Blindfold Challenge


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
As some sit and use a wheelchair for a few days to see how being handicapped is, try wearing a blindfold a few days to see how it effects your feelings on race.
Yeah because if you have a blindfold on and you hear "Yo muthuh f*ckuh" you'll just asume it's a non-threatening, College educated White guy right?
As some sit and use a wheelchair for a few days to see how being handicapped is, try wearing a blindfold a few days to see how it effects your feelings on race.
Wont work. I can tell a Black guy even with a white accent. Still trying to figure out what exactly it is. Not sure if its all Black guys but havent heard one yet that can fool me. I only know a 2 white guys that sound Black. One I grew up with and another that played in the NBA.
Yeah because if you have a blindfold on and you hear "Yo muthuh f*ckuh" you'll just asume it's a non-threatening, College educated White guy right?

I'll take a black, Hispanic, Asian, etc accent over the vile poison posted here by "white guys".

Accents and colloquialisms don't bother me near as much as they do and I sure as hell wouldn't trust them over people of other races who talk differently than me. Not for a moment.

Seriously. Think about it. People who constantly push mindless hate are not people you want around your kids. I wouldn't turn my back on them.
As some sit and use a wheelchair for a few days to see how being handicapped is, try wearing a blindfold a few days to see how it effects your feelings on race.
Wont work. I can tell a Black guy even with a white accent. Still trying to figure out what exactly it is. Not sure if its all Black guys but havent heard one yet that can fool me. I only know a 2 white guys that sound Black. One I grew up with and another that played in the NBA.

I just don't think its all that important.
If I didn't believe (I don't know for absolutely certain, not having seen a corpse) that Teddy is dead I'd think Teddy had morphed into Luddy.
As some sit and use a wheelchair for a few days to see how being handicapped is, try wearing a blindfold a few days to see how it effects your feelings on race.
Wont work. I can tell a Black guy even with a white accent. Still trying to figure out what exactly it is. Not sure if its all Black guys but havent heard one yet that can fool me. I only know a 2 white guys that sound Black. One I grew up with and another that played in the NBA.

I just don't think its all that important.
Its the big scheme of things. Its really interesting to sit in a office full of cubicles and listen to conversations of people of different races when they cant see you. There is a difference in cadence, tone, and sometime subject matter.
The sucking up snot sound is a big give away too:

"Yo Tyrone! (Snort!) Muthuh f*ckuh sh*t! (snort) Niggah pleeze!"
As some sit and use a wheelchair for a few days to see how being handicapped is, try wearing a blindfold a few days to see how it effects your feelings on race.
Wont work. I can tell a Black guy even with a white accent. Still trying to figure out what exactly it is. Not sure if its all Black guys but havent heard one yet that can fool me. I only know a 2 white guys that sound Black. One I grew up with and another that played in the NBA.
I can always tell a white guy from a wannabe.

You are a white guy.
Actually I have done this many times as part of a ritual I created.

I didn't create this ritual to understand race, however. Its meant to help me understand how my eyes might betray me in everyday Life, and to help me understand my other senses better.

I have actually sparred with friends while wearing a blindfold, lol, among other things.

But next time I perform this ritual I will keep race in mind.
No one is color blind in regards to race. Its not even natural.

If you want to suggest you cannot be colorblind ... I am not going to argue with that. I never said it was normal ... Which is why I appreciate it.

Normal happens by design ... Exceptional often requires some effort ... Something you probably have problems understanding all the time.


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