BLM desecrates Polish hero statue

But I don't deny that fact.
You are inferring that hardly any Californians voted for Trump. was a 2 to 1 inference at all....stands. 8M for Clinton 4M for Trump. California will be Blue for the foreseeable future. Certainly for this election!

BTW..after rereading all the stand corrected..Clinton won the majority of counties, as well as the Democrats winning the majority of the congressional districts.

Cali is Blue..simple at that. was a 2 to 1 inference at all....stands. 8M for Clinton 4M for Trump. California will be Blue for the foreseeable future. Certainly for this election!

BTW..after rereading all the stand corrected..Clinton won the majority of counties, as well as the Democrats winning the majority of the congressional districts.

Cali is Blue..simple at that.
And that is why it sucks to live here. The Home of Ronald Reagan has turned into a Lib shithole.
And that is why it sucks to live here. The Home of Ronald Reagan has turned into a Lib shithole. must suck for Orange County..the birthplace of modern have voted for Clinton last election!

BTW..was just in Tahoe...pretty nice for a shithole! must suck for Orange County..the birthplace of modern have voted for Clinton last election!

BTW..was just in Tahoe...pretty nice for a shithole!
Tahoe has not been polluted yet. Try Ocean Beach in 'Frisco. Funny. San Francisco usta be a beautiful city. Now it is just 'Frisco. A shithole. With Pelosi living in the middle with her 4 Million dollar house earned by graft.
Lol, no. Clinton was taking CA no matter what. He didn't "deliver" anything except a lame attempt to damage her standing.

Hillary Clinton did not repudiate Grand Dragon Quigg's endorsement. She accepted the votes in California from her Triple K supporters.

In the end, she probably didn't need them.

However, she didn't know that at the time, and didn't deliver a single announcement to her KKK supporters that she was renouncing them.
Hillary Clinton did not repudiate Grand Dragon Quigg's endorsement. She accepted the votes in California from her Triple K supporters.

In the end, she probably didn't need them.

However, she didn't know that at the time, and didn't deliver a single announcement to her KKK supporters that she was renouncing them.
Then there was her Mentor Robert Byrd. How quickly folks forget these little details.
They are just doing this right now because it makes them feel good. Theres not enough statues for them to tear down I think. Its a cultural revolution that has started on college campuses and the idiots think they are doing something for social justice.
Weve seen things like this in history before. Hard to say which way this thing will go because we still do have millions of sane people in the U.S. though the future looks bleak if so called college professors keep inoculating hatred and intollerance.... and ignorance.
It happened June 1, the first weekend of the riots.
The paint is gone by now.'s about this...................instead of taking down all the statues, we simply leave them up, but put disclaimers on the statue's base stating what they were actually about?

Awww, you read CBC story about the Black Scottish Professor that believe we should do that.

Tearing down history is stupid and I agree the real history should be told about everyone and not just the glorified nonsense!
Then there was her Mentor Robert Byrd. How quickly folks forget these little details.
It's not that people forget..but rather that they don't give a lot of things the exaggerated significance you do!

some people spend hours throwing shit at their perceived opposition....and never realizing that the shit they from their own ass!
It's not that people forget..but rather that they don't give a lot of things the exaggerated significance you do!

some people spend hours throwing shit at their perceived opposition....and never realizing that the shit they from their own ass!
Now,Now. Temper,Temper!
Because this is a race war and this Polish guy is not black.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. I fear that blm is rebuilding the KKK.

There are all kinds of subtle things being developed that will come out when the time is right.

Many I know, who really never thought there were issues, now see blacks in a very negative light....because of a few morons.

It sucks.
There are all kinds of subtle things being developed that will come out when the time is right.

Many I know, who really never thought there were issues, now see blacks in a very negative light....because of a few morons.

It sucks.
I don't know. Ever since 1965 they are the only group that riots and burns things down. Never seen Mexicans ,Jews ,Chinese , or even Gays riot and burn things down. Just blacks.
I don't know. Ever since 1965 they are the only group that riots and burns things down. Never seen Mexicans ,Jews ,Chinese , or even Gays riot and burn things down. Just blacks.

YEP and they are doing with the tacit encouragement of many left wing leaders.

They have become terrorists.

Sometimes a head on isn't useful in this environment.

But there are other ways of getting things done.
Stunt Double!

The KKK was formed with a number of goals..some cultural..and some economic. It was first and foremost intended to show the newly freed slaves that nothing had really changed..despite the rhetoric of the matter the law..when you went home at night..and the nightriders showed up....everyone soon knew just what the deal was.

Also, the southern landowners..old and new..needed labor...and they actively discouraged blacks from essence...perpetuating slavery.

Then there was the vote...denying the Blacks the franchise was imperative.

Excuses like protecting Southern womanhood (white) from rampaging sex-crazed Negroes and keeping blacks in their place were also high priorities. later, it became entrenched in the southern political structure..where remnants still exist to this day.

The KKK was/is ultra-Conservative..far to the Right. Yeah..they were Dem..when the Dem were white most are Trumpsters...and none are Democrats..AFAIK!

This is, of course, a sensitive topic, to say the least.

I have read that many (most?) Southern Caucasian people in the South after the Civil War did NOT support any kind of violence against the newly freed ladies and gentlemen.

They were concerned, however, about the ability of suddenly freed and mostly illiterate ladies and gentlemen to run local and state governments. They felt that the newly freed people should have a a period of tutelage before participating in governmental affairs.
This is, of course, a sensitive topic, to say the least.

I have read that many (most?) Southern Caucasian people in the South after the Civil War did NOT support any kind of violence against the newly freed ladies and gentlemen.

They were concerned, however, about the ability of suddenly freed and mostly illiterate ladies and gentlemen to run local and state governments. They felt that the newly freed people should have a a period of tutelage before participating in governmental affairs.
Almost all in the South were indeed most in the North were as well. Had there actually been concern as to illiteracy..they would have built schools..LOL! The concern was loss of power. LOL@'a period of tutelage'!
Almost all in the South were indeed most in the North were as well. Had there actually been concern as to illiteracy..they would have built schools..LOL! The concern was loss of power. LOL@'a period of tutelage'!

Actually, the large majority of Americans achieved a tremendous level of literacy long before the government school system was even dreamed of.

The proto-dittohead, Honest Abe Lincoln, actually attended a minimal amount of formal education but was almost unbelievably literate.
Why the hatred for Poles from the black people?

They are just trying to honor the Death of George Floyd.
Which means all statues of white men must come down.
Remember this is war

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