BLM sets Minniapolis on fire last night!

Lol what snow flakes. Oh my God Minneapolis is . According to your source some dumpsters were on fire. Hilarious. Call the FBI I was burning trash the other day in my burn barrel. I was protesting some body ate the food in those containers. Never mind it was me. Also pissed off I can't pull products out of boxes to infinity. I showed those boxes though.
WTF are you even talking about? Put it down dude...:booze:
I guess English is secondary language for you. Lol
Felony arson is a serious crime. I imagine the FBI will get to it after they tackle their criminal trespass cases.
suspect they were burting more then just dumpsters. not to mention spray paint up the place and breaking windows.

I tried to warn you all. the streets were burning agian.
Yep and from your link we can see the mindset of these folks..."Family and friends described Smith as a father of three who was often harassed by the police." If anyone can't recognize that statement as an anti-law enforcement, racist steaming pile of rancid bullshit, well, they deserve what they get.

"Yeah dem dare fuckin cops always be harrasing him n shit. Dem racist cops always be after him because dey be racist! Just cuz a black man be commiting crimes n shit don't mean Dem dare cops always need be after him. Fuck yo can't a black man commit no crimes without be hassled by da man??"

I tried to warn you all. the streets were burning agian.
Maybe Boogie should not have gotten a gun and fired it while deputies were trying to arrest him. That said, the article only mention dumpsters being set on fire. Are you saying Minneapolis is nothing but a bunch of dumpsters?
its still bad fire is fire . it could have ignited other things. they just need to stop this shit.
Yes, They do. Fire seems to be a statement for those nut balls. If dumpsters will satisfy the dumb ass urge, it is the least destructive place, as long as the city keep the dumpsters at least 10 feet for the building and emptied regularly. Stillm better than burning local businesses to destroy security cam footages after looting.
Maybe Boogie should not have gotten a gun and fired it while deputies were trying to arrest him. That said, the article only mention dumpsters being set on fire. Are you saying Minneapolis is nothing but a bunch of dumpsters?
Negative. The article mentions that the photos shows pictures of dumpsters on fire. Not that it was the only things set on fire.

The article included this:

Nine people were arrested on possible charges including suspicion of riot, assault, arson and damage to property.

I don't believe arson is defined with dumpsters in mind. I could be wrong.
I bet it is. Setting dumpsters ablaze is definitely arson and does damage to the dumpsters at the very least. Setting anything on fire definitely set a difference between peaceful protest and rioting.

I tried to warn you all. the streets were burning agian.
Yep and from your link we can see the mindset of these folks..."Family and friends described Smith as a father of three who was often harassed by the police." If anyone can't recognize that statement as an anti-law enforcement, racist steaming pile of rancid bullshit, well, they deserve what they get.

"Yeah dem dare fuckin cops always be harrasing him n shit. Dem racist cops always be after him because dey be racist! Just cuz a black man be commiting crimes n shit don't mean Dem dare cops always need be after him. Fuck yo can't a black man commit no crimes without be hassled by da man??

every time they break a law and cop comes to inforce a law. they always i aint done nothing. breaking laws seems normal to them.
its still bad fire is fire . it could have ignited other things. they just need to stop this shit.
Correct, some of these assholes here at the Forum cheer at fires being set and law enforcement having to deal with it. One wonders how many here do such things. One poster here even thought it was funny.
When the cops are dealing with the BLM rioters they probably are too short handed to respond to 911 calls quickly. So if there is a home invasion the home owners are basically on their own.
Lol no you don't understand freeking English there snow flakes. Lol. You idiot are running around like a town is being burned down and they were just dumpster fires. They were burning dumb ass. Just like I do in my burn barrel. Your an idior.
Sorry, I mistook your illiteracy for drunkenness. Now I see you are also stupid. A burn barrel is a fraction the size of a dumpster, there is no analogy to be had there.
Lol no you don't understand freeking English there snow flakes. Lol. You idiot are running around like a town is being burned down and they were just dumpster fires. They were burning dumb ass. Just like I do in my burn barrel. Your an idior.
Sorry, I mistook your illiteracy for drunkenness. Now I see you are also stupid. A burn barrel is a fraction the size of a dumpster, there is no analogy to be had there.
Ya uh ha sure dumb fuck.
Ya uh ha sure dumb fuck.
Yes, I see, when you run out of salient comments, just insult and call names. Tell me how a burn barrel is the same thing as a dumpster fire and stop trolling. Try to post something literate if you can.

I tried to warn you all. the streets were burning agian.
Maybe Boogie should not have gotten a gun and fired it while deputies were trying to arrest him. That said, the article only mention dumpsters being set on fire. Are you saying Minneapolis is nothing but a bunch of dumpsters?
its still bad fire is fire . it could have ignited other things. they just need to stop this shit.
Yes, They do. Fire seems to be a statement for those nut balls. If dumpsters will satisfy the dumb ass urge, it is the least destructive place, as long as the city keep the dumpsters at least 10 feet for the building and emptied regularly. Stillm better than burning local businesses to destroy security cam footages after looting.
they also put bunch a trash iun roadand litit. perhapd they want winnie roast and smoresd party too. i would not be suprised.

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