Bloomberg calls out liberal intollerance on college campuses


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
We've been saying this for years.

Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg slams intolerance by liberals on college campuses during fiery Harvard graduation address

Delivering the main speech at Harvard’s 363rd commencement in Cambridge, Mass., Bloomberg complained that campuses have become citidels of “modern . . . McCarthyism” where conservative views are too often shunned and shouted down. Bloomberg specifically referenced the treatment of his police commissioner, Raymond Kelly, when he was invited to lecture at Brown University.

In a fiery address to Harvard graduates, former Mayor Michael Bloomberg lashed out Thursday against intolerance by liberals on college campuses — citing how Brown University treated his police commissioner last fall.

Delivering the main speech at Harvard’s 363rd commencement in Cambridge, Mass., Bloomberg complained that campuses have become citidels of “modern . . . McCarthyism” where conservative views are too often shunned and shouted down.

“In the 1950s, the right wing was attempting to repress left-wing ideas. Today, on many campuses, it is liberals trying to repress conservative ideas, even as conservative faculty members are at risk of becoming an endangered species,” he said.

“And that is probably nowhere more true than it is here in the Ivy League.”

He recalled the visit of his top cop, Raymond Kelly, to Brown University in Providence, R.I., seven months ago.

“Last fall, when I was still in City Hall, our police commissioner was invited to deliver a lecture at another Ivy League institution — but he was unable to do so because students shouted him down,” Bloomberg said.

“Isn’t the purpose of a university to stir discussion, not silence it?” Bloomberg continued.

“What were the students afraid of hearing? Why did administrators not step in to prevent the mob from silencing speech?”

Kelly was supposed to speak on “Proactive Policing in America’s Biggest City,” but as he stepped to the mic, 100 students began lecturing him about the NYPD’s treatment of blacks and Muslims.

Bloomberg pointed to controversies at other campuses that forced speakers to bow out, including the withdrawal of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice from delivering the commencement address at Rutgers amid protests over her role in the Iraq War.

The billionaire — who received his MBA from Harvard in 1966 — pointed to data showing that all but 4% of presidential campaign contributions by Ivy League faculty and staff in 2012 went to President Obama.

“When 96% of Ivy League donors prefer one candidate to another, you have to wonder whether students are being exposed to the diversity of views that a great university should offer,” said Bloomberg, who noted that he, too, endorsed Obama.

“There was more disagreement among the old Soviet Politburo than there is among Ivy League donors.”

Read more: Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg slams intolerance by liberals on college campuses during fiery Harvard graduation address - NY Daily News
Huge kudos to Bloomberg!!!

and right in their faces too!!

infortunately he's been part of the problem in the past
I generally can't stand Bloomberg and his thick & sticky Progressive philosophy but I must give him credit in this case. I've been especially angry at him lately for funding Colorado's anti-gun push but we were able to stand against his agenda and ended up recalling three anti-gun, State politicians. Nevertheless, we have to give credit where credit is due and I'm glad he stood on principle for a change.
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I generally can't stand Bloomberg and his thick & sticky Progressive philosophy but I must give him credit in this case. I've been especially angry at him lately for funding Colorado's anti-gun push but we were able to stand against his agenda and ended up recalling three anti-gun, State politicians. Nevertheless, we have to give credit where credit is due and I'm glad he stood on principle for a change.

Agreed. This is one of those very rare times.

It's critical for young people to be exposed to as wide a variety of thought and opinion as possible. It's stunning to me that there are Americans who disagree with that.

Of course kids are going to be narcissistic and think they have the world figured out, it's always been that way. But now we have universities and an entire political party who support these kids in minimizing and avoiding opposing viewpoints, and that's dangerous.

Once again, the party of "tolerance" and "diversity" and "inclusion" and "open minds" is behaving 180 degrees from what it claims to be. Tolerance and diversity and inclusion are only supported and protected for certain people. It's sad to see in America.

If students don't want to hear conservative hate speech it's their choice. The only beneficiaries of conservative policies have been the same wealthy families and corporate executives who bankrolled the Republican Party. The middle class received economic inequality, stagnating wages, the deterioration of the medical-insurance system, the sub-prime mortgage crisis, the Katrina debacle, and global warming. True conservatives are rich (usually) white men. Middle class conservatives are just fooling themselves and screwing their own family.
If students don't want to hear conservative hate speech it's their choice. The only beneficiaries of conservative policies have been the same wealthy families and corporate executives who bankrolled the Republican Party. The middle class received economic inequality, stagnating wages, the deterioration of the medical-insurance system, the sub-prime mortgage crisis, the Katrina debacle, and global warming. True conservatives are rich (usually) white men. Middle class conservatives are just fooling themselves and screwing their own family.

You provide a perfect example of my point, and your standard talking points really drive it home.

It really is sad to see adults not promoting intellectual curiosity in our young people. Your mind may be closed shut, but to allow it to happen to them is a real disservice to them.

The decay continues.

If students don't want to hear conservative hate speech it's their choice. The only beneficiaries of conservative policies have been the same wealthy families and corporate executives who bankrolled the Republican Party. The middle class received economic inequality, stagnating wages, the deterioration of the medical-insurance system, the sub-prime mortgage crisis, the Katrina debacle, and global warming. True conservatives are rich (usually) white men. Middle class conservatives are just fooling themselves and screwing their own family.

You provide a perfect example of my point, and your standard talking points really drive it home.

It really is sad to see adults not promoting intellectual curiosity in our young people. Your mind may be closed shut, but to allow it to happen to them is a real disservice to them.

The decay continues.

You seem to be confusing 'talking points' with facts which is why you didn't try to refute, but offered opinion.
If students don't want to hear conservative hate speech it's their choice. The only beneficiaries of conservative policies have been the same wealthy families and corporate executives who bankrolled the Republican Party. The middle class received economic inequality, stagnating wages, the deterioration of the medical-insurance system, the sub-prime mortgage crisis, the Katrina debacle, and global warming. True conservatives are rich (usually) white men. Middle class conservatives are just fooling themselves and screwing their own family.

You provide a perfect example of my point, and your standard talking points really drive it home.

It really is sad to see adults not promoting intellectual curiosity in our young people. Your mind may be closed shut, but to allow it to happen to them is a real disservice to them.

The decay continues.

Loony lefties don't just allow the stifling of ideas other than their own, they require it. It's the same thought control practiced in places like the former USSR and North Korea.
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If students don't want to hear conservative hate speech it's their choice. The only beneficiaries of conservative policies have been the same wealthy families and corporate executives who bankrolled the Republican Party. The middle class received economic inequality, stagnating wages, the deterioration of the medical-insurance system, the sub-prime mortgage crisis, the Katrina debacle, and global warming. True conservatives are rich (usually) white men. Middle class conservatives are just fooling themselves and screwing their own family.

You provide a perfect example of my point, and your standard talking points really drive it home.

It really is sad to see adults not promoting intellectual curiosity in our young people. Your mind may be closed shut, but to allow it to happen to them is a real disservice to them.

The decay continues.

You seem to be confusing 'talking points' with facts which is why you didn't try to refute, but offered opinion.

I don't allow partisan ideologues to get away with changing the subject in a transparent attempt to avoid a discussion. If you want to play that game, find yourself a nice right-winger and deflect to your hearts' content.

As you know, my point is (to repeat) it is critical that we support exposing our young people to as many different ideas and viewpoints as possible. I want our young people to be curious, to ask questions, to challenge what they hear, to think on their feet, to demand both sides of the story.

You and people like you clearly don't, and I think that's a national disgrace. What a horrible things to do to kids who live in a "free" country.

Note how liberals are piling on to prevent discussion of Bloomberg's having been, like half of a clock, potentially right once in a given day.

Now watch the shit-storm as their mouths fly open to dump on that single sentence.
Note how liberals are piling on to prevent discussion of Bloomberg's having been, like half of a clock, potentially right once in a given day.

Now watch the shit-storm as their mouths fly open to dump on that single sentence.

If college students agree with them, then that's it, end of story, the kids should not be exposed to any contrary information.


If students don't want to hear conservative hate speech it's their choice. The only beneficiaries of conservative policies have been the same wealthy families and corporate executives who bankrolled the Republican Party. The middle class received economic inequality, stagnating wages, the deterioration of the medical-insurance system, the sub-prime mortgage crisis, the Katrina debacle, and global warming. True conservatives are rich (usually) white men. Middle class conservatives are just fooling themselves and screwing their own family.

You provide a perfect example of my point, and your standard talking points really drive it home.

It really is sad to see adults not promoting intellectual curiosity in our young people. Your mind may be closed shut, but to allow it to happen to them is a real disservice to them.

The decay continues.

You seem to be confusing 'talking points' with facts which is why you didn't try to refute, but offered opinion.

You wouldn't know a fact if it smacked you on the ass. You're just a dishonest partisan troll.
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You provide a perfect example of my point, and your standard talking points really drive it home.

It really is sad to see adults not promoting intellectual curiosity in our young people. Your mind may be closed shut, but to allow it to happen to them is a real disservice to them.

The decay continues.

You seem to be confusing 'talking points' with facts which is why you didn't try to refute, but offered opinion.

You wouldn't know a fact if it smacked you on the ass. You're just a partisan troll.

And they love avoiding the point.

They want our kids to be as incurious and closed-minded as they are.



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