Bloomberg calls out liberal intollerance on college campuses

If students don't want to hear conservative hate speech it's their choice. The only beneficiaries of conservative policies have been the same wealthy families and corporate executives who bankrolled the Republican Party. The middle class received economic inequality, stagnating wages, the deterioration of the medical-insurance system, the sub-prime mortgage crisis, the Katrina debacle, and global warming. True conservatives are rich (usually) white men. Middle class conservatives are just fooling themselves and screwing their own family.

You provide a perfect example of my point, and your standard talking points really drive it home.

It really is sad to see adults not promoting intellectual curiosity in our young people. Your mind may be closed shut, but to allow it to happen to them is a real disservice to them.

The decay continues.

You seem to be confusing adults with 1 percenter.

We need genuine diversity on campus. Diversity does not mean one black, one dyke, one Hispanic, all promoting the same views. Diversity means conservatives, liberals, marxists, and everything else under the sun. About 96% of college faculty supported Obama in both elections. How is there any diversity on campus?

The Left's definitions of "diversity" and "inclusion" are only meant for certain people.

Which is ironic in the extreme.

College students are exposed to differing viewpoints all the time. To say that they aren't is to lie or to be uninformed.

They are also exposed to differing viewpoints in high schools. These are facts not in dispute.

At issue here is whether or not students should have a say regarding who speaks at their commencement ceremonies. Not a lecture. Not a class. A ceremony. It is an honor to speak at a comencement ceremony. The person speaking is honored by the graduating class.

What some of you are claiming is that students should just shut up an honor someone who they may have not wish to honor. In some cases, a group of students has employed their first amendment right to protest doing so. In some cases, it has resulted in the speaking agenda being changed.

To take these examples and extrapolate that liberals do not honor differing opinions on college campuses is inaccurate and disingenuous. College faculties consist of educators and lecturers from all points on the political spectrum.
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I don't even think liberals count asians as "diversity" anymore because they don't need government services or liberals don't think they do, thus they don't have much use for asians. Liberals need people that liberals believe inferior, who need goodies from the government, which in return will mean a loyal voter for life.
College students are exposed to differing viewpoints all the time. To say that they aren't is to lie or to be uninformed.

They are also exposed to differing viewpoints in high schools. These are facts not in dispute.

At issue here is whether or not students should have a say regarding who speaks at their commencement ceremonies. Not a lecture. Not a class. A ceremony. It is an honor to speak at a comencement ceremony. The person speaking is honored by the graduating class.

What some of you are claiming is that students should just shut up an honor someone who they may have not wish to honor. In some cases, a group of students has employed their first amendment right to protest doing so. In some cases, it has resulted in the speaking agenda being changed.

To take these examples and extrapolate that liberals do not honor differing opinions on college campuses is inaccurate and disingenuous. Save a few Extrme examples....notably on the faculties consist of educators and lecturers from all points on the political spectrum.

All of my liberal arts classes were taught by giant libfags. The tolerant lefties today chase non liberals off campus. It's so bad that giant liberal faggots like Mayor Bloomberg even find it a problem.
You provide a perfect example of my point, and your standard talking points really drive it home.

It really is sad to see adults not promoting intellectual curiosity in our young people. Your mind may be closed shut, but to allow it to happen to them is a real disservice to them.

The decay continues.

You seem to be confusing adults with 1 percenter.

We need genuine diversity on campus. Diversity does not mean one black, one dyke, one Hispanic, all promoting the same views. Diversity means conservatives, liberals, marxists, and everything else under the sun. About 96% of college faculty supported Obama in both elections. How is there any diversity on campus?

The Left's definitions of "diversity" and "inclusion" are only meant for certain people.

Which is ironic in the extreme.


That is unsubstantiated babbling.
You seem to be confusing adults with 1 percenter.

We need genuine diversity on campus. Diversity does not mean one black, one dyke, one Hispanic, all promoting the same views. Diversity means conservatives, liberals, marxists, and everything else under the sun. About 96% of college faculty supported Obama in both elections. How is there any diversity on campus?

The Left's definitions of "diversity" and "inclusion" are only meant for certain people.

Which is ironic in the extreme.


That is unsubstantiated babbling.
So why were these people chased off campus?

And what impact does chasing them off campus have on inclusion?
You seem to be confusing adults with 1 percenter.

We need genuine diversity on campus. Diversity does not mean one black, one dyke, one Hispanic, all promoting the same views. Diversity means conservatives, liberals, marxists, and everything else under the sun. About 96% of college faculty supported Obama in both elections. How is there any diversity on campus?

The Left's definitions of "diversity" and "inclusion" are only meant for certain people.

Which is ironic in the extreme.


That is unsubstantiated babbling.
That is the honest truth.

No, students do not have a say in graduation speakers. If they are so grossly offended by the head of the IMF they can always not attend.
96% of university faculty supported Obama. That is not diversity.
So why were these people chased off campus?

And what impact does chasing them off campus have on inclusion?

They aren't. It doesn't.

Are you wearing your pumps or your flats today, Nancy?

These is exactly what you just did: You strutted around, pranced, like a a fucking ssissy, and then said


My little stalker friend is a standard-issue hardcore left-wing partisan ideologue, and they all are programmed to deny the obvious, no matter what.

It just isn't so!!


So why were these people chased off campus?

And what impact does chasing them off campus have on inclusion?

They aren't. It doesn't.

Are you wearing your pumps or your flats today, Nancy?

These is exactly what you just did: You strutted around, pranced, like a a fucking ssissy, and then said

He's not very good at this. He throws out opinions like camels spit and when called on it wimps out with some snarky remark.
College students are exposed to differing viewpoints all the time. To say that they aren't is to lie or to be uninformed.

They are also exposed to differing viewpoints in high schools. These are facts not in dispute.

They are very much in dispute. That was a very clumsy attempt at insisting that everyone accept your premise.
They aren't. It doesn't.

Are you wearing your pumps or your flats today, Nancy?

These is exactly what you just did: You strutted around, pranced, like a a fucking ssissy, and then said


My little stalker friend is a standard-issue hardcore left-wing partisan ideologue, and they all are programmed to deny the obvious, no matter what.

It just isn't so!!



Prove that I am a hardcore left wing partisan ideologue. Use my words to do so.

Betchya can't do it.
College students are exposed to differing viewpoints all the time. To say that they aren't is to lie or to be uninformed.

They are also exposed to differing viewpoints in high schools. These are facts not in dispute.

They are very much in dispute. That was a very clumsy attempt at insisting that everyone accept your premise.

Pick a college. Any college.
I generally can't stand Bloomberg and his thick & sticky Progressive philosophy but I must give him credit in this case. I've been especially angry at him lately for funding Colorado's anti-gun push but we were able to stand against his agenda and ended up recalling three anti-gun, State politicians. Nevertheless, we have to give credit where credit is due and I'm glad he stood on principle for a change.

so now you love him because he said what you want to hear?


poor baby
I generally can't stand Bloomberg and his thick & sticky Progressive philosophy but I must give him credit in this case. I've been especially angry at him lately for funding Colorado's anti-gun push but we were able to stand against his agenda and ended up recalling three anti-gun, State politicians. Nevertheless, we have to give credit where credit is due and I'm glad he stood on principle for a change.

Nothing like the inconsistent conservative.
These is exactly what you just did: You strutted around, pranced, like a a fucking ssissy, and then said


My little stalker friend is a standard-issue hardcore left-wing partisan ideologue, and they all are programmed to deny the obvious, no matter what.

It just isn't so!!



Prove that I am a hardcore left wing partisan ideologue. Use my words to do so.

Betchya can't do it.
Your defense of intolerance suffices quite nicely. Shit, that was easy.
I generally can't stand Bloomberg and his thick & sticky Progressive philosophy but I must give him credit in this case. I've been especially angry at him lately for funding Colorado's anti-gun push but we were able to stand against his agenda and ended up recalling three anti-gun, State politicians. Nevertheless, we have to give credit where credit is due and I'm glad he stood on principle for a change.

Nothing like the inconsistent conservative.

See, here's the difference. When a liberal hears someone say somethng he disagrees with, he labels the guy as an enemy so everything he says is wrong, bad, lies, etc.
When a conservative hears something someone says he disagrees with, he disagrees with it. If the same person says something he agrees with, he agrees with it. He doesnt label people enemies because they happen to say things he disagrees with.
Conservatives are smart that way. Liberals are stoopid.

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