Blue wave coming this November 2018

Democrats have twice the seats at risk in the Senate as Republicans do, and more House seats as well.

We can chalk this particular piece of fake news of a 'Blue Wave' up to tainted drug abuse.

More house seats, house seats are up every 2 ysars, all of them! Therefore since Rethugs control the house they have more seats up for grabs you nincompoop.

Sorry, dumbass, only about 7 seats are in play, so your Party's hopes and dreams of legalizing pedophilia and getting free pot from the govt. are just fantasies.
Still waiting for that 'Blue Wave'. So far just GOP traitors fleeing from Trump supported candidates, and none of the districts show any signs of going Democratic just because '35 Republicans' resigned and are busy with hiding their loot and hoping to fly under the radars of investigations.

We also have tine unprecedented spectacle of an ex-President desperate to sink his successor and making public speeches, a clear indication of just how worried his criminal syndicate and he is about going to prison if they can't control the AG's office or be certain that Comey and Mueller have been successful in erasing all the evidence of their criminal activities and outright treason.

Nothing would go further to regain govt. credibility then for Obama, Hillary, Mueller, and Kerry to be stood up before a firing squad, so the more astute sociopaths with influence should really consider what little they have to gain by protecting their lower ranking vermin.
Democrats have twice the seats at risk in the Senate as Republicans do, and more House seats as well.

We can chalk this particular piece of fake news of a 'Blue Wave' up to tainted drug abuse.

More house seats, house seats are up every 2 ysars, all of them! Therefore since Rethugs control the house they have more seats up for grabs you nincompoop.

Sorry, dumbass, only about 7 seats are in play, so your Party's hopes and dreams of legalizing pedophilia and getting free pot from the govt. are just fantasies.

Really duey dumbfuck, every seat is up for grabs in the house. Since Rethugs have a majority in the house, by simple reasoning they have more seats to defend. My goodness you are stupid, you have the reasoning skills of a Trump!
Democrats have twice the seats at risk in the Senate as Republicans do, and more House seats as well.

We can chalk this particular piece of fake news of a 'Blue Wave' up to tainted drug abuse.

More house seats, house seats are up every 2 ysars, all of them! Therefore since Rethugs control the house they have more seats up for grabs you nincompoop.

Sorry, dumbass, only about 7 seats are in play, so your Party's hopes and dreams of legalizing pedophilia and getting free pot from the govt. are just fantasies.

Really duey dumbfuck, every seat is up for grabs in the house. Since Rethugs have a majority in the house, by simple reasoning they have more seats to defend. My goodness you are stupid, you have the reasoning skills of a Trump!

Angry Faggot Syndrome is showing up here with increasing frequency; as a related disorder with TDS, these deviants just can't admit they aren't going to win much, so they run around the innernetz looking for comfort and mental health professionals. They keep projecting their 'stupidity' on others, despite the fact they can never demonstrate anything resembling an IQ, no matter how often they post and troll their betters.
Still waiting for that 'Blue Wave'.
Um, the elections aren't until early November, so there won't be any waving before then.

Umm, I know that. I also know the stats aren't indicating any big giant 'Blue Wave', and in fact the Democrat vermin will regain even less seats than the norm for most mid-term elections.
We'll know in seven weeks. Until then, we really don't know.
Still waiting for that 'Blue Wave'.
Um, the elections aren't until early November, so there won't be any waving before then.

Umm, I know that. I also know the stats aren't indicating any big giant 'Blue Wave', and in fact the Democrat vermin will regain even less seats than the norm for most mid-term elections.
We'll know in seven weeks. Until then, we really don't know.

Some of us do, as we have a lot more experience with this sort of stuff and we don't spend any time sitting around sucking on bongs and worshiping Commies.
Democrats have twice the seats at risk in the Senate as Republicans do, and more House seats as well.

We can chalk this particular piece of fake news of a 'Blue Wave' up to tainted drug abuse.

More house seats, house seats are up every 2 ysars, all of them! Therefore since Rethugs control the house they have more seats up for grabs you nincompoop.

Sorry, dumbass, only about 7 seats are in play, so your Party's hopes and dreams of legalizing pedophilia and getting free pot from the govt. are just fantasies.

Really duey dumbfuck, every seat is up for grabs in the house. Since Rethugs have a majority in the house, by simple reasoning they have more seats to defend. My goodness you are stupid, you have the reasoning skills of a Trump!

Angry Faggot Syndrome is showing up here with increasing frequency; as a related disorder with TDS, these deviants just can't admit they aren't going to win much, so they run around the innernetz looking for comfort and mental health professionals. They keep projecting their 'stupidity' on others, despite the fact they can never demonstrate anything resembling an IQ, no matter how often they post and troll their betters.
Democrats have twice the seats at risk in the Senate as Republicans do, and more House seats as well.

We can chalk this particular piece of fake news of a 'Blue Wave' up to tainted drug abuse.

More house seats, house seats are up every 2 ysars, all of them! Therefore since Rethugs control the house they have more seats up for grabs you nincompoop.

Sorry, dumbass, only about 7 seats are in play, so your Party's hopes and dreams of legalizing pedophilia and getting free pot from the govt. are just fantasies.

Really duey dumbfuck, every seat is up for grabs in the house. Since Rethugs have a majority in the house, by simple reasoning they have more seats to defend. My goodness you are stupid, you have the reasoning skills of a Trump!

Angry Faggot Syndrome is showing up here with increasing frequency; as a related disorder with TDS, these deviants just can't admit they aren't going to win much, so they run around the innernetz looking for comfort and mental health professionals. They keep projecting their 'stupidity' on others, despite the fact they can never demonstrate anything resembling an IQ, no matter how often they post and troll their betters.

Your original post says "and seats as well.". Since. you know they have a majority and even admitted it, how the fuck do dems have more seats to defend than the Rethugicons? It was a long way to school for you was it not?
Democrats have twice the seats at risk in the Senate as Republicans do, and more House seats as well.

We can chalk this particular piece of fake news of a 'Blue Wave' up to tainted drug abuse.

More house seats, house seats are up every 2 ysars, all of them! Therefore since Rethugs control the house they have more seats up for grabs you nincompoop.

Sorry, dumbass, only about 7 seats are in play, so your Party's hopes and dreams of legalizing pedophilia and getting free pot from the govt. are just fantasies.

Really duey dumbfuck, every seat is up for grabs in the house. Since Rethugs have a majority in the house, by simple reasoning they have more seats to defend. My goodness you are stupid, you have the reasoning skills of a Trump!

Angry Faggot Syndrome is showing up here with increasing frequency; as a related disorder with TDS, these deviants just can't admit they aren't going to win much, so they run around the innernetz looking for comfort and mental health professionals. They keep projecting their 'stupidity' on others, despite the fact they can never demonstrate anything resembling an IQ, no matter how often they post and troll their betters.
Democrats have twice the seats at risk in the Senate as Republicans do, and more House seats as well.

We can chalk this particular piece of fake news of a 'Blue Wave' up to tainted drug abuse.

More house seats, house seats are up every 2 ysars, all of them! Therefore since Rethugs control the house they have more seats up for grabs you nincompoop.

Sorry, dumbass, only about 7 seats are in play, so your Party's hopes and dreams of legalizing pedophilia and getting free pot from the govt. are just fantasies.

Really duey dumbfuck, every seat is up for grabs in the house. Since Rethugs have a majority in the house, by simple reasoning they have more seats to defend. My goodness you are stupid, you have the reasoning skills of a Trump!

Angry Faggot Syndrome is showing up here with increasing frequency; as a related disorder with TDS, these deviants just can't admit they aren't going to win much, so they run around the innernetz looking for comfort and mental health professionals. They keep projecting their 'stupidity' on others, despite the fact they can never demonstrate anything resembling an IQ, no matter how often they post and troll their betters.

Your original post says "and seats as well.". Since. you know they have a majority and even admitted it, how the fuck do dems have more seats to defend than the Rethugicons? It was a long way to school for you was it not?

lol grow up; you aren't clever enough to sell that semantics game, stupid. Get that tertiary syphilis looked at ASAP, and stop spreading around to your fellow homo strangers; it's affecting your brain already.
More house seats, house seats are up every 2 ysars, all of them! Therefore since Rethugs control the house they have more seats up for grabs you nincompoop.

Sorry, dumbass, only about 7 seats are in play, so your Party's hopes and dreams of legalizing pedophilia and getting free pot from the govt. are just fantasies.

Really duey dumbfuck, every seat is up for grabs in the house. Since Rethugs have a majority in the house, by simple reasoning they have more seats to defend. My goodness you are stupid, you have the reasoning skills of a Trump!

Angry Faggot Syndrome is showing up here with increasing frequency; as a related disorder with TDS, these deviants just can't admit they aren't going to win much, so they run around the innernetz looking for comfort and mental health professionals. They keep projecting their 'stupidity' on others, despite the fact they can never demonstrate anything resembling an IQ, no matter how often they post and troll their betters.
More house seats, house seats are up every 2 ysars, all of them! Therefore since Rethugs control the house they have more seats up for grabs you nincompoop.

Sorry, dumbass, only about 7 seats are in play, so your Party's hopes and dreams of legalizing pedophilia and getting free pot from the govt. are just fantasies.

Really duey dumbfuck, every seat is up for grabs in the house. Since Rethugs have a majority in the house, by simple reasoning they have more seats to defend. My goodness you are stupid, you have the reasoning skills of a Trump!

Angry Faggot Syndrome is showing up here with increasing frequency; as a related disorder with TDS, these deviants just can't admit they aren't going to win much, so they run around the innernetz looking for comfort and mental health professionals. They keep projecting their 'stupidity' on others, despite the fact they can never demonstrate anything resembling an IQ, no matter how often they post and troll their betters.

Your original post says "and seats as well.". Since. you know they have a majority and even admitted it, how the fuck do dems have more seats to defend than the Rethugicons? It was a long way to school for you was it not?

lol grow up; you aren't clever enough to sell that semantics game, stupid. Get that tertiary syphilis looked at ASAP, and stop spreading around to your fellow homo strangers; it's affecting your brain already.

Lol, so as usual you got nothing and run to him I smack, Jr you are stupider than you seem and a.true Rumper!
It will have to do quite a bit of swinging. Florida has a Republican governor, a Republican senator (soon to be 2 of them), and a heavily Republican legislature. People here do tend to vote Republican (including for Trump)

As of September 2018, the Republican Party was in the majority, holding 236 seats to Democrats' 193 seats, with six seats being vacant. The Democratic Party is well-positioned to gain seats in the chamber in 2018; since 1934, the party of a newly elected president has suffered an average loss of 23 seats in the House in the following midterm.[1] In a collaboration with political scientist Jacob Smith, Ballotpedia analyzed election data from 1918 to 2016 and defined wave elections as the 20 percent of elections in that period where the president's party lost the most seats. For the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate, this means that Republicans need to lose 48 House seats and seven Senate seats for 2018 to qualify historically as a wave election. Read the full report here.
United States Congress elections, 2018 - Ballotpedia

As far as Florida--Bill Nelson is a democrat senator out of Florida. So it's not like they won't elect a Democrat, they will. But I imagine they're only attracted to the blue dog democrats whom are more conservative.

Here are the congressional Republicans that are being targeted in California.
  1. CA-10: Jeff Denham (R-Turlock)
  2. CA-21: David Valadao (R-Hanford)
  3. CA-25: Steve Knight (R-Palmdale)
  4. CA-39: Ed Royce (R-Fullerton)
  5. CA-45: Mimi Walters (R-Irvine)
  6. CA-48: Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa)
  7. CA-49: Darrell Issa (R-Vista)
I believe Darrell Issa has already announced he will not seek reelection in 2018.

Here is a link to the toss up states for the house.
RealClearPolitics - 2018 Election Maps - Battle for the House 2018

Are you of the Kalifornia Khmer Rouge planning on killing these Republicans?

You have zero chance of defeating Knight, Denham, or Royce. Walters is probably safe.

Looking out your rear view mirror is a reflection of what may be coming for Republicans in 2018--:auiqs.jpg: History often repeats itself.


There are millions of very angry people in this country, and just like 2010--when they're angry they make certain they vote.


You have elected a traitor to this country, and I believe many of you on this board already know that, and are just in denial.
All roads from Russia lead directly to the Dumbocrats...
With that statement, Page acknowledged a momentous fact: After nine months of using some of the most awesome surveillance powers afforded to U.S. intelligence, the FBI still had not made a case connecting Trump or his campaign to Russia’s election meddling.
Wow! Talk about a bombshell. Former F.B.I. Agent openly admitting it has all been one big political witch-hunt. How stupid do you feel right now? Your left-wing masters sold you the biggest bullshit (Trump is a “traitor”) and you not only eagerly swallowed it all, you asked for more! :laugh:

Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn’t prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment

They already have a red wave in Florida.

It's call algae. It's normally a natural event but Republicans want to add to it and make all the water and all the air and all the land filthy. Don't ask me why. I've heard many Republicans have children. Why they want to leave their children a devastated country has been unclear to me. What is this fascination with filth?

Florida is very capable of turning blue, it's done it in the past. I believe they consider it a swing state.

Not this time, cupcake. Democrats cheese done went and slid off'n their crackers. ;)

Way too many Americans in any state for Democrats to win much this time.

PS: 200K more Republicans turned out for Florida primaries, not to mention the party-switching going on.

200k, are there 200,000 people in your town?

Florida Election Results 2018: Live primary map by county

Some of the rep elections look scary, I may have to wear a Toro signature for a month.

First of all independents are not allowed to vote so they have yet to be heard from. Secondly it is unknown what the moderates in both parties will do. You could see support for a Democrat Governor to balance the Republican legislature.

We have polls of what independents are thinking of Trump, and it's not good.
CNN Poll: Trump approval dips, hits low among independents - CNNPolitics

That's just it. I think many who voted for Trump realise that the longer he is in office, the more damage he does to the Republican party.


Moderate Republicans & the never Trump group, may cross party lines to vote Democrat--IOW putting their country 1st over partisan politics in order to get Trump out of office. And many may just refuse to vote, as we have been seeing in these special elections. I don't believe you'll see to many Democrats voting for Republicans.

And to add to all of this Bob Woodward's book, hit the ground running today. They have already had to order 7 new prints just to keep up with the demand.


Trump's favorability rating is just going to continue to slide downwards, and this is going to take down Republicans seeking relection or new seats with him. Frankly, I am surprised his numbers aren't a lot lower than this.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

CNN poll, you say?


Other leftist media you say?


The dynamics are completely different now. Both Clinton and Trump were seen as dishonest. Trump is the dishonest one. People don't trust him and want power sharing with Democrats.
There are millions of very angry people in this country, and just like 2010--when they're angry they make certain they vote.
2010? Oh, you mean when MaObama and the Dumbocrats turned the nation Republican, coast-to-coast? :laugh:

Here’s the thing sparky - the people you speak of who are “angry” were “angry” in 2016 when Hitlery Clinton lost in a bloodbath. And since then, President Trump’s approval rating has only gone up (along with personal wealth, employment, liberty, etc.).

Every day you come to this board and you try to self-soothe like a small child by attempting to convince yourself that the Dumbocrats have “risen” and are set to take over the world. *YAWN*

Republicans control everything coast-to-coast right now and we are experiencing unprecedented prosperity. So good luck trying to convince voters they are “mad” and that they should return to the failed policies of MaObama and the Dumbocrats that handed this nation above 10% unemployment, more scandals than any time in history, tyranny, and the same national debt as all U.S. presidents combined throughout history had accumulated.

Trump's approval ratings have gone DOWN. Maybe you need some reading lessons. The fact is that voters do not trust the Republicans with unlimited power. The fact is that unemployment rate was 9.5% when Obama took over. Scandals are sinking the Trump WH. Trump is the tyrant who kidnaps children among other things. Trump also is driving towards trillion dollar deficits.
You have elected a traitor to this country, and I believe many of you on this board already know that, and are just in denial.
All roads from Russia lead directly to the Dumbocrats...
With that statement, Page acknowledged a momentous fact: After nine months of using some of the most awesome surveillance powers afforded to U.S. intelligence, the FBI still had not made a case connecting Trump or his campaign to Russia’s election meddling.
Wow! Talk about a bombshell. Former F.B.I. Agent openly admitting it has all been one big political witch-hunt. How stupid do you feel right now? Your left-wing masters sold you the biggest bullshit (Trump is a “traitor”) and you not only eagerly swallowed it all, you asked for more! :laugh:

Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn’t prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment

All roads lead to Trump. Trump has been doing Putin's bidding. COMMIE!!

Looking out your rear view mirror is a reflection of what may be coming for Republicans in 2018--:auiqs.jpg: History often repeats itself.


There are millions of very angry people in this country, and just like 2010--when they're angry they make certain they vote.



I have to give it to you that was funny lol....especially Spartacus haha. but still the orange is a clown with the dumbest deplorable fans lol.
You have elected a traitor to this country, and I believe many of you on this board already know that, and are just in denial.
All roads from Russia lead directly to the Dumbocrats...
With that statement, Page acknowledged a momentous fact: After nine months of using some of the most awesome surveillance powers afforded to U.S. intelligence, the FBI still had not made a case connecting Trump or his campaign to Russia’s election meddling.
Wow! Talk about a bombshell. Former F.B.I. Agent openly admitting it has all been one big political witch-hunt. How stupid do you feel right now? Your left-wing masters sold you the biggest bullshit (Trump is a “traitor”) and you not only eagerly swallowed it all, you asked for more! :laugh:

Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn’t prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment

5 guilty pleas are proving it--:auiqs.jpg: Again this article was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper over a year ago.

GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

I don't think they were selling girl scout cookies.

For confirmation click this link, then scroll down to Diane Fienstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

It certainly didn't help that Trump went on National T.V. and admitted to Obstruction of Justice.

The video exemplifies the astounding ignorance of Donald Trump--which is well described in Bob Woodward's book "Fear". Trump is the Natiional Security threat and is wholly unfit to hold the office of POTUS.

You have elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen, with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. policy.
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