a state-sanctioned married could not go to a Catholic Church and receive Communion, nor could they get forgiveness while they live together as a couple. This is another example of blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

A woman who refuses to repent an abortion is blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

Anyone who commits suicide while in a state of sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

Anyone who despairs, and thinks that what they have done is so wrong that God will not forgive them, and therefore refuses to repent, is blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

So a Nazi who realizes that what he has done is horrible and sinful, but then hangs himself in his cell without making a confession, would be blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
Disagreed on several points.

First, if by "Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is the only unforgivable sin", you mean violating the Commandment to not take the Lord's name in vain, I fail to see how Judas applies.

Second, the 10 Commandments are all "unforgivable sins", yet were written before Christ's arrival and the washing away of sins.

Third, who was responsible for Christ's death? Judas? No. The Jews? No. The Romans? No. The answer is God since it was God that sent Christ on this mission. Jesus even asked if "this cup" could be passed from him. There was no betrayal by Judas since it was all part of God's plan. No crucifixion, no resurrection. No resurrection, no Christianity.

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