Bloomberg OUT!

Joementum is on its way. Biden needs to focus on the Orange idiot. Come November we will will have a real and true President of ALL these United States.
we have one now.....

I think he said "ALL". That means Muslims, Immigrants, Africans, Native Americans, women, short people, Democrats, the media, the imaginarium's "alt left", NFL players, Olympic athletes, NOAA, the CDC, basic geography, Stormy Daniels, the judicial system, windmills, teenage girls in dressing rooms, the Central Park Five, FACTS, Hillary, Carly Fiorina, Megyn Kelly, Mika Brzezinski and anyone on the receiving end of "beat the crap out of 'em" or a Fraud University have to be included, not excluded.
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Now with Bloomberg backing Biden I think this thing is over.

As if his opinion mattered? No one will give a damn who he endorses. If his opinion was relevant he wouldn't of dropped out.
The 10% he got in most states now goes to Joe. The funding and infrastructure he had set up nationwide for his campaign now goes to joe. You don’t think that’s relevant?
Looks like money alone cant buy an election and the Democratic party isn't falling under Sanders' cult of personality.

I guess the two parties aren't the same after all.
So you’re saying Trump didn’t buy the Oval Office.

Nope, he had friends in red places help him.

In the meantime Democrats aren't enamored with someone just because they have money (real money, not that fake billionaire shit) and they don't usually fall under cults like the GOP does with Trump.
geezus lol....democrats dont fall for cults?....
The OP is 100% correct, so my impeccable credibility is intact........and you are still making a fool of yourself,

Once AGAIN -=-- I ain't the one who trotted out a claim with no link to it, AM I.
Bloomberg in or out?:iyfyus.jpg:

Linkie or no linkie?

I knew that question would be beyond your cognitive skills.

Ain't no cognition to it. It's basic math.
"Zero equals ZERO".
There is never any cognition involved with your posts.

Zero equals zero? We aren’t discussing your IQ.

here’s some basic math for ya......I was 100% correct.

Dismissed, troll.
Joementum is on its way. Biden needs to focus on the Orange idiot. Come November we will will have a real and true President of ALL these United States.
we have one now.....

I think he said "ALL". That means Muslims, Immigrants, Africans, women, short people, Democrats, the media, the imaginarium's "alt left", NFL players, Olympic athletes, NOAA, the CDC, basic geography, windmills, FACTS, Hillary and anyone on the receiving end of "beat the crap out of 'em" have to be included, not excluded.
you ignore the news of the progress for each of these demographics. but you stay in your basement.
Now with Bloomberg backing Biden I think this thing is over.

As if his opinion mattered? No one will give a damn who he endorses. If his opinion was relevant he wouldn't of dropped out.
The 10% he got in most states now goes to Joe. The funding and infrastructure he had set up nationwide for his campaign now goes to joe. You don’t think that’s relevant?
His scrawny delegate count is meaningless. And his money was going to pollute the process no matter who wins.
Again, he offered his opinion(cash) and Americans gave him the bird.
Biden has a decades long record so Mike's money is pretty irrelevant
Once AGAIN -=-- I ain't the one who trotted out a claim with no link to it, AM I.
Bloomberg in or out?:iyfyus.jpg:

Linkie or no linkie?

I knew that question would be beyond your cognitive skills.

Ain't no cognition to it. It's basic math.
"Zero equals ZERO".
There is never any cognition involved with your posts.

Zero equals zero? We aren’t discussing your IQ.

here’s some basic math for ya......I was 100% correct.

Dismissed, troll.
drop mic
Joementum is on its way. Biden needs to focus on the Orange idiot. Come November we will will have a real and true President of ALL these United States.
we have one now.....

I think he said "ALL". That means Muslims, Immigrants, Africans, women, short people, Democrats, the media, the imaginarium's "alt left", NFL players, Olympic athletes, NOAA, the CDC, basic geography, Stormy Daniels, the judicial system, windmills, teenage girls in dressing rooms, the Central Park Five, FACTS, Hillary, Carly Fiorina, Megyn Kelly, Mika Brzezinski and anyone on the receiving end of "beat the crap out of 'em" or a Fraud University have to be included, not excluded.
pogo any president is only the president for those who back him,thats what we have been seeing here for quite a while now.....its been that way with trump, with obama, with bush and it got to be that way with clinton....if biden wins he will be president for those who back the guy...the righties will just dump on him,just like the left is doing with trump....long gone are the days when no matter who is president, he is every ones president...
Once AGAIN -=-- I ain't the one who trotted out a claim with no link to it, AM I.
Bloomberg in or out?:iyfyus.jpg:

Linkie or no linkie?

I knew that question would be beyond your cognitive skills.

Ain't no cognition to it. It's basic math.
"Zero equals ZERO".
There is never any cognition involved with your posts.

Zero equals zero? We aren’t discussing your IQ.

here’s some basic math for ya......I was 100% correct.

Dismissed, troll.

What you were was 100% unlinked.

Your bogus HEY LOOKA ME thread attempt could have been closed. Count your blessings.
And next time, don't fuck it up.
Joementum is on its way. Biden needs to focus on the Orange idiot. Come November we will will have a real and true President of ALL these United States.
we have one now.....

I think he said "ALL". That means Muslims, Immigrants, Africans, women, short people, Democrats, the media, the imaginarium's "alt left", NFL players, Olympic athletes, NOAA, the CDC, basic geography, Stormy Daniels, the judicial system, windmills, teenage girls in dressing rooms, the Central Park Five, FACTS, Hillary, Carly Fiorina, Megyn Kelly, Mika Brzezinski and anyone on the receiving end of "beat the crap out of 'em" or a Fraud University have to be included, not excluded.
pogo any president is only the president for those who back him,thats what we have been seeing here for quite a while now.....its been that way with trump, with obama, with bush and it got to be that way with clinton....if biden wins he will be president for those who back the guy...the righties will just dump on him,just like the left is doing with trump....long gone are the days when no matter who is president, he is every ones president...

Long (actually not that long) gone are the days when the POTUS doesn't spend all his time attacking and dividing a laundry list like the one above, that was the point and I think you know that.
Just think of all the healthcare that money could have paid for. Typical hypocritical Democrat.
Joe Biden has been married to the same woman for 43 years. And she is only 8 years younger than him.
That is so fucking irrelevant and Jesus Nazi it makes me want to "sin" just to put some balance in the universe.
Yes, that's true. Trump has made Family Values completely irrelevant to the Right. Correct.

Trump has convinced the Right to reject every principle they ever claimed to believe in.

You might think that is irrelevant, but it is precisely my point.

Now for the next eight months, you can watch the Trump Hive Mind project their own utter moral depravity onto the Left.

It's almost as if Trump were the Beast sent to lead the faithful astray. A false prophet.
Bernie supporters may literally blow up the dnc this year. Lol.


This is Democracy... Biden is ahead on delegates... All major candidates who have bowed out endorsed him.

Democrats and Bernie are not falling for this again...Bernie might not make it to the convention... This is all over in two weeks.Joe Biden on the outside coming through like a train...
Biden will pick a VP who the young will be excited about, Michelle is my pick there...

American you have a simple choice Trump or the A team back.... Landslide...

If the Biden "train" continues, the choice for VP will be critical. Those who come to mind, included:

All four would also be excellent choices to clean the toxic swamp that Donald Trump has fouled with his appointees.
Yay!! Bloomberg is out! And Bloomberg is supporting Biden!

Now Crazy Uncle Joe won't have to rely on those smelly Ukrainians and germy Chinese for their money.

He gots da Bloomberg Bucks! We're gonna get the best socialism lite that the one percent can buy.


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