Bob Huggins' daughter erupts on WVU: calls them “backstabbers”, “cowards” & “hypocrites" after legendary coach was fired for drunk driving & gay slur

in wrestling, muscular dudes crumble at my feet. on USMB, bullies like Harry Dresden crumble at my feet and run away

NOW CAN WE PLEASE GET BACK ON TOPIC? HUGGINS! my favorite coach ever by the way, other than George Karl, and Jeff Van Gundy as i stated before. i like the ones with charisma who are fun to watch, though Van Gundy's defensive playing style was monstrous
by the way, they don't put sons of martyrs in insane asylums in lebanon, they give them a good salary (you should try that in America), in fact we recently built a Trump-like castle in the mountains. we're going there this weekend, and yes, there IS quality internet connection so you won't be rid of me. not that i want you to be jealous of me LOL
and you dont know joe quit playing your stupid games....
in wrestling, muscular dudes crumble at my feet. on USMB, bullies like Harry Dresden crumble at my feet and run away

NOW CAN WE PLEASE GET BACK ON TOPIC? HUGGINS! my favorite coach ever by the way, other than George Karl, and Jeff Van Gundy as i stated before. i like the ones with charisma who are fun to watch, though Van Gundy's defensive playing style was monstrous
if i run away why have i been replying to every thing you have said?.....
yea so what? i just wanted to give you a scare. that's how i deal with bullies.
oh i was shaking in my booties....are you that stupid to think i would think you know lombardo?....and like he would care about what goes on are pretty naive person basq to think what you say here has any effect outside here...
oh i was shaking in my booties....are you that stupid to think i would think you know lombardo?....and like he would care about what goes on are pretty naive person basq to think what you say here has any effect outside here...
whatever. if you're gonna bully me, i'm gonna bully you 10 times harder and make you cry to your mommy
oh i was shaking in my booties....are you that stupid to think i would think you know lombardo?....and like he would care about what goes on are pretty naive person basq to think what you say here has any effect outside here...
your argument about me creating too many threads and annoying people is valid, and i'm trying to get better. that doesn't give you the EXCUSE however to bully me and stalk me all day
are you going to go cry to mommy now?....
i never have, and never will. life's too good, bro. bullies like you deserve to catch hell, and hopefully Biden gets a 2nd term and turns America into a hell hole just so that you suffer
i never have, and never will. life's too good, bro. bullies like you deserve to catch hell, and hopefully Biden gets a 2nd term and turns America into a hell hole just so that you suffer
to late for that sure lebanon is a garden spot.....
to late for that sure lebanon is a garden spot.....
well there is an economic collapse. lebanon is in fact the worst country in the world to live in currently, but i personally haven't felt the pain. i'm taken care of. i'm set for life. too bad for you, because you desperately want me to fail, so to spite you i'll make sure i won't!
TN Harley says i'm awesome, as does JGalt and Godboy (off the top of my head) name ONE PERSON IN REAL LIFE who thinks you're awesome. the neighbor's dog doesn't count!

Oh look, a High School popularity contest. Who care what other think kid?
Oh look, a High School popularity contest. Who care what other think kid?
well if a bully wants to bully me, i stand up for myself, Harry Dresden should be banned from USMB for derailing threads and should be put in federal prison for stalking people. online harrassment is a federal crime in the US, and i just might press charges one day
well there is an economic collapse. lebanon is in fact the worst country in the world to live in currently, but i personally haven't felt the pain. i'm taken care of. i'm set for life. too bad for you, because you desperately want me to fail, so to spite you i'll make sure i won't!
yea i want you to live in a dream world....if you cant take the responses to your fucking threads....dont post up any....
yea i want you to live in a dream world....if you cant take the responses to your fucking threads....dont post up any....
what i can't take is the TIME you waste for people to read this crap. these are great threads you are wasting with your stalking. you are a federal criminal and soon you will be in jail when i press charges, which i will very soon

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