Blue wave coming this November 2018

Hell yeah. Screw the candidates and what they stand for. Only look at the jersey color! This is no different than the Rockets vs. Warriors. Go team!

Sorry but this president needs more checks and balances. I will vote for anyone who does not support him or remains silents as he tears at the very fabric of our democracy.

Even Trump stated if Democrat take over one or both houses of congress he will get impeached. House Republicans are terrified of their right wing base, so they won't get near it. He should have been impeached months ago, for just being "unfit" to hold this office. They also had the emoluments clause that they could have impeached him on.
Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me
Republicans warn Trump could be impeached if Democrats win the midterm elections

What a statement to make--:auiqs.jpg: Republicans are basically admitting in the above link that there is justification for the impeachment of Donald Trump, but won't do it themselves.

So if you want TRUMP gone you'll have to vote for Democrats this coming November--whom will not be intimidated.

On January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress--the OPEN public hearings & testimony will begin, and at that point NO ONE will be able to protect Trump & the impeachment proceedings will begin.


If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi it's not hard to imagine what these two (one or both) will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies.

For a lot more on the Russian investigation part of this: Here you can read one article, watch 2 FOXNEWS video's and one of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.

Go to this link on this board and scroll down to post # 56.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

Then if that link peaks your interest a great book to prepare you for the open congressional pubic hearings is this.


Very well written, easy to follow, hard to put down
Top seller on Amazon.
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The character of a candidate has EVERYTHING to do with an election.

When the candidate's character is bad, he must lose.

Moore lost.

great point and explains one of the major reasons that Hillary lost. She is a terrible human being.

Voters thought that BOTH Trump and Clinton were terrible. A quarter of voters held their nose and voted for one person because they hated the other more.

isn't that true in every election?, most of us vote against someone rather than for someone.

What we have seen in the last year and a half is a president who is actually doing what he promised during the campaign. The American people can see those results every day. What they can also see is that Hillary Clinton is a bitter, corrupt, old, angry woman who cannot accept the FACT that she is a two time loser over whom the people chose Obama and Trump.
did soros write that stupid post for you? there is not a lick of truth in any of it.

Disagree - I see plenty of factual content.

Of course there is "truth" and there is "Trump Truth" ...

Two entirely different things.

LOL, nothing but left wing talking points and unproven allegations. Heir Mewler has been desperately looking for over a year and has found no collusion except that done by the Hillary campaign, the FBI, the DOJ and Russian oligarths. Careful what you wish for, it may bite you in the ass.
The mainstream GOP is grown wary of the Alt and Far right candidates, and are indicating they find the Connor Lambs more acceptable.

the mainstream GOP is mainstream USA. the mainstream dems are the far left lunatics of antifa, BLM, Soros, PP, and the socialist/communist DNC.
did soros write that stupid post for you? there is not a lick of truth in any of it.

Disagree - I see plenty of factual content.

Of course there is "truth" and there is "Trump Truth" ...

Two entirely different things.

LOL, nothing but left wing talking points and unproven allegations. Heir Mewler has been desperately looking for over a year and has found no collusion except that done by the Hillary campaign, the FBI, the DOJ and Russian oligarths. Careful what you wish for, it may bite you in the ass.

Criminal Deep State and SPYGATE.

Repeat your awesome new buzz phrases again and again until you remember to include them in every post :wink:

interesting that you would cite deep state since that is the secret cabal that is trying to unseat a duly elected president because he is exposing them.

Trump is bringing down the corrupt establishment crooks in both parties as well as those hidden behind them. He is a threat to end their corruption and that scares the shit out of them.

but fear not, the constitution will prevail and Trump will return the USA to greatness and constitutional government.
interesting that you would cite deep state since that is the secret cabal that is trying to unseat a duly elected president because he is exposing them.

Trump is bringing down the corrupt establishment crooks in both parties as well as those hidden behind them. He is a threat to end their corruption and that scares the shit out of them.

but fear not, the constitution will prevail and Trump will return the USA to greatness and constitutional government.

Ya, he surely is "draining the swamp"! :rolleyes-41:

Here's a Scorecard of the Scott Pruitt Investigations
The mainstream GOP is grown wary of the Alt and Far right candidates, and are indicating they find the Connor Lambs more acceptable.

the mainstream GOP is mainstream USA. the mainstream dems are the far left lunatics of antifa, BLM, Soros, PP, and the socialist/communist DNC.
You sound so confused!

not confused at all. you are part of a shrinking minority that want the USA to become a socialist state where all of your life decisions are made by the central government and your life is that of a sheep.
Sorry but this president needs more checks and balances. I will vote for anyone who does not support him or remains silents as he tears at the very fabric of our democracy.
Can you give us some examples? President Trump has significantly expanded liberty and restored constitutional government. If that’s “tearing away the fabric of our democracy” in your mind, then you are clearly a fascist.
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He should have been impeached months ago, for just being "unfit" to hold this office.
Spoken like a true fascist. Wants to overthrow a president elected by We the People simply because it was not the man Oreo wanted to win. President Trump has had the most successful first year in office of any president in the modern era. And he’s done it with the left trying to overthrow him and undermine him, every second of every day.
They also had the emoluments clause that they could have impeached him on.
The problem with that is that President Trump never violated the Emoluments Clause. Hitlery Clinton did. And since she was never elected (the American people told her to shut the fuck up and go the fuck home), she can’t be “impeached”. :laugh:
They also had the emoluments clause that they could have impeached him on.
The problem with that is that President Trump never violated the Emoluments Clause. Hitlery Clinton did. And since she was never elected (the American people told her to shut the fuck up and go the fuck home), she can’t be “impeached”. :laugh:

Only if you knew what the Emoluments clause in the Constitution is--:auiqs.jpg:

Really--There's nothing like getting sued over the Emoluments clause. House Republicans made a deal with a Republican President, that Democrats won't make. Be assured of that. It is another reason for impeachment.

WASHINGTON — A team of prominent constitutional scholars, Supreme Court litigators and former White House ethics lawyers intends to file a lawsuit Monday morning alleging that President Trump is violating the Constitution by allowing his hotels and other business operations to accept payments from foreign governments.

The lawsuit is among a barrage of legal actions against the Trump administration that have been initiated or are being planned by advocacy organizations. Such suits are among the few outlets they have to challenge the administration now that Republicans are in control of the government.
Foreign Payments to Trump Firms Violate Constitution, Suit Will Claim
D.C. and Maryland sue President Trump, alleging breach of constitutional oath
Here's Why Donald Trump Is Getting Sued By a Financial Ethics Watchdog
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump


Which is the reason that over the last 40 years all Presidential candidates, excluding Trump of course, handed over income tax returns to show they had no foreign conflicts of interest.

You have elected an Ass Clown that can be held hostage by several different foreign countries. Casino's, golf courses, hotels that he owns all over the world, spells foreign leaders trying to use those properties to extort U.S. foreign policy decisions.

Russia of course being one of them.

While Donald Trump was running for president in late 2015 and early 2016, his company was pursuing a plan to develop a massive Trump Tower in Moscow, according to several people familiar with the proposal and new records reviewed by Trump Organization lawyers.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president

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