Bloomberg has already ordered his corrupt media empire not to investigate Democrats...

How can these outlets admit they will not print anything negative about Bloomberg or any of the Dem candidates and still call themselves news?

They are just Dimm marketing.
You'd be objecting if Bloomberg News was investigating dem candidates, and claim Bloomberg was using his power to influence the election.
How can these outlets admit they will not print anything negative about Bloomberg or any of the Dem candidates and still call themselves news?

They are just Dimm marketing.
You'd be objecting if Bloomberg News was investigating dem candidates, and claim Bloomberg was using his power to influence the election.

No, I want his media outlets to just fucking report the fucking news.
"Barr wrote: “The Special Counsel’s investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election."

Because Mueller was not able to get conclusive evidence on the manner and degree of coordination between Wikileaks and the Trump campaign regarding the dissemination of the material the Russians (not the Ukrainians) gave to Wikileaks. This due to to the lies and stonewalling by Trump, Manafort, and Stone.
There is no reason and no evidence to investigate Democrats, who have already been investigated. There is no whistleblower about them because they are honest, not mobbed up scumbag businessmen. The Republican Senate committees can investigate if they want to. But they already know there's nothing to investigate nothing suspicious no whistleblower nothing but garbage propaganda, you dimwits.
You're like a zombie with a rotten brain if you think Democrats are honest people.
So you do not believe in innocent until proven guilty, enough ridiculous accusations and they must be criminals right, super duper?
Do you believe the Clintons are innocent?
Until proven guilty. They would have to be crazy to do anything criminal with you morons watching their every move and having congressional committees investigating them nonstop. And have never found anything worth mentioning. Except ridiculous propaganda, super duper.
Hillary Clinton had classified information on her personal servers and should have been prosecuted. She got away with her crime because the system is corrupt, and people like you are the reason the system is corrupt, you support the Clintons no matter how many times they break the law.
Where's those indictments?
...but to investigate Trump.

We've never had a Presidential candidate with so much power in the media, so we will see what Constitutional problems this will create when he can order huge free campaign contributions to himself in the form of positive media reporting.

If what you claim is true (ordering his "media empire" not to investigate Democrats), wouldn't that indicate that Bloomberg is doing the exact opposite of what you're accusing him of?

After all he's running for the Democrat Party NOMINATION wouldn't it be unethical to order his "media empire" to investigate the Democrats he's running against?:dunno:
So you do not believe in innocent until proven guilty, enough ridiculous accusations and they must be criminals right, super duper?
Do you believe the Clintons are innocent?
Until proven guilty. They would have to be crazy to do anything criminal with you morons watching their every move and having congressional committees investigating them nonstop. And have never found anything worth mentioning. Except ridiculous propaganda, super duper.
Hillary Clinton had classified information on her personal servers and should have been prosecuted. She got away with her crime because the system is corrupt, and people like you are the reason the system is corrupt, you support the Clintons no matter how many times they break the law.
And Billybob has gotten away with raping underage girls.

ABC News made sure to spike the Epstein story years ago to protect the powerful. Then, they went to the extreme to hunt down the person who exposed ABC News for the frauds they are by getting another fraud, CBS News, to fire the person.

We live in a new age corruption and criminality that goes entirely unpunished.

Prove that Bill C. raped any females let alone underage ones.
Yep. Trump is guilty by association, but Billybob is not.

How can these outlets admit they will not print anything negative about Bloomberg or any of the Dem candidates and still call themselves news?

They are just Dimm marketing.
You'd be objecting if Bloomberg News was investigating dem candidates, and claim Bloomberg was using his power to influence the election.

No, I want his media outlets to just fucking report the fucking news.
They will. They're known as journalists unlike your disgraceful propaganda machine, super duper....

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