blm attacks cops in portland

And yet every blessed one of the posters on this thread just dog piling on this Anti-fa episode have and will bend into a pretzel to minimize, excuse or exonerate all those connected with the attempted insurrection on January 6th. Amazing, yet not unexpected.

I wasn't aware that the Capitol building was looted, spray-painted with graffiti, set on fire, and people murdered there on Jan. 6.

Well, there was Ashli Babbitt. But other than that, Jan. was a Sunday picnic compared to the shit antifa and BLM pulled off.
thank you. and anitfa and blm are buddied up together. they cause all kinds of crap.
And yet every blessed one of the posters on this thread just dog piling on this Anti-fa episode have and will bend into a pretzel to minimize, excuse or exonerate all those connected with the attempted insurrection on January 6th. Amazing, yet not unexpected.

I wasn't aware that the Capitol building was looted, spray-painted with graffiti, set on fire, and people murdered there on Jan. 6.

Well, there was Ashli Babbitt. But other than that, Jan. was a Sunday picnic compared to the shit antifa and BLM pulled off.
Unlawful entry, breaking and entering, petty theft, graffitti, property damage, cops assaulted and injured, senators under threat by a mob, perpetrator killed trying to breach security of senators during mob situation.

As for your claims about BLM committing murders:

As for Anti-FA

Please get your facts straight before posting....perhaps using more news sources other than Fox News or Clear Channel or InfoWars. Carry on.
You missed the CNN interview last year with the BLM leader in Portland?
Of course you did.
Ya got something to prove bunky? If so, make your statement and supply your facts. Otherwise, don't waste everyone's time and space.
I just proved you don’t watch the news.
And yet every blessed one of the posters on this thread just dog piling on this Anti-fa episode have and will bend into a pretzel to minimize, excuse or exonerate all those connected with the attempted insurrection on January 6th. Amazing, yet not unexpected.

I wasn't aware that the Capitol building was looted, spray-painted with graffiti, set on fire, and people murdered there on Jan. 6.

Well, there was Ashli Babbitt. But other than that, Jan. was a Sunday picnic compared to the shit antifa and BLM pulled off.
thank you. and anitfa and blm are buddied up together. they cause all kinds of crap.
Horse hockey! The right wing bull horn has been blurting that for months, yet to date CANNOT factually prove it. Instead, they just repeat supposition and conjecture and pretend it's fact. Hint: it's not.

Like I said, right wing flunkies will talk all types of nonsense and make all types of excuses for the yahoo's responsible for the Jan. 6th insurrection.
And yet every blessed one of the posters on this thread just dog piling on this Anti-fa episode have and will bend into a pretzel to minimize, excuse or exonerate all those connected with the attempted insurrection on January 6th. Amazing, yet not unexpected.

I wasn't aware that the Capitol building was looted, spray-painted with graffiti, set on fire, and people murdered there on Jan. 6.

Well, there was Ashli Babbitt. But other than that, Jan. was a Sunday picnic compared to the shit antifa and BLM pulled off.
thank you. and anitfa and blm are buddied up together. they cause all kinds of crap.
Horse hockey! The right wing bull horn has been blurting that for months, yet to date CANNOT factually prove it. Instead, they just repeat supposition and conjecture and pretend it's fact. Hint: it's not.

Like I said, right wing flunkies will talk all types of nonsense and make all types of excuses for the yahoo's responsible for the Jan. 6th insurrection.
You mean it's simply thousands of random Blacks have caused havoc and committed murder and not BLM?
And yet every blessed one of the posters on this thread just dog piling on this Anti-fa episode have and will bend into a pretzel to minimize, excuse or exonerate all those connected with the attempted insurrection on January 6th. Amazing, yet not unexpected.

I wasn't aware that the Capitol building was looted, spray-painted with graffiti, set on fire, and people murdered there on Jan. 6.

Well, there was Ashli Babbitt. But other than that, Jan. was a Sunday picnic compared to the shit antifa and BLM pulled off.
Unlawful entry, breaking and entering, petty theft, graffitti, property damage, cops assaulted and injured, senators under threat by a mob, perpetrator killed trying to breach security of senators during mob situation.

As for your claims about BLM committing murders:

As for Anti-FA

Please get your facts straight before posting....perhaps using more news sources other than Fox News or Clear Channel or InfoWars. Carry on.
You missed the CNN interview last year with the BLM leader in Portland?
Of course you did.
Ya got something to prove bunky? If so, make your statement and supply your facts. Otherwise, don't waste everyone's time and space.
I just proved you don’t watch the news.
All you "proved" is that you're full of it......I deconstructed your first blather with valid, documented facts. You don't have the intellectual honesty and courage to concede a point, so you name drop a vague reference. I simply request that you define what you are referencing. YOU made the assertion, the burden of proof is on YOU. That's how it works in the real world, kid. I don't do your homework for you. And the objective, mature & rational readers (outside your dubious brethren) won't take your word for it. So put up or shut up....or in your case repeat your BS as some type of "victory", for only the man you see in the mirror is buying that. Carry on.
And yet every blessed one of the posters on this thread just dog piling on this Anti-fa episode have and will bend into a pretzel to minimize, excuse or exonerate all those connected with the attempted insurrection on January 6th. Amazing, yet not unexpected.

I wasn't aware that the Capitol building was looted, spray-painted with graffiti, set on fire, and people murdered there on Jan. 6.

Well, there was Ashli Babbitt. But other than that, Jan. was a Sunday picnic compared to the shit antifa and BLM pulled off.
Unlawful entry, breaking and entering, petty theft, graffitti, property damage, cops assaulted and injured, senators under threat by a mob, perpetrator killed trying to breach security of senators during mob situation.

As for your claims about BLM committing murders:

As for Anti-FA

Please get your facts straight before posting....perhaps using more news sources other than Fox News or Clear Channel or InfoWars. Carry on.
You missed the CNN interview last year with the BLM leader in Portland?
Of course you did.
Ya got something to prove bunky? If so, make your statement and supply your facts. Otherwise, don't waste everyone's time and space.
I just proved you don’t watch the news.
All you "proved" is that you're full of it......I deconstructed your first blather with valid, documented facts. You don't have the intellectual honesty and courage to concede a point, so you name drop a vague reference. I simply request that you define what you are referencing. YOU made the assertion, the burden of proof is on YOU. That's how it works in the real world, kid. I don't do your homework for you. And the objective, mature & rational readers (outside your dubious brethren) won't take your word for it. So put up or shut up....or in your case repeat your BS as some type of "victory", for only the man you see in the mirror is buying that. Carry on.
What documentation?
It's obvious you have no idea what's going on in Portland or in Chicago or NYC....EVERY DAY!
You're just trying to bullshit people that actually read the news.

The pussies on 1/6 could barely climb through a window.
And yet every blessed one of the posters on this thread just dog piling on this Anti-fa episode have and will bend into a pretzel to minimize, excuse or exonerate all those connected with the attempted insurrection on January 6th. Amazing, yet not unexpected.
I don't support what happened on January 6th. Why do you support antifa and blm?
And yet every blessed one of the posters on this thread just dog piling on this Anti-fa episode have and will bend into a pretzel to minimize, excuse or exonerate all those connected with the attempted insurrection on January 6th. Amazing, yet not unexpected.

I wasn't aware that the Capitol building was looted, spray-painted with graffiti, set on fire, and people murdered there on Jan. 6.

Well, there was Ashli Babbitt. But other than that, Jan. was a Sunday picnic compared to the shit antifa and BLM pulled off.
thank you. and anitfa and blm are buddied up together. they cause all kinds of crap.
Horse hockey! The right wing bull horn has been blurting that for months, yet to date CANNOT factually prove it. Instead, they just repeat supposition and conjecture and pretend it's fact. Hint: it's not.

Like I said, right wing flunkies will talk all types of nonsense and make all types of excuses for the yahoo's responsible for the Jan. 6th insurrection.
You mean it's simply thousands of random Blacks have caused havoc and committed murder and not BLM?
your insipid stubbornness is useless in a printed medium, genius. All one has to click the icons to back track and see your intellectual dishonesty for themselves. YOU picked up the gauntlet for this clown, yet neither of you have the stones to acknowledge the factual error of your claims blm attacks cops in portland

So do continue to bray like an ass......the objective reader sees your folly, and it spares me the effort in responding to the SOS. Carry on.
And yet every blessed one of the posters on this thread just dog piling on this Anti-fa episode have and will bend into a pretzel to minimize, excuse or exonerate all those connected with the attempted insurrection on January 6th. Amazing, yet not unexpected.

I wasn't aware that the Capitol building was looted, spray-painted with graffiti, set on fire, and people murdered there on Jan. 6.

Well, there was Ashli Babbitt. But other than that, Jan. was a Sunday picnic compared to the shit antifa and BLM pulled off.
Unlawful entry, breaking and entering, petty theft, graffitti, property damage, cops assaulted and injured, senators under threat by a mob, perpetrator killed trying to breach security of senators during mob situation.

As for your claims about BLM committing murders:

As for Anti-FA

Please get your facts straight before posting....perhaps using more news sources other than Fox News or Clear Channel or InfoWars. Carry on.
You missed the CNN interview last year with the BLM leader in Portland?
Of course you did.
Ya got something to prove bunky? If so, make your statement and supply your facts. Otherwise, don't waste everyone's time and space.
I just proved you don’t watch the news.
All you "proved" is that you're full of it......I deconstructed your first blather with valid, documented facts. You don't have the intellectual honesty and courage to concede a point, so you name drop a vague reference. I simply request that you define what you are referencing. YOU made the assertion, the burden of proof is on YOU. That's how it works in the real world, kid. I don't do your homework for you. And the objective, mature & rational readers (outside your dubious brethren) won't take your word for it. So put up or shut up....or in your case repeat your BS as some type of "victory", for only the man you see in the mirror is buying that. Carry on.
What documentation?
It's obvious you have no idea what's going on in Portland or in Chicago or NYC....EVERY DAY!
You're just trying to bullshit people that actually read the news.

The pussies on 1/6 could barely climb through a window.
your insipid stubbornness is useless in a printed medium, genius. All one has to click the icons to back track and see your intellectual dishonesty for themselves. YOU picked up the gauntlet for this clown, yet neither of you have the stones to acknowledge the factual error of your claims blm attacks cops in portland

So do continue to bray like an ass......the objective reader sees your folly, and it spares me the effort in responding to the SOS. Carry on.
And yet every blessed one of the posters on this thread just dog piling on this Anti-fa episode have and will bend into a pretzel to minimize, excuse or exonerate all those connected with the attempted insurrection on January 6th. Amazing, yet not unexpected.
get over yourself anthony weiner freedom of expression is not your enemy
If I was a cop - I would quit and move to a red state
Thank god I left Oregon in 16-17
And yet every blessed one of the posters on this thread just dog piling on this Anti-fa episode have and will bend into a pretzel to minimize, excuse or exonerate all those connected with the attempted insurrection on January 6th. Amazing, yet not unexpected.
So you condemn the action of the burners and looters?
And yet every blessed one of the posters on this thread just dog piling on this Anti-fa episode have and will bend into a pretzel to minimize, excuse or exonerate all those connected with the attempted insurrection on January 6th. Amazing, yet not unexpected.
get over yourself anthony weiner freedom of expression is not your enemy
Thanks for proving my point, genius. According to you Maga minions....unlawful entry, breaking and entering, destruction of public property, assaulting police, public rioting, attacking Secret Service personnel in the performance of their duty, attempting to disrupt the final process of certification of a duly elected (as agreed by both political party leaders) Presidential candidate, physically threatening a public official.....last time I checked these are FELONIES UNDER THE LAW IN ALL 5O STATES. Cops have the duty and option to enforce those laws.

But if what you say were true, then you'd be hard pressed to defend or support all the right wing rhetoric about can't have it both ways. Carry on.
Last edited:
And yet every blessed one of the posters on this thread just dog piling on this Anti-fa episode have and will bend into a pretzel to minimize, excuse or exonerate all those connected with the attempted insurrection on January 6th. Amazing, yet not unexpected.
So you condemn the action of the burners and looters?
When they are properly identified and prosecuted...unlike the dubious attempts of the OP to categorize BLM as perpetrators and organizers of such. Since I and others have deconstructed the OP, you've got nothing.

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If I was a cop - I would quit and move to a red state
Thank god I left Oregon in 16-17
then it's a good thing you're not a cop. Maybe you should have joined one of those separatist groups in Oregon? I hear they have a good medical plan at their compounds. :heehee:
No pity for Portland. They allowed this to get way out of hand. This is what happens when you try to negotiate with criminals.
As I stated before....arrest and prosecute the criminals and stop trying to falsely accuse others as supporting their actions.
TheDefiantOne Your pals that don't exist are all on video.
My, you are one stubborn, stupid liar.
You're last sentence is pure projection, as the chronology of the post clearly shows how I used valid, documented facts to deconstruct the misleading point of the OP and the subject title.

All you can do at this point in just chuckle like a clown and repeat your self ad nausea. The objective reader sees you for the Maga minion that you are. Once I expose trolls like yourself and reduce you to lies and denial, I just dump them in the IA bin, as responding would just give you the pointless attention that you crave.

Say goodnight, Gracie.

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