BLM leader endorses Trump. Says Democrat party is racist.

Check history. Whites have rioted far more than anyone else and not for BLM.
You talking about for our freedom? Blm killed hundreds and cost billions because a black man overdosed on drugs.
Goldwater was a champion of civil rights. He opposed two sections
of the civil rights act of 1964....because he was a liberatarian.


Stance on civil rights​

In his first year in the Senate, Goldwater was responsible for the desegregation of the Senate cafeteria after he insisted that his black legislative assistant, Katherine Maxwell, be served along with every other Senate employee.[40]

Goldwater and the Eisenhower administration supported the integration of schools in the South, but Goldwater felt the states should choose how they wanted to integrate and should not be forced by the federal government. "Goldwater criticized the use of federal troops. He accused the Eisenhower administration of violating the Constitution by assuming powers reserved by the states. While he agreed that under the law, every state should have integrated its schools, each state should integrate in its own way."[41] There were high-ranking government officials following Goldwater's critical stance on the Eisenhower administration, even an Army General. "Fulbright's startling revelation that military personnel were being indoctrinated with the idea that the policies of the Commander in Chief were treasonous dovetailed with the return to the news of the strange case of General Edwin Walker."[42]

In his 1960 book The Conscience of a Conservative, Goldwater stated that he supported the stated objectives of the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education, but argued that the federal government had no role in ordering states to desegregate public schools. He wrote:

Goldwater voted in favor of both the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and the 24th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but did not vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1960 because he was absent from the chamber while Senate Minority Whip Thomas Kuchel (R–CA) announced that Goldwater would have voted in favor if present.[44][45][46][47] While he did vote in favor of it while in committee, Goldwater reluctantly voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 when it came to the floor.[48] Later, Goldwater would state that he was mostly in support of the bill, but he disagreed with Titles II and VII, which both dealt with employment, making him imply that the law would end in the government dictating hiring and firing policy for millions of Americans.[49] Congressional Republicans overwhelmingly supported the bill, with Goldwater being joined by only 5 other Republican senators in voting against it


If you actually cared about the history of civil rights in this country, and african-american history, you'd know this....sadly, you've been a slave to the Demaklan plantation and remain ignorant, because folks like "Racial Jungle" Joe are your bosses
I know the history. You don't get it, Goldwaters belief in states rights was what Jim Crow was built on. More democrats voted for the CRA than Republicans. Dixiecrats did leave the Democratic Party and joined with Republicans. Goldwater won 6 states, 5 in the south and Arizzona. You apparently ignore this fact. If you didn't, you guys wouldn't be constantly making these dishonest claims about the Republican party. Todays Republican party defends the very confederacy you guys put on Democrats. You guys are liars, plain and simple. So if a black person is supporting trump or the current republican partyy, they are idiots.

Your partty is the party of white supremacy. We don't have to quote from 1972 about trump. He's a racist now, and from what I see here so are most republicans. There iis only 1 plantation and it''s Republican.
You talking about for our freedom? Blm killed hundreds and cost billions because a black man overdosed on drugs.
BLM did not kill hundreds and Floyd didn't die of an overdose.
Rather hypocritical of you, although, I suppose it’s no surprise a criminal would support a criminal.
I don’t think hypocrisy means what you think it means because there is none by me, Simp.

And for years he supported Tater and your racist party of criminals.
I know the history. You don't get it, Goldwaters belief in states rights was what Jim Crow was built on. More democrats voted for the CRA than Republicans. Dixiecrats did leave the Democratic Party and joined with Republicans. Goldwater won 6 states, 5 in the south and Arizzona. You apparently ignore this fact. If you didn't, you guys wouldn't be constantly making these dishonest claims about the Republican party. Todays Republican party defends the very confederacy you guys put on Democrats. You guys are liars, plain and simple. So if a black person is supporting trump or the current republican partyy, they are idiots.

Your partty is the party of white supremacy. We don't have to quote from 1972 about trump. He's a racist now, and from what I see here so are most republicans. There iis only 1 plantation and it''s Republican.
Obviously you did not.

All you have done is repeatedly debunked demklan lies

As the OP highlights, many are becoming woke to the demklan lies…you apparently aren’t

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