blm wants to defund school police

Actually, I agree with this one. Any school that requires full time police is a failure and parents should remove their kids.
howe about if they taught there kids anything the police would not be needed
Actually, I agree with this one. Any school that requires full time police is a failure and parents should remove their kids.

You took the words right out of my mouth. We shouldn't have police patrolling schools. What we should be doing is permanently removing the troublemakers. While the idea that every child deserves an education is a noble goal, it's the dog chasing its tail. Some people simply can't be saved. If we started taking out the trash in our schools imagine how much better the education quality would become.
You took the words right out of my mouth. We shouldn't have police patrolling schools. What we should be doing is permanently removing the troublemakers. While the idea that every child deserves an education is a noble goal, it's the dog chasing its tail. Some people simply can't be saved. If we started taking out the trash in our schools imagine how much better the education quality would become.
and i say again if parents did ther job and taught ther kids how to act. we wouldnt need them.
You can't change the parents, but you can change who we let through the school doors.

Actually, I think changing the schools would be an insurmountable task. Any parent concerned about the safety of their kids at school should ...

A) Send their kids to private school
B) Homeschool
C) Move to a better school district

Any parent who leaves their kid in a school that requires full-time police to ensure safety deserves what happens.
Actually, I agree with this one. Any school that requires full time police is a failure and parents should remove their kids.
You are totally wrong. the parents and kids are the failures. I knew a teacher that taught are one of ''these'' schools. The kids are perfect candidates for prisons
You took the words right out of my mouth. We shouldn't have police patrolling schools. What we should be doing is permanently removing the troublemakers. While the idea that every child deserves an education is a noble goal, it's the dog chasing its tail. Some people simply can't be saved. If we started taking out the trash in our schools imagine how much better the education quality would become.
So you would have to remove half the students
You are totally wrong. the parents and kids are the failures.

Schools must accept some responsibility in maintaining discipline.

But, it really doesn't matter who is to blame, schools, parents, kids, explicit music lyrics or violent video games ...

... I have no vested interest in saving schools. I merely say that parents who are concerned for their kid's safety should pull their kids out of those school.

Those parents who leave the kids there deserve what happens.
Schools must accept some responsibility in maintaining discipline.

But, it really doesn't matter who is to blame, schools, parents, kids, explicit music lyrics or violent video games ...

... I have no vested interest in saving schools. I merely say that parents who are concerned for their kid's safety should pull their kids out of those school.

Those parents who leave the kids there deserve what happens.
No, No. the problem and failures start with the parents, not the schools. Pulling your kids out of schools is not as easy as you writing it in a forum! Easy for you to say. There's a lot more to it.
No, No. the problem and failures start with the parents, not the schools. Pulling your kids out of schools is not as easy as you writing it in a forum! Easy for you to say. There's a lot more to it.

It might not be easy ... but it's a decision. My parents both worked to send my siblings and I to private schools. I sent my daughter to private school as well.

Catholic Schools are quite affordable and home-schooling is a particularly good option for parents on welfare.

Whatever the excuses for leaving your child in a dangerous school ... it ultimately comes down to a choice. You have to give up something to get something. Only you can decide which is most important.
It might not be easy ... but it's a decision. My parents both worked to send my siblings and I to private schools. I sent my daughter to private school as well.

Catholic Schools are quite affordable and home-schooling is a particularly good option for parents on welfare.

Whatever the excuses for leaving your child in a dangerous school ... it ultimately comes down to a choice. You have to give up something to get something. Only you can decide which is most important.
Quite affordable to people with money. There you go again - it's so easy. If they are so affordable, how come all the students don't go to them?
It's the districts' responsibility to keep the schools safe.
Parent's priority ... school tuition, new car, cigarettes, or malt liquor? You can't have everything.
Well you just shot yourself in the foot by bringing up cigs, and a new car = bullshit.

blm just trying to start more shit up. i thought school only had hall monter people. if they cops it is for a good reason.
If a shooter went on a rampage in the school I would prefer to have at least one and better several armed and trained officers to handle the situation. That would beat waiting several minutes for outside police to arrive on scene.
If a shooter went on a rampage in the school I would prefer to have at least one and better several armed and trained officers to handle the situation. That would beat waiting several minutes for outside police to arrive on scene.

I want that job. Sit in a school 8-hours every day in for the 1-in-10 million chance there will be a school shooting where I am.
If a shooter went on a rampage in the school I would prefer to have at least one and better several armed and trained officers to handle the situation. That would beat waiting several minutes for outside police to arrive on scene.

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