Bloomberg calls out liberal intollerance on college campuses

Bloomberg calls out liberal intollerance on college campuses

Which makes no sense given the fact that liberals aren’t engaging in ‘intolerance.’

Bloomberg’s ‘argument’ fails as he submits no objective, documented evidence that “liberals [are] trying to repress conservative ideas” or that those opposed to Ray Kelly speaking at Brown were in fact ‘liberals’; indeed, a mere 100 students aren’t ‘representative’ of any political dogma or ideology, where it’s a hasty generalization fallacy to maintain otherwise. And Bloomberg also failed to prove that those opposed to Condoleezza Rice speaking at Rutgers were ‘liberals.’

In fact, the notion of ‘liberal intolerance’ at universities is yet another myth contrived by the partisan right, devoid of any objective facts or evidence.

In addition, Bloomberg fails to provide objective, documented examples of conservative ideas that are being ‘repressed’; liberals speaking in opposition to those advocating that gay Americans be denied their civil liberties, for example, does not constitute ‘intolerance.’

It’s ridiculous and idiotic, therefore, for conservatives to infer that a small group of persons are ‘liberal’ simply because they stand in opposition to a conservative speaker, or that those individuals are ‘representative’ of ‘all liberals,’ or that they’re expressing viewpoints endorsed by ‘all liberals.’

Conservatives are now and always have been at liberty to express their views and opinions with impunity in all venues, including colleges and universities. That conservative views and opinions don’t get any traction at colleges and universities is more likely the consequence of the failings of those views and opinions, and being rejected accordingly, having nothing to do with ‘liberal intolerance.’

Bloomberg is just as wrong in his advocacy of the myth of ‘liberal intolerance’ as he is wrong in his advocacy of certain gun control measures.
So when Bloomberg funds gun control campaigns he is scum. But when he makes a comment about ultra-liberals at a college campus he is your hero. You guys are Hypocrites.
So when Bloomberg funds gun control campaigns he is scum. But when he makes a comment about ultra-liberals at a college campus he is your hero. You guys are Hypocrites.

What is it about stopped clocks being right at least once a day (some may be of the 24 hour variety) that you find so elusive?
Note how liberals are piling on to prevent discussion of Bloomberg's having been, like half of a clock, potentially right once in a given day.

Now watch the shit-storm as their mouths fly open to dump on that single sentence.

If college students agree with them, then that's it, end of story, the kids should not be exposed to any contrary information.




Cite a specific, documented example of a ‘liberal’ disallowing students at a given college or university from discussing ‘contrary information.’

The example must include what disciplinary measures the students were subject to for this ‘infraction’ – did they receive a failing grade, were they suspended or expelled?

Last, the example must be objectively documented as endorsed and sanctioned by all 'liberals.'

Absent such an example this post is a lie.
You provide a perfect example of my point, and your standard talking points really drive it home.

It really is sad to see adults not promoting intellectual curiosity in our young people. Your mind may be closed shut, but to allow it to happen to them is a real disservice to them.

The decay continues.

You seem to be confusing 'talking points' with facts which is why you didn't try to refute, but offered opinion.

You wouldn't know a fact if it smacked you on the ass. You're just a dishonest partisan troll.

And yet you've not refuted one of my facts. So who's the 'partisan troll.'
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So much being said in multiple posts that could have been condensed into one gigantic dose of passionate hatred that one might imagine George is paying for quantity rather than quality.
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We've been saying this for years.

Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg slams intolerance by liberals on college campuses during fiery Harvard graduation address

Delivering the main speech at Harvard’s 363rd commencement in Cambridge, Mass., Bloomberg complained that campuses have become citidels of “modern . . . McCarthyism” where conservative views are too often shunned and shouted down. Bloomberg specifically referenced the treatment of his police commissioner, Raymond Kelly, when he was invited to lecture at Brown University.

In a fiery address to Harvard graduates, former Mayor Michael Bloomberg lashed out Thursday against intolerance by liberals on college campuses — citing how Brown University treated his police commissioner last fall.

Delivering the main speech at Harvard’s 363rd commencement in Cambridge, Mass., Bloomberg complained that campuses have become citidels of “modern . . . McCarthyism” where conservative views are too often shunned and shouted down.

“In the 1950s, the right wing was attempting to repress left-wing ideas. Today, on many campuses, it is liberals trying to repress conservative ideas, even as conservative faculty members are at risk of becoming an endangered species,” he said.

“And that is probably nowhere more true than it is here in the Ivy League.”

He recalled the visit of his top cop, Raymond Kelly, to Brown University in Providence, R.I., seven months ago.

“Last fall, when I was still in City Hall, our police commissioner was invited to deliver a lecture at another Ivy League institution — but he was unable to do so because students shouted him down,” Bloomberg said.

“Isn’t the purpose of a university to stir discussion, not silence it?” Bloomberg continued.

“What were the students afraid of hearing? Why did administrators not step in to prevent the mob from silencing speech?”

Kelly was supposed to speak on “Proactive Policing in America’s Biggest City,” but as he stepped to the mic, 100 students began lecturing him about the NYPD’s treatment of blacks and Muslims.

Bloomberg pointed to controversies at other campuses that forced speakers to bow out, including the withdrawal of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice from delivering the commencement address at Rutgers amid protests over her role in the Iraq War.

The billionaire — who received his MBA from Harvard in 1966 — pointed to data showing that all but 4% of presidential campaign contributions by Ivy League faculty and staff in 2012 went to President Obama.

“When 96% of Ivy League donors prefer one candidate to another, you have to wonder whether students are being exposed to the diversity of views that a great university should offer,” said Bloomberg, who noted that he, too, endorsed Obama.

“There was more disagreement among the old Soviet Politburo than there is among Ivy League donors.”

Read more: Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg slams intolerance by liberals on college campuses during fiery Harvard graduation address - NY Daily News

“There was more disagreement among the old Soviet Politburo than there is among Ivy League donors.”

what a slam
If students don't want to hear conservative hate speech it's their choice. The only beneficiaries of conservative policies have been the same wealthy families and corporate executives who bankrolled the Republican Party. The middle class received economic inequality, stagnating wages, the deterioration of the medical-insurance system, the sub-prime mortgage crisis, the Katrina debacle, and global warming. True conservatives are rich (usually) white men. Middle class conservatives are just fooling themselves and screwing their own family.

And here we have an example of just the kind of mindless, hyper-partisan, fingers-in-the-ears chanting bumper sticker slogan bullshit to which the OP referred. What's funny is that pointless dimwits like this like to imagine themselves as 'intellectual.' :lmao:
How about Dr. Condie Rice fearing for her safety and being forced to cancel at Princeton? Forget being shouted down, former radical leftist and now conservative advocate David Horowitz claims that every single high profile conservative speaker has been the victim of assault on a college campus at some time in their career. Liberal speakers-zero.
How about Dr. Condie Rice fearing for her safety and being forced to cancel at Princeton? Forget being shouted down, former radical leftist and now conservative advocate David Horowitz claims that every single high profile conservative speaker has been the victim of assault on a college campus at some time in their career. Liberal speakers-zero.

She'll be fine as long as Palin hasn't put a target on her name or Joe the Plumber doesn't classify her a politician.
Bloomberg calls out liberal intollerance on college campuses

Which makes no sense given the fact that liberals aren’t engaging in ‘intolerance.’

Bloomberg’s ‘argument’ fails as he submits no objective, documented evidence that “liberals [are] trying to repress conservative ideas” or that those opposed to Ray Kelly speaking at Brown were in fact ‘liberals’; indeed, a mere 100 students aren’t ‘representative’ of any political dogma or ideology, where it’s a hasty generalization fallacy to maintain otherwise. And Bloomberg also failed to prove that those opposed to Condoleezza Rice speaking at Rutgers were ‘liberals.’

In fact, the notion of ‘liberal intolerance’ at universities is yet another myth contrived by the partisan right, devoid of any objective facts or evidence.

In addition, Bloomberg fails to provide objective, documented examples of conservative ideas that are being ‘repressed’; liberals speaking in opposition to those advocating that gay Americans be denied their civil liberties, for example, does not constitute ‘intolerance.’

It’s ridiculous and idiotic, therefore, for conservatives to infer that a small group of persons are ‘liberal’ simply because they stand in opposition to a conservative speaker, or that those individuals are ‘representative’ of ‘all liberals,’ or that they’re expressing viewpoints endorsed by ‘all liberals.’

Conservatives are now and always have been at liberty to express their views and opinions with impunity in all venues, including colleges and universities. That conservative views and opinions don’t get any traction at colleges and universities is more likely the consequence of the failings of those views and opinions, and being rejected accordingly, having nothing to do with ‘liberal intolerance.’

Bloomberg is just as wrong in his advocacy of the myth of ‘liberal intolerance’ as he is wrong in his advocacy of certain gun control measures.

Seriously, you're going to sit there and try to imply that the punks at Rutgers who whined about Rice coming to speak may have not been libs ?
Jesus, how intellectually dishonest can you get ?
If students don't want to hear conservative hate speech it's their choice. The only beneficiaries of conservative policies have been the same wealthy families and corporate executives who bankrolled the Republican Party. The middle class received economic inequality, stagnating wages, the deterioration of the medical-insurance system, the sub-prime mortgage crisis, the Katrina debacle, and global warming. True conservatives are rich (usually) white men. Middle class conservatives are just fooling themselves and screwing their own family.

You provide a perfect example of my point, and your standard talking points really drive it home.

It really is sad to see adults not promoting intellectual curiosity in our young people. Your mind may be closed shut, but to allow it to happen to them is a real disservice to them.

The decay continues.

You seem to be confusing 'talking points' with facts which is why you didn't try to refute, but offered opinion.
In another pace and time, you would be a brownshirt.
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How about Dr. Condie Rice fearing for her safety and being forced to cancel at Princeton? Forget being shouted down, former radical leftist and now conservative advocate David Horowitz claims that every single high profile conservative speaker has been the victim of assault on a college campus at some time in their career. Liberal speakers-zero.

She'll be fine as long as Palin hasn't put a target on her name or Joe the Plumber doesn't classify her a politician.

thanks for posting that

i had forgotten how petty and absurd

the media has become over those on the right
So when Bloomberg funds gun control campaigns he is scum. But when he makes a comment about ultra-liberals at a college campus he is your hero. You guys are Hypocrites.

There have been at least four comments about Bloomberg generally being wrong especially on gun control, and you completely ignore all that and acuse conservatives of hypocrisy.

You are a stupid ass hole.
Note how liberals are piling on to prevent discussion of Bloomberg's having been, like half of a clock, potentially right once in a given day.

Now watch the shit-storm as their mouths fly open to dump on that single sentence.

If college students agree with them, then that's it, end of story, the kids should not be exposed to any contrary information.




Cite a specific, documented example of a ‘liberal’ disallowing students at a given college or university from discussing ‘contrary information.’

The example must include what disciplinary measures the students were subject to for this ‘infraction’ – did they receive a failing grade, were they suspended or expelled?

Last, the example must be objectively documented as endorsed and sanctioned by all 'liberals.'

Absent such an example this post is a lie.

Hilarious. Who, precisely, do you think you are, a professor handing out homework?

You're a hardcore left-wing partisan ideologue, and we both know that no amount of evidence would be good enough for you. Confronted with such evidence, as a hardcore left-wing partisan ideologue, you would merely and predictably spin and divert and distort and deflect away from it.

But it gets better!

The main thing you would do is simply deny that any of this is happening, as you are apparently trying to do in post 22. You have a history of that: When you can't defend a hardcore left-wing position on an issue, you simply deny the issue even exists! You've done it many times on the issue of Political Correctness, denying it's even REAL. It's insulting that you think you're actually getting away with it, but after that it's just funny. You have no credibility.

The Left is supporting college campuses from coast to coast in being as intolerant and closed-minded as they are. We should be encouraging our young people to be curious and to challenge what they hear and to demand to hear the whole story at all times, and instead people like you are supporting them as they turn into -- well, people like you. Our kids deserve better, far better, but you don't care.

Seriously, please play your little partisan games with someone else, they do not and will not work with me.

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If students don't want to hear conservative hate speech it's their choice. The only beneficiaries of conservative policies have been the same wealthy families and corporate executives who bankrolled the Republican Party. The middle class received economic inequality, stagnating wages, the deterioration of the medical-insurance system, the sub-prime mortgage crisis, the Katrina debacle, and global warming. True conservatives are rich (usually) white men. Middle class conservatives are just fooling themselves and screwing their own family.

You provide a perfect example of my point, and your standard talking points really drive it home.

It really is sad to see adults not promoting intellectual curiosity in our young people. Your mind may be closed shut, but to allow it to happen to them is a real disservice to them.

The decay continues.

You seem to be confusing adults with 1 percenter.

We need genuine diversity on campus. Diversity does not mean one black, one dyke, one Hispanic, all promoting the same views. Diversity means conservatives, liberals, marxists, and everything else under the sun. About 96% of college faculty supported Obama in both elections. How is there any diversity on campus?

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