Bloomberg OUT!

A link was provided exactly one minute after the OP was posted, so I'm not sure why you are still butthurt over this, I0Q0.

I guess the perpetually stupid have to find something to piss and moan about, however stupid it is.

You don't wait for somebody else to provide your link FOR you because you can't be bothered to do your own homework. You provide the link *IN* the OP. Not later --- DURING.
/——-/ Because CNBC didn’t provide the link until a minute after the news flash went out. View attachment 310301

If so that's sixty seconds the OP should have waited to make hisself a legitimate thread. There just ain't no way around it.
It would appear he's more interested in the HEY LOOKA ME "scoop" than in credibility. Which says much about his values.
/———/ There is a rush to be first with breaking news otherwise the mods will merge the posts. He beat me by 30 seconds.

So I should have immediately clocked it. Actually the mods should have.

I don't see what the 'advantage' is to being first (we're not selling newspapers here) unless it's just all about HEY LOOKA ME. Which apparently for this jackass it is.


How off-the-scale stupid do you have to be to STILL be whining about being called out on your own fuckup two hundred posts on?
A link was provided exactly one minute after the OP was posted, so I'm not sure why you are still butthurt over this, I0Q0.

I guess the perpetually stupid have to find something to piss and moan about, however stupid it is.

You don't wait for somebody else to provide your link FOR you because you can't be bothered to do your own homework. You provide the link *IN* the OP. Not later --- DURING.
/——-/ Because CNBC didn’t provide the link until a minute after the news flash went out. View attachment 310301

If so that's sixty seconds the OP should have waited to make hisself a legitimate thread. There just ain't no way around it.
It would appear he's more interested in the HEY LOOKA ME "scoop" than in credibility. Which says much about his values.
/———/ There is a rush to be first with breaking news otherwise the mods will merge the posts. He beat me by 30 seconds.

So I should have immediately clocked it. Actually the mods should have.

I don't see what the 'advantage' is to being first (we're not selling newspapers here) unless it's just all about HEY LOOKA ME. Which apparently for this jackass it is.
/——-/ I’ve actually been the first posting breaking news with a link but mine was merged into another’s post by the Mod. Teachers’s pet most likely.
Hillary outspent the Donald in 2016, spending nearly twice the amount. How’d that work out?

Maybe, but when you add in the money Putin and his oligarch pals kicked in - It was about even ;)
Really? Have a link on how much they spent?

Sure - It was quite a bundle. This doesn't account for payroll on over 1000 trolls, all the bots, and all the money illegally donated through Lev and Igor.

Russia Spent $1.25M Per Month on Ads, Acted Like an Ad Agency: Mueller

Mueller is a liar, and he just made up the Russian collusion crapola.

Although 1.25 Million a month is really chickenfeed compared to what Mini Mike wasted
all it proves is money spent on adds doesn't produce winners. so there is something else that wins elections.

Yep, coalescing around the best hope to beat Trump and turnout was up this year. Not for Sanders his percentages went down in almost any state but up for the Democratic primary voters as a whole.
You don't wait for somebody else to provide your link FOR you because you can't be bothered to do your own homework. You provide the link *IN* the OP. Not later --- DURING.
/——-/ Because CNBC didn’t provide the link until a minute after the news flash went out. View attachment 310301

If so that's sixty seconds the OP should have waited to make hisself a legitimate thread. There just ain't no way around it.
It would appear he's more interested in the HEY LOOKA ME "scoop" than in credibility. Which says much about his values.
/———/ There is a rush to be first with breaking news otherwise the mods will merge the posts. He beat me by 30 seconds.

So I should have immediately clocked it. Actually the mods should have.

I don't see what the 'advantage' is to being first (we're not selling newspapers here) unless it's just all about HEY LOOKA ME. Which apparently for this jackass it is.
/——-/ I’ve actually been the first posting breaking news with a link but mine was merged into another’s post by the Mod. Teachers’s pet most likely.
First poster provided a link 1 minute after I started the thread so there was no reason for me to do so. 1-2 other poster posted links as well.

Not quite sure WTF Pogo is so obsessed with this. What a putz.
Maybe, but when you add in the money Putin and his oligarch pals kicked in - It was about even ;)
Really? Have a link on how much they spent?

Sure - It was quite a bundle. This doesn't account for payroll on over 1000 trolls, all the bots, and all the money illegally donated through Lev and Igor.

Russia Spent $1.25M Per Month on Ads, Acted Like an Ad Agency: Mueller

Mueller is a liar, and he just made up the Russian collusion crapola.

Although 1.25 Million a month is really chickenfeed compared to what Mini Mike wasted
all it proves is money spent on adds doesn't produce winners. so there is something else that wins elections.

Yep, coalescing around the best hope to beat Trump and turnout was up this year. Not for Sanders his percentages went down in almost any state but up for the Democratic primary voters as a whole.

Why do Democrats think that Sleepy Joe is their "Best Hope" to destroy the Trump train and New Trump Program of Peace and Prosperity?

Doesn't make sense to me, b-cos Bite Me just seems not that much on the ball, like he doesn't even know where he is. Biden didn't start out that sharp to start with. But now, like a lot of old people, he's really goofy. I think its the repeated Brain Surgeries he's had
You don't wait for somebody else to provide your link FOR you because you can't be bothered to do your own homework. You provide the link *IN* the OP. Not later --- DURING.
/——-/ Because CNBC didn’t provide the link until a minute after the news flash went out. View attachment 310301

If so that's sixty seconds the OP should have waited to make hisself a legitimate thread. There just ain't no way around it.
It would appear he's more interested in the HEY LOOKA ME "scoop" than in credibility. Which says much about his values.
/———/ There is a rush to be first with breaking news otherwise the mods will merge the posts. He beat me by 30 seconds.

So I should have immediately clocked it. Actually the mods should have.

I don't see what the 'advantage' is to being first (we're not selling newspapers here) unless it's just all about HEY LOOKA ME. Which apparently for this jackass it is.
/——-/ I’ve actually been the first posting breaking news with a link but mine was merged into another’s post by the Mod. Teachers’s pet most likely.

It's all a conspiracy by the Dark Web.. :tinfoil:

We should open up libel laws so that when posters start a thread without a link we can sue them like they've never been sued before.
Really? Have a link on how much they spent?

Sure - It was quite a bundle. This doesn't account for payroll on over 1000 trolls, all the bots, and all the money illegally donated through Lev and Igor.

Russia Spent $1.25M Per Month on Ads, Acted Like an Ad Agency: Mueller

Mueller is a liar, and he just made up the Russian collusion crapola.

Although 1.25 Million a month is really chickenfeed compared to what Mini Mike wasted
all it proves is money spent on adds doesn't produce winners. so there is something else that wins elections.

Yep, coalescing around the best hope to beat Trump and turnout was up this year. Not for Sanders his percentages went down in almost any state but up for the Democratic primary voters as a whole.

Why do Democrats think that Sleepy Joe is their "Best Hope" to destroy the Trump train and New Trump Program of Peace and Prosperity?

Doesn't make sense to me, b-cos Bite Me just seems not that much on the ball, like he doesn't even know where he is. Biden didn't start out that sharp to start with. But now, like a lot of old people, he's really goofy. I think its the repeated Brain Surgeries he's had

Trump wears orange make up and his drawers are stuffed with sudafed and he sounds like he never graduated high school. But really, Biden appears to be a decent guy, Trump made a slush fund out of his own charity.
For Democrats, this whole election boils down to saving their party from becoming a Socialist Party and losing all their donor class.

Yet, despite their best efforts, I think Sanders will still win as he retakes the lead in delegates this week.

March 10, Sanders picks up North Dakota, Washington, Idaho and Michigan, while Biden will get Mississippi, and Missouri, with California completing its count and awarding another 250+ delegates to Sanders growing lead over Biden.

The following week is Sanders getting Ohio, Illinois and Arizona, while Biden splits Florida with Sanders.

Biden will pick up a Singleton in Georgia, though Sanders will get some of that too, I think.

Then we have another avalanche for Sanders; Alaska, Wyoming, Hawaii, while Biden again splits Louisiana.

At that point Sanders will have huge momentum and the opportunists will be sucking his dingdong to get on the bandwagon.

Sorry, Dems, your party is turning into a Democratic Socialist Party.


Really? Have a link on how much they spent?

Sure - It was quite a bundle. This doesn't account for payroll on over 1000 trolls, all the bots, and all the money illegally donated through Lev and Igor.

Russia Spent $1.25M Per Month on Ads, Acted Like an Ad Agency: Mueller

Mueller is a liar, and he just made up the Russian collusion crapola.

Although 1.25 Million a month is really chickenfeed compared to what Mini Mike wasted
all it proves is money spent on adds doesn't produce winners. so there is something else that wins elections.

Yep, coalescing around the best hope to beat Trump and turnout was up this year. Not for Sanders his percentages went down in almost any state but up for the Democratic primary voters as a whole.

Why do Democrats think that Sleepy Joe is their "Best Hope" to destroy the Trump train and New Trump Program of Peace and Prosperity?

Doesn't make sense to me, b-cos Bite Me just seems not that much on the ball, like he doesn't even know where he is. Biden didn't start out that sharp to start with. But now, like a lot of old people, he's really goofy. I think its the repeated Brain Surgeries he's had

You mean Impeached President Trump?
Crooked Donnie?
Sure - It was quite a bundle. This doesn't account for payroll on over 1000 trolls, all the bots, and all the money illegally donated through Lev and Igor.

Russia Spent $1.25M Per Month on Ads, Acted Like an Ad Agency: Mueller

Mueller is a liar, and he just made up the Russian collusion crapola.

Although 1.25 Million a month is really chickenfeed compared to what Mini Mike wasted
all it proves is money spent on adds doesn't produce winners. so there is something else that wins elections.

Yep, coalescing around the best hope to beat Trump and turnout was up this year. Not for Sanders his percentages went down in almost any state but up for the Democratic primary voters as a whole.

Why do Democrats think that Sleepy Joe is their "Best Hope" to destroy the Trump train and New Trump Program of Peace and Prosperity?

Doesn't make sense to me, b-cos Bite Me just seems not that much on the ball, like he doesn't even know where he is. Biden didn't start out that sharp to start with. But now, like a lot of old people, he's really goofy. I think its the repeated Brain Surgeries he's had

You mean Impeached President Trump?
Crooked Donnie?

Forever Exonerated Trump, On the level Donald


NEW YORK, NY—Moments after Mike Bloomberg announced he was suspending his campaign, the Bloomberg campaign office was filled with inconsolable mourners, who were compensated handsomely.

"No, Mike, don't drop out -- please!" screamed one woman as she sobbed uncontrollably for the nice sum of $2,500. "We need you! America needs you! We love you, Mike!"​

One mourner was seen rolling around on the ground screaming. Another was quieter and more reflective, as he was only paid $50. A high-ranking campaign staffer was reportedly paid over $50,000 to commit seppuku to restore honor to his name after failing the great Mike Bloomberg.

To end the memorial for his campaign, Bloomberg pulled out the world's tiniest violin and played a somber tune, though it was just a normal-sized violin in comparison with him (because he is small).

"Now that I'm done, I guess I'll go to Disneyland," Bloomberg joked, although he probably won't have much fun at Disneyland since he cannot ride most of the attractions (again, the height thing).


NEW YORK, NY—Moments after Mike Bloomberg announced he was suspending his campaign, the Bloomberg campaign office was filled with inconsolable mourners, who were compensated handsomely.

"No, Mike, don't drop out -- please!" screamed one woman as she sobbed uncontrollably for the nice sum of $2,500. "We need you! America needs you! We love you, Mike!"​

One mourner was seen rolling around on the ground screaming. Another was quieter and more reflective, as he was only paid $50. A high-ranking campaign staffer was reportedly paid over $50,000 to commit seppuku to restore honor to his name after failing the great Mike Bloomberg.

To end the memorial for his campaign, Bloomberg pulled out the world's tiniest violin and played a somber tune, though it was just a normal-sized violin in comparison with him (because he is small).

"Now that I'm done, I guess I'll go to Disneyland," Bloomberg joked, although he probably won't have much fun at Disneyland since he cannot ride most of the attractions (again, the height thing).

That's actually pretty funny. I just want to note that it is a satirical site.
I'm shocked that Bloomberg thought he could win it straight up. I was convinced he had a deeper game.


Just fucking wow
How you feel when you realize there are no more Bloomberg commericals.
View attachment 310429

Unfortunately, he is still going to keep advertising against Bernie, or so I heard on a podcast earlier today.

Bernie is really getting schlonged out of the Democrat nomination, this is just so freaking obvious.

If I were advising him, I'd suggest the 3rd party route. Going for the Green Party nomination could be a viable move as they already have ballot access. There is really no way he'll be able to achieve the Presidency in the Democrat Party.

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