Bleak future of US cities

Expect massive flight of wealthier folks and business .
Cops by the tens of thousands will quit.

big cities will only be thugs, punks , poor folks and illegals and nothing else

zero future in any major City



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In fact, the United States of America, not just its cities, has a "bleak future."

Our Achilles' heel (as so graphically exposed in the current Insurrection) will be responsible for its eventual fall.

I hope that certain other countries consider the United States as an object lesson to avoid.
Cities are a mixed bag, we've lived in one most of our lives and still appreciate their complexity and openness. Many well to do left long ago to secluded or gated suburbs. Class is a forgotten topic for some. Curiously even in health, cities are more hopeful and helpful than rural areas where the poor have little supporting structure. Look only at opioid deaths. Farming died under corporate takeover. And slaves and sharecroppers are no more. Sorry but cities have good and bad and grace and hope and will be around for a long long time.

A great read while a bit off topic: White Trash

"A city — or a state — is a response to human needs. No human being is self-sufficient, and all of us have many wants...Since each person has many wants, many partners and purveyors will be required to furnish them.... Owing to this interchange of services, a multitude of persons will gather and dwell together in what we have come to call the city or the state....[So] let us construct a city beginning with its origins, keeping in mind that the origin of every real city is human necessity....[However], we are not all alike. There is a diversity of talents among men; consequently, one man is best suited to one particular occupation and another to another....We can conclude, then, that production in our city will be more abundant and the products more easily produced and of better quality if each does the work nature [and society] has equipped him to do, at the appropriate time, and is not required to spend time on other occupations." Plato
Unless the Democrat leadership in major cities across the U.S. do a quick about face on de-funding the Police and not enforcing the laws against robbery, arson, looting and violent crime they will see a mass exodus. They may be thinking if they can hold out until November, create social upheaval, chaos and unrest, then clamp down once Trump is gone, it may actually work, though. It is a precarious position in which they put themselves.
Expect massive flight of wealthier folks and business .
Cops by the tens of thousands will quit.

big cities will only be thugs, punks , poor folks and illegals and nothing else

zero future in any major City
Looks like we need to build walls...set up border keep those liberal assholes out of our country.
Expect massive flight of wealthier folks and business . Cops by the tens of thousands will quit. big cities will only be thugs, punks , poor folks and illegals and nothing else zero future in any major City
It's what happens when the Darkies take over the plantation... everything they touch turns to $hit.

Sensible White Folks left those $hithole$ decades ago... they knew what was going to happen long before it did... oh-so-predictable.
The thing city slickers are running from is exactly what a Democrat President and congress will force us to bail out. Democrat's policies are evil.
Cities are a mixed bag, we've lived in one most of our lives and still appreciate their complexity and openness. Many well to do left long ago to secluded or gated suburbs. Class is a forgotten topic for some. Curiously even in health, cities are more hopeful and helpful than rural areas where the poor have little supporting structure. Look only at opioid deaths. Farming died under corporate takeover. And slaves and sharecroppers are no more. Sorry but cities have good and bad and grace and hope and will be around for a long long time.

A great read while a bit off topic: White Trash

"A city — or a state — is a response to human needs. No human being is self-sufficient, and all of us have many wants...Since each person has many wants, many partners and purveyors will be required to furnish them.... Owing to this interchange of services, a multitude of persons will gather and dwell together in what we have come to call the city or the state....[So] let us construct a city beginning with its origins, keeping in mind that the origin of every real city is human necessity....[However], we are not all alike. There is a diversity of talents among men; consequently, one man is best suited to one particular occupation and another to another....We can conclude, then, that production in our city will be more abundant and the products more easily produced and of better quality if each does the work nature [and society] has equipped him to do, at the appropriate time, and is not required to spend time on other occupations." Plato

The point I can't get is that the only way cities prosper is through good paying jobs for all classes....
The "globalists" keep moving urban factories overseas, and bringing in foreign labor to create the urban blight and "brown fields"....
It seems so obvious to me that the "populist" solution is bringing back good jobs to the US, yet so many on the urban plantation keep voting for the promised government handouts?!
There will be a mass exodus in cities. Real estate agents I know are already flooded with people from Manhattan looking for homes in the suburbs.

1. restricted amenities like theaters, bars, etc, and the dangers of covid spread fears via mass transit etc.
2. Police are going to lose up to 40% of it's force and are becoming hands off, crime is skyrocketing.
3. People and businesses have learned working from home can be more efficient, look for a glut of commercial real estate as well.

It's happening.
The thing city slickers are running from is exactly what a Democrat President and congress will force us to bail out. Democrat's policies are evil.
Nope. No bailouts. NYC thought that too back in 1975. They thought wrong.
The harshness of the speech that Ford ultimately delivered led to a headline that ran in the following morning’s New York Daily News and will forever be associated with Ford, although he never said it. “Ford to City: Drop Dead.”
Ironically, Ford’s tough words, and the even tougher headline they engendered, may have served to save New York and sink Ford. For New York, Ford’s statement convinced the key players that no federal help would be forthcoming. It galvanized the city to make tough choices and significant changes. Rubenstein, Koch, and others would later say that by refusing to save the city, Ford did the city a service. (For better or worse, it may also have enshrined brinkmanship as a bankruptcy negotiating tactic.)
Eleven Blacks killed in Chicago last night. Including a child. Killed other Blacks in a Democrat run big city shithole.

Not a word out of the stupid confused Moon Bats. They are too busy trying to destroy a statute of the Roosevelt that didn't put people into a concentration camp.
There will be a mass exodus in cities. Real estate agents I know are already flooded with people from Manhattan looking for homes in the suburbs.

1. restricted amenities like theaters, bars, etc, and the dangers of covid spread fears via mass transit etc.
2. Police are going to lose up to 40% of it's force and are becoming hands off, crime is skyrocketing.
3. People and businesses have learned working from home can be more efficient, look for a glut of commercial real estate as well.

It's happening.

NYC already has its biggest violent crime surge in decades
The point I can't get is that the only way cities prosper is through good paying jobs for all classes....
The "globalists" keep moving urban factories overseas, and bringing in foreign labor to create the urban blight and "brown fields"....
It seems so obvious to me that the "populist" solution is bringing back good jobs to the US, yet so many on the urban plantation keep voting for the promised government handouts?!

Dependency breeds bigger Gov't loyalty and tyranny.

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