BLOCKBUSTER Interview Between Tucker Carlson & Jimmy Dore!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 16, 2012
Today we have Jimmy Dore, RFK jr, Naomi Wolf, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Glen Greenwald, and Steve Bannon all on the same side.

There is something going on since the lock-downs of 2020. The BIG LIE. Politics, seems to no longer be the most important dividing factor for how folks look to who we want to rule over us.

Sure, we can have our polite squabbles over Keynesian vs. Austrian economics, the free market vs. government ownership of the means of production, etc. But what seems to be more important for thought leaders. . . is INTEGRITY. Not lying to the public, and respect for basic western values.

Not lying to the public and gas-lightening them. Doing all those things which Orwell and Huxley warned us about. If we can't agree on basic reality and facts, if we don't have integrity and an honest system, how can we even have an honest debate?

Since then, I have seen polar opposites on the political spectrum become if not friends, then simpatico - Russell Brand with Jordan Peterson, and now, Tucker with Dore.

Who would have thought that Jon Stewart would be the sell out, and Tucker would be the rebel?

This is one not to be missed. .. .

BLOCKBUSTER Interview Between Tucker Carlson & Jimmy Dore!​

I'm the 1st?

Really there is a lot of good stuff covered in here.

Bealio ain't lyin', this thing is epic!

Not sure if I finished that last long thing he linked that wasn't as good as this yet.

No, no I didn't. :lalala:
There is something going on since the lock-downs of 2020. The BIG LIE. Politics, seems to no longer be the most important dividing factor for how folks look to who we want to rule over us.

Sure, we can have our polite squabbles over Keynesian vs. Austrian economics, the free market vs. government ownership of the means of production, etc. But what seems to be more important for thought leaders. . . is INTEGRITY. Not lying to the public, and respect for basic western values.

Not lying to the public and gas-lightening them. Doing all those things which Orwell and Huxley warned us about. If we can't agree on basic reality and facts, if we don't have integrity and an honest system, how can we even have an honest debate?

Since then, I have seen polar opposites on the political spectrum become if not friends, then simpatico - Russell Brand with Jordan Peterson, and now, Tucker with Dore.

Who would have thought that Jon Stewart would be the sell out, and Tucker would be the rebel?

This is one not to be missed. .. .

BLOCKBUSTER Interview Between Tucker Carlson & Jimmy Dore!​

Great interview. Watching now.
Jimmy needs to get rid of that Kurt Metzger dude....he's not funny or even a little bit informed on the issues. I don't know why he keeps him around.
There is something going on since the lock-downs of 2020. The BIG LIE. Politics, seems to no longer be the most important dividing factor for how folks look to who we want to rule over us.

Sure, we can have our polite squabbles over Keynesian vs. Austrian economics, the free market vs. government ownership of the means of production, etc. But what seems to be more important for thought leaders. . . is INTEGRITY. Not lying to the public, and respect for basic western values.

Not lying to the public and gas-lightening them. Doing all those things which Orwell and Huxley warned us about. If we can't agree on basic reality and facts, if we don't have integrity and an honest system, how can we even have an honest debate?

Since then, I have seen polar opposites on the political spectrum become if not friends, then simpatico - Russell Brand with Jordan Peterson, and now, Tucker with Dore.

Who would have thought that Jon Stewart would be the sell out, and Tucker would be the rebel?

This is one not to be missed. .. .

BLOCKBUSTER Interview Between Tucker Carlson & Jimmy Dore!​

Fucking Awesome!!
There is something going on since the lock-downs of 2020. The BIG LIE. Politics, seems to no longer be the most important dividing factor for how folks look to who we want to rule over us.

Sure, we can have our polite squabbles over Keynesian vs. Austrian economics, the free market vs. government ownership of the means of production, etc. But what seems to be more important for thought leaders. . . is INTEGRITY. Not lying to the public, and respect for basic western values.

Not lying to the public and gas-lightening them. Doing all those things which Orwell and Huxley warned us about. If we can't agree on basic reality and facts, if we don't have integrity and an honest system, how can we even have an honest debate?

Since then, I have seen polar opposites on the political spectrum become if not friends, then simpatico - Russell Brand with Jordan Peterson, and now, Tucker with Dore.

Who would have thought that Jon Stewart would be the sell out, and Tucker would be the rebel?

This is one not to be missed. .. .

BLOCKBUSTER Interview Between Tucker Carlson & Jimmy Dore!​

“We need an actual revolution”
Jimmy needs to get rid of that Kurt Metzger dude....he's not funny or even a little bit informed on the issues. I don't know why he keeps him around.
I get it.

The problem here, is, I noticed Jimmy had a senior moment. This happens even more for habitual pot users & drinkers.

All great hosts have a side man that they use to help back them up. Metzger is very knowledgeable politically, and is always there to supply a name, a date, a piece of information if Dore doesn't know it, just like Ed did with Johnny, or Andy Richter does with Conan.

Now, I am not a say either Metzger or Richter are stellar entertainers, but they are sharp, witty, and alone, could never have a show by themselves, but are a great right hand men IMO. They definitely help their hosts, just as Ed helped Johnny.

The key here for Dore, is to find someone who agrees with him politically, is funny, and can support him in a way that he needs. Added to that, neither of us knows the history of the comedy circuit, or what these two have been through together. If you can think of a better person to fill that support role at this point in history? That's a great discussion. But I think a lot of that has to do with personal chemistry as well.

Even in this podcast, I heard Metzger supply information a time or two when Dore either did not know it, or had a brain fart.

Kurt Metzger: The Left Hates Liberals More Than Nazis​

. . . he's basically a young, male Rosanne Barr. . . .

Kurt Metzger | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #20​

Last edited:
I get it.

The problem here, is, I noticed Jimmy had a senior moment. This happens even more for habitual pot users & drinkers.

All great hosts have a side man that they use to help back them up. Metzger is very knowledgeable politically, and is always there to supply a name, a date, a piece of information if Dore doesn't know it, just like Ed did with Johnny, or Andy Richter does with Conan.

Now, I am not a say either Metzger or Richter are stellar entertainers, but they are sharp, witty, and alone, could never have a show by themselves, but are a great right hand men IMO. They definitely help their hosts, just as Ed helped Johnny.

The key here for Dore, is to find someone who agrees with him politically, is funny, and can support him in a way that he needs. Added to that, neither of us knows the history of the comedy circuit, or what these two have been through together. If you can think of a better person to fill that support role at this point in history? That's a great discussion. But I think a lot of that has to do with personal chemistry as well.

Even in this podcast, I heard Metzger supply information a time or two when Dore either did not know it, or had a brain fart.

Kurt Metzger: The Left Hates Liberals More Than Nazis​

. . . he's basically a young, male Rosanne Barr. . . .

Kurt Metzger | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #20​

Jimmy quit weed he said.
A few weeks ago around the same time Snoop Dogg did the same thing.

As for KM, I liked Steph Z much better.
Jimmy quit weed he said.
A few weeks ago around the same time Snoop Dogg did the same thing.

As for KM, I liked Steph Z much better.
His wife's responsibility is co-producer. I imagine she does a fair amount of their personal and home organization responsibilities as well.

Dore sometimes has a sub when he is doing his comedy tours, I thought that guy might have been his lover. . . so I once looked up to see if he was gay, turned out, Steph is his wife.

They may even have kids. . . ?? :dunno:


His wife's responsibility is co-producer. I imagine she does a fair amount of their personal and home organization responsibilities as well.

Dore sometimes has a sub when he is doing his comedy tours, I thought that guy might have been his lover. . . so I once looked up to see if he was gay, turned out, Steph is his wife.

They may even have kids. . . ?? :dunno:

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He's a very very brave soul because you know he knows he's totally being watched I mean the guy couldn't even go off grid in Western Australia without being spotted by these people.
The only problem I have here is, the same with a lot of these guys, is they do these shows live and lack a structure to self edit and keep on track. Resulting in 1:45 to even 3 hour long shows.
Which is exactly why you can't get people to watch them... which is tragic.
A handful of these podcasters are the only source of ACTUAL, IMPORTANT news and not just CNN/MSNBC doing 12 versions of "MAGA Sucks!! TRUMP!! TRUMP!!... or Fox News screaming "LIBERALS!! LIBERALS!!!"
We need these guys... they just need to learn to edit themselves so their shows aren't going to take you the rest of your night to watch them.
The only problem I have here is, the same with a lot of these guys, is they do these shows live and lack a structure to self edit and keep on track. Resulting in 1:45 to even 3 hour long shows.
Which is exactly why you can't get people to watch them... which is tragic.
A handful of these podcasters are the only source of ACTUAL, IMPORTANT news and not just CNN/MSNBC doing 12 versions of "MAGA Sucks!! TRUMP!! TRUMP!!... or Fox News screaming "LIBERALS!! LIBERALS!!!"
We need these guys... they just need to learn to edit themselves so their shows aren't going to take you the rest of your night to watch them.
I have often had a similar thought.

The whole course of the nation, might be changed, if there were a network that were, a sort of, "open source," type network.

One where the viewers had control of the managing, a sort of stock hold system in determining who controls the show, while the talent, was completely determined, not by the agenda of the STATE, or the interlocking directorate, but by the quality of the journalism and the punditry.

Trust, would therefor be reflected by the talent and in the integrity of whom they recruited.

I watch folks with integrity, regardless of the politics, on both sides of all issues.

The problem of course, is that once such talent finds they don't need producers managing their content, they rarely want to be part of an organization.

The guy that told Tucker, a long long time ago, that he should just quit that whole game, and do his own long form discussion pod-casts, so he can do, and say, whatever the hell he wanted, is Adam Corella. You might remember him back in the days when he did Love Line with Dr. Drew, or The Man Show with Jimmy Kimmel.

I will occasionally watch his content, he isn't too bad either.

On his channel, this is most popular full podcast. . obviously. 1,135,538 views

Tucker Carlson on The Adam Carolla Show​

1,135,538 views Oct 22, 2018 Fan Favorites - Adam Carolla Show

Is this type of media convenient for folks with busy lives? Nope, not really. A lot of folks will listen to them when they are doing other things. The laundry, cleaning house, working out, fixing the car, etc. If you are tired of the establishment narratives, and spoon fed epistemological paradigms, this is definitely the way to go. That, and reading books.

Sometimes the facts, and real world connections to what is really going on, yeah, that takes some time. It takes a little more to make public feel like they are not reading or watching a stage production. So does that does take time? I suppose?

But I agree, it would be nice to get the message out to folks who are busy or have short attention spans.
I have often had a similar thought.

The whole course of the nation, might be changed, if there were a network that were, a sort of, "open source," type network.

One where the viewers had control of the managing, a sort of stock hold system in determining who controls the show, while the talent, was completely determined, not by the agenda of the STATE, or the interlocking directorate, but by the quality of the journalism and the punditry.

Trust, would therefor be reflected by the talent and in the integrity of whom they recruited.

I watch folks with integrity, regardless of the politics, on both sides of all issues.

The problem of course, is that once such talent finds they don't need producers managing their content, they rarely want to be part of an organization.

The guy that told Tucker, a long long time ago, that he should just quit that whole game, and do his own long form discussion pod-casts, so he can do, and say, whatever the hell he wanted, is Adam Corella. You might remember him back in the days when he did Love Line with Dr. Drew, or The Man Show with Jimmy Kimmel.

I will occasionally watch his content, he isn't too bad either.

On his channel, this is most popular full podcast. . obviously. 1,135,538 views

Tucker Carlson on The Adam Carolla Show​

1,135,538 views Oct 22, 2018 Fan Favorites - Adam Carolla Show

Is this type of media convenient for folks with busy lives? Nope, not really. A lot of folks will listen to them when they are doing other things. The laundry, cleaning house, working out, fixing the car, etc. If you are tired of the establishment narratives, and spoon fed epistemological paradigms, this is definitely the way to go. That, and reading books.

Sometimes the facts, and real world connections to what is really going on, yeah, that takes some time. It takes a little more to make public feel like they are not reading or watching a stage production. So does that does take time? I suppose?

But I agree, it would be nice to get the message out to folks who are busy or have short attention spans.

I like Adam Coralla... I have watched several vids of him as well
It was awesome!!

Also recommend Jimmy Dore and Alex Jones

Jimmy is a real Liberal and admirable
This one?

Yeah, it was pretty good. :113:

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