BLM criticizes Thanksgivng

Here comes the excuses.

You better check what happened to all the land stealers son. They got destroyed.
Ah, yes, the old, "eventually every colonizing force was itself defeated" business. Absolutely they were. All of human habitation has been fought over, conquered and reconquered multiple times. The only question is, how far back do you want to go to place your outrage and pretend that's when history started?

Face reality, colonization is all about power, and no tribe that was more powerful than its neighbor restrained itself from conquering that neighbor and taking what it wanted.
BLM criticizes sunrise.
It ends the darkness and that’s racist
Not sure how that means we should celebrate it and lie about it to make the invaders look moral and courageous?
What's the lie about it? The settlers gave thanks that they survived and shared what they had with each other and the nearby tribes.
I am doing something about it. I am educating you to the fact that you are a descendant of thieves that have a inferiority complex they passed on to you. Youre the one whining about what BLM said caucasoid.
LOL, in other words you aren’t doing a damned thing about it, other than partaking in the “thieving” yourself.
False. Whites stole the land. Their descendants today are living on stolen land. BLM just wants you to file that away in your head,
They stole it from tribes who had already stolen it from other tribes, who in turn had stolen it from still other tribes.
False. Whites stole the land. Their descendants today are living on stolen land. BLM just wants you to file that away in your head,
Not everyone has descendants that stole land. Pretty much all countries were won through battles. Not making excuses, whatever happened is in the past, can’t change that. Knowing that EVERYONE is living on stolen land does not make any race today more responsible for it, since we all continue to occupy it.
Whites were the only people that stole the land though.
MizMolly is silly.

We were bought here. We didn't steal anything. That's what makes that tweet so laughdable. The extent some whites go to excuse themselves is pathetic.

For example, we are told that talking about slavery is living in the past, but we see one idiot here who has gone back to the beginning of time to excuse the theft of this land byg whites. The white racist mind is infantile in this regard.
We are NOT going to undo conquest and stop celebrating Thanksgiving!

Any of you who are pushing this shit are enemies to the rest of us and should be prosecuted for rebellion against the U.S.

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