Blindness and Denial: the Hope of Today's Christian


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2013
Ormond Beach, FL
By biblical accounts, Jesus should have come by now.

Jesus said, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Mt 24:14). In the first century, the Gospel was preached in all the nations (Rm 1:8; 16:26; Col 1:6, 23).

Jesus said that abounding lawlessness is another sign of the imminence of the end (Mt 24:12). In the first century, even before the end of the age, the mystery of lawlessness was already at work (2 Thes 2:7).

Israelites were anxious for Elijah’s return, for that was another sign of the end of the age (Mal 4:5-6). In the first century, Elijah returned (Mt 17:12).

Jesus said he would raise up a new temple within days of the current temple’s destruction (Jn 2:19). In the first century, the new temple was being raised (1 Pt 2:5).

Jesus said many false prophets would lead many astray (Mt 24:11). The New Testament canon is replete with such occurrences in the first century, such as in Acts 5:36-37.

In the first century, prophecy was fulfilled. So where’s Jesus? Why do Christians refuse to see him and deny his return? Do they think such fulfilled prophecy denies them some sense of hope and anticipation?
By biblical accounts, Jesus should have come by now.

Jesus said, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Mt 24:14). In the first century, the Gospel was preached in all the nations (Rm 1:8; 16:26; Col 1:6, 23).

Jesus said that abounding lawlessness is another sign of the imminence of the end (Mt 24:12). In the first century, even before the end of the age, the mystery of lawlessness was already at work (2 Thes 2:7).

Israelites were anxious for Elijah’s return, for that was another sign of the end of the age (Mal 4:5-6). In the first century, Elijah returned (Mt 17:12).

Jesus said he would raise up a new temple within days of the current temple’s destruction (Jn 2:19). In the first century, the new temple was being raised (1 Pt 2:5).

Jesus said many false prophets would lead many astray (Mt 24:11). The New Testament canon is replete with such occurrences in the first century, such as in Acts 5:36-37.

In the first century, prophecy was fulfilled. So where’s Jesus? Why do Christians refuse to see him and deny his return? Do they think such fulfilled prophecy denies them some sense of hope and anticipation?
Many believe Jesus was only human and not a god or a “son of God”.
TODAY, no one really knows what transpired 2,000 years ago.
I understand the Bible had unknown authors who did not know Jesus personally or witnessed alleged events related to him.
Matthew 16:28: "...there shall be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom."

They died without a liberation nor kingdom.
In fact a portion of Luke was conveniently removed because is was like doubting Thomas discussed the failed liberation and commented that this Figure was not who they hoped him to be when he failed his revolt.
Source on Missing Luke:
(found in the oldest copies) which states: about his being handed over for sentencing"even though we were hoping that he would be the one to LIBERATE ISRAEL." (Luke 24:19-20 -- based on the Greek text)

More failed end time rants can be found
in (I Cor. 10:11 -KJV) (Heb. 1:2 -KJV)
(I Peter 1:20 -KJV) (I Peter 4:7 -KJV)
(1 John 2:15-17) (I John 2:18 -KJV) Remember you can't claim the kingdom to come before the disciples deaths and then fail to deliver if you want to be considered a prophet of G-d.
You can't claim to be Messiah if you can't liberate or deliver your people instead you cause them to scatter and be slain, that's not a savior or good shepherd that's the result of false cult leaders through the ages.

LASTLY: does it say
Elijah's return or
Elijah's HaShev? (remember Michael the ArchMalakh is Elijah's commander)
that depends if you read it in Hebrew or blot out a name by translating into English a Hebrew word you assume is a term by not knowing the name, because you did not keep the Sheva (7)Day in rememberance of the name.
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By biblical accounts, Jesus should have come by now.

Jesus said, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Mt 24:14). In the first century, the Gospel was preached in all the nations (Rm 1:8; 16:26; Col 1:6, 23).

Jesus said that abounding lawlessness is another sign of the imminence of the end (Mt 24:12). In the first century, even before the end of the age, the mystery of lawlessness was already at work (2 Thes 2:7).

Israelites were anxious for Elijah’s return, for that was another sign of the end of the age (Mal 4:5-6). In the first century, Elijah returned (Mt 17:12).

Jesus said he would raise up a new temple within days of the current temple’s destruction (Jn 2:19). In the first century, the new temple was being raised (1 Pt 2:5).

Jesus said many false prophets would lead many astray (Mt 24:11). The New Testament canon is replete with such occurrences in the first century, such as in Acts 5:36-37.

In the first century, prophecy was fulfilled. So where’s Jesus? Why do Christians refuse to see him and deny his return? Do they think such fulfilled prophecy denies them some sense of hope and anticipation?

When Christ appeared the first time many people did not see him even though he was standing right in front of them. Most only saw just another lawless drunk spouting hubris, running wild with sinners and prostitutes. People either laughed or thought that his mind was broken under the brutal conditions of Roman occupation and went insane.

Then, to make matters worse, he was "taken up" and further obscured by a cloud.

Temple schmemple. Jesus said that some standing around would see the Son of man and the Kingdom of God in power before they died. Some saw it before Jesus died.

Jesus doesn't have to return, where he is and the way to get there has always been known.

People of this world have to make a conscious decision to ascend into those same clouds if they ever hope to see him face to face before they die.
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"But I tell you that Elijah has already come." (Mt 17:12)

Paul proclaims citizenship in the kingdom for himself and his contemporaries before the end came (Col 1:13). The letter to the Hebrews exhorts believers to be grateful for the kingdom they had received (Heb 12:28). And of course John the Revelator declares himself a partner in the kingdom with his brethren (Rv 1:9). The kingdom had arrived in the first century. We may not know the day or the hour of its arrival, but we know the century. Our Lord frequently predicted his Parousia, and the apostles incessantly reminded the early Christians of it, saying over and over again that they themselves were living in the last days; the kingdom was upon them.

Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come. (1 Cor 10:11). St. Paul was absolutely correct. The end of the age came in AD 70, when the temple burned down.

But in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. (Heb 1:2) Some date Hebrews in the 60s or 70s, the last days of the Mosaic Age, which this passage would affirm. In these last days, the author says in the present tense.

I Peter 1:20, I Peter 4:7, 1 John 2:17, I John 2:18 - all these aver the same, just as history tells us, that Rome surrounded Jerusalem with her armies and brought the cult of temple to a crashing halt. This Jewish age - the age that Jesus and the apostles lived in - was the age whose end they wrote of and anticipated.
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I don't understand how anyone could claim that all prophesy has been fulfilled. When have we ever beaten our swords into plowshares, our spears into pruning hooks and learned war no more? When was it that all heads bowed, all knees bent and all mouths confessed that the Lord is God? Wen was it that the old dragon was bound? Did I miss all these things and no one ever told me about them?
We experience God in the present. If you want to see him you will have to die to self and listen for his quiet voice.

Try asking him what he wants you to do today.
We experience God in the present. If you want to see him you will have to die to self and listen for his quiet voice.

Try asking him what he wants you to do today.
He told me to tell you to shut up..
But I can totally see why what I wrote would be so offensive to you. I’m sorry for interrupting your distractions. Please carry on.
Jesus wasnt the messiah. He was just a bastard child with a liar for a mother.
Jesus wasnt the messiah. He was just a bastard child with a liar for a mother.
Prove it...
Come to TN and we will take my time machine for a spin.
OK... so you make a statement you can't prove, and then act like it's a joke... whatever.
It is a joke.
Jesus wasnt the messiah, obviously. Most of the prophecy didnt come true. Also, the jewish messiah is to be a man. That kinda kicks his story of being gods son in the nuts donit?
Jesus wasnt the messiah. He was just a bastard child with a liar for a mother.
Prove it...
Come to TN and we will take my time machine for a spin.
OK... so you make a statement you can't prove, and then act like it's a joke... whatever.
It is a joke.
Jesus wasnt the messiah, obviously. Most of the prophecy didnt come true. Also, the jewish messiah is to be a man. That kinda kicks his story of being gods son in the nuts donit?
Of course that's all just your opinion. You can't prove any of it, and it goes against what's written in the Bible.

As far as what prophecies have come true, that depends greatly on who you ask. The vast majority would disagree with you.

Your opinions haven't kicked anything in the nuts.
Jesus wasnt the messiah. He was just a bastard child with a liar for a mother.
Prove it...
Come to TN and we will take my time machine for a spin.
OK... so you make a statement you can't prove, and then act like it's a joke... whatever.
It is a joke.
Jesus wasnt the messiah, obviously. Most of the prophecy didnt come true. Also, the jewish messiah is to be a man. That kinda kicks his story of being gods son in the nuts donit?
Of course that's all just your opinion. You can't prove any of it, and it goes against what's written in the Bible.

As far as what prophecies have come true, that depends greatly on who you ask. The vast majority would disagree with you.

Your opinions haven't kicked anything in the nuts.
Him not fulfilling jewish prophecy isnt an opinion. The messianic age didnt happen and humans dont return to life after thousands of years.
Again, thats not opinion.
It is a joke.
Jesus wasnt the messiah, obviously. Most of the prophecy didnt come true. Also, the jewish messiah is to be a man. That kinda kicks his story of being gods son in the nuts donit?
Jesus never directly said he was the Messiah the Jews were looking for (one who would free them from Roman/Gentile rule). What he said directly is that Moses (the author of the five books of the Bible) spoke of him. David--and those who prophesied a descendant of David would be a king of the Jews like David--came long after Moses.

Returning to Moses and the five books credited to his authorship, we find these passages:

  • God would send offspring of a woman and would crush the head of Satan (Genesis 3:15).
  • He would come from the offspring of Abraham and all the nations on earth would find blessings in him. (Genesis 12:3)
  • He would be a prophet like Moses (not like David) to whom God said we must listen (Deuteronomy 18:15).
Temple authorities saw Jesus as their enemy because of his continued statements of being one with God/equal to God.

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