BLM Founder Admits They Are Marxists. Multiple clips of their leaders. Be afraid. Stunning clips show you must fight them

Again old Karl Marx gets yest another outing by the OP
What a bunch ignorant women they are!

What finger video

BLM Founder Admits They Are Marxists. Multiple clips of their leaders. Be afraid. Stunning clips show you must fight them
July 1,2020

Too short for Excerpt



Video in the link.
Again old Karl Marx gets yet another outing by the OP determined to give him a rebirth after years on the slide since the fall of the USSR.
The overall Black Lives Matter movement is a decentralized network and has no formal hierarchy. wikipedia
This is the movement that is bringing masses out onto the streets. They protest simply on the basis of a video that went viral of the murder of a black man George Floyd by white police. I doubt the vast majority have ever heard about the other BLM movement you refer to, their leaders or their politics.
A am quite sure the players in a recent Premiership Soccer match in England where champions Manchester City took on Arsenal and all players had Black Lives Matter emblazoned on the back of their shirts instead of their usual names.

View attachment 357835
Have a clue about the organization you refer to and would no doubt laugh if you asked them if they are Marxist.

You must really think people are thick as pig shit if you think we are going to fall for your efforts to distort the truth and what is really going on. Get a life ffs.

View attachment 357836
So, what do you make of this, clue fuck?










The trip is to watch Cullors et al invoking 'self dignity' whilst White Eyes is self-flagellating and washing feet in Bethesda, of all places. Amongst others, Americans can thank their local theologians for this metastatic pornography.
Again old Karl Marx gets yest another outing by the OP
What a bunch ignorant women they are!

What finger video

BLM Founder Admits They Are Marxists. Multiple clips of their leaders. Be afraid. Stunning clips show you must fight them
July 1,2020

Too short for Excerpt



Video in the link.
Again old Karl Marx gets yet another outing by the OP determined to give him a rebirth after years on the slide since the fall of the USSR.
The overall Black Lives Matter movement is a decentralized network and has no formal hierarchy. wikipedia
This is the movement that is bringing masses out onto the streets. They protest simply on the basis of a video that went viral of the murder of a black man George Floyd by white police. I doubt the vast majority have ever heard about the other BLM movement you refer to, their leaders or their politics.
A am quite sure the players in a recent Premiership Soccer match in England where champions Manchester City took on Arsenal and all players had Black Lives Matter emblazoned on the back of their shirts instead of their usual names.

View attachment 357835
Have a clue about the organization you refer to and would no doubt laugh if you asked them if they are Marxist.

You must really think people are thick as pig shit if you think we are going to fall for your efforts to distort the truth and what is really going on. Get a life ffs.

View attachment 357836
So, what do you make of this, clue fuck?










How long did it take you to edit in photoshop those images together?
Again old Karl Marx gets yest another outing by the OP
What a bunch ignorant women they are!

What finger video

BLM Founder Admits They Are Marxists. Multiple clips of their leaders. Be afraid. Stunning clips show you must fight them
July 1,2020

Too short for Excerpt



Video in the link.
Again old Karl Marx gets yet another outing by the OP determined to give him a rebirth after years on the slide since the fall of the USSR.
The overall Black Lives Matter movement is a decentralized network and has no formal hierarchy. wikipedia
This is the movement that is bringing masses out onto the streets. They protest simply on the basis of a video that went viral of the murder of a black man George Floyd by white police. I doubt the vast majority have ever heard about the other BLM movement you refer to, their leaders or their politics.
A am quite sure the players in a recent Premiership Soccer match in England where champions Manchester City took on Arsenal and all players had Black Lives Matter emblazoned on the back of their shirts instead of their usual names.

View attachment 357835
Have a clue about the organization you refer to and would no doubt laugh if you asked them if they are Marxist.

You must really think people are thick as pig shit if you think we are going to fall for your efforts to distort the truth and what is really going on. Get a life ffs.

View attachment 357836
You guys are commies. Or you follow that doctrine. I always believed that promoting what was right would lead all of us to become more unified. So if it was 80% per cent white when it started at 55% white it would still be all of us as one. As it should have been. As it should be. But something went wrong. Horribly wrong. Ugly individuals took agendas and twisted them into the tried and true anchors of revolution we have seen over and over in history. Civility has been thrown by the wayside by extremists and sellouts for their own power and money. Leaving the nation broken and moving to a point a rotting husk will remain. And all it will take to start the civility back is for the media/entertainment complex to stop fueling situations worse then what they are. We do not want to admit there are limits to each individual's abilities. So it has to be someone else's fault. There are people so undereducated they will never enter the workforce as the best they can be. Why? There are people whose education should be better then what they have and it is disheartening. Changes with the police reforms are also needed in the public school system, the social welfare system and a commitment from the men and women in the neighborhoods affected to stick with it. Even if some slip through the cracks.
Again old Karl Marx gets yest another outing by the OP
What a bunch ignorant women they are!

What finger video

BLM Founder Admits They Are Marxists. Multiple clips of their leaders. Be afraid. Stunning clips show you must fight them
July 1,2020

Too short for Excerpt



Video in the link.
Again old Karl Marx gets yet another outing by the OP determined to give him a rebirth after years on the slide since the fall of the USSR.
The overall Black Lives Matter movement is a decentralized network and has no formal hierarchy. wikipedia
This is the movement that is bringing masses out onto the streets. They protest simply on the basis of a video that went viral of the murder of a black man George Floyd by white police. I doubt the vast majority have ever heard about the other BLM movement you refer to, their leaders or their politics.
A am quite sure the players in a recent Premiership Soccer match in England where champions Manchester City took on Arsenal and all players had Black Lives Matter emblazoned on the back of their shirts instead of their usual names.

View attachment 357835
Have a clue about the organization you refer to and would no doubt laugh if you asked them if they are Marxist.

You must really think people are thick as pig shit if you think we are going to fall for your efforts to distort the truth and what is really going on. Get a life ffs.

View attachment 357836
You guys are commies. Or you follow that doctrine. I always believed that promoting what was right would lead all of us to become more unified. So if it was 80% per cent white when it started at 55% white it would still be all of us as one. As it should have been.

Why am I a commie?
Because I pointed out that the OP's assessment that the BLM mass movement of protest over the last few weeks is not the organisation that he features.
I thought I'd just take a look at what wikipedia defines as BLM and was not surprised they agreed with me. Are wikipedia all commies?
Just because you happen to strongly dislike or disagree with something or somebody to try and convince people that they are a threat to your way of life, and exaggerate that threat in the ridiculous way out of all proportion just suggests you are a paranoid and obsessive extremist. People will see through it. - Simple as!
Again old Karl Marx gets yest another outing by the OP
What a bunch ignorant women they are!

What finger video

BLM Founder Admits They Are Marxists. Multiple clips of their leaders. Be afraid. Stunning clips show you must fight them
July 1,2020

Too short for Excerpt



Video in the link.
Again old Karl Marx gets yet another outing by the OP determined to give him a rebirth after years on the slide since the fall of the USSR.
The overall Black Lives Matter movement is a decentralized network and has no formal hierarchy. wikipedia
This is the movement that is bringing masses out onto the streets. They protest simply on the basis of a video that went viral of the murder of a black man George Floyd by white police. I doubt the vast majority have ever heard about the other BLM movement you refer to, their leaders or their politics.
A am quite sure the players in a recent Premiership Soccer match in England where champions Manchester City took on Arsenal and all players had Black Lives Matter emblazoned on the back of their shirts instead of their usual names.

View attachment 357835
Have a clue about the organization you refer to and would no doubt laugh if you asked them if they are Marxist.

You must really think people are thick as pig shit if you think we are going to fall for your efforts to distort the truth and what is really going on. Get a life ffs.

View attachment 357836
So, what do you make of this, clue fuck?










How long did it take you to edit in photoshop those images together?
I googled them and pasted the link in the little picture thingy. Took about 3-4 minutes.

Those are REAL photos, you sheep.
Again old Karl Marx gets yest another outing by the OP
What a bunch ignorant women they are!

What finger video

BLM Founder Admits They Are Marxists. Multiple clips of their leaders. Be afraid. Stunning clips show you must fight them
July 1,2020

Too short for Excerpt



Video in the link.
Again old Karl Marx gets yet another outing by the OP determined to give him a rebirth after years on the slide since the fall of the USSR.
The overall Black Lives Matter movement is a decentralized network and has no formal hierarchy. wikipedia
This is the movement that is bringing masses out onto the streets. They protest simply on the basis of a video that went viral of the murder of a black man George Floyd by white police. I doubt the vast majority have ever heard about the other BLM movement you refer to, their leaders or their politics.
A am quite sure the players in a recent Premiership Soccer match in England where champions Manchester City took on Arsenal and all players had Black Lives Matter emblazoned on the back of their shirts instead of their usual names.

View attachment 357835
Have a clue about the organization you refer to and would no doubt laugh if you asked them if they are Marxist.

You must really think people are thick as pig shit if you think we are going to fall for your efforts to distort the truth and what is really going on. Get a life ffs.

View attachment 357836
You guys are commies. Or you follow that doctrine. I always believed that promoting what was right would lead all of us to become more unified. So if it was 80% per cent white when it started at 55% white it would still be all of us as one. As it should have been.

Why am I a commie?
Because I pointed out that the OP's assessment that the BLM mass movement of protest over the last few weeks is not the organisation that he features.
I thought I'd just take a look at what wikipedia defines as BLM and was not surprised they agreed with me. Are wikipedia all commies?
Just because you happen to strongly dislike or disagree with something or somebody to try and convince people that they are a threat to your way of life, and exaggerate that threat in the ridiculous way out of all proportion just suggests you are a paranoid and obsessive extremist. People will see through it. - Simple as!
Can we please stop with the "we're not communists" charade? NOBODY is buying it anymore. Just STOP!!!
It would take maybe a week to wipe out that pathetic band of BLM traitors, bring it.
It would take maybe a week to wipe out that pathetic band of BLM traitors, bring it.
Here he is - right on cue. BL is just the type to swallow the OP's bullshit and provide a shoulder for 22lcdw to cry on!
Ha ha ha ha!
Ah ha ha ha!
Whatever, commie. America will never be a socialist country. We have probably 600 MILLION guns floating around in civilian hands. Recently, that number has increased quite a bit, with NEW gun owners.

The communist revolution will never work as long as we are armed. Thank Antifa and BLM for us. We appreciate it.
Again old Karl Marx gets yest another outing by the OP
What a bunch ignorant women they are!

What finger video

BLM Founder Admits They Are Marxists. Multiple clips of their leaders. Be afraid. Stunning clips show you must fight them
July 1,2020

Too short for Excerpt



Video in the link.
Again old Karl Marx gets yet another outing by the OP determined to give him a rebirth after years on the slide since the fall of the USSR.
The overall Black Lives Matter movement is a decentralized network and has no formal hierarchy. wikipedia
This is the movement that is bringing masses out onto the streets. They protest simply on the basis of a video that went viral of the murder of a black man George Floyd by white police. I doubt the vast majority have ever heard about the other BLM movement you refer to, their leaders or their politics.
A am quite sure the players in a recent Premiership Soccer match in England where champions Manchester City took on Arsenal and all players had Black Lives Matter emblazoned on the back of their shirts instead of their usual names.

View attachment 357835
Have a clue about the organization you refer to and would no doubt laugh if you asked them if they are Marxist.

You must really think people are thick as pig shit if you think we are going to fall for your efforts to distort the truth and what is really going on. Get a life ffs.

View attachment 357836
So, what do you make of this, clue fuck?










How long did it take you to edit in photoshop those images together?
Google is your friend

It is in the majority of their symbolism.
Last edited:
Again old Karl Marx gets yest another outing by the OP
What a bunch ignorant women they are!

What finger video

BLM Founder Admits They Are Marxists. Multiple clips of their leaders. Be afraid. Stunning clips show you must fight them
July 1,2020

Too short for Excerpt



Video in the link.
Again old Karl Marx gets yet another outing by the OP determined to give him a rebirth after years on the slide since the fall of the USSR.
The overall Black Lives Matter movement is a decentralized network and has no formal hierarchy. wikipedia
This is the movement that is bringing masses out onto the streets. They protest simply on the basis of a video that went viral of the murder of a black man George Floyd by white police. I doubt the vast majority have ever heard about the other BLM movement you refer to, their leaders or their politics.
A am quite sure the players in a recent Premiership Soccer match in England where champions Manchester City took on Arsenal and all players had Black Lives Matter emblazoned on the back of their shirts instead of their usual names.

Have a clue about the organization you refer to and would no doubt laugh if you asked them if they are Marxist.

You must really think people are thick as pig shit if you think we are going to fall for your efforts to distort the truth and what is really going on. Get a life ffs.
You are the only one distorting the truth here. The reality is there for anyone and everyone to look at and is blatantly obvious in virtually every single protest. That you want to ignore what they call for is on you, not the rest of us.
What a bunch ignorant women they are!

What finger video

BLM Founder Admits They Are Marxists. Multiple clips of their leaders. Be afraid. Stunning clips show you must fight them
July 1,2020

Too short for Excerpt



Video in the link.
I NOTICED a few Arabic names and garb, not to be stereotyping (and sorry to offend any of our Muslim friends on here), but we do have to worry and wonder if some of this radicalism is orchestrated by terrorist groups like revenge from Isis or Iran. Remember, Iran and Russia got together for war games. Not all war is straight forward old school battlefields, this reeks of Marxist tactics/strategies to bring disorder and disfunction to the U.S. along with propagandist Protesting of the Radicals in the M.E.
What a bunch ignorant women they are!

What finger video

BLM Founder Admits They Are Marxists. Multiple clips of their leaders. Be afraid. Stunning clips show you must fight them
July 1,2020

Too short for Excerpt



Video in the link.
I NOTICED a few Arabic names and garb, not to be stereotyping (and sorry to offend any of our Muslim friends on here), but we do have to worry and wonder if some of this radicalism is orchestrated by terrorist groups like revenge from Isis or Iran. Remember, Iran and Russia got together for war games. Not all war is straight forward old school battlefields, this reeks of Marxist tactics/strategies to bring disorder and disfunction to the U.S. along with propagandist Protesting of the Radicals in the M.E.
Under the Banner of Sharia law pushed in such places as Minneapolis the radicals could fly in under the radar esp if police forces have their hands tied behind their backs... Infiltration is definitely possible or sleeper cells biding their time... Interesting times historically and not quite a repeat of 1919 but very similar in scope following an economic downturn...Almost one hundred years to the date during the Spanish flu influencia ... As a student of history I find this very interesting...
It appears there is no challenge to the expose of the Co-founders of the BLM terrorist as being Marxists.

BLM is a communist front.

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