Blue wave coming this November 2018

Democrats sure better hope so. They've invested everything in their 'Trump Collusion' farce. They've pissed off a lot of voters. If they don't cash in on their 'Collusion' farce, they're in big trouble for years to come. Trump/Republicans will have scored a YUGE victory over em.
...The problem with that is that President Trump never violated the Emoluments Clause...
We do not know that for a fact because the lying sack of $hit promised full disclosure of tax returns and financial statements, then welshed on that promise.
We do know that for a fact. You just proved it yourself with that astoundingly ignorant comment. One cannot violate the Emoluments Clause unless they actively hold public office. His tax returns were an issue while running for office (as a private citizen) and from years prior to that.

You lefties are so ignorant - you literally have no idea what the Emoluments Clause is, even after I dumbed it down for you.
Nice try, Neanderthal... disclosure of his finances over the course of time tells us where to look in the present day... which is where he faces substantive risk.

Not to mention the fact that The Creature lied to the American People... repeatedly... when he promised full disclosure, and then failed to deliver.
Fascism is defined as extreme right wing
Only by ignorant left-wing lunatics who swallow the propaganda. Here are the official definition right - please show the class where it says “right-wing” anywhere. Oops!

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Suck it Pee-Atriot :D

Oh hey - you found a definition by a single progressive nutjob (or you did a little photoshop action). Either way, I provided multiple sources proving you’re wrong.

You can’t have right-wing fascism. Fascism is a form of totalitarianism - which is the polar opposite of right-wing.

Not to mention the fact that The Creature lied to the American People... repeatedly... when he promised full disclosure, and then failed to deliver.
Ok. That’s a legitimate gripe and I’m with you on that. Where was your “outrage” when Barack Insane Obama lied to the American people thousands of times? :dunno:
Not to mention the fact that The Creature lied to the American People... repeatedly... when he promised full disclosure, and then failed to deliver.
Ok. That’s a legitimate gripe and I’m with you on that. Where was your “outrage” when Barack Insane Obama lied to the American people thousands of times? :dunno:
I dunno... but confidence is high that if you go back far enough in my own content, that you'll find plenty of criticism of Obumble... ACA, immigration, bowing to Muslims, etc.
Nice try, Neanderthal... disclosure of his finances over the course of time tells us where to look in the present day.
Again, snowflake, even though I’ve dumbed this down for you as much as I possibly can, you still are unable to comprehend the Emoluments Clause. It doesn’t matter what he was doing before taking office. The Emoluments Clause is about accepting money in return for political favors. In other words, “selling your office”.

One cannot do that if they don’t hold office. :eusa_doh:
Nice try, Neanderthal... disclosure of his finances over the course of time tells us where to look in the present day.
Again, snowflake, even though I’ve dumbed this down for you as much as I possibly can, you still are unable to comprehend the Emoluments Clause. It doesn’t matter what he was doing before taking office. The Emoluments Clause is about accepting money in return for political favors. In other words, “selling your office”.

One cannot do that if they don’t hold office. :eusa_doh:
By piercing the corporate veil and examining financials and letters of understanding prior to inauguration, we better understand what has transpired since inauguration.

It's all about context... which is exactly what scares the $hit out of The Creature and his minions... couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of miscreants and dullards.
As long as it keeps them off the streets and out of our wallets, let the crazy left go ahead and fantasize about a blue wave. It's better for their mental health than dreaming about overthrowing the election.
By piercing the corporate veil and examining financials and letters of understanding prior to inauguration, we better understand what has transpired since inauguration.
How?!? It doesn’t matter if he was doing one-hundred million per year with Vladimir Putin himself. It also doesn’t matter if he continues to do one-hundred million per year with Vladimir Putin.

The only way he would be violating the Emoluments Clause would be if he was accepting money to provide favors for the person(s) paying him. The left has been duped into believing that President Trump is not allowed to have businesses - and that is simply not true.
Donald Trump’s Guide to Presidential Etiquette Opinion | Donald Trump’s Guide to Presidential Etiquette

We cannot let his actions become common place as behavior of a president.
Not only can we allow it - we better allow it. He is the first president in my lifetime to actually obey the U.S. Constitution. It speaks volumes that the left is furious that he’s restoring constitutional government.

Could you please explain the constitutional government more. Do you have examples?
Donald Trump’s Guide to Presidential Etiquette Opinion | Donald Trump’s Guide to Presidential Etiquette

We cannot let his actions become common place as behavior of a president.
Not only can we allow it - we better allow it. He is the first president in my lifetime to actually obey the U.S. Constitution. It speaks volumes that the left is furious that he’s restoring constitutional government.

Could you please explain the constitutional government more. Do you have examples?
Absolutely. A great example is how he legally/constitutionally used an Executive Order rescinding Barack Insane Obama’s highly unconstitutional Executive Order mandating that all states permit people of any sex to use any restroom they prefer.

Now, if President Trump were being “right-wing”, he would have issued an Executive Order outlawing a person from using the restroom of the opposite sex. But he didn’t do that. He recognized that the federal government is explicitly restricted to 18 enumerated powers by the U.S. Constitution and bathrooms are not one of those powers.

So he simply rescinded Obama’s Executive Order - leaving it up to the people of each state to decide for themselves. Exactly as the U.S. Constitution requires. That is just one of dozens of examples of how President Trump has restored constitutional government.
Donald Trump’s Guide to Presidential Etiquette Opinion | Donald Trump’s Guide to Presidential Etiquette

We cannot let his actions become common place as behavior of a president.
Not only can we allow it - we better allow it. He is the first president in my lifetime to actually obey the U.S. Constitution. It speaks volumes that the left is furious that he’s restoring constitutional government.

Could you please explain the constitutional government more. Do you have examples?
Absolutely. A great example is how he legally/constitutionally used an Executive Order rescinding Barack Insane Obama’s highly unconstitutional Executive Order mandating that all states permit people of any sex to use any restroom they prefer.

Now, if President Trump were being “right-wing”, he would have issued an Executive Order outlawing a person from using the restroom of the opposite sex. But he didn’t do that. He recognized that the federal government is explicitly restricted to 18 enumerated powers by the U.S. Constitution and bathrooms are not one of those powers.

So he simply rescinded Obama’s Executive Order - leaving it up to the people of each state to decide for themselves. Exactly as the U.S. Constitution requires. That is just one of dozens of examples of how President Trump has restored constitutional government.

I'm thinking a lot of the executive orders Obama penned near the end of his second term. Maybe after being the president for seven or so years he rewarded himself with some things he would like to see done. He probably penned that executive order knowing full well it could be reversed easily. President Obama knew he was going out the door and splurged. It's just that simple, nothing hard about that.
I'm thinking a lot of the executive orders Obama penned near the end of his second term.
Not even remotely true.
Maybe after being the president for seven or so years he rewarded himself with some things he would like to see done. He probably penned that executive order knowing full well it could be reversed easily. President Obama knew he was going out the door and splurged. It's just that simple, nothing hard about that.
I don’t understand what you’re saying here. It’s ok to violate the highest law in the land if you are “going out” and just want to “splurge”? :uhh:

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