Bloomberg OUT!

Bernie supporters may literally blow up the dnc this year. Lol.


This is Democracy... Biden is ahead on delegates... All major candidates who have bowed out endorsed him.

Democrats and Bernie are not falling for this again...Bernie might not make it to the convention... This is all over in two weeks.Joe Biden on the outside coming through like a train...
Biden will pick a VP who the young will be excited about, Michelle is my pick there...

American you have a simple choice Trump or the A team back.... Landslide...

If the Biden "train" continues, the choice for VP will be critical. Those who come to mind, included:

All four would also be excellent choices to clean the toxic swamp that Donald Trump has fouled with his appointees.

Quid Pro Joe will decide by smelling the hair of each one...............
Joementum is on its way. Biden needs to focus on the Orange idiot. Come November we will will have a real and true President of ALL these United States.
we have one now.....

I think he said "ALL". That means Muslims, Immigrants, Africans, women, short people, Democrats, the media, the imaginarium's "alt left", NFL players, Olympic athletes, NOAA, the CDC, basic geography, Stormy Daniels, the judicial system, windmills, teenage girls in dressing rooms, the Central Park Five, FACTS, Hillary, Carly Fiorina, Megyn Kelly, Mika Brzezinski and anyone on the receiving end of "beat the crap out of 'em" or a Fraud University have to be included, not excluded.
pogo any president is only the president for those who back him,thats what we have been seeing here for quite a while now.....its been that way with trump, with obama, with bush and it got to be that way with clinton....if biden wins he will be president for those who back the guy...the righties will just dump on him,just like the left is doing with trump....long gone are the days when no matter who is president, he is every ones president...

Long (actually not that long) gone are the days when the POTUS doesn't spend all his time attacking and dividing a laundry list like the one above, that was the point and I think you know that.
that may have been your point, my point about these guys is the one i made in the post....none of these people give a shit about anything anymore unless it benefits them and their useless party....
Bernie supporters may literally blow up the dnc this year. Lol.


This is Democracy... Biden is ahead on delegates... All major candidates who have bowed out endorsed him.

Democrats and Bernie are not falling for this again...Bernie might not make it to the convention... This is all over in two weeks.Joe Biden on the outside coming through like a train...
Biden will pick a VP who the young will be excited about, Michelle is my pick there...

American you have a simple choice Trump or the A team back.... Landslide...

If the Biden "train" continues, the choice for VP will be critical. Those who come to mind, included:

All four would also be excellent choices to clean the toxic swamp that Donald Trump has fouled with his appointees.
so why vote for biden when his VP is who you would be voting for.....should not what they think about the issues be more important?..
Bloomberg in or out?:iyfyus.jpg:

Linkie or no linkie?

I knew that question would be beyond your cognitive skills.

Ain't no cognition to it. It's basic math.
"Zero equals ZERO".
There is never any cognition involved with your posts.

Zero equals zero? We aren’t discussing your IQ.

here’s some basic math for ya......I was 100% correct.

Dismissed, troll.

What you were was 100% unlinked.

Your bogus HEY LOOKA ME thread attempt could have been closed. Count your blessings.
And next time, don't fuck it up.

A link was provided exactly one minute after the OP was posted, so I'm not sure why you are still butthurt over this, I0Q0.

I guess the perpetually stupid have to find something to piss and moan about, however stupid it is.
Last edited:
Yes, that's true. Trump has made Family Values completely irrelevant to the Right. Correct.
Translation: Trump made the Jesus-Nazi faction of the GOP irrelevant.

That's probably why the Mormon is so mad at him.

Trump has convinced the Right to reject every principle they ever claimed to believe in.
Which principles?

I am all for the "Right" rejecting authoritarianism.

If the Dems could nominate a candidate who would also reject authoritarianism, I would seriously consider voting for that candidate.

You might think that is irrelevant, but it is precisely my point.

Now for the next eight months, you can watch the Trump Hive Mind project their own utter moral depravity onto the Left.

It's almost as if Trump were the Beast sent to lead the faithful astray. A false prophet.
The people who believe this is a fight between Jesus and Satan or any other deity death-match ARE THE PROBLEM.

Trump's sex life prior to POTUS has no affect on his ability to do the VERY FUCKING EASY job of POTUS.

The guy sitting in the White House does not need to be a faultless virgin who teaches Sunday School on the side. He/she only needs to protect and maximize liberty. Charlie Manson can sit in the White House as long as he protects and maximizes the liberty of the people.

I would vote for former porn star Bella Knox, and she grabbed more pussy in her short porn career than Trump has in the past 40.

Linkie or no linkie?

I knew that question would be beyond your cognitive skills.

Ain't no cognition to it. It's basic math.
"Zero equals ZERO".
There is never any cognition involved with your posts.

Zero equals zero? We aren’t discussing your IQ.

here’s some basic math for ya......I was 100% correct.

Dismissed, troll.

What you were was 100% unlinked.

Your bogus HEY LOOKA ME thread attempt could have been closed. Count your blessings.
And next time, don't fuck it up.

A link was provided exactly one minute after the OP was posted, so I'm not sure why you are still butthurt over this, I0Q0.

I guess the perpetually stupid have to find something to piss and moan about, however stupid it is.

You don't wait for somebody else to provide your link FOR you because you can't be bothered to do your own homework. You provide the link *IN* the OP. Not later --- DURING.
Just proves once again that money cannot buy happiness or the Presidency
I knew that question would be beyond your cognitive skills.

Ain't no cognition to it. It's basic math.
"Zero equals ZERO".
There is never any cognition involved with your posts.

Zero equals zero? We aren’t discussing your IQ.

here’s some basic math for ya......I was 100% correct.

Dismissed, troll.

What you were was 100% unlinked.

Your bogus HEY LOOKA ME thread attempt could have been closed. Count your blessings.
And next time, don't fuck it up.

A link was provided exactly one minute after the OP was posted, so I'm not sure why you are still butthurt over this, I0Q0.

I guess the perpetually stupid have to find something to piss and moan about, however stupid it is.

You don't wait for somebody else to provide your link FOR you because you can't be bothered to do your own homework. You provide the link *IN* the OP. Not later --- DURING.

How you like them apples?
I knew that question would be beyond your cognitive skills.

Ain't no cognition to it. It's basic math.
"Zero equals ZERO".
There is never any cognition involved with your posts.

Zero equals zero? We aren’t discussing your IQ.

here’s some basic math for ya......I was 100% correct.

Dismissed, troll.

What you were was 100% unlinked.

Your bogus HEY LOOKA ME thread attempt could have been closed. Count your blessings.
And next time, don't fuck it up.

A link was provided exactly one minute after the OP was posted, so I'm not sure why you are still butthurt over this, I0Q0.

I guess the perpetually stupid have to find something to piss and moan about, however stupid it is.

You don't wait for somebody else to provide your link FOR you because you can't be bothered to do your own homework. You provide the link *IN* the OP. Not later --- DURING.
/——-/ Because CNBC didn’t provide the link until a minute after the news flash went out.
Bloomberg is about 50 times more wealthy than Trump, and unlike Trump he earned it honestly.

That's a lot of money to throw around. Should be interesting.

Bloomberg is like Trump in one way, though. They both change parties like they change suits.

Hillary outspent the Donald in 2016, spending nearly twice the amount. How’d that work out?

Maybe, but when you add in the money Putin and his oligarch pals kicked in - It was about even ;)
Really? Have a link on how much they spent?

Sure - It was quite a bundle. This doesn't account for payroll on over 1000 trolls, all the bots, and all the money illegally donated through Lev, Igor, and likely the NRA.

Russia Spent $1.25M Per Month on Ads, Acted Like an Ad Agency: Mueller

LOL, $1 million per month, while Hillary spent $1.2 billion total. Your math isn’t adding up.
Nope, he had friends in red places help him.

In the meantime Democrats aren't enamored with someone just because they have money (real money, not that fake billionaire shit) and they don't usually fall under cults like the GOP does with Trump.
Desperate much?

Politically Red places like America are going to reelect Trump and Make America Even greater.

And there's nothing you can do about it, except whine.
Ain't no cognition to it. It's basic math.
"Zero equals ZERO".
There is never any cognition involved with your posts.

Zero equals zero? We aren’t discussing your IQ.

here’s some basic math for ya......I was 100% correct.

Dismissed, troll.

What you were was 100% unlinked.

Your bogus HEY LOOKA ME thread attempt could have been closed. Count your blessings.
And next time, don't fuck it up.

A link was provided exactly one minute after the OP was posted, so I'm not sure why you are still butthurt over this, I0Q0.

I guess the perpetually stupid have to find something to piss and moan about, however stupid it is.

You don't wait for somebody else to provide your link FOR you because you can't be bothered to do your own homework. You provide the link *IN* the OP. Not later --- DURING.
/——-/ Because CNBC didn’t provide the link until a minute after the news flash went out. View attachment 310301

If so that's sixty seconds the OP should have waited to make hisself a legitimate thread. There just ain't no way around it.
It would appear he's more interested in the HEY LOOKA ME "scoop" than in credibility. Which says much about his values.
There is never any cognition involved with your posts.

Zero equals zero? We aren’t discussing your IQ.

here’s some basic math for ya......I was 100% correct.

Dismissed, troll.

What you were was 100% unlinked.

Your bogus HEY LOOKA ME thread attempt could have been closed. Count your blessings.
And next time, don't fuck it up.

A link was provided exactly one minute after the OP was posted, so I'm not sure why you are still butthurt over this, I0Q0.

I guess the perpetually stupid have to find something to piss and moan about, however stupid it is.

You don't wait for somebody else to provide your link FOR you because you can't be bothered to do your own homework. You provide the link *IN* the OP. Not later --- DURING.
/——-/ Because CNBC didn’t provide the link until a minute after the news flash went out. View attachment 310301

If so that's sixty seconds the OP should have waited to make hisself a legitimate thread. There just ain't no way around it.
Now that I know how it causes you to have an epic meltdown, I may not include a link in any thread I start.

What you were was 100% unlinked.

Your bogus HEY LOOKA ME thread attempt could have been closed. Count your blessings.
And next time, don't fuck it up.

A link was provided exactly one minute after the OP was posted, so I'm not sure why you are still butthurt over this, I0Q0.

I guess the perpetually stupid have to find something to piss and moan about, however stupid it is.

You don't wait for somebody else to provide your link FOR you because you can't be bothered to do your own homework. You provide the link *IN* the OP. Not later --- DURING.
/——-/ Because CNBC didn’t provide the link until a minute after the news flash went out. View attachment 310301

If so that's sixty seconds the OP should have waited to make hisself a legitimate thread. There just ain't no way around it.
It would appear he's more interested in the HEY LOOKA ME "scoop" than in credibility. Which says much about his values.
Now that I know how it causes you to have an epic meltdown, I may not include a link in any thread I start.


You do that. And you'll look just as lame as you did here, PLUS you'll demonstrate that you're incapable of learning.
SUCH a deal.
$500 million to fuck

Bloomy saved way more than that in taxes.

We were told Citizens United (2010) meant money to dominate politics. Money keeps getting clobbered. Clinton twice as much $$ as Trump and lost. Bloomberg, Steyer just combined to spend $750 million for 1% of Dem primary delegates
We were told Citizens United (2010) meant money to dominate politics. Money keeps getting clobbered. Clinton twice as much $$ as Trump and lost. Bloomberg, Steyer just combined to spend $750 million for 1% of Dem primary delegates

STILL clueless.
" Bloomberg could barely win a delegate in a primary with $500+ million—but if you ask Washington Democrats, a few Russian trolls spending 100K on Facebook ads swung the entire 2016 election. Got it." - President Trump

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