BLM sets Minniapolis on fire last night!

:auiqs.jpg:Police stand guard early Saturday after protesters set fire to dumpsters in Minneapolis.
Yes you would think that was funny, your posts are usually analogous to dumpster fires started by a juvenile troll.
how about dumb blm folks. and its still wron.g tongiht they will probably loot al lthe stores. you think crime is funny?
It is funny because we get to see the cops fail yet again to protect the property of it's citizens.
:auiqs.jpg:Police stand guard early Saturday after protesters set fire to dumpsters in Minneapolis.
Yes you would think that was funny, your posts are usually analogous to dumpster fires started by a juvenile troll.
how about dumb blm folks. and its still wron.g tongiht they will probably loot al lthe stores. you think crime is funny?
It is funny because we get to see the cops to failed yet again to protect the property of it's citizens.
and blmers failed to act civil
Fellon- The phenomenon of having to come out as bisexual to the same person/people repeatedly because they assumed or hoped that is your sexuality .

you meant felon..or felonious career. He probably has no line of work because few jobs are found in the inner cities..
We know what the poster meant Mr Troll. Go away.

I tried to warn you all. the streets were burning agian.

Any excuse to score a free TV upgrade.

Or those new shoes they've always wanted.

What niggas don't realize is they lose credibility when they riot when an armed guy who is shooting at the police is shot by cops. The whole GF thing had merit, but this doesn't. They hurt their cause acting like niggas.
It is funny because we get to see the cops fail yet again to protect the property of it's citizens.
So seeing cops fail is funny to you? This ain't a fucking Keystone Cop movie Troll Boy. Go back to your sippie cup.
Fellon- The phenomenon of having to come out as bisexual to the same person/people repeatedly because they assumed or hoped that is your sexuality .

you meant felon..or felonious career. He probably has no line of work because few jobs are found in the inner cities..
We know what the poster meant Mr Troll. Go away.
No whey, admin troll....You may assume all you and he likes yet that is not the conditions of truth.
Fellon- The phenomenon of having to come out as bisexual to the same person/people repeatedly because they assumed or hoped that is your sexuality .

you meant felon..or felonious career. He probably has no line of work because few jobs are found in the inner cities..
We know what the poster meant Mr Troll. Go away.
thank you;. and if that dude wanted a real carrer he wouldnt have started one as a felon first. That statment is just like that felon talking on the news after micheal browns shooting. He said he wanted to work in the medical field but they would not hire him cause he had felonies and he couldnt understand it. Sad!

I tried to warn you all. the streets were burning agian.
:auiqs.jpg:Police stand guard early Saturday after protesters set fire to dumpsters in Minneapolis.
Protesters don't set fires, rioters do.
correction insurrectionist
Reform is better.
I don't have a problem with that. However Minneapolis media disagrees. Perhaps they are really speaking for the populous... Maybe not. They are saying defund however.

I tried to warn you all. the streets were burning agian.
:auiqs.jpg:Police stand guard early Saturday after protesters set fire to dumpsters in Minneapolis.
Protesters don't set fires, rioters do.
You be sure to give them name tags next time.
thank you;. and if that dude wanted a real carrer he wouldnt have started one as a felon first. That statment is just like that felon talking on the news after micheal browns shooting. He said he wanted to work in the medical field but they would not hire him cause he had felonies and he couldnt understand it. Sad!
Committing felonies is a way of life for those thugs.

I tried to warn you all. the streets were burning agian.
:auiqs.jpg:Police stand guard early Saturday after protesters set fire to dumpsters in Minneapoli

I tried to warn you all. the streets were burning agian.

Any excuse to score a free TV upgrade.

Or those new shoes they've always wanted.

What niggas don't realize is they lose credibility when they riot when an armed guy who is shooting at the police is shot by cops. The whole GF thing had merit, but this doesn't. They hurt their cause acting like niggas.

you know they only go for michael jordans.

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