Bob Creamer, felon and democrat thug, went to White House 342 times...

All your ideas are crazy.

What are you some sleuth? No one was trying to pretend the signs were real. Shocking you should try to make that the issue. You sound like Hillary, off the tracks.

But you don't accept God exists (the Judeo Christian God, fine) then I accept your ideas for the world will be crazy. IMO. Probably you are not to blame for your error.

There is no God. You want evidence?


Sorry, kids, there is no fucking God.

Now, that said, the "Judeo-Christian" God is also the Islamic God. And the stuff you whine about the Muslim believing- guess what, he'd find PLENTY of support in the bible.

Finally, you stupid bible thumping fucks think our problem in the Middle East is that Their Imaginary Pixie in the Sky is somehow worse than YOUR imaginary Pixie in the sky.

Not that since 1980, we've occupied, invaded or bombed 14 Islamic Nations and support the Zionist Entity stealing their land.

In fact, quite the contrary, prior to that shithead Reagan, most of the people we (which is to say the Oil Companies and the Jews) didn't like in the Middle East weren't particularly religious. They were secularist, socialist and allied to the USSR. And then that senile old fuck Reagan decided we needed to totally arm the Jihadists because those dirty stinking Commies might teach girls to read or some such.

But, but, but, they don't respect women and gays, says the people who support a candidate who screams about grabbing women's pussies. .
The man in charge of inciting violence at Trump rallies and for organizing actual voter fraud for the democrat party, Bob Creamer, husband to Rep. Jan Shakowski, convicted felon......went to the White House 342 times.....

He is the one who was caught on video stating that they work for the Democrat National Committee who was paid by the hilary incite violence at Trump Rallies, and he also explained how they commit massive voter fraud and use thugs from the AFL-CIO to help them do it.........

I heard this on the Dan and Amy show this morning.............there is massive corruption and organized crime since all of these activities are crimes...and he implicated the Democrat national Committee and the hilary campaign as well as admitting that hilary knows everything that they are doing....

Demoncrats are the party of thieves and crooks, they know how to steal election and to rig.
Racketeers, communists, traitors and pigs.

They deserve the death penalty.

I don't think they are cognizant of how many people hate them, or how much they hate them.
I have a feeling they're gonna find out...
Was gonna start this thread with the simple fact that a person who admitted to rigging this election has visited the WH 342. Let that sink in: three hundred f'ing forty-two.

342 days is a little hard to believe. I doubt obama's spent that many days at the white house. He's usually flying around in air force one warming up the globe.

Hey, what if this global warming stuff is a big hoax and obama knows it is so he doesn't mind burning up as much jet fuel as the taxpayers can afford? Hmmm.... interesting.
342 visits; 47 officially with the president. That's a lot of times for a felon to be meeting with the president. It's sad that our politicians are so disgraceful.
All your ideas are crazy.

What are you some sleuth? No one was trying to pretend the signs were real. Shocking you should try to make that the issue. You sound like Hillary, off the tracks.

But you don't accept God exists (the Judeo Christian God, fine) then I accept your ideas for the world will be crazy. IMO. Probably you are not to blame for your error.

There is no God. You want evidence?


Sorry, kids, there is no fucking God.

Now, that said, the "Judeo-Christian" God is also the Islamic God. And the stuff you whine about the Muslim believing- guess what, he'd find PLENTY of support in the bible.

Finally, you stupid bible thumping fucks think our problem in the Middle East is that Their Imaginary Pixie in the Sky is somehow worse than YOUR imaginary Pixie in the sky.

Not that since 1980, we've occupied, invaded or bombed 14 Islamic Nations and support the Zionist Entity stealing their land.

In fact, quite the contrary, prior to that shithead Reagan, most of the people we (which is to say the Oil Companies and the Jews) didn't like in the Middle East weren't particularly religious. They were secularist, socialist and allied to the USSR. And then that senile old fuck Reagan decided we needed to totally arm the Jihadists because those dirty stinking Commies might teach girls to read or some such.

But, but, but, they don't respect women and gays, says the people who support a candidate who screams about grabbing women's pussies. .

No moron.....we are supposed to fix these problems.......that is why we are here.
...sadly...morons like you make it harder and harder to solve these problems.....hunger in the world is a man made issue...there is more than enough for everyone...but left wingers like you and you totalitarian buddies fuck up everything you touch......God gave you morons fail to use them...
No moron.....we are supposed to fix these problems.......that is why we are here.
...sadly...morons like you make it harder and harder to solve these problems.....hunger in the world is a man made issue...there is more than enough for everyone...but left wingers like you and you totalitarian buddies fuck up everything you touch......God gave you morons fail to use them...

Guy, you are babbling. The point is, if you have a compassionate and omnipotent sky fairy who still lets children starve, he isn't worthy of anyone's worship.

And now that we've established he doesn't exist, we can get around to fixing the problems. I'm sure that the solutions don't involve either gun ownership or tax cuts for rich people.
No moron.....we are supposed to fix these problems.......that is why we are here.
...sadly...morons like you make it harder and harder to solve these problems.....hunger in the world is a man made issue...there is more than enough for everyone...but left wingers like you and you totalitarian buddies fuck up everything you touch......God gave you morons fail to use them...

Guy, you are babbling. The point is, if you have a compassionate and omnipotent sky fairy who still lets children starve, he isn't worthy of anyone's worship.

And now that we've established he doesn't exist, we can get around to fixing the problems. I'm sure that the solutions don't involve either gun ownership or tax cuts for rich people.

No moron.....we are supposed to fix these problems.......that is why we are here.
...sadly...morons like you make it harder and harder to solve these problems.....hunger in the world is a man made issue...there is more than enough for everyone...but left wingers like you and you totalitarian buddies fuck up everything you touch......God gave you morons fail to use them...

Guy, you are babbling. The point is, if you have a compassionate and omnipotent sky fairy who still lets children starve, he isn't worthy of anyone's worship.

And now that we've established he doesn't exist, we can get around to fixing the problems. I'm sure that the solutions don't involve either gun ownership or tax cuts for rich people.

No.....we are the ones who are supposed to fix that problem...feed starving kids..we have been given all of the tools and the brain power to do it...and then people like you get in charge and they starve....
Joeb glories in the death and exploitation of women and children, lil all commies. I wouldn't listen to anything he says about God or charity. He is firmly in the other court.
No.....we are the ones who are supposed to fix that problem...feed starving kids..we have been given all of the tools and the brain power to do it...and then people like you get in charge and they starve....

Guy, human beings have been starving since the beginning of time. Except through most of history, when you had a famine or a bunch of locust came along and ate your crops, the religious assholes told everyone that God was angry with them because they were sinning, and they needed to go out and kill the shit out of whoever was unlucky enough to be the designated "sinner".

People actually having enough (or too much) to eat is actually a recent phenomenon. And yes, its' mostly because of liberal polices of encouraging research, subsidizing farmers, etc.

Why are western nations prosperous? Because we ignore the religious assholes and practice family planning. Why are the third world countries miserable and poor. They listen to the religious assholes and keep making kids they can't feed.

But dumb people like you still cling to your guns and your bibles like those are the asnwers.
Joeb glories in the death and exploitation of women and children, lil all commies. I wouldn't listen to anything he says about God or charity. He is firmly in the other court.

Yes, I'm in the court where we use science and reason to solve problems, not fear and superstition.

Hey, you know what most poor countries have in common? The churches have sway.

So you get a country like the Philippines, where abortion and birth control are illegal, and you have such grinding fucking poverty that women have illegal abortions and hurt themselves.

Good going, religious assholes.

Religion has never done anything good, not once, not even by accident.

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