Blue wave coming this November 2018

this nation, spell a disaster for Republicans all across this country in November.
O'Rourke stomps Cruz in latest round of fundraising
Democrats make significant gains in Virginia legislature; control of House in play
Scott Walker on Twitter
McConnell on midterms: 'We don't know whether it's going to be a Category 3, 4 or 5'
A record-breaking 31 House Republicans won't seek re-election in 2018
How Democrats Are Working to Build Statewide Victory

The 2nd annual womans march held on January 20, 2018.

More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

1st Woman's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated. January 20, 2017

For more pictures go to this link on this board, and scroll through the many pages, you may find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

The normal street protests over Trump.

For more pictures go to this link.
trump street protests - Yahoo Image Search Results

March for our lives protests held on March 18, 2018.

Also going on in 800 cities across this nation.

A sleeping giant has been awoken. It's coming.

[/QUOTE] I think you mean "Pink wave". But I digress. Some of you are either oblivious or completely deluded here. We Voted for TRUMP not so much as a person or for a party, but to oppose a tiny minority of dictatorship of benevolent fools , we don't want YOUR concepts or YOUR ideals forced on us. I don't care who the hell you are. We ALL should have a seat at the table and a voice. Not just shrill liberals condemning and bashing anyone that doesn't drink their brand of Kool-Aid , sorry kids.
By electing Trump you have effectively killed the Republican party.
Forgive us if we can’t take you seriously - we’re far too busy laughing at this... :laugh:

Republicans have already lost this election

Oreo gets a Zero in the prediction department.

Thanks P@triot, that was a Friggin hoot to read….

What an expert on the Tea Party and politics.

I can’t stop laughing, everyone needs to read this.

This is what happens to liberals when their

head is full of fake news.
Sorry but this president needs more checks and balances. I will vote for anyone who does not support him or remains silents as he tears at the very fabric of our democracy.
Can you give us some examples? President Trump has significantly expanded liberty and restored constitutional government. If that’s “tearing away the fabric of our democracy” in your mind, then you are clearly a fascist.

No sir, "Fascism" is what happens when a leader believes they are a) above the law b) constantly attacks and demeans the free press c) tells very big lies - often -- and then repeats lie until a small core group of gullible sycophants believes it d) fails to understand the concept of an independent and co-equal Legislative /Judicial branches e) no matter the accusation flips it on its head i.e. "YOU are the fake news/ the corruption is on YOUR side" and f) believes hostile foreign intel propaganda over his own intelligence services.

Trump hits on all cylinders
...The problem with that is that President Trump never violated the Emoluments Clause...
We do not know that for a fact because the lying sack of $hit promised full disclosure of tax returns and financial statements, then welshed on that promise.

All visible evidence points to the theory that he has, indeed, violated the Emoluments Clause of the US Constitution.

Which would explain why he stated that Mueller would be crossing a "red line" if he delved into The Creature's finances.

Time to put that theory to the test and examine all of his tax returns and finances in exhaustive detail.
Last edited:
These special elections are the writing on the wall for Republicans this coming November.

35 House Republicans have already announced their early retirements and will not be seeking reelection in November. The 18th District of Pennsylvania, a predominately Republican strong hold and big steel district that Trump won by 20 points in 2016, elected a Democrat, Connor Lamb, for the first time in decades. Virginia/New Jersey have new Democrat governors. 15 state house seats in Virginia were up for grabs, Democrats winning all of them, and 11 of those seats went to women. Doug Jones wins in Alabama. Black women came out in numbers never seen before to make that happen. A State Supreme court position in Wisconsin was won by a Democrat woman. They found that she won a dozen rural counties that are normally won by Republicans. The 10th district state house seat in Wisconsin was lost to a Democrat for the first time in 17 years. Scott Walker tweeted out this is a wake up call for Republicans. It is. Paul Ryan quits. The DNC has announced it's running candidates for every congressional seat in Texas. TED CRUZ is up for reelection facing a 30/40% Hispanic voting population there, and his Democrat opponent Beto O:Rouke is now within 3 points and is outfunding Cruz. These books, Russian Roulette, A Higher Loyalty & Fire and Fury, remain as top sellers on Amazon, when most people ignore Presidential tell all books. Russia investigation in the nightly news every night, and one sex scandal after another. Mitch McConnell stated he knows there is a storm coming but can't tell if it's a cat 3, 4 or 5. Then these massive protests that have never before been seen in this nation, spell a disaster for Republicans all across this country in November.
O'Rourke stomps Cruz in latest round of fundraising
Democrats make significant gains in Virginia legislature; control of House in play
Scott Walker on Twitter
McConnell on midterms: 'We don't know whether it's going to be a Category 3, 4 or 5'
A record-breaking 31 House Republicans won't seek re-election in 2018
How Democrats Are Working to Build Statewide Victory

The 2nd annual womans march held on January 20, 2018.

More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

1st Woman's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated. January 20, 2017

For more pictures go to this link on this board, and scroll through the many pages, you may find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

The normal street protests over Trump.

For more pictures go to this link.
trump street protests - Yahoo Image Search Results

March for our lives protests held on March 18, 2018.

Also going on in 800 cities across this nation.

A sleeping giant has been awoken. It's coming.


Oreo your predictions are so entertaining..

Tell us again how the republicans and the

Tea Party can’t win the White House…..

Please do some more…

Laughter is good for the soul and you

provide it by boat load………

It has to suck to be you.
Only if you knew what the Emoluments clause in the Constitution is
Dreadful grammar aside, if only you had actually read the U.S. Constitution. I don’t expect you to understand the Emoluments Clause (that’s far too advanced for a young junior high student such as yourself). But I will try to dumb it down to your level (not sure that is even possible, but I’ll try here):

The Emoluments Clause has nothing to do with “conflicts of interest” as you ignorantly state. The Emoluments Clause makes selling your public office illegal. That’s what Hitlery Clinton did when she accepted millions in exchange for approving the Uranium One deal. At no time as President Trump accepted money to approve or facilitate anything, you dumb little dimwit.

You are far too ignorant to be commenting on this stuff.
These special elections are the writing on the wall for Republicans this coming November.
Oreo your predictions are so entertaining.. Tell us again how the republicans and the Tea Party can’t win the White House….. Please do some more… Laughter is good for the soul and you provide it by boat load……… It has to suck to be you.
I don’t know how this little boy keeps coming back to the forum. I would be so ashamed after making comments so ignorant. Millennials have absolutely no shame. That’s why they can actively advocate their “right” to mooch off of society.
No sir, "Fascism" is what happens when a leader believes they are a) above the law
Well that perfectly explains Barack Insane Obama and Hitlery Clinton. But what does that have to do with President Trump? :dunno:

I asked you to give a specific example of what President Trump has done to “tear at the very fabric of our Democracy” as you outrageously claimed and you still haven’t. That says it all. You’re just another left-wing nutjob who screams and cries when they see a little “R” behind a politician’s name - despite knowing absolutely nothing about their policies.
...The problem with that is that President Trump never violated the Emoluments Clause...
We do not know that for a fact because the lying sack of $hit promised full disclosure of tax returns and financial statements, then welshed on that promise.
We do know that for a fact. You just proved it yourself with that astoundingly ignorant comment. One cannot violate the Emoluments Clause unless they actively hold public office. His tax returns were an issue while running for office (as a private citizen) and from years prior to that.

You lefties are so ignorant - you literally have no idea what the Emoluments Clause is, even after I dumbed it down for you.
No sir, "Fascism" is what happens when a leader believes they are a) above the law
Well that perfectly explains Barack Insane Obama and Hitlery Clinton. But what does that have to do with President Trump? :dunno:

I asked you to give a specific example of what President Trump has done to “tear at the very fabric of our Democracy” as you outrageously claimed and you still haven’t. That says it all. You’re just another left-wing nutjob who screams and cries when they see a little “R” behind a politician’s name - despite knowing absolutely nothing about their policies.

You altered my quote - a USMB no no. I answered your question in detail as well as schooling you on your ignorance accusation of Fascism.

No sir, "Fascism" is what happens when a leader believes they are a) above the law b) constantly attacks and demeans the free press c) tells very big lies - often -- and then repeats lie until a small core group of gullible sycophants believes it d) fails to understand the concept of an independent and co-equal Legislative /Judicial branches e) no matter the accusation flips it on its head i.e. "YOU are the fake news/ the corruption is on YOUR side" and f) believes hostile foreign intel propaganda over his own intelligence services.

Trump hits on all cylinders
No sir, "Fascism" is what happens when a leader believes they are b) constantly attacks and demeans the free press
Snowflake, “constantly attacking and demeaning the free press” is called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. The fact that you are outraged by it just further proves that you are a true fascist.

In America - we are permitted to speak out against anything we want (policy, media, citizens, issues, etc.). Deal with it, fascist. You never said a damn thing when Barack Insane Obama launched a full assault for 8 years on Fox News. But I guess that’s because, like all fascists, you don’t like the truth being spoken.
You altered my quote - a USMB no no.
I didn’t “alter” your quote, snowflake. It is there in full. I simply decided to address your post point-by-point (to better expose your ignorance). And we are still waiting for you to provide a single example. There is a reason you didn’t in your initial post and refuse to do so in your subsequent posts - you can’t.
No sir, "Fascism" is what happens when a leader believes they are b) constantly attacks and demeans the free press
Snowflake, “constantly attacking and demeaning the free press” is called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. The fact that you are outraged by it just further proves that you are a true fascist.

In America - we are permitted to speak out against anything we want (policy, media, citizens, issues, etc.). Deal with it, fascist. You never said a damn thing when Barack Insane Obama launched a full assault for 8 years on Fox News. But I guess that’s because, like all fascists, you don’t like the truth being spoken.

Lol - God you are such a fail .. Have a nice day Trumpkin.
No sir, "Fascism" is what happens when a leader believes they are c) tells very big lies - often -- and then repeats lie until a small core group of gullible sycophants believes it
Well that flawlessly describes Barack Insane Obama and Hitlery Clinton. But what does that have to do with President Trump? :dunno:

I asked you to give a specific example of what President Trump has done to “tear at the very fabric of our Democracy” as you outrageously claimed and you still haven’t. That says it all. You’re just another left-wing nutjob who screams and cries when they see a little “R” behind a politician’s name - despite knowing absolutely nothing about their policies. Game over.
No sir, "Fascism" is what happens when a leader believes they are b) constantly attacks and demeans the free press
Snowflake, “constantly attacking and demeaning the free press” is called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. The fact that you are outraged by it just further proves that you are a true fascist.

In America - we are permitted to speak out against anything we want (policy, media, citizens, issues, etc.). Deal with it, fascist. You never said a damn thing when Barack Insane Obama launched a full assault for 8 years on Fox News. But I guess that’s because, like all fascists, you don’t like the truth being spoken.

Lol - God you are such a fail .. Have a nice day Trumpkin.
Ahahahahahaha! Boom! Game over. Proof that you’re a blind, partisan hack who is completely ignorant. Run away when you get exposed as a fascist! Buh-bye.
Ahahahahahaha! Boom! Game over. Proof that you’re a blind, partisan hack who is completely ignorant. Run away when you get exposed as a fascist! Buh-bye.
Fascism is defined as extreme right wing and authoritarian
Yeah...authoritarian. Just like every progressive asshole in the world. Just like you. Furious that President Trump has the “audacity” to exercise his 1st Amendment right of freedom of speech.

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